War God Supreme

Chapter 1099: Pa Dao Jue, 10 ways...

The celestial pole king sword swayed down, the ancient artifact exhibited the tyrant sword tactics, and all the last methods were destroyed.

Suddenly, within thousands of miles of the sky and sea, there were swords and swords that destroyed the world.

Every swordmand carries a blade of destruction.

All directions will be destroyed, and heaven and earth will be destroyed.

Just when Daomang appeared, the thunder of thunder above nine days also erupted, and the breath of destruction was bombarded like a shocking storm.

The storm-like arc and thunder thundered down.

Suddenly, between the world and the sky, it was completely the world of Daomang and thunder and lightning.

Both Li Lingtian and Jing Lei were submerged by Daomang and Jing Lei lightning, and there was constant tearing and destruction between the world and the earth.

At this time, the sea was tumbling up, and beyond 100,000 miles, you could see the scene of ruin.

"what happened?"

"What the **** happened."

"How is this going?"

"Is it the main battlefield?"

"Who is so powerful, so powerful?"

"Is there something terrible strong man who has failed in Nanyu? But no one in Canghai can exert the power of terror."

"This is obviously a war between two horrible powerhouses, and the coercion of ancient artifacts."

Canghai Guanyun and others watched the scene of the sky in the distance while fighting.

Seeing this scene, my heart shivered.

This power, even if the two Wushen Nine Heavens Super Powers hit with all their strength, could not achieve such power.

However, neither Canghai nor Nanyu appeared with Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

Quietly looked at the opponent, and found that the opponent also showed horror.

No one knows what happened on the main battlefield. In a short while, a few pairs of powerful players from Wushen Nine Heavens War quickly flew towards the main battlefield, wanting to know what happened.

Because no matter how big the battle, the loss is the strong of Canghai and Nanyu.

In a moment of kung fu, a dozen or so powerful martial arts warriors came out thousands of miles away. Looking at everything in front of them, they were shocked.

Countless martial arts warriors and martial arts strongmen also saw this scene and hurried back.

For a moment, all the strong men looked at the thunder and lightning and the endless blades of destruction in the sky.

"Thundering son!"

"Thunderbolt's thunderstorm."

"However, who is the other, who is as good as Thunder Master?"

"Who is so powerful in the blue sea?"

"Isn't it the strong man of the sea?"

Looking at the ruined battlefield of thousands of miles in front of him, several honorable masters and leaders of Nanyu were shocked.

Inadvertently, the son Jing Lei said.

The appearance of the thunder son has long been in their arrangement.

This is also the final killer of this war, but I did not expect that someone could compete with the thunder son.

This only shocked them, and the speculation was constant for a while.

"Hao Tian, ​​it turns out that you let outsiders enter the Cangnan region, abominable."

"It turns out, it's no wonder that Nanyu attacked Canghai regardless of the consequences. It turned out that Gongsun's family was behind."

"The thunder son of the Gongsun family, one of the ten sons."

"I don't know who is fighting the thundering son, what's wrong with Ling Tian?"

Both the old monster of the Canyang and the real person of Guanyun are worried and angry.

No matter how you say it, you should not let outsiders intervene in Cangnan.

Now Nanyu colluded with the Gongsun family to attack the Canghai, which is simply intolerable.

Suddenly, countless powerful people are terrified. I don't know who is in the war with the thundering son in this war of destruction.




"Boom, boom."



"Roar, roar, roar."


Within tens of thousands of miles, the strength of destruction raged, and the continuous destruction and tearing between the sky and the sea.

Let countless powerful people watch from a distance, dare not enter.

Moreover, this war is like a never-ending stop.


At this time, the Canghai and Nanyu strongmen who had stayed in the main battlefield of the original place quickly escaped.

His face was horrified, and his body was covered with scars.

Nangong Mingyue and others also escaped. Although there was horror in their eyes, they were more worried.

Seeing the strong inside comes out, countless martial arts strong are curious.

"Tianyang, Yunhe, what the **** is going on?"

Real-life Guanyun saw Tianyang and others escaped, all injured.

The wounds were bombarded by arcs and cut by the blades. Although not fatal, for the Wushen Powerhouse, being injured like this is even more terrifying than a stroke.

And tens of thousands of strong men carry such injuries, which shows how horrible it is.

"Return to Uncle Master."

"It's the thundering son and Lord Ling Tian are fighting."

"The son of Thunder Thunder used the Scepter of Thunder to cast the Thunder of the Heavenly Tribulation, and His Excellency Ling Tian used the top-grade ancient artifact to display all the ways in the Sword Artifact."

Tian Yang took a breath, and quickly spelt out the battle between Li Lingtian and Jing Lei.

