War God Supreme

Chapter 1200: Ginseng


The space is extremely quiet, and all the martial arts strongmen dare not have the slightest movement.

He looked at Li Lingtian in the air, not knowing what Li Lingtian would do next.

Now, even if there are too many strong here, there is no chance to escape.

Ninety-eight of the strong men in the elegant room, together they are not as strong as the Duanmujia sent this time, nor are they as strong as the Duanmujia, even the strongmen sent by the Duanmujia were all killed, They naturally have no chance at all.

Just when all the strong men were worried, Li Lingtian started.

However, he did not shoot these strong men, but the bodies that fell in the air, his hands waved, and the storage bags flew upwards.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of storage bags all fell into the hands.

As soon as the consciousness moved, all the storage bags entered the Dragon Ring. It was a waste to kill people without taking the spoils. These storage bags are all left by the martial arts strongmen, and they are also an amazing wealth.

"People from the Gongsun family, come out here."

"This seat only needs that million-year-old Ginseng."

Li Lingtian put away the storage bag and looked at the strong man below, then said lightly.

This place is not a place to stay for a long time, and there is a trace of threats flashing in his heart, and he can't tell what threat exists.

Now that the Duanmu family's strongmen have been killed, the Gongsun family's strongmen will not let go.

In this auction, he remembered that Gongsun took a million-year-old Ginseng with 300 billion yuan.

He will not let this matter go smoothly.

When talking, the cold light flashed in my eyes, just like seeing through a person.



All the strong men are open, leaving only two people in the middle.

A Wushen six-fold heaven, a Wushen nine-fold heaven peak consummation.

All the strong men who were not the Gongsun family gave way and exposed the strong men of the Gongsun family to the middle. This situation made Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue feel startled, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Give you a pleasure."

After confirming the Gongsun family, Li Lingtian said lightly, with a light cloud on his face, turning with one hand, a red light pressed down on the two below.

Seeing that the red light was about to bombard the two Gongsun family strongmen, I saw that the Wushen Jiuzhongtian strongman stretched out with one hand, and took out a fairy spirit with the spirit of fairy spirit. Look.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men were shocked. Three hundred billion Ginseng Ginseng was destroyed in this way without exerting its power.

However, when Li Lingtian saw the following situation, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his consciousness moved, turning with one hand, and at the same time, the red light stopped above Wushen Jiuzhongtian's head.


"If you want to get fairy ginseng, dream."

The Wushen Jiuzhong of the Gongsun family saw the red light stopped above his head, knowing that Li Lingtian did not dare to deal with him.

A hey laughter sounded, a proud look on his face.

However, without laughing, the look on his face became ugly.

All the strong men were also startled. They looked at the strong men of the Gongsun family. After seeing the strong men of the Gongsun family, the expression on everyone's face was shocked.

I saw a trace of blood on the eyebrows of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian of the Gongsun family, and blood constantly overflowed.

"call out."

At the same time, the Wushen Tianzhong, who was beside him, was completely stunned by the scene before him, and the whole person was almost crazy.

The reaction to the outside world has also been greatly reduced, without any knowledge of the threat of death.

A slight wind sounded, his body trembles, and a blood trace appeared on his eyebrows.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men were stunned, and their eyes were full of fright. I didn't know what exactly the two Wushen strong men had secretly calculated.

Just when all the strong men were horrified, Li Lingtian reached out and an extremely delicate flying knife fell in his hand.

This exquisite flying knife is not nothing but time and space.

This is the time and space that Shenfeng Wusheng gave him, no trace, no trace, no trace, no time, no space.



Two muffled sounds appeared, and the two Wushen powerful men of Gongsun's family fell to the ground.

Millions of years of Ginseng also fell on the ground, the two had no breath, no vitality.

The fall of the two made countless powerful people even more terrified and frightened.

It turned out that when Li Lingtian was performing the three-point return to the Yuan, he saw that Wushen Jiuzhongtian took out the immortal ginseng, and then stopped the three-point return to the Yuan. At the moment of the stop, time and space disappeared in the air.

In such a situation, the Wushen Powerhouse cannot find anything at all.


In the air, Li Lingtian grabbed with one hand, seized the immortal spirit, and then put it into the dragon dragon ring. The two storage bags were also collected, and he looked at the other martial arts strongmen.

A threat came to my heart again, and I dared not stay here long.

"This seat has no complaints with you, let's go."

Li Lingtian's body flashed, pulling Nangong Mingyue and flying towards the distance. In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared into the dark night sky.

After the two disappeared, all the strongmen reacted.

