War God Supreme

Chapter 1108: Viola

Yes, the beautiful woman above the spaceship is Nangong Mingyue.

It turned out that Nangong Mingyue and Li Lingtian had been flying toward the other side of the sea area, flying across the blue sea to the Tianmu area.

At the edge, Li Lingtian rested, and Nangong Mingyue drove the spaceship.

When I flew for two months, I didn't know how many billions of miles into the blue sea, I had already reached the depths of the sea.

The storms and unknown dangers in the blue sea are nothing to the Nangong Mingyue in the Wushen Realm.

Unexpectedly, he was hit by a man-made prisoner of heaven and earth and hit the spaceship. Nangong Mingyue thought that he had encountered a strong enemy before finally discovering that it was man-made. He did not even think that the low-level disciples would yell at her.

She was a little depressed in her heart, and found that dozens of martial emperors besieged two women. Suddenly, a murderous opportunity emerged, and a devastating attack came down, saving Yunxin and his two lives.

"Youth Yunxin."

"Younger Du Gu Zi Yin."

"I don't know what the fairy said."

The spaceship was very quiet for a while, and Yun Xin and the young girl felt a sense of oppression.

Yun Xin took the lead in breaking the silence, introduced his name, and Du Gu Zi Yin also said the name.

It turned out that the young girl was called Du Gu Zi Yin.

"Tell me about your business."

Nangong Mingyue's face remained unchanged, and Meimu glanced at them.

In such an endless spaceship, Li Lingtian is practicing. She has no chance of even talking alone. Now that she has met these two women, she is naturally curious.

I am not curious about the things of some low-level disciples, but it can only be so for playing time.

"The juniors and others have the ability to be disciples of Bihai Tianyue Island. After Tianyue Island was destroyed, they wandered around. They did not expect to meet the enemy and were chased all the way. The junior husband fled for us, but he did not escape."

Yun Xin simply said things. Nangong Mingyue also knew that the low-level disciples in front of him didn't tell the truth. In Shenwu Continent, several people told the truth.

This is also a matter of reason.


Nangong Mingyue turned her eyes and shifted her eyes from Yunxin to Dugu Ziyin. When she saw Dugu Ziyin's truth, the expression on her face was startled and she was startled.

It was like seeing something weird. The strongest of her Wushen Realm, generally speaking, Taishan collapsed in front of her and did not change color, but was shocked by this truth, and it was really rare to see.

Her shock made Yun Xin's face change.

"What happened to the fairy?"

Yun Xin hurriedly asked, this beautiful woman in front of her can't provoke her.

"Her physique is similar to my friend."

Nangong Mingyue's face returned to calm, and said lightly.

However, his eyes still stayed on Du Gu Zi Yin, and his consciousness kept glancing, as if he was looking at strange things.

"Physique of the junior?"

"Does anyone have the same physique as the junior, I don't know how the senior is cultivated?"

Du Gu Zi Yin was also surprised, saying it without waiting for Yun Xin to block it.

Yun Xin wanted to stop it too late.

The physical and identity of Du Gu Zi Yin was originally a secret and could not be disclosed, but he did not expect Du Gu Zi Yin to betray himself.

For a while, the three did not speak.

There was a smile on Nangong Mingyue's face. It seemed that the two lower-level disciples had some secrets.

However, they are not interested in the secrets of these low-level disciples.

It's like an adult seeing a secret between children.

It took a long time to speak, and there was a look of worship on his face.

"Yes, this physique is indeed very small. Although your physique is different from his physique, it is very similar."

"My friend, cultivated to the earth, has a demon-like talent and a god-like existence."

"There is no one in the world can compare, any exercise can be seen at a glance, and it will be understood immediately."

Nangong Mingyue thought of Li Lingtian, his face showing a happy look.

The relationship between the two is indeed a friend and has been known since childhood.

It is he and she who can survive from small to large, and can survive in a place where Shenwu Continent respects.

Yun Xin and Du Gu Zi Yin looked at Nangong Mingyue, and they were shocked. They could make a peerless warrior beauty worship like this. What kind of character is that?

Suddenly, the two were also brought into the words of Nangong Mingyue, both in that terrifying talent, just like seeing a peerless strong.

Emperor Wu Zun Wu, in front of the God of War, was like a ants, looking forward to the existence.

Even the characters who must be worshipped by Martial God are naturally more curious.

"Excuse me, where is that senior?"

Du Gu Zi Yin also showed a look of worship and respect, asked respectfully.

The look on his face is still more looking forward.

"What are you doing with my friend?"

Nangong Mingyue was startled and looked at Du Gu Zi Yin curiously. This little girl was indeed beautiful. Although she was a bit younger, she was a beautiful embryo.

I'm curious, won't this little girl like him too.

