War God Supreme

Chapter 1098: Phoenix Rift

Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle is perfect, and it is also a thunder-like alien martial spirit, and it also has a middle-class ancient artifact.

Where have you seen such a strong lineup?

Anything is the same as the existence of the sky. I did not expect that the three sky-melts will be integrated into one person. For a while, the strong players in the field will be shocked or shocked.

"Shen Thunder Scepter."

"The most powerful treasure left by the mighty and powerful in ancient times will destroy the power of the world forever."

"Thunder is the Soul of Different Martial Arts. It is really powerful to control God's Thunder Scepter, but it falls into your hands and is just a waste."

"Covet the woman around you, this seat will destroy your grandson's house, let your grandson's chickens and dogs stay in Shenwu Continent, will always be history, and the name of the grandson, even the pigs will disappear."

The look on Li Lingtian's face slowly changed, shocked.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak's consummation of the thunder system of the different martial souls, the master of the **** tired scepter, this combination is indeed terrifying.

I believe that this strength, even the Great Venerable Haotian, may not be able to match it.

When encountering such opponents, either they fell by themselves, or the other party disappeared. Instead of shrinking, they might as well let go.

The voice is flat, just like telling a simple thing.

But the voice reached the back, but with a hint of chilling breath.

The strong men present were scared. Although they did not see Li Lingtian's means and strength, but with this mentality, it was enough to make people tremble.

Coveting the woman beside him, killing the Gongsun family, not even the Gongsun family will be spared. Even the pigs and dogs of the Gongsun family will also be unlucky. It is indeed a headache to meet such a strong man.

"court death."

The son of Thunder was so angry that he was insulted by Li Lingtian. It was a shame.

Waving the God Thunder scepter with one hand, the figure flashed strangely, and the whole person disappeared into the air.

A tremendous thunderbolt bombarded Li Lingtian, extremely fast, and the power penetrated the void directly, and came to Li Lingtian in an instant.

Seeing such a situation, the strong people in Canghai were all worried. Li Lingtian was injured. In the face of the thundering son, he had no resistance at all.

However, the facts exceeded their imagination.

I saw the stars of the star palace and the frost palace beside Li Lingtian, and they disappeared, leaving Li Lingtian far away.

Only Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were left. Nangong Mingyue and Li Lingtian glanced at each other.

At the same time, the power of Shenfeng and the power of Shenhuang are put into operation.

The two have the body of Shenfeng and the body of Shenhuang. Although they are not the Soul of Wuwu, they are more powerful than the Soul of Wuwu.

No matter how powerful the Wuwu Soul is, it is only the Yiwu Soul, but the physique of the two is their own.

The body of Shenfeng and the body of Shenhuang are the most powerful physiques of the Phoenix family. After comprehending the power of Shenfeng, the power of Shenfeng and the power of Shenhuang and the power of Shenhuang, the strength of the two is astonishing.




The space trembles in front of the power of the Divine Phoenix and the Power of the Divine Phoenix, and the power of the Divine Phoenix and the Power of the Divine Phoenix also erupts, holding the ancient artifacts in the air under pressure.

Two clear sounds sounded, as if the clear sound, as if the **** Phoenix was born, the two voices were calmed in the sky.

Just when the sound rang, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue turned into virtual shadows, and finally formed two powerful Shenfeng and Shenhuang.

The phoenix is ​​a fire by nature and destroys the world with might.

Phoenix is ​​commonly known as Firebird. It controls all the fire power and destruction of the world. The flames controlled by Phoenix are the most overbearing flames in the world.

Shenfeng Shenhuang naturally needless to say.

In the air, two phoenixes exploded into flames, and the two flames became phoenixes, and the flaming phoenixes merged together.

"Phoenix is ​​flying!"

In the air, the phoenix made a vocal sound, the sound fell, and the sky fire fell over nine days. The sea fire appeared in the sea. The two flames were swallowed by the flaming phoenix, and finally flew toward the arc.

The whole process seems to be a long time, only real-time effort in real time.

Phoenix Yu Fei, the most common supernatural power of the Phoenix family, but when it is exhibited in the Phoenix and Phoenix, the power is not a strong one.

Between the sky and the sea, the purple light and the flame of the flaming phoenix will illuminate the whole sky and sea.

So that the strong can't tell what it is.

At the same time, the sea was boiling and the sky roared.


The flaming phoenix and the arc finally struck together, and suddenly burst into a sound of destruction.

The arc exhibited by the **** tired scepter disappeared, and the phoenix Yufei exhibited by the **** phoenix disappeared.

At the same time, the Divine Phoenix, the incarnation of Nangong Mingyue, was suspended in the air, his wings flickered, the flames between the sky and the sea continued to burn, and the seawater was boiled.

However, Shen Ling, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, disappeared in the air.

In the same way, Master Thunder also disappeared in the air. Within a thousand miles, out of the strong men of Canghai and Nanyu, Li Lingtian and Master Thunder could no longer be found.

