War God Supreme

Chapter 1096: Battle of death

Guanyun lived against Lord Haotian, because Lord Haotian practiced horror exercises.

However, the three halal tactics of Tianmen Guanyun Real People are unmatched. Only the three halal halves can contend with Lord Haotian.

Venerable Xiling, that is, the halal man can deal with it.

With such an arrangement, the three Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacles of the great consummation of the strong, pinned down the other three respecters.

The remaining four commanders were just resisted by the old monsters of Canyang.

The fact that the other party had one more Venerable and one Commander was resolved after Li Lingtian appeared. Such a general change has turned Canghai's counter-influence into an advantage.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​you are injured now, and I will leave it to you and Brother Tianyang here."

"Brother Tianyang and Brother Yunhe, everything matters to the overall situation."

Real Man Longyang glanced at the second commander, then spoke to Li Lingtian.

Now Li Lingtian is injured, and he has turned his disadvantages into advantages, and no one can make any credit for it. He stays here to heal, and no one can say anything.

Besides, Li Lingtian’s current injury is also not suitable for fighting against the other Wushen Nineth Heaven.

After saying hello to Li Lingtian, he talked to Tianhe's Tianyang and Qingyangzong's Yunhe. Even at this time, he also regarded Li Lingtian as more important than the two Wushen Yazhongtian summits.

"Brother Longyang rest assured."

"Brother Long Yang rest assured."

Tianyang and Yunhe nodded and answered to Longyang.

The real figure of Longyang flashed to the extreme, and he went directly to the Second Commander.

At the same time, Ziyun Fairy with Ziqing Swords and Qingyun Daolong Swords joined together and attacked the commander. Although the cultivation of the two was only the eightfold heaven of Wushen, but under the joint force, compared with the ordinary nineth heaven They are still strong, so the great commander is given to them.

"Lord Tian, ​​be careful yourself."

The old monster of the Canyang greeted Li Lingtian, not speaking, but also attacking the Three Commanders.

The opponents of Sanyang Real Man are the four commanders. In a short while, six Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacles and eight Wushen Jiuzhongtians disappeared from the battlefield, each pulling the battlefield apart, far away from the sight of the strong players present.

However, within thousands of miles, there was the sound of bombardment, the space was constantly torn and shattered, and the sea continued to oscillate.

Gradually, the scope of the war has become larger and larger, within a hundred thousand miles, just like the end of the world.

The departure of a dozen or so powerful people has now become strange.

"Brother Taiyi, Brother Haoran, you two protect His Excellency Ling Tian."

Tianyang glanced at the entire battlefield, and then shouted to Yasuda, the **** of war not far away.

The two martial gods Yazhong Tian came forward and came to Tianyang, waiting for Tianyang's orders, but when they heard that Tianyang asked them to protect Li Lingtian, they were startled.

However, it has been said before the war that it must be awaited dispatch.

Wushen's Eightfold Heavens, protecting a Wushen's Fivefold Heavens, this errand feels a little overkill, but it's not easy to say. Besides, it's just protection, not going to the war, and saving desperately.

And the young man in front of him is the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, killing the two demon demon figures, and drawing up some relationships, which will benefit the future.

The two came to Li Lingtian not far away and cast a defense one after the other, so that as long as it was not the arrival of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, they would not threaten them.

"Canghai is our home, Nanyu attacked Canghai."

"Shall we drive Nanyu people out of the sea?"

Tianyang Wushen Yazhongtian Peak was consummated. Seeing that Li Lingtian had no problem here, he shouted loudly.

By virtue of his cultivation behavior, the strong within a thousand miles can hear his voice.

There was excitement in the voice, mobilizing the morale of the Canghai Warrior.

"Destroy Nanyu people and drive Nanyu people out of the sea."

"Destroy Nanyu people and drive Nanyu people out of the sea."

"Destroy the Nanyu people and drive them out of the sea!"

Millions of strong Canghai responded loudly. Canghai was his own home, but he was violated by Nanyu, so he was naturally dissatisfied.

Now the war is imminent. If they fail, the Canghai people will have no place to stand.

If you win, you can also get the wealth of your opponents. This war will either fall or grow.




Tianyang looked at the momentum of millions of Canghai strong men, and his face was extremely satisfied.

No longer speaking, he directly sent an offensive signal in his hand.

Suddenly, the shocking battle started.

More than three million strong people in the Canghai attacked and attacked the powerful Nanyu.



"Click, click."

"Wow, wow."

"Boom, boom, boom."


"Ah, ah, ah."



Immediately, the space between the sky and the sea was torn and destroyed quickly.

There were huge cracks in the air and countless cracks in the sea. The water column was soaring.

The attack of the strong on the blast, the sound of space tearing, and the final wailing of the falling of the strong, blended together at this moment.

