War God Supreme

Chapter 1154: Earth-shattering wealth

"Take inventory, I like it the most."


   Ziyin was very happy to see Li Lingtian asking them to check the treasures.


Although she didn’t go to fight for the spirit stone and wealth before, she understood the importance of wealth and treasure, and saw with her own eyes that Yunlin and Yunxin were fighting for wealth, and to prevent her from suffering, Yunlin and Yunxin were for a little spirit. Both stone and wealth go through life and death.


   Therefore, she understands the importance of wealth better than anyone else, and even more so than Li Lingtian.


  Because Li Lingtian had the magic weapon against the sky, he struggled along the way, and finally got countless wealth. He did not take risks for several spirit stones, but he understood that it was just that he didn’t realize it.


   More importantly, he gained wealth after the adventure, and naturally did not feel it.


   Some people take risks for wealth, some people get wealth through life and death without being bothered by the problem of wealth.


   "Let's get started."


   "Look how much we have gained in Bihai this time."


  Li Lingtian smiled, reached out and stroked the purple hair, and said lightly.


  'S face is full of lovingkindness, just like treating his juniors.


   Indeed, Ziyin is his named disciple, naturally the same as his juniors.


   Seeing Ziyin happy, he was also very happy in his heart.


   Then, four people opened the storage bags one by one, and began to count the spirit stone materials and weapons in them.


  Li Lingtian sorted out the medicinal materials in his dragon ring. The previous medicinal materials did not need to be sorted, but this time the medicinal materials obtained in the Wanhua Holy Palace were to be sorted out.


  In the entire Wanhua Holy Palace, the first floor, the second floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor, the sixth floor, the eighth floor, and the ninth floor, all the medicinal materials were searched by them.


   This is a shocking figure, and, as long as it is more than 10,000 years old, it is basically in Li Lingtian's Dragon Ring.


   And there are countless precious medicinal materials, although it has not reached ten thousand years, but the degree of preciousness is not worse than ten thousand years of medicinal materials.


   Most of the herbs here are extinct from Shenwu Continent.


  Nangong Mingyue three girls happily sorted out the wealth in the storage bag. Li Lingtian sorted out the medicinal materials and treasures in the Shenlong ring. All the treasures were taken out and the medicinal materials were also taken out.


  Medicinal materials that cannot be fed can only be taken out, and when they are free, they are refined into immortality.


  Full day, all the storage bags have been sorted out.


  Nangong Mingyue were all tired enough, but they were all very happy.


  Li Lingtian also exhausted almost all his consciousness and spirit, and finally finished finishing the herbs in the Shenlong ring.


   Only now, the wealth data is indeed amazing.


   The medicinal materials in the dragon dragon ring, which can only feed, have expanded the medicine garden to about two hundred miles, which is six times more than the first thirty miles, and the medicinal materials and the year of the medicine are also better.


   Two hundred miles of medicine garden, but people can't believe it, and the medicine in the medicine garden has existed for more than ten thousand years.


In addition to the medicinal herbs that can feed, there are a hundred storage bags outside, all of which are filled with medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs are all to be prepared for the Elixir. According to Li Lingtian's words, each storage bag All the medicinal materials inside can be used to make a thousand Ding Pills.


  After finishing the medicinal materials, the spirit stone was counted.


   What they did not expect was that the inferior spirit stone has as much as 10 trillion yuan, the middle-grade spirit stone has as much as 200 billion yuan, the top-grade spirit stone has as much as 300 million yuan, and the top-grade spirit stone also has 1 million.


   The top grade spirit stone is already a treasure, and cannot be counted as currency.


Just the spirit stone, converted into the inferior spirit stone, this time there are as much as 33 trillion yuan, plus Li Lingtian had 13 trillion yuan left, his current spiritual stone has reached 46 trillion So much.


   This data is beyond the imagination of Nangong Mingyue and others.


   These spirit stones are calculated in trillions.


   The medicinal materials of the spirit stone are all cleaned up, but the materials are not calculated, but there are a hundred storage bags, which are all cherished materials.


   There are even materials for Li Lingtian's refining of Tianjian, and there are six kinds of materials for refining Tianjian. Although there are not many, he has exceeded his imagination. As long as other materials are found, Tianjian can be refined.


   Although the power of the Sky Sword is not strong, but after the Sky Sword is refined, it will display the Sky Sword Formation, and that power will go against the sky.


   Finally sorted out the treasures, looking at these treasures, Nangong Mingyue a few people completely speechless.


   Wan Wan did not expect to get so many treasures during his trip to Wanhua Holy Palace.


   Tianqi: as much as 40,000.


  Holy Artifact: as much as 20,000.


There are also ten thousand artifacts, more than six thousand artifacts, more than one thousand artifacts, five hundred artifacts, one hundred artifacts, thirty artifacts, twenty artifacts and twenty artifacts. There are also nine unique artifacts.