"Purple Yin."

When Yun Xin heard Du Gu Zi Yin's words, he quickly stopped, worrying that Du Gu Zi Yin would tell another secret.

But it was too late when she stopped.

"The junior wants to worship that senior as a teacher."

The look on Du Gu Zi Yin's face was unwavering, and he had never heard of Yun Xin's block.

Looking at the Nangong Mingyue, the strong who must be worshipped by the martial arts strongman is naturally strong and unmatched, and the beautiful martial arts strongman in front of him also said that his physique is somewhat similar to that of the predecessor, naturally it can not be better. .

"Want to worship him as a teacher?"

"Hehe, hehe."

Nangong Mingyue froze for a moment, and didn't think that this Du Gu Ziyin was going to worship him as a teacher, and was surprised.

But then he laughed, and he smiled and poured people into the city, and then he smiled again.

Yun Xin and Du Gu Zi Yin were also obsessed by the beautiful smile of Nangong Mingyue, but did not expect that there are such beautiful people in the world.

"Yes, please fairy to instruct the younger generation."

The look on Du Gu Zi Yin's face became persistent, and she also understood that the fairy's laughter in front of her meant that it was impossible to study.

But such an opportunity cannot be missed, and you have to work hard no matter what.

After talking, the whole person knelt down with a look of expectation on his face.

"Want to worship this seat as a teacher?"

The action of Du Gu Zi Yin made Nangong Mingyue stunned, and Yun Xin was also surprised.

For a while, the three did not speak, the spacecraft was flying fast, and the atmosphere above the spacecraft was depressed and weird.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

The voice was bland, with mysterious charm, reaching the ears of the three.

The appearance of this voice showed a smile on Nangong Mingyue's face, but the look on the faces of Du Gu Zi Yin and Yun Xin changed drastically.

Looking, looking into the spaceship.

I saw a young man in white came out. There was no strong breath in the young man, but he had a temperament that could not be ignored.

Chic and elegant, Fengshen Junlang, the whole person makes people tremble.

On his face, with a faint smile of self-confidence, in front of the three came in a blink of an eye.

"Ling Tian."

Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian coming out, and her face was full of joy. For the past two months, Li Lingtian was practicing and controlling the spaceship. She was alone, and she was very bored.

Now that Li Lingtian is out, he is naturally very happy.

"You are that senior?"

"Have seen seniors."

Du Gu Zi Yin and Yun Xin saw what Nangong Mingyue looked like to Li Lingtian, and they understood that the young man in white in front of him was definitely not simple.

However, there are still some doubts, this young man does not have the slightest strong breath, can it be a martial arts strong?

"This constitution is indeed rare."

"It's really against the sky to be able to promote Xiu to the state of Wu Zun."

Li Lingtian did not answer Yun Xin and Du Gu Zi Yin, but looked at Du Gu Zi Yin. He was also attracted by the physique of the little girl in front of him.

While looking at it and talking, there was no slight change in the look on his face.

"Senior sees Zi Yin's physique?"

Yun Xin looked at Li Lingtian's calm appearance and expression, as well as that mysterious temperament, and he was more certain that this young man was not simple.

He carefully asked Li Lingtian with a look of anticipation on his face.

"This physique, I don't know it, but it's similar to this constitution."

"This kind of physique is difficult to practice in front of you. If you can get to the Wusheng Wushen, it will rise straight.

Li Lingtian's eyes shifted, he looked at Yun Xin and said lightly.

"Senior said it well."

"Since the senior knows, there must be a way."

"The juniors want to worship the seniors as teachers, and hope that the seniors will support them."

Du Gu Zi Yin nodded constantly. Her physique is indeed very difficult to practice. Others practice for an hour or two a day, but she has to practice hard for eleven or twelve hours.

In this way, it is necessary to pay the hardship of others several times, and there are countless panacea, in order to rise to the current state of Wu Zun.

The young man in front of him looks very young, but it is not simple. If he can be a teacher, he might be able to solve his cultivation problems.

"Worship this seat as a teacher? It's inconvenient~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mingyue, you can give her one or two."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed a bit. In such a boring flight, it's not bad to have one more person.

But it is really inconvenient for a girl to worship him as a teacher.

Looking at Nangong Mingyue, he said lightly.

"No, the juniors have to worship their predecessors as teachers."

What people did not expect is that Du Gu Zi Yin opposed Li Lingtian, and resolutely worshiped Li Lingtian as a teacher.

This situation, Nangong Mingyue, Li Lingtian, and Yun Xin, did not expect.

For a moment, the atmosphere above the spacecraft was strangely suppressed.

The look on Li Lingtian's face became cold, the smile on Nangong Mingyue's face also disappeared, and the look on Yun Xin's face became difficult to look. ()

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