War God Supreme

Chapter 1069: Prestige of Phoenix

After a short period of silence, a ruinous attack will break quietly.

I saw that a devastating attack in the hands of Qingmian bombarded Li Lingtian, and suddenly the space trembled.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian's attack destroyed the world.

Li Lingtian didn't expect that Qingmie would suddenly attack him. The strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian attacked terrifying terror. Even him, he had no slight resistance.

The figure flashed, pulling Nangong Mingyue to flash quickly.

The two people's weird body style, freed from the attack of extinction.

This situation stunned the strong players present. The three gods and two heavens of Wushen were able to break away from the attack and lock of the nineth heaven, which was beyond the imagination of the martial arts of the mainland.



For a time, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were in the air, and they formed a strange trend.

At the same time, the two people exude a strange breath, which is impenetrable.

Qingzhe also came into the air, looking at Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue.

"Every War God of the Second and Third Heavens will come here to die."

Qing Mei was relieved to see the real cultivation of Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue.

The start of interrupting the formation of the Seven Commanders was to use skill to kill the Six Commanders entirely because of Frost Flame.

As the Venerable of Jiu Chong Tian, ​​naturally seeing through the real reason for the fall of the Six Commanders.

The strong men present could also see the cause of the death of the Six Commanders. Because the Six Commanders were counted by Frost Flame, Li Lingtian was the master in charge of the Ice Flame. When the Ice Flame inside the Six Commanders met the outside Ice Flame, Then the power of destruction was sent out. The Six Commanders were attacked by Han Yan inside and outside, and it was a strange thing not to fall.

In this way, Li Lingtian is not very powerful.

"It's death, it's life, try it and you will know."

Li Lingtian said lightly, the expression on his face was still a light cloud, and the calm expression made people feel blocked.

The true element of the body is running, and the powerful momentum is constantly rising.

The power of Divine Phoenix on Nangong Mingyue's body was also exhibited, and immediately merged with Li Lingtian's momentum, and the powerful momentum continued to press toward the other party.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's Heavenly Demon Territory and Heaven and Earth's prestige were also displayed.

"Since I am looking for death, I will send you a ride."

Qing Mei watched Li Lingtian face no anger in his face, and his heart was even more angry.

When the voice fell, the terrifying momentum bombarded Li Lingtian and the two.



The terrifying weather of Wushen Jiuzhong crushed Li Lingtian and the two, and in front of Wushen Jiuzhong, even if they were against the sky, they were not opponents.

In the air, the shocking explosion continued, Li Lingtian and the two kept retreating in the air.

"Remnant sun, get started."

Sanyang Zhenren saw Qingtai and Li Lingtian fighting together. This was an opportunity.

The two happened to deal with Qingzhen and the Seven Commanders. Longyang was seriously injured and could not do it, but he had the ability to protect himself against the concentric big devil.


bsp; Suddenly, the war above the square opens.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian has opponents, and Wushen Yaezhongtian also finds his opponents. The terrifying battle tears the space.


At this time, the pterosaur beast at the foot of Liu Yiyi also burst into roar.

Suddenly, the pressure and power of the monsters and monsters exploded, and their shapes changed, and they became a pterosaur of 200 meters in size.

The ninth-order ninth-level pterosaur mad beast, Wushen Nine Heavy Heaven exists generally.

The huge claws, the power to tear the void, bombarded the powerful southwards constantly.



The ninth-order ninth-level pterosaur beast, although not an opponent of the Nineth Heaven Sovereign, but it is impossible for the Nineth Heaven Sovereign to destroy it.

Those who can't beat the Ninth Heavenly Sovereign, to kill the Eighth Heavenly God of War is simply to kill the ants.

Suddenly, the screams screamed.

No one thought of this situation.

However, by the time the Nanyu Powers responded, Nanyu's four martial gods, Yaejeon, had already fallen.



Wushen Yazhong was killed by Pterosaur Wild Beast, and only Wushen Yazhong in Canghai existed.

The four Canghai Wushen Yazhongtian glanced at each other, and all four of them went to Qingzhen to attack, because Qingzhen’s opponent was the Canary Sun, and the sound waves of the Cannon attacked the terror. Attack Qingzhen.

Although Wushen Yazhongtian is not the opponent of Jiuzhongtian, but the four Wushen Yazhongtian teamed up to deal with a Wushen Jizhongtian, it still has the power to fight, not to mention that the Jiuzhongtian was also held back by the sun.

The strong men present all understood that the four martial gods Bazhongtian wanted to help the Canaan to kill Qingzhen, and then Canyang to help others to kill the nineth Heavenly Venerable.



There was more than aerial warfare.

The tremors in space seemed to shatter at any time.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue felt a little relieved when they saw Nanwu's Wushen Yaetian fall.

But seeing the four martial gods and the eighth heaven to help Canyang, suddenly felt bad.

The sonic attack of the Cannon is invisible and invisible, so to help the Canyang, it is basically to drag the Cannon and let the Canyang be helpless.


"Hurry up and get out, you go to help Sanyang."

