War God Supreme

Chapter 1106: Bihai

Above the spacecraft, Li Lingtian stood against the wind.

The look on his face was calm, and there was no strong breath on his body, but it gave a temperament that should not be underestimated.

Chic and elegant, the clothes fluttering in the wind, unspeakable free and easy.

Nangong Mingyue is also standing beside her, with a smile on her face.

The spacecraft passed by was cloudless. It wasn't that one or two warriors riding the flying sword spacecraft passed by, but when they saw Li Lingtian's spacecraft, they all detoured.

The two have completely left the Cangnan region and entered the blue sea between the Cangnan region and the Tianmu region.

This time leaving Jiuzhong Mountain, Piaoyun Valley, and even Cangnan Territory, it is for the empty space and the magical fruit.

While in Tianmen, Li Lingtian asked Real Man Longyang and Real Man Guanyun. Guan Real Man mentioned that he had heard of the empty space and the magical fruit.

After a few days, the real person of Guanyun told the news of the empty space and the wonderful fruit.

The real person of Guanyun doesn't know the magical fruit and the realm of empty space, but he has heard of it, and he heard it in Tianmu territory hundreds of years ago.

The realm of emptyness and the fruit of miraculousness are together, that is to say, the fruit of miraculousness is in the realm of emptyness.

The empty space is a magical space, which is completely a vacuum. There is a mysterious fruit called the magical fruit. The power is magical. No one has seen it, but it has appeared in legend.

In this empty space, the real person of Guanyun has heard that when he is traveling in the Tianmu region, no one knows exactly where it is.

However, Li Lingtian did not want to give up in the slightest, but was even more determined to find the empty space.

Because this empty space and the magical fruit are the most critical things to open the dragon ring, and the importance is no less than the pearl of loss.

No one knows the fact that he left Jiuzhong Mountain and left Cangnan Region.

The two have been on the spaceship, flying directly towards the Tianmu domain.

After two months of non-stop flight, the spacecraft finally entered the blue sea.

Bihai is the largest sea area in the Tianmu area, the Cangnan area and the East Fall area, and it is also the dividing line of the three major areas.

This place does not belong to the Cangnan region, nor does it belong to the East Landing Region, nor the Tianmu Region, because this sea area is too large, and no strong man in that place can occupy him.

This has also become a paradise for the three domain warriors.

Countless strongmen hunt here to obtain the rich resources in the sea.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are going to the Tianmu region this time, not only for the empty space and the wonderful fruit."

Nangong Mingyue turned to look at Li Lingtian, and asked softly.

"Naturally, it is imperative to find the empty space and the magical fruit, because this is the key to opening the dragon ring."

"But my present situation is not good. The Gongsun family can use Nanyu to deal with the Canghai to achieve their goals. The real purpose is me. They failed this time, and they will not be so good."

"The Gongsun family will come to Canghai Jiuzhong Mountain again and again sooner or later to find me. I must open the Shenlong ring before the Gongsun family can deal with me with all my strength, and I will also attack the Wushen Jiuzhongtian."

"Although Jiuzhongshan is very good, my current cultivation practice has already reached Wushen Sixth Heaven, and I want to practice to reach Wushen Nineth Heaven, I don't know when to wait."

"So leaving Cangnan territory and entering Tianmu territory, where the Gongsun family of Tianmu territory is located, in this way, it is good for me to Piaoyun Valley."

Li Lingtian said lightly that his situation now seems to be very good, but as long as he understands that everyone knows his situation is not good.

Because the Gongsun family is too powerful, if Li Lingtian is really dealt with, Li Lingtian simply has no resistance.

Therefore, he must open the Dragon Ring to improve his cultivation.

Leaving Jiuzhong Mountain, even the grandson's ability, no matter how great he is, dare not do anything to Canghai.

After leaving the Cangnan region, looking for other opportunities to break through, improve his strength, and then wipe the Gongsun family.

Now, leaving the Cangnan region is the only way.

"Although your cultivation base has reached Wushen Sixth Heaven, there is really no way to compare with the Gongsun family."

"It's also dangerous to not go to Tianmu."

"Besides, even if you practice fast, you can’t reach the Wushen Nine Heavens, it’s impossible, unless you open the Dragon Dragon Ring, what treasures do you have against the heavens, is there any way you can resist the way beyond the Wushen Nine Heavens?"

Nangong Mingyue actually knows Li Lingtian's situation, but he is curious about Li Lingtian's killer skills.

She followed Li Lingtian as an option.

In this world, she and Nangong Haoming are left, but Nangong Haoming is sealed in the dragon dragon ring, and now, only Ling Lingtian is an acquaintance.

Rather than stay in Jiuzhong Mountain, it is better to follow Li Lingtian together.

This can be practiced, can be practiced with Li Lingtian, and can also help Nangong Haoming to contact the seal.

