War God Supreme

Chapter 1105: 9 Allocation of Chongshan

"Lord Tian is polite."

"This is the fate of Lord Ling Tian and Tianmen. Besides, Lord Ling Tian was injured for Canghai. Lord Ling Tian is a person in Canghai. Naturally, Tianmen's predecessors would not watch with his arms watching Ling Ling being raped. "

Long Yang lived with a faint smile on his face, and he did not expect his ancestor from Tianmen to participate, and saved Li Lingtian's life. In this way, the relationship between Tianmen and Li Lingtian was closer.

"I don't know what news is in Piaoyun Valley during the time under Tiandao Mountain?"

Li Lingtian didn't want to get entangled with Longyang real person on this matter, and quickly changed the subject.

He is now concerned about Piaoyun Valley. After he left Piaoyun Valley, he never returned to Piaoyun Valley, and the injury must have spread throughout the whole sea. The sister of Piaoyun Valley was naturally worried.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​rest assured that when He Ling Tian came to Tianmen to heal, we have sent people to Piaoyun Valley."

"Although I came to visit twice, Lord Ling Tian was healing, so Lord Ling Tian did not see the fairy in Piaoyun Valley."

Realistic Guanyun spoke, and this was the first time he had spoken with Li Lingtian alone.

If according to his cultivation behavior and power, he would definitely not speak to the ordinary martial arts strong man, but the young man in front of him is not ordinary.

You can't look at it with ordinary people's eyes, or you will die if you don't know how to die.

At the end of the war, Li Lingtian was injured and entered the Tianmen Healing. What the entire Canghai knew, Piaoyun Valley naturally also knew that the disciples outside Piaoyun Valley passed the news to Piaoyun Valley.

At the same time, Tianmen also had strong men who went to Piaoyun Valley to say hello. Although several sisters of Pingyun Valley Li Lingtian were worried, they did not feel wrong.

"When I came down to the Kokonoe Mountain, I originally wanted to find your Excellency looking for something, but I didn't have a chance to say it. Now that half a year has passed, I have missed this opportunity."

"I don't know if Guanyun Real Man and Longyang Real Man know a place called Wukong Realm, and there are wonderful fruits."

Li Lingtian asked Guanyun and Longyang.

When leaving Piaoyun Valley to support Canghai, part of the reason is because of the empty space and the magical fruit.

These things are only realized from the vanish of heaven and earth.

If you want to safely open the prohibition of the Dragon Dragon Ring, you must be in the empty space, and you also need the miraculous fruit. For his current knowledge, you don’t know what the empty space and the miraculous fruit are.

And I am even more curious in my heart. Why do I need fruit for the dragon ring that opens the treasures of space? Even if the magical fruit is incomparable, it is only fruit, not material.

The whole Canghai and Nanyu battle, the strong people gathered in the Cangnan region, he wanted to find the news of the empty space and the wonderful fruit in such a battle.

But I never imagined that he had been ambushed before coming to Jiuzhong Mountain, and then the war came, and finally he came to Tiandaoshan to heal. He had no chance at all.

Now that the war is over, it is even more difficult to find such treasures.

In front of the two venerable Wushen Jiuzhongtian, the opportunity is rare, one more person has a little more hope, just casual things.

After speaking, he looked at the two Venerables.

"Voidless space? Wonderful fruit!"

Both Guanyun Real Man and Longyang Real Man had puzzled and curious expressions on their faces. Seeing this expression, Li Lingtian knew that they did not know what the empty space and the miraculous fruit were.

Immediately, his heart showed loss and disappointment.

However, the whole person of Guanyun was caught in contemplation, and he did not speak or disturb the contemplation of Realman of Guanyun.

"It seems that when the poor Dao heard of the empty space and the fruit of the gods, it was just not recalled for a while."

"But the poor Dao certainly heard that people have talked about the empty space and the wonderful fruit, and Ling Tian, ​​the poor Dao, think about it."

"During this time, Lord Ling Tian rested in the Tianmen Gate. When she thought of it, she immediately told Lord Ling Tian."

Real-time Guanyun opened his eyes, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and then said flatly.

"The real person of Guanyun has heard of the miraculous fruit and the empty space?"

"Okay, just disturb for a few more days."

Li Lingtian stood up and walked outside with the Nangong Mingyue three women toward Taoist Temple.

When he came outside Taoist temple, a disciple took Li Lingtian and others to leave Taoist temple.

"Brother, have you really heard of the empty space and the magical fruit?"

After the four of Li Lingtian left, Long Yang real asked his brother.

As the God of Wuzhong, the ninth Heavenly Venerable, he naturally has nothing to say.

I haven’t heard of this wonderful fruit and the empty space. My brother should not know what it is. I didn’t think of the two types that Li Lingtian said. My brother has heard of it, which is too coincidental.

He did not want his brother to be self-defeating, but offended Li Lingtian.

"Do you think I would be so stupid to offend Li Lingtian?"

"Void Patriarchs have come forward, and I will naturally not mess up, and Tianmen's exquisite followers will naturally not be wicked with him."

"When did this wonderful fruit and the realm of emptiness have been heard by the brothers, but I couldn't remember it for a moment."

Real Man Guanyun glanced at Real Man Longyang with a smile on his face.

