War God Supreme

Chapter 1178: The land of false gods...

In the air, a middle-aged man in a cyan shirt was suspended above it.

With the coming of middle age, no one found his slightest trace, no one saw how it came.

Just like standing here originally, otherwise, no trace of space appears.

The middle-aged man in the green shirt exudes a mysterious breath, giving a kind of horrible pressure of destruction and making people tremble.

The look on the face of the whole person was elegant and elegant. His eyes glanced at all the warriors in the square. When he looked at all the warriors, his eyes were disdainful. This disdain was like a natural birth.

A look that looks down on all things in the world, a kind of momentum that lands before the world.

"Murong Rainy Day!"

"Murong Rainy Day!"

Li Lingtian didn't know this middle-aged man, but his heart was trembling constantly, and a powerful fear rose in his heart.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know this middle-aged man, as long as he knows that this middle-aged man is a terrifying pseudo-real world powerhouse, a terrorist that can kill any martial arts powerhouse in one wave.

He didn't know, but all the strong men and martial artists present knew this middle-aged.

They all exclaimed, because this person is Murong Yutian, an unbeaten myth for more than 100 years.

However, what people did not expect is that last year it was only the peak of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak. This year, I got a false **** realm, which is scary.

"It really broke through the false **** realm."

"Not bad."

Wu Rongyu looked at Murong Yutian in the air, with a smile on his face.

All Wushen Jiuzhong Tianqiang are envious and jealous in their eyes.

The same as Wushen Jiuzhongtian, Murong Yutian has now achieved a pseudo-sacred realm, a supreme existence, and the temptation of the Wushen strong to disappear with a wave of hand. What a temptation.

"Meet Lord Saint!"

"Meet Lord Saint!"

"Meet Lord Saint!"

Suddenly, countless martial arts strongmen worshipped on the square.

Seeing the martial arts strongmen worshiping in this way, all the warriors worshipped respectfully.

The strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian also worshipped.

All of a sudden, the powerful martial arts in the entire square went to worship, facing Murong on a rainy day.

This is the false **** realm, the same as the supreme existence.

Even if Wushen is the pinnacle of martial arts, it is the pyramid of martial arts, but there is no such detachment as a false **** realm.

Wushen Jiuzhong is known as the Venerable, and the strong in the false **** realm is the Holy One.

In the air, Murong Yutian accepts all the warriors to worship, and the look on his face with a faint smile, there is absolutely no politeness for such a worship.

Because this is the status of the saints, this is the saints should be respected by the billionaires.

However, in the whole field, only Li Lingtian stood in the center and did not visit.

Looking at the worship of all the powerful and martial arts, Li Lingtian was like a thunderbolt. This is the status of the Holy One, and this is the treatment and honor of the false **** realm.

With the wave of his hand, the powerful Wushen disappeared, and the world was destroyed in anger.


Murong Yutian accepted the visit of all the powerful and martial artists, and this sense of highness made him feel proud.

Seeing the former strong men of the same rank paying homage in front of him, a thrill rose in my heart.

However, a figure in his eyes made his mood change.

All martial arts strongmen pay homage, but only the martial **** in the center of the ring does not pay homage, which is totally a kind of humor and disrespect.

It is an insult to be ridiculed in front of all warriors.

"Kick kick."

Li Lingtian's heart shook, and his figure could not help but step back a few steps.

The sacred **** realm snorted coldly, as if the wushen strong man slammed on the chest.

Li Lingtian has also seen the power and horror of the false **** realm. Even if the martial **** strong man is against the sky, he is not an opponent of the false **** realm.

All the warriors and powerful men saw the situation above the ring, and the look on their faces was shocked.

Murong Yutian is the top powerhouse on the top of Yuntian. All Wushen Jiuzhongtians want to challenge Murong Yutian to become the top powerhouse. The appearance of Li Lingtian has also become the hope of all powerhouses.

Over a hundred years of being unhappy, no one has beaten Murong Yutian for more than a hundred years. All hope is placed here.

However, Murong Yutian has now become a saint in the false **** realm, and is no longer the object of their envy.

Jealousy also needs to have a certain distance, and it will be jealous when it is almost the same, but the distance between the two becomes no longer a distance, and after becoming a chasm, jealousy just makes himself unhappy.

Therefore, Murong Yutian's first strong man, becoming a saint in the false **** realm, is no longer the object of their envy and challenge.

And Li Lingtian knows that the other party is a false **** realm, and still has such great disrespect. All the strong men despise Li Lingtian from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the supremacy of the strong, the fist is the truth.

"This time, Murong Yutian is already a false **** realm and is no longer among the first strong."

"Li Lingtian is the new top one."

Seeing the atmosphere above the ring, Wu Wuyue said quickly.