Blood gas blasts into the sky, tearing and twisting the aura.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed to be destroyed. The sky dome was furious, and the sea of ​​the earth was shaking.

Wushen is destroying low-level opponents, and countless lives are destroyed at this time.

Life is so fragile at this time.

Within tens of thousands of miles, the strong are fighting everywhere. Now, it is no longer a showdown, but fighting like ordinary people. The winner survives and the weak die.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​how many chances do we have in this battle?"

Two Wushen Yazhongtian, one called Taiyi and one called Haoran.

Tai Yi looked at Li Lingtian and asked curiously.

With the respect of a few Venerables for Li Lingtian, plus the reputation of Li Lingtian's extermination to kill the Five Commanders and the Blood Lord, he was also very kind to Li Lingtian.

Although he did not see Li Lingtian shot, it gave him a mysterious and powerful feeling.

"In such a big battle, if the opponent's forces do not change, Canghai will definitely win, but the twists and turns will continue."

"But, does Tai Yi think that the other party will have no future?"

Li Lingtian answered her voice while adjusting her interest rate, her face was plain.

The blood stains on the corners of the mouth have long been wiped off with the silk star wiper. The true element recovered, and after adjusting interest rates, the spirit of the whole person is much better.

"Indeed, Venerable Haotian and Venerable Xiling, as well as Venerable Mercury, are the pinnacles of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak. Although Guanyun Real People are also great and powerful, it is basically impossible to defeat each other. of."

"The battle of six of them is impossible for anyone who wants to win. However, in the event of the battle of the Lord Yang, in the event of a change, and the forces appear unbalanced, Canghai will be in trouble."

"Besides, if something happens to the other party, our Canghai is also in danger."

Tai Yi heard Li Lingtian's words. Although Li Lingtian simply said a few words, he said that he broke the continuation of the entire battlefield.

Even though Canghai seems to have a slight advantage, Canghai is still at a disadvantage in the event of a real war. If the other party changes, Canghai will definitely lose.

"Your Excellency Ling Tian means that the other party still has a strong man?"

"But some time ago, it was rumored that the Concentric Great Devil and Seven Commanders and Six Commanders had fallen."

"Nanyu's four great Venerables and five commanders, there is already one Venerable and Commander who was killed by His Excellency Ling Tian. There is no other strongman."

Haoran was also surprised by Li Lingtian's remarks, but the other party no longer had a strong man, so where did he threaten.

In my heart, I gradually felt unbelief. Li Lingtian killed the two strong men, but after all, I didn’t have much knowledge, and there was no need to believe.

"I hope that the other side has no strong man."

Li Lingtian said lightly, and didn't want to say much.

Immediately healed the wound, and now at this time, the injury is better, and the chance to save yourself is more.

In the air, in the sea, in the sea, wars are constantly on.

Within a hundred thousand miles, they entered the war.

Countless powerhouses fell from the sky like rain, and countless powerhouses fell in a blink of an eye.

The war, one day passed, two days passed.

Three days passed, four days passed...

In the past ten days, the powerful have destroyed countless. There are countless entities floating on the entire sea area, and the entire sea area has been stained with blood.

The explosion in the air is still constant, living for survival.

In the entire battlefield, only a few strong men did not consume the true yuan.

That is the commander of both sides of the war, because they have to master the situation of the entire battlefield.

Li Lingtian, ten days later, the injury has been suppressed and stabilized.

Nangong Mingyue and Tianxinggong, the master and sister, are inseparable beside Li Lingtian.


More than a dozen Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang, no longer know where the war went, and the momentum of other powerful wars has become weak.

However, a click in the air seemed extremely harsh.

This voice is like nine days of thunder and lightning.

When the sound appeared, a huge crack appeared in the void, and a purple arc and light radiated from the crack.

The purple arc and light illuminate the dark sky, and all the powerful players in the war are horrified.

Seeing this change, Li Lingtian's eyes flashed with a hint of fineness, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Thunder is a different martial spirit."

Many strong men recognized the origin of the purple arc and light in the sky.

This light and arc are made by the strong, and this strong is still the Thunder-like Soul Soul.

In the arc of light, a young man with long purple hair appeared mysteriously in the light.

"Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle is perfect!"

Taiyi and Haoran~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Tianyang and Yunhe all exclaimed.

I didn't expect that after ten days of the war, there was another strong man of Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle consummation, and it was still the nineth heaven consummation of the thunder of the Wuwu soul.

"Sure enough."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and the corner of his mouth grinned lightly.

His eyes looked at the empty purple long-haired young man, his expression gradually dignified.

I didn't expect the other party to have such a terrifying powerhouse. This thunderous Wushu Soul of the Wuzhong Jiutian Peak is more terrifying than Haotian and Xueyi.


Another noise appeared, but at the same time, it was a huge purple arc. The purple arc bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely. The purple arc ignored the distance in space and came to Li Lingtian in a blink of an eye.



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