Seeing the real person of Guanyun, the real person of Longyang felt relieved.




On the top of the Nine-fold Mountain, countless figures flying towards it.

At the center of this war, Jiuzhong Mountain, where the Nanyu powerhouses did not hesitate to compete with the Canghai, was finally calm.

Although the energetic spirit of the fairy is enviable, no one dares to come here to practice easily, because the Qingyang Sect, the Canyon Valley and the Tianmen of the Canghai have spoken, and no one can enter the Jiuzhong Mountain, otherwise it will not be killed.

In a world where the strongest is respected, strength is everything.

There are three big superpowers who open their mouths, even if the strong people in Canghai are dissatisfied, they can only bear it.

On this day, hundreds of strong men appeared on the top of Jiuzhong Mountain, and these strong men are all of the level of the **** of war.

Hundreds of strong people are the three super powers, as well as strong people of other forces in Canghai.

Among these strong men, Guanyun and Longyang are the real ones, as well as Venerable Ling Xia and the old monsters of Canyang, as well as the Taiqing and Sanyang people of Qingyang Sect.

"Canghai has temporarily calmed down, but the existence of Jiuzhong Mountain will never be truly quiet."

"So Qingyang Sect, Canyang Valley, Tianmen and Piaoyun Valley unanimously negotiated, under the control of Qingyang Sect, Canyang Valley and Piaoyun Valley and Tianmen."

"There are four main peaks in Jiuzhong Mountain, Qingyang Zongnan Peak, Canyang Valley North Peak, Tianmen West Peak, Pianyun Valley Lord Lingtian is the Divine Array Master, Dongfeng is the place to suppress the Blood Devil Emperor and Heavenly Demon Saint King, only Lord Ling Tian can take care of Dongfeng."

"There are 4 trillion miles in the entire Jiu Chong Tian, ​​and the boundary between the four main peaks will be set after the equal amount is determined."

"Kokonoe Mountain is a treasure of the Canghai, and it cannot be destroyed, so there can be no war in the Kokonoe Mountain. Other genius disciples must be allowed to enter the Kojue Mountain to practice. Similarly, the four peaks of the Kokonoe Mountain cannot have disciples."

Guan Yun said in a loud voice, the tone of the speech was completely announced.

Because before that, Qingyang Sect and Canyon Valley, and Piaoyun Valley represented by Li Lingtian, had negotiated at Tianmen.

Although Piaoyun Valley is not a super power, but Li Lingtian is Piaoyun Valley. With the existence of Li Lingtian, the status of Piaoyun Valley becomes aloof.

After deliberation, four forces occupy Jiuzhongshan.

Although Dongfeng is better than the other three peaks, they don’t have the ability to go to Dongfeng, and only the Lingjin division like Li Lingtian is qualified.

Four forces occupy Jiuzhong Mountain. Although the other forces and the strong are dissatisfied, they dare not go against the four forces.

After coming to Jiuzhong Mountain, it is natural to announce directly that this is just a passing scene.

The Jiuzhong Mountain is vast and immense. It is four trillion li in size, enough for all the strong people in the Canghai to practice, but the four forces cannot allow the Jiuzhong Mountain to be destroyed.

If there are too many people to practice, it will affect the spirit of the fairy. Only those who want to come in to practice will have the chance.

And to enter Jiuzhongshan to practice, you must get permission from one of the forces. If you are in Dongfeng, you must get permission from Piaoyun Valley. If you are in Nanfeng, you must get permission from Qingyang Sect.

In this way, the entire Canghai will form four superpowers.

The entire Canghai can be regarded as a unified Canghai, because if you want to practice, you must become a subsidiary force under the four forces.

Subsequently, the superpowers and geniuses of the four major forces each started to manage the four peaks in the southeast and northwest. Piaoyun Valley also sent more than a dozen Wusheng disciples, as well as some super geniuses, and even the owner of the Green Shadow Palace also came to the nineth mountain peak.

Li Lingtian also came to the Jiuzhong Mountain Peak, officially named Dongfeng as Shendan Pavilion.

It took three months to build Dongfeng Shendan Pavilion into a holy place for cultivation.

Numerous formations forbid the main peak to be surrounded. As long as they enter the main peak, they will be found. If they enter the main peak forcibly, they will be bombarded and destroyed by the formation. Even the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak's great consummation will disappear. .

Dongfeng occupies 1.3 trillion miles, and the main peak is hundreds of miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the Dongfeng Shendan Pavilion of the Jiuzhong Mountain.

After Li Lingtian made the formation and prohibition, he took Nangong Mingyue and left Dongfeng Shendan Pavilion, leaving Master Hanshuang Palace and Tianxing Palace in Dongfeng Shendan Pavilion.

Canghai Jiuzhongshan finally calmed down, and there was a result.

Piaoyun Valley originally changed from an unknown little force to a big force on an equal footing with the three super powers, occupying a quarter of Jiuzhong Mountain, which is really unimaginable.

With a strong fairy spirit, it was originally an excellent place for cultivation for a strong martial art.

However, Li Lingtian left Jiuzhongshan.

Because he has some things to deal with, he must leave Jiuzhongshan.

There is already news of the empty space and the wonderful fruit. Although the opportunities are slim, they will not give up any opportunities.



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