Without a little hesitation, the figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye, it was empty.

If they don’t leave at this time, if the evildoer repents, they will stay here.

What I saw and heard this night left all the strong men with a shadow in their hearts forever. Li Lingtian became their permanent martial crest and could never cross the shadow of Li Lingtian.

Only a long time after everyone left, only the strong in the city of the curtain sky came out to see what happened.

But seeing the breath of destruction in the air was terrifying.

At the scene, the corpse left by the strong has been found, but there are countless breaths of super powers, but these strong have disappeared and completely disappeared between this world.

Seeing all this, the city of the curtain sky is boiling.

Because there are so many strong men here, it is suspected to intercept all the strong men coming out of the auction house to the city of the sky.

However, all this has nothing to do with Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue exhibited the bodies of Shenfeng and Shenhuang. In this way, together with the sky and sky, the two quickly flew away into the distance.

But after leaving Wantian City for thousands of miles, Li Lingtian's speed slowed down because he wanted to find the Black Dragon King.

Say yes to wait for them thousands of miles away from the city of the curtain sky.

With the strong man's consciousness, it can be easily found.

However, the look on Li Lingtian's face gradually changed. When he came here, the consciousness extended to within 20,000 miles, and no breath of the Black Dragon King was found.

Moreover, he felt the threat of death here, this threat made him feel palpitations.



"Go on, Lord."

At this time, there was a scream in the air, and the scream was followed by a roar.

It is not difficult to hear how painful it is from the sound. When this sound sounded, Li Lingtian's heart sank suddenly, and his eyes looked at the distant sky.

I saw the Black Dragon King floating in the sky strangely, I don't know when it appeared.

He just glanced at his consciousness just now, but he didn't find anything at all, but now he appeared strangely, and there were two white lights and shadows on the Black Dragon King, which were imprisoned in the air.

Seeing all this, Li Lingtian's heart was about to shatter.

Because these two white lights and shadows are the dragon ribs of the Black Dragon King, and in another part of the dragon ribs, a white strong man is wrapped around.

The strong man in white is entangled by dragon tendons, but the dragon's ridge keeps collapsing, and it won't last long.

He now finally understands that the Black Dragon King has been imprisoned and caught.

But in order to let Li Lingtian discover the danger here, he did not hesitate to bear the pain of destruction and broke free of reminding Li Lingtian. At the same time, he exhibited the most terrifying dragon tendon and used the dragon tendon to entangle this terrible strongman, so that Li Lingtian could escape.

"Duanmu family, false **** realm."

Li Lingtian looked at the strong man in white in the air, his face showed a frightened look, no wonder he could not find the Black Dragon King, it turned out that he was caught by the strong man of false **** realm.

Being caught by a strong man of false **** realm, there is no chance of resistance at all.

The Black Dragon King naturally understands that Li Lingtian is not an opponent of the pseudo-ideal realm. He has to abandon himself to save Li Lingtian, hoping that he will be able to entangle this pseudo-realm for a little time, so that Li Lingtian has more hope to escape.

"Li Lingtian, did not expect you to have such a subordinate."

"Today I want to escape from the deity, delusion."

The strong man in white said coldly, his voice was extremely cold, and the entire space seemed to be frozen.

Li Lingtian also felt the terrible coercion coming, the coercion of the pseudo-ideal powerful.

This false **** realm is much stronger than Murong Yutian, and there is no level between them.

Murong Yutian is a strong man who has just broken through to the false **** realm, and although the white man in front of him cannot see how powerful he is, he is much stronger than Murong Yutian no matter from which aspect.


After the strong man in white finished speaking, a light and shadow appeared on the brows of both hands, and the light and shadow turned into a figure.

It is another strong man in white. It is exactly the same as the strong man who the black dragon king wrapped with dragon tendons. There is no slight difference~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After this figure appeared, there was a knife light shadow in his hand, and the knife light shadowed the black dragon king. In the past, the ruined blade of the sword cut through the void and fell on the Black Dragon King at a speed that ignored the distance in space.

The Black Dragon King screamed, but he didn't mean to break away, but he entangled the dragon ribs even more strongly with the white man.

Seeing all this, Nangong Mingyue's eyes burst into tears of meaning, and Li Lingtian was also trembling in his heart. He killed countless people in his life, but had countless heartfelt support.

Black Dragon King now, too.

The avatar of the strong man in white appeared to kill the Black Dragon King, and then the deity was killed to kill Li Lingtian.

But the Black Dragon King never took back the dragon tendons.

This situation is beyond the imagination of the white strong man, and also shocked Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue.



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