War God Supreme

Chapter 1195: 1 of the auction house...

"Although the water of Haotian is below, I don't know what is the use, but it seems that this water of Haotian works for you."

"There will be so much water under Haotian now, add at most one piece of gold and 100 billion inferior spirit stones."

Zhong Xiang saw that Su Lingqing had already paid such a price, and knew in his heart that Su Lingqing was bound to get this supernatural power.

I don't know anything about the water of Haotian, I don't know the price.

Now even if he is pitted by the other party, he has to be fooled, because he is also a must for this gem, Ningshen Pill. Only this gem can make him break the martial shackles, and have a chance to enter a higher level. realm.

"I had to quit next."

Another Wushen strongman, seeing the price of two opponents, can only collect his own money.

I want this unrivaled Ning Shen Dan, but I can't come up with the price of it.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Li Lingtian and wanted to see what choice Li Lingtian made, whether it was Blood Dragon Fruit or Haotian Water.

However, the result that everyone did not think of happened.

"Blood Dragon Fruit, Haotian Water."

"You are all here."

Li Lingtian smiled and waved with one hand, the blood dragon fruit and the water of Haotian on the crystal table were collected by Li Lingtian, as well as Lingshi and Zhong Xiang's Geng Jin.

Su Lingqing and Zhong Xiang, all the price items from the two of them entered into Li Lingtian's Dragon Ring.

Li Lingtian's actions made everyone stunned.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to accept the price of the two, so that everyone felt puzzled and stayed on the spot for a while.

Isn’t it a joke that you can exchange two people’s items with a unique gem?

Su Lingqing and Zhong Xiang were fooled by the scene of Li Lingtian. You look at me and I look at you. They don’t know what happened.

"Sir, this joke is not funny at all."

"Your Excellency, this is very bad."

Zhong Xiang said, Su Lingqing also stood up, and looked at Li Lingtian.

The two thought that Li Lingtian wanted to eat black, and exchanged a panacea for their goods. In addition, Li Lingtian injured Yunhai East and Wuhan in the beginning. Naturally, Li Lingtian wanted to use force to take their belongings.

However, Li Lingtian was sitting on the seat, with a light cloud on his face and a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at them playfully.

"Two don't want to change?"

"This is bad."

Li Lingtian picked up the fragrant tea, tasted the tea gently, and placed the fragrant tea on the coffee table.

The look on his face was also serious, and said lightly.

The tone is exactly the same as Su Lingqing and Zhong Xiang, staring at them.

"Change, but do you want to exchange an immortality medicine for both of us?"

Zhong Xiang saw Li Lingtian's appearance, showing a slight momentum, and Zhenyuan was also running at this time. Even if it is the auction city of the curtain sky, if Li Lingtian forcibly trades, he can't care so much.

"Did you say that you would exchange a panacea for the two of you?"

"Who are you?"

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a slight smile on his face.

Standing up, the consciousness moved, and there was another gem of Ningshendan suspended on the crystal table. The two gems of Ningshendan were exactly the same, even the breath was exactly the same, no slight difference.

Two immortals are suspended on the crystal table, making a connection.

At this time, Li Lingtian took Nangong Mingyue and turned to walk outside, leaving a few dull strong men on the square.

When Li Lingtian was about to leave the square, all the talents awakened.

Zhong Xiang and Su Lingqing both caught the elixir and looked at the elixir, the look on his face changed.

The two immortality medicines are both excellent gems, and there is no slight fake.

The two did not expect such a result. Originally there was only one panacea, but now there are two.

Li Lingtian took Nangong Mingyue out of the free trade square and returned to the elegant room.

"Are you exchanging these two gems for the magical pill, don't you worry about attracting the attention of others?"

"If you want to know that Shenwu Continent can refine the unique medicine, only Ling Tian, ​​the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

After returning to the elegant room, Nangong Mingyue finally couldn't help but open her eyes, staring at Li Lingtian.

A gem of Ningshen is already shocking. At the same time, two gems of Ningshen appear from him, it will make people doubt his identity, because Peiking is the sign of Li Lingtian, and only he can refine it. come out.

When she spoke, there was still a smile on her face, because in front of her was the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, and she even said the name.

"Actually, my identity doesn't matter anymore."

"Sometimes, identity is no longer important, because no matter who you are, the other party will do it for you."

"Moreover, this time it may be dangerous. One more opponent is not too much, and one less is not less."

"This blood dragon fruit is a cherished genius and treasure. It has disappeared in the Shenwu Continent. You can refine the legendary blood dragon pill, even if it is used in the Hua Shen pill."

