War God Supreme

Chapter 1190: Xiaoyaohou


"What deal can you do with this seat?"

"Even if you are doing a transaction, you have to enter the city of the curtain and do it again."

Li Lingtian said faintly that the look on his face was getting colder and colder, and the murder in his heart was gradually surging up. This Golden Crown man tried his best to kill him.

However, this place is only a thousand miles away from the city of the curtain sky, as long as you start, it will be discovered by the powerful of the city of the curtain sky.

And here is the official way. Although the strong man does not need to go official flight, but there is no strong man passing by here, he does not want to reveal his identity.

After speaking, with one wave, the whole person flew to the ground and flew towards the city of the sky.

However, the golden crown man in the air did not mean to let Li Lingtian and the three of them sway with one hand, a terrifying coercion pressed down, and a golden light bombarded Li Lingtian.

The power of destruction tears the space straight, ignoring the speed of the space and comes to Li Lingtian.

If Li Lingtian does not stop, he will be killed by this devastating attack.

"court death."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was like ice, and he greeted the attack with one hand.

A red light burst out, and the red light collided with the golden attack in an instant, and the golden attack disappeared in front of the red light.

Li Lingtian did not stay too much, and took Nangong Mingyue and they flew towards the city of the sky.

"There are two sons."

"But in front of Benhou, wanting to leave so easily is not so simple."

Xiaoyaohou was shocked to see that his attack had been so easily removed by Li Lingtian.

The reaction came, his hands were scratched in the void, and suddenly the space trembled, and then he froze. Li Lingtian and the three of them could have been stuck in the air.

At this moment, Xiaoyaohou had already come to Li Lingtian.

"What kind of transaction do you want?"

"Don't you want to force a deal?"

"This is the city of the curtain sky."

Li Lingtian stopped, and the look on his face became lighter.

I kept retreating to watch again and again, the other party was still so reluctant to spare, if in the usual place, this golden crown man had disappeared.

A smile flashed in his eyes as he spoke.

"Benhou Xiaoyao, you can call it Xiaoyaohou."

"How did Ben Hou exchange them for people around you?"

"This is the city of the curtain sky, as long as you do not enter the city of the curtain sky, you can force the transaction, don't you know?"

Xiaoyaohou's eyes fell on Nangong Mingyue, his eyes flashed with Jingmang.

When speaking, the eyes were still on Nangong Mingyue, completely ignoring Li Lingtian and the Black Dragon King.


"What if this seat doesn't agree?"

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, and his eyes looked at Nangong Mingyue, only to see Nangong Mingyue looking at him at the same time.

The murderous intention in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and I dare to strike the attention of his woman in his face, it is unforgivable.

"If you don't agree, you have to agree."

The expression on Xiaoyaohou's face was startled, and no one dared to refuse what he wanted.

Unexpectedly, a young man with a small Wushen Yazhongtian dare to refuse him like this, it is simply to find his own death.

"That's the case."

"Then you die."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face instantly turned into ice, waving with one hand.

A simple wave, without the slightest power, is like shooting a mosquito.

This action made the guards around Xiaoyaohou puzzled, and even a contemptuous smile appeared on his face, and he dared to take out his ugliness without the slightest power.

But Li Lingtian's understated blow, looked in the eyes of Xiaoyaohou, suddenly the whole person was shocked, the look on his face also became terrified, just like seeing ghosts.

"The track of heaven and earth."

"Water Moon Magic Wave."

Looking at the wave that Li Lingtian saw, there was a pair of free-goers who were high above, but now he was horrified.

While exclaiming, with one hand stretched out, a horrible water idea suddenly broke out.

The appearance of the Tao of Water saw a wave of halo in front of Xiaoyaohou like a wave of water. The halo was like a thousand waves, and greeted Li Lingtian's palm quickly.

Between heaven and earth, the breath of destruction continues to ravage the space.



The trajectory of heaven and earth collided with the Shuiyueqing magic wave, and Xiaoyaohou's attack disappeared.

The trajectory of the ruined heaven and earth gently patted on Xiaoyaohou, and a golden defense erupted on Xiaoyaohou, but the golden defense could not resist the power of the trajectory of heaven and earth.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, thrown away into the distance like a kite.


Li Lingtian swayed and disappeared in place. When he appeared again, the figure had already appeared behind Xiaoyaohou.

There was a chill on his face, and with one hand, a red light burst out.

The red light overwhelmed Chao Xiaohou, and the entire chariot and eight guards were covered at the same time, and the red light shivered continuously.

"Oh, yell."

"Whirring whirring."


In a blink of an eye, the red light disappeared, there was no vitality in the chariot, Xiaoyaohou and the eight guards disappeared, and the two stunning women did not have the slightest vitality.