"Naturally, although there are no treasures against the sky, everything about me is in the Dragon Ring."

"If you don't open the Shenlong ring, it will be difficult to progress forever. Therefore, if you open the Shenlong ring, I will have more confidence to deal with the Gongsun family."

Li Lingtian smiled and smiled. In the Dragon Ring, he had his wife and friends, relatives, his own pet monster, and his own hope.

After coming to Shenzhou, I got the news of the Pearl of Lost. After I found the Pearl of Lost, I also got the magical power of space in the sky, but I knew that the prohibition of opening the Dragon Ring must be in the void.

This dragon ring is too important. He doesn’t want to make the slightest mistake, so he would rather stay longer than take risks.

From the emptiness of the heavenly silence, there is no realm of emptiness and magical fruit. There are no realm of emptiness and miraculous fruit in the Cangnan region.

So leaving the Cangnan region this time is also a two-way thing.

"If you want to go to Tianmu, you must cross this endless blue sea."

"There are also dangers above the Bihai. The strong men under Emperor Wu did not dare to have the idea of ​​crossing the Bihai. Although both of us are in Wushen Realm, we can't carelessly."

Nangong Mingyue was shocked when she saw the serious look on Li Lingtian's face.

At the same time, I also felt a little bit sad. Before Li Lingtian pursued her, she wanted Wuling Ninth-Level Peak Strong. At that time, Li Lingtian was just a martial artist, and even a martial artist could not reach it.

No one thought that Li Lingtian, who was originally called Tian Yunzong as waste, was called above everything else. The places that Qingzhou, Cangzhou, Xuanzhou, and Li Lingtian passed were all proud of the world with a strong attitude.

All this, she had never imagined before.

It is such a god-like figure, who used to look down upon her, but now she is called a figure looking up to worship in her heart.


"Bihai is the most chaotic place in the three major domains. Some mysterious forces are also entrenched in this area. Naturally, we can't carelessly."

Li Lingtian nodded, he already had some understanding of Bihai.

Regarding this Bihai, some ancient books are recorded, he also went to understand.

Don't look at this sea area, it is more chaotic than any other place.

Because there is no management in this place, the powerhouses of the three major domains are hunting here. The powerhouses here are like clouds, killing countless, there are mysterious sea clan and some unknown existence.

It is no exaggeration to say that this blue sea is a hundred times larger than the Cangnan region.

Moreover, above this blue sea, it is not a whole sea area. There are countless large and small islands and some large and small cities in it. Some large and small forces naturally become the embellishment of this sea area.

The resources of the sea area are the most abundant no matter where they are.

"You go to rest, here has just entered the Bihai, just the edge of the Bihai, I will call you again when it is deep."

There was a trace of tenderness in Nangong Mingyue's face, and he said softly to Li Lingtian.

No matter what sea area, it is divided into the edge and the depth and the center.

Generally speaking, there are no powerful monsters and sea tribes on the edge, and even the strongest humans are not so powerful.

The more you get inside, the more and more powerful monsters and beasts are, and naturally, the strong human beings are getting stronger and stronger.

Now that the two have crossed the Bihai, they must unite and use their energy to a critical moment.

Although she is Wushen Mietian, she is always a girl. Compared with Li Lingtian, Xiuwei and forces are completely different. Now when she is not in danger, let her control the spaceship. If she is in danger, It is not too late for Li Lingtian to shoot.

In her heart, Li Ling genius is the main force and core.

As long as Li Lingtian is safe, it is the greatest guarantee.

"Okay, be careful yourself. When you are in danger, let me know as soon as possible. I will learn some exercises and supernatural powers."

Li Lingtian nodded and was polite, and turned to the room inside the spaceship.

As long as the strong men of the Nangong Mingyue Wushen Realm do not enter the center and do not encounter the gods of the Wushen strong, generally no one and the strong threaten her.

When the sound fell, the whole person disappeared and entered the room.

Seeing Li Lingtian leave, Nangong Mingyue sat cross-legged and sat on top of the spaceship, driving the spaceship to fly continuously into the distance.



"Boom, boom."

Bihai can almost be called the central sea area of ​​Shenzhou.

Because he links the Cangnan domain and the Tianmu domain and the East Fall domain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this sea area is also endless, no one knows how big it is.

However, the horror and mystery of Bihai is the place where the entire Shenzhou is known and known.

Similarly, the more dangerous the place, the more opportunities there are.

Opportunity and danger are proportional, so this blue sea is also a heaven and **** for the strong.

Countless strong men hunt sea beasts and monster beasts in the waters.

Naturally, this is also the place with the most killings in the entire Shenzhou. Every day, you can encounter killings and killing treasures.

It was the same at this time, and a tremendous stream of water rose into the sky, and the breath of destruction tore the space of the sea.

The whole situation is like the end of the world, it looks terrible.



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