The only thing that puzzled all the strong people is why Li Lingtian left Nangong Mingyue, but he disappeared.

"Heavenly Thunder!"

Just when all the powerhouses were puzzled, the son of Thunder appeared above the Divine Phoenix. The **** tired scepter in his hand waved towards the Divine Phoenix, and suddenly hundreds of terrorist arcs bombarded the Divine Phoenix.


"Divine Phoenix Nirvana."

"Shenfeng Nirvana."

"Phoenix cracks."

Watching hundreds of arcs shoot down, Shenhuang cleared and vocalized at the same time.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's incarnation Shenfeng also appeared, the place where it appeared was the sky above the thundering son.

Suddenly, the power of the two gods Phoenix and Phoenix broke out, and the whole space trembled.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of arcs were shot down in front of Shenhuang, and when hundreds of arcs were to be shot down on Shenhuang, the strange disappearance of Shenhuang disappeared.

When it appeared again, Shenfeng Shenhuang met together, and the huge wings of Shenfeng Shenhuang flashed.

Tens of thousands of cracks appeared in the space, and beside the thundering son, all were cracks.

Inside the crack is a fiery world of flames.

Hundreds of arcs fell through, the thundering son was old, and it was impossible to repent. Without the slightest precautions, the whole person was swallowed by thousands of cracks.

In the sky, thousands of miles away, there were cracks, fissures, and Thundering Son struggling continuously in these cracks.

The space within a thousand miles is constantly torn and trembling, like it is about to explode at any time.

Seeing this situation, countless powerful people dodge quickly, fearing that they will be affected.

Shenfeng and Shenhuang, however, are constantly exerting flames and coercion, just like refining the thundering son.



The sky is constantly torn, and the sky is shaking.

Cracks are constantly collapsing.


At this time, tens of thousands of cracks cracked, and the power of Wushen Jiuzhong's peak consummation broke out in the thundering son, and all the cracks exploded.



Shenfeng Shenhuang became the center of the explosion, and Shenfeng and Shenhuang were thrown out.

In the air, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue turned into deity, a spit of blood spurted out, and the expression on his face was extremely pale.

The Thundering Son also appeared in the air, without any slight injuries, but his expression was even more furious.

In the sky, the space is broken apart, like a broken mirror.

"Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation."

After the thundering son came out, the anger in his eyes became stronger, the **** tired in his hand waved his scepter, and the sky calmed down.

This weird change makes all the strong people understand.

According to the power of Zhongpin's ancient artifacts, such an attack should be earth-shattering, but now there is no slight movement, on the contrary, the sky is quiet.

However, immediately all the martial arts strongmen reacted.

This is the thunder of thunder, which destroys the world with might.

In the sky, a breath of destruction is brewing. In the face of this breath of destruction, all the strong men's faces change drastically, just like seeing ghosts and ghosts, and then they leave more quickly and hide far away.

"You give up."

"This is the thunder of thunder, I will deal with it."

The expression on Li Lingtian's face was solemn, and his eyes looked coldly into the air.

Opening to Nangong Mingyue, faced with this thunderstorm, Shenfeng and Shenhuang could not deal with it.

The other party's cultivation is too high, the treasure is too strong, and it is useless to join hands.

"be careful."

Nangong Mingyue left without hesitation and quickly looked at Li Lingtian from afar.

The thunder of thunder, they all understand that the stronger the counterattack, the stronger the power becomes, and the thunder of thunder brought by two people is even more terrifying.


Li Lingtian's eyes were cold and his mind moved.

The sword of Tianjiba appeared in his hand, and suddenly the pressure of an ancient artifact burst out.

The earth-shattering ancient artifacts were violently raging in the air.

The celestial pole king sword, a unique ancient artifact, does not know how many thousand times stronger than the **** tired scepter.

However, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice did not reach the completeness of Wushen Nineth Heaven's Peak, and he could not display the power of the unique ancient artifact. He could only display the power beyond the Chinese ancient artifact.

Infinitely close to the top-grade ancient artifacts, even if it were so, the power of the Heavenly Sovereign King Sword also shocked all the powerful.

"Top grade ancient artifact!"

"Top grade ancient artifact!"

"I didn't expect it to be a top grade ancient artifact."

"This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will have to watch."

"Genius vs. genius, ancient artifacts against ancient artifacts, against the sky against the sky."


Countless strong men saw the Tianji Ba King Sword in Li Lingtian's hands, all exclaimed and talked about it.

Even the thundering son was shocked. He possessed ancient artifacts and was already in an invincible position among the top ten sons.

I didn't expect to see an ordinary martial arts master with a top-grade ancient artifact in the Cangnan region.

"Bao Dao Jue--Everywhere!"

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, and the true element of the whole body operated to the extreme, maximizing the power of the Tianji Ba King Sword.

The blade of his body also broke out, and the blade of blade shattered the space.

With a wave of his hand, Tianji Ba Emperor's Sword waved out. ()

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