The red light gradually disappeared in the air, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and a hurricane appeared in the air.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body flickered, and Nangong Mingyue and the Black Dragon King disappeared into the air. The air returned to calm. If it weren't for the bodies of Xiaoyaohou and others, they didn't know that there had been a war here.

It's just that this war is completely a spike, without any resistance, overwhelming destruction.

For a moment, Li Lingtian and the three have entered the city of the curtain sky.

The City of Curtain Sky, the largest trading city in the Tianmu region, has the largest trading city in the Tianmu region and even the entire Shenwu mainland.

The strong men who come here have all three religions and nine streams, and most of the strong men in the city are mainly in casual training.

The three of Li Lingtian found a separate courtyard in the city and settled down.

"Mutian City is the largest exchange market in Tianmu. I hope to find what I want in this way."

After settling in, Li Lingtian rested in the separate courtyard and said lightly.

He looked at the Nangong Mingyue around him.

"It's better not to be caught by other powerful people."

"This place is already very close to the end of the world of Duanmu's house. If it is discovered by the strongman of Duanmu's house, it will inevitably kill us.

"General martial arts powerhouses don't matter. If we meet a pseudo-spiritual powerhouse, we don't have a chance to escape."

Nangong Mingyue leaned over her body, leaned gently on Li Lingtian's shoulder, and said softly.

Now their strength is totally in an awkward position.

The Wushen Powerhouse is not their opponent, but the False God Realm Powerhouse can easily kill them in seconds.

"Duanmu family, I will not provoke them for the time being."

"After dealing with the matter here, I have to rush to the east."

"Although my current strength does not need to fight against the Wushen Powerhouse, I can't miss the appointment."

"On the top of the Tiancang Mountain in the Eastern Fall, Master Shenjian."

There was a bitter smile on Li Lingtian's face, because he had missed the time, and five years had passed.

It has been almost eight years since the appointment of Canghai with the **** sword son.

These eight years were all compelling. Otherwise, he also rushed to the East Cangtian Tiancang Mountain to settle the original agreement with the young swordsman.

Eight years ago, the **** of swords, the **** of war, God of Seventh Heaven, was defeated by him with kendo.

Eight years later, I don’t know how strong the swordsman is.

"With your current cultivation ability, there is no need to fight him."

"Maybe eight years in the past, the Excalibur has also forgotten this agreement."

Nangong Mingyue looked at the serious look on Li Lingtian's face and said comfortably.

It was originally a five-year contract, but Li Lingtian was almost a year after he came out of Jiuzhong Mountain, plus the time in Bihai and Yuntian Peak, it has been eight years.


"Let's deal with the matter here first."

Li Lingtian nodded, in fact, in endless cultivation, he also forgot the five-year contract.

Regarding Kendo, it is still safe to deal with the Sword Master, but if he does not go, he will certainly be considered timid.

The two were close together and felt the warmth of each other.

The next day, Li Lingtian went out alone and walked north of the city of the curtain sky.

Because Chengbei is the largest square city in the city of the sky and the largest auction venue.

The auction venues here are both bright and underground.

It will be two days before the auction house opens, but you have to pay a great price to enter the auction house.

The most basic condition for entering the auction site is that you must be above the level of Wushen.

They also need to reserve a seat, otherwise they will not be eligible to participate in the auction.

Looking at the tall castle, Li Lingtian's face showed a shock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The first time I saw such a magnificent building, and it was built by the auction house.

In the former cities, most of the trade fairs are very small, and most of the underground auction houses cannot be put on the table.

The screen city is indeed the largest trading city in the Tianmu region.

"Senior, is there anything you need to help?"

Li Lingtian had just stepped into the entrance of the hall entrance of the auction house, and a female disciple came up, saluting Li Lingtian Yingying, and then asked softly.

The disciples who often work here are naturally extremely toxic.

Although I can't see how powerful Li Lingtian is, it is different from Li Lingtian's chic and elegant temperament. Such characters dare to come here are generally not simple.

"I want to participate in the auction, I don't know what the conditions are?"

Li Lingtian said lightly, as the female disciple came to a room.

After talking, I sat down without any restraint and unnaturalness.

"Seniors are in the auction."

"Mutian City is the largest trading auction venue in Tianmuyu. There are too many strong people who want to participate in the auction, so the conditions for entering the auction venue are also very strict."

"Entering the auction site, the first need to repair the Wushen Realm."

"Second, you need to pay a deposit of 1 billion inferior spirit stones. When you leave, you can exchange 900 million yuan, or you can offset it when you take the treasure."

"The third item requires at least one artifact-level treasure as a transaction item."

After the female disciples asked the following staff to serve fragrant tea, they said to Li Lingtian respectfully.

When talking, there is no impatience, no impatience, and the attitude is extremely good.

Li Lingtian was sipping tea while listening to the female disciple's explanation.

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