Li Lingtian was so anxious in his heart that he shouted loudly at the four martial gods and the Eighth Heaven.

The four martial gods Bazhongtian heard Li Lingtian's words, and they immediately understood what they were, and they retreated, shifting their targets to the seven commanders.

Being the strongest of Wushen Yaetian, he was scolded by Li Lingtian and suddenly understood that his four were stupid. If they continue like this, not only will they not help the sun, but they will also affect the attack of the sun, and then they will become four. The shield of the Seven Commanders.

With this shout, the strong men of the war were all startled and shocked.

This young man's vision is too harsh.

After the four martial gods eightfold sky flashed away, the attack of the old monster of the residual sun really changed, and became a killing.


"Xianleqin, all directions are extinct."

The sound of the piano changed greatly, there was no worries at all, the sound wave was invisible and traceless, and the seven commanders were immediately besieged by the sound wave.

In the square, the war was deadlocked.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue joined forces to withstand the attack of annihilation.

Sanyang Zhenren has the help of four martial gods and eightfold heavens, and it is also inseparable from the battle of Qingzhen.

The Xian Le Qin, an old monster in the Cannon, was at war with the Seven Commanders.

Although Longyang Real Man was seriously injured, Daoist's exercises and Demon Race's exercises fought together. It is not a temporary thing for the concentric big devil to kill Longyang Real Man.

It is mainly the swordsmanship of Longyang Real Man, the treasure of the Heavenly Gate, the supreme Zhiyang Excalibur, and the domineering spirit of the concentric big devil can’t beat it.

The war is deadlocked, and there is no way to change the situation.

Moreover, the pterosaur beast on the side was squinting in the air.

In such a situation, even if the strong forces of the Canghai are a little weaker, but a pterosaur mad beast stares in the air, which also gives the Nanyu strong man a terrible pressure.

Not dare to use the old tricks, worrying about the attack of pterosaur beast destruction.

"Shenfeng Power."

"Power of the Divine Phoenix."

After Li Lingtian achieved the body of Shenfeng, he communicated with the soul of Nangong Mingyue with the body of Shenhuang.

The two of them understand each other's thoughts without even the slightest words and actions.

Faced with the might and attack of Wushen Jiuzhong's violent storms, Li Lingtian used all kinds of methods, but they could only resist, not defeat their opponents.

Nevertheless, the strength of Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue shocked several Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun.

Wan Wan did not expect that a Wushen Mietian could have such a terrifying power that even Wushen Jiuzhongtian Venerable could not help him.

At this time, the power of Shenfeng burst out, and suddenly the coercion of the ancient Shenfeng burst out.

The power of destruction formed a colorful phoenix.

Nangong Mingyue also displayed the power of Divine Phoenix, and the coercion and power of Divine Phoenix and Divine Phoenix broke out.

The two turned into phoenixes suspended in the air, and the power to destroy the heavens and earth ruined the sky.

With this change, the strongmen of several warfare groups were shocked, all stopped their attacks and looked at the two phoenixes in the air.

Feeling the horrible pressure of the ancients, it was shocking.

This kind of coercion, terrifying, even the Wushen Jiuzhong Venerable felt a sense of inexplicable palpitations,

Qing Mian was the first to bear the brunt, and in the face of such coercion of the ancient **** Phoenix Phoenix, his heart shivered.

They naturally do not know how terrifying the coercion of Shenfeng and Shenhuang.

Moreover, the suppression of Heavenly Demon Saint King and Blood Demon Emperor is part of the credit for the Phoenix and Phoenix.

Even Li Lingtian’s divine prestige and the prestige of heaven and earth, as well as the dragon prestige and the heavenly demon domain, are not opponents of the ancient Phoenix, not to mention that Nangong Mingyue controls this coercion, and both of them control this coercion. The pressure was countless times stronger than that when Li Lingtian met Nangong Mingyue.

"The prestige of Wushen Great Perfection."

The expression on Qingmian's face kept changing, and I never expected to encounter such a thing today.


The two Wushen, who did not look at him normally, now threatened him with death.

No longer dare to keep it, the coercion of Wushen Daquan was displayed.

Seeing Qingzai's movements, the old monsters of Sanyang and Sanyang, as well as Qingzhen and Qi's commanding them, all scolded in their hearts, and cursed Qingmei crazy.

Because Wushen Jiuzhong has certain restrictions on the Shenwu Continent, it is necessary to pay a heavy price to exert such coercion of the Wushen Great Consummation. That heavy price is to cultivate for a fall and never break through Wushen Jiuzhong again~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Where do they know the current situation of the extinction, if they do not use this method, they will be killed by the other party.

Suddenly, two pressures of destruction broke out in the air.

Phoenix's coercion and Li Lingtian's coercion and strength.


Phoenix's coercion and strength were crushed against Qingqing.

For a time, space was torn and broken.

The peak of Jiuzhong Mountain trembled, and the stone monument shook.

All the strong men display powerful defenses, far from the aftermath of the war.

The phoenix and phoenix incarnation of Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue made a clear voice, and the sound resounded through heaven and earth.


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