When speaking, the thought of the war between the two is still frightening.


"Master Thunder and Lord Ling Tian fight?"

"It's really Thundering Son. Isn't Lord Ling Tian injured? How can you fight against Thundering Son?"

"What is going on? Make it clear."

The old monsters in Canyang and others were horrified. Not only were they shocked by all the powerful people in Canghai and Nanyu.

The Thundering Son is one of the most powerful characters in the Ten Great Masters of Shenzhou. He did not expect a Wushen five-fold sky, and Li Lingtian who was injured was able to fight against the Thundering Son.

The old monster of the Canyang asked anxiously that things had reached this stage without any mistakes.

"It didn't matter, but the thundering son suddenly appeared."

"Master Thunder has reached the pinnacle of Wushen Jiuzhongtian's pinnacle, and he is in control of the ancient artifact God Thunder Scepter. It seems to be specifically for Lord Ling Tian. Although Ling Tian was injured, but the healing of these days has also been stable. Injury."

Tianyang spoke out the situation at the time, and the strong players heard were terrified.

The peak of the Nineth Heaven is consummated, and how terrifying it is to control the thunder scepter of Zhongpin ancient artifact god.

Even more frightening is that a wounded Wushen, the five-folded heaven, exhibited the top-grade ancient artifacts, and it was indeed a great battle with the peak of the Nineth Heaven, such a battle, no wonder it is so terrifying.

For a moment, all the strong men were shocked beyond recollection.

Can only stare at the destruction in the distance, no one dared to enter. Even the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian dared not rush in.




In the sky, there was a constant explosion, and the sea was constantly surging.

After a full minute, as the sound of a clatter fell, the sky and sea gradually calmed down.

After the breath of destruction calmed down, all the strong men quickly flew inside, wondering how things were going.

The strong men of Canghai and Nanyu are constantly flying inside.

Because they have to get the situation before the other party rushes inside, so they can also kill the other party's strong.

The strong man in Canghai didn't want to see Li Lingtian being calculated, and the strong man in Nanyu wanted to kill Li Lingtian.

The fight between Son of Thunder and Li Lingtian, no matter who wins, is a terrible victory, so this is the best time to kill.

For a moment, all the strong men came to the main battlefield.

However, in the entire air, there was absolutely no breath of Li Lingtian and Thunder Master, let alone seeing the figures of the two. Suddenly, all the strong men were looking for with their consciousness.

After a long search, there is still no trace.

In this situation, Guan Yunzhen and Venerable Haotian were shocked, and also showed a curious look.

I don’t know who wins or loses, but most of them think of the thundering son.

Because Master Thunder is the superpower of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak's consummation. He controls the Zhongpin ancient artifact, even if Li Lingtian controls the top grade ancient artifact, but his cultivation is only Wushen Wuzhongtian, and he is also seriously injured. Opponent.

The sky finally became quiet.

Millions of powerful people from both sides gathered on the sea, and no one dared to speak out.

The sea was quiet, but the atmosphere in the air was strange.

Although I didn't see two horrible powerhouses, this space was strange.

The passage of time in seconds, at this time, a breath of destruction erupted in the sea.


A figure with a purple light rose into the sky.

The figure rushed straight to the point of 10,000 meters above the Caspian Sea and stopped, the whole person suspended in the air.

However, when the figure was suspended in the air, it could not help shaking and shaking. Although this action was very subtle, but the strong men present could see it, this figure was obviously injured.

Thunder Boy

Everyone was shocked to see this figure.

But again, as if it were reasonable, the appearance of the thundering son is also normal.

However, when I saw the current situation of the thundering son, they were all horrified. The Wushen Jiuzhongtian peak was perfect, and the cultivation base was unmatched here, but now it is injured.

The blood on the corner of the mouth is constantly overflowing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The look on his face is also pale.

The **** thunder scepter held tightly in his hand, his eyes constantly glanced among all the strong, and then his eyes moved away, and the consciousness began to search in the air.

Looking for that horrible young opponent, he did not expect that a wounded Wushen Wuzhongtian youth would be so horrible.

"A group of waste hasn't been solved in ten days."

After a long time, the look on Jingle's face calmed down.

In front of his terrifying consciousness, he did not find any trace of Li Lingtian. Reminiscent of the situation at that time, he was injured. Li Lingtian, a severely wounded Wushen Wuzhong, should have fallen away.

The opponent was killed, but he couldn't find what he needed, and he was furious.

Immediately, all of his anger was vented to the Nanyu Powerhouse. If a few of the Nanyu Powerhouse solved the opponent, he would not be injured if he came to help him. Li Lingtian would also be captured, and he would not fall What it is now. ()

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