   These wealth, even Li Lingtian was dumbfounded.


   was shocked when he started to get ancient artifacts, but he did not expect that there were so many celestial artifacts and artifacts obtained this time.


  Know that even the most powerful Divine Continent in the Shenwu Continent, the strongest with unique artifacts are extremely rare.


   A Wushen Nine Heavens, there is a unique artifact, that is against the sky.


   did not expect that he got so many unique artifacts this time, so many ancient artifacts.


   However, when I finally thought of the innate artifact I got, it was a balance of mind.


  Because this Wanhua Holy Palace has not been visited for millions of years, even the giant is greatly restricted in entering, and no treasure can be taken away.


   Otherwise, these treasures and medicinal materials will not be left, and other powerful people will not be allowed to enter.


   Plus he used to get treasures, and now his wealth can rival the entire Shenzhou.


  Even if it is the entire Shenzhou, there are not many of these superb artifacts and ancient artifacts.


   "Master, have all these artifacts been sold?"


   Ziyin looked at the artifact in front of him and asked seriously.


   Nangong Mingyue and others were also looking at Li Lingtian and were curious in their eyes. They didn’t know how Li Lingtian arranged these wealth and treasures. With so many treasures, they didn’t know how to use them for a while.


   "These wealth will be of great use in the future."


   "If you want to stay in Shenzhou, you need not only the cultivation of strength against the sky, but also powerful and unmatched forces, so these wealth is not enough."


   "A super power, a super family, or there are not so many treasures, not so many medicinal materials, not so many materials, but it has more spirit stones and more powerful heritage than us."


   "We want to use these wealth to build a powerful force and become a platform for us to stand on."


   "You need to practice well, you need immortality medicine and materials, you need exercises, and I can satisfy you all here."


  Li Lingtian said earnestly that although this time he had more wealth than he had before, he was also a person who had seen big data, and he understood his current situation and there were many places where he needed wealth.


Inside these storage bags, there are countless anti-celestial exercises, which can be used by disciples of future forces. These treasures cannot be drained out, so as not to cause death, and powerful opponents weaken themselves. .


  After speaking, as soon as the consciousness moved, he collected the wealth into the Dragon Ring and the Heavenly Cangbao Ring, and partly into the Ring of Shenfeng.


  Do not put eggs in a basket, this is a person's most basic understanding.


   Treasures above the superb artifacts, he will not take them out temporarily.


He also had arrangements for the treasures he got. These treasures were given to Huangfu Yuyan and others. He used the previous treasures himself. Everyone could control a top-notch treasure. It would be very difficult. If you have more control, It is impossible to bring these treasures to the extreme.




   "Ling Tian is right."


   Nangong Mingyue nodded, with a satisfied expression on her face, and Zi Yin and Yunxin also nodded, with an excited expression on her face.


   It's just that their cultivation level is too low to use treasures that are too powerful.


Emperor Ziyin Emperor Realm, chose a two-handed artifact, Yunxin Wusheng Realm, selected two top-grade artifacts, Nangong Mingyue is now the sixth heaven of Wushen, and chose two inferior ancient artifacts and one middle-grade ancient Artifact.


   For them, the war is rarely involved, in case a powerful treasure appears in the hands, it will cause death.


   "Give up all the weapons you used before and concentrate on using the current weapons."


   "I selected the inner armor for defense, how much defense can be added."


   "This spirit stone, don't take it out easily, lest you be stared at and affect your own safety."


  Li Lingtian chose three inner armor in the dragon ring, all of which are of the artifact level. Such an artifact can resist a large attack.


   took out three storage bags from inside. Each storage bag contained a billion inferior spirit stones, which was enough for them to squander.


  After counting the treasures, Nangong Mingyue and they were all tired and went back to their rooms to rest.


  Li Lingtian took a short break and called the Black Dragon King in.


   "Subordinates have seen the Lord."


  The Black Dragon King came to Li Lingtian and performed a respectful salute.


  Although Li Lingtian is only Wushen Yaetian~www.wuxiaspot.com~, if Li Lingtian exerts a great deal of destruction, he will definitely kill him in seconds.


   And Li Lingtian's Dan Dao, Dao Dao, and Martial Dao are all against the sky. No one can compare it. Being able to surrender in front of such a strong man is naturally very happy.


  Know that Li Lingtian can also complete him as a dragon.


   "Although you are a humanoid, you still have no advantage during the war."


   "I have selected two treasures for you, which is just right for you to use."


  Li Lingtian glanced at the Black Dragon King and said lightly.


   After finishing his speech, he took out two treasures and handed them to the Black Dragon King.


  The more powerful his subordinates are, the more beneficial to himself. The Black Dragon King submits to him. He naturally wants to make the Black Dragon King stronger, so that he can contribute to himself.

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