"The water of Haotian is a necessary material for refining Tianjian, as is Gengjin, so no matter how dangerous it is, I will get these two things in my hands."

Li Lingtian wrapped around Nangong Mingyue's slim waist and sat on the hide sofa, talking seriously.

Whether it is Blood Dragon Fruit or Haotian Water, after he meets, he will try his best to get it into his own hands.

Even if there is a little news, he will not let go, not to mention the items that appear in front of him.

Often, I don’t even have any news for what I need. I am not looking for it while climbing mountains and wading through water.

Blood dragon fruit is rare and unusual. As a holy princess, it is an absolute temptation.

The water of Haotian is the material for refining the sky sword. One of the main materials, as long as the sky sword is refined, the sky sword formation is displayed, and the power is shocking.

Peerless Ningshen Pill is a peerless treasure for the powerful continent of Shenwu Continent, but for him, it only takes some herbs and time, which is his advantage.


"No matter when, Mingyue will stand by you and support your decision."

"Mingyue just wants to remind you that you may be negligent."

Nangong Mingyue leaned her head gently in Li Lingtian's arms and said softly.

Gentleness is like water, and it is so beautiful that Li Lingtian couldn't help shaking.

The Nangong Mingyue in front of you is generous, noble and unpretentious, and has a lot of manners. Now she has more gentleness and a little girl's coquettishness.

"Reward one."

Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue's beautiful face and gently kissed her ruddy mouth.

Suddenly, Nangong Mingyue's body shivered, and a blush appeared on his face.

The whole person was weak and completely leaned on Li Lingtian's arms.

Although the two have been together for several years, there are not many kisses like this. I did not expect Li Lingtian to kiss her, which made him feel a tremor and his heart was addicted.

With a blank space in his mind, he looked at Li Lingtian sneeringly.

Seeing the appearance of Nangong Mingyue, Li Lingtian kissed it gently again, and suddenly Nangong Mingyue's jaws were wrapped around Li Lingtian's neck, and the smooth and tender tongue also catered.

After a few minutes, the two were separated.

At this moment, Nangong Mingyue was already panting, and her beautiful face was full of red tide.

He leaned weakly in Li Lingtian's arms and looked at Li Lingtian quietly, with deep expectation in his heart, but he understood that this was not the time, and he had to wait for Li Lingtian to rescue Huang Fu Yuyan and others from the Dragon Dragon Ring.

In my heart, it is more urgent to find the empty space and the magical fruit, so that the dragon ring can be opened, and Huangfu Yuyan and others can also be saved.

The two snuggled tightly together, and finally Li Lingtian sorted out the items he got.

Knowing that today’s auction is over, but can’t leave, I can only stay here.

"Mingyue, you go to sleep on your face."

Li Lingtian got everything right, cast two small formations in the small room inside the elegant room, and told Nangong Mingyue.

After the auction, it is necessary to leave here, it must be a long journey again.

And there may be dangers, but it is safe in the auction house.

Take advantage of this time and take a good rest.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are also sleeping inside."

Nangong Mingyue finished, and his face was red again.

Li Lingtian didn't say anything. After a light package, he took Nangong Mingyue sideways and walked towards the room inside.

Finally, Nangong Mingyue was put on the bed, and Nangong Mingyue did not have any concerns. He took off the outer clothes and covered the quilt with a red face. Although he was still wearing the clothes, this was the first time he undressed in front of Li Lingtian.

Seeing the action of Nangong Mingyue, Li Lingtian was also terrified, and the whole person's blood was boiling.

However, he understood that he could not mess up, so he had to take off his outer clothes and lay on the bed.

Both of them did not speak, but they could hear each other's heartbeats. Both of them were extremely fast, and they understood each other's nervousness.


When Nangong Mingyue was nervous, Li Lingtian reached out and took her over, with her arms under her head.

Nangong Mingyue is also leaning on Li Lingtian's side, and suddenly the whole person feels unprecedented warmth and safety, and the heartbeat is also exciting and happy.

Gradually ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two fell asleep in tension and excitement.

In the elegant room of the auction house, it is impossible for anyone to bother.

The other strongmen, after free trading, also returned to their seats in the lobby to meditate and wait until the auction the next day.

Warrior meditation is the best rest, not to mention that the warriors are strong.

There was no talk all night, and they both slept beautifully for one night.

Waking up the next morning, Nangong Mingyue was flushed on her small face.

Because her head rested on Li Lingtian's chest, and one of them also lay on Li Lingtian's body. Although the two were wearing clothes, they were still shy under the quilt and sleeping on a bed like this.

Although the two didn't get there, they knew each other's existence in their hearts. After the night of the two, their emotions sublimated to a point beyond words.



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