In his heart, Murong Yutian is already a strong man of false gods, and no one can challenge him.

Li Lingtian is also a person who is against the sky, and his terror is extremely terrifying. Dan Dao is also a myth in the myth. Both are talents against the sky. If Murong Yutian shoots, he will wipe Li Lingtian away with a wave of his hand. Such a huge loss.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian."

All the strong men are Dao Xi, Murong Yutian has become a false **** realm, and is no longer in the God of War. He has entered a higher circle and will naturally not fight for the first strong man.

Li Lingtian defeated Xiao Tian and became the top powerhouse at the top of Yuntian. No one objected.

Everyone didn't expect that this time the competition had become like this. Zhantian, Yunfeng, Dong Xueming and others all regretted it.

If in the final battle, you can become the first strong.

No one thought that Murong Yutian would become a false **** realm and step into a higher circle. This is a huge impact and temptation for all super powers.

Nangong Mingyue and Heilongwang are happy for Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian got his wish.

When there is no time to come, Murong Yutian will not blame Li Lingtian even if he blames Li Lingtian for disrespect.

However, something that everyone did not think of appeared.

Suddenly everyone did not react, completely shocked.

"Do not."

"This top strongman doesn't count."

"The challenge here is the false **** Murong Yutian."

Li Lingtian's voice sounded at this time. This voice shocked all the powerful and the martial arts in the square, completely blinded.

The super-strong Wushen in the four small steps, as well as the empty trace and the empty moon, are all terrified.

For a time, I thought I heard it wrong.

But when I saw everyone's horrified expressions, I was sure that I didn't hear it wrong, but that Li Lingtian said it, and the following words were even spoken word by word.


"Challenge the false **** realm?"

"Lord Tian Tian is going to challenge the sage master of the false **** realm?"

"Isn't Lord Ling Tian already the top powerhouse on the top of the sky, how can I still challenge Lord Saint?"

"Wu Shen Yae Tian challenges the false **** realm?"

"Challenging the false **** realm?"


For a moment, all the martial arts were discussing, and the entire square suddenly boiled.

Murong Yutian was also stunned by Li Lingtian's words. The coldness on his face suddenly rose, and his cold eyes looked like Li Jian to Li Lingtian, as if he was going to wipe Li Lingtian with his eyes.

It is an insult that an ant will challenge itself like a dragon.

"Lord Tian, ​​Murong Yutian is already a false **** realm, you are not qualified to challenge."

"You are a strong lineup, a strong Daoist line, and martial arts are also invincible, but you are only a strong warrior, can you fight against the false **** realm?"

Wu Wu stood up and said aloud, the look on his face became ugly.

Just came out, just for Murong Yutian not to wipe Li Lingtian.

Now Li Lingtian does not appreciate it, and actually wants to challenge Murong Yutian. Isn't it a pleasure to find oneself?

However, Li Lingtian is also a terrifying Divine Array Master, and is also the mythical Taoist mythology of Shenwu Continent. Now Wudao is also the first strongest of Wushen, and he dare not easily offend.

"Since he is the first strong man, he must accept the challenge."

"Is this the rule of the top of the sky?"

Li Lingtian said aloud that the look on his face was always calm and unchanged.

The tremors and fears in his heart also gradually disappeared. He understood that this time, he must fight this Murong Yutian once. No matter whether he wins or loses, he must decide the victory.

Otherwise, the strong man of false **** realm will leave an indelible shadow in his heart, which will have an impact on his own cultivation.

Although it looks very impulsive, there is a calculation in my heart.

When you see Murong Yutian, you already know that Murong Yutian is powerful.

The false **** realm is good, but it is a fake **** realm that has just broken through. Compared with the giant, the strength cultivation is still far away. I have a chance to fight Murong Yutian.

Moreover, if the identity of the top powerhouse on the top of the sky is obtained in this way, it will be laughed at.

More than ten years ago, in the Tianyun Sect, I met a fellow of the starry body, which was not good for him and would become his nemesis~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He also wiped it out at the time.

I didn't expect that after more than ten years, I became a strong player of Wushen, standing at the peak of the top of the sky, and encountered a false **** realm. Although it is not my nemesis, it is my own shadow.

The shadow must be erased!

Now, even if you don't erase the false **** realm of Murong Yutian, but you need to know how much you are different from the false **** realm, you should have a bottom in your heart.

In the past, when I met a giant myself, the cultivation base was not high, and now I have reached the peak of the Wushen Yaetian Peak. I have encountered a pseudo-realm that has just broken through, and the distance between the two has been shortened a lot. Great opportunity.

As long as you know whether your magical powers and strength can cause damage to the false **** realm.

Otherwise, like last time, his attack did not hurt the giant in the slightest, but he was crushed by the giant as a ants. This kind of unsure feeling made people crazy.



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