War God Supreme

Chapter 1218: Extremely strong

"In that different space, we can't go in."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you have to be careful after entering.

Tang Zimeng's slim and slender jade held Li Lingtian's arm and walked outside the hall while talking.

Tang Qingyue also nodded, agreeing with her sister's words, no matter when, you can't trust others too much, this world is extremely sinister, and if it's not good, it will never end.

"Relax, there is nothing dangerous."

"With you guys, I will definitely not give up."

Li Lingtian smiled and suddenly let Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng's slender jade fingers twist the soft meat around their waists, and the smile began to twist slowly.

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, both sisters giggled nonstop.

Later, Li Lingtian and his sisters came to a pavilion to practice.

Life in the canyon is completely better than fairy gods, accompanied by peerless beauty, and you have a strong spirit of fairy spirit. It is a pleasure to practice here.

The next day, Li Lingtian left the Danxia Valley alone, and flew towards Yuntian Square without a hurry.

He didn't even take a little interest in the contest of Wushen.

Anyway, he will not challenge him until the other strong players have finished the test, so he naturally does not have to rush to the square.

Fly all the way while enjoying the scenery inside the top of the sky.

Not to mention, the scenery in the top of the sky is really good, it is a paradise, a beautiful fairyland.

Like the killings mentioned outside, there is not much to see here at all.

Even if it is a war, there is no such **** as the legend.

After coming to the top of the sky for a few years, I finally realized that the legends in this world are simply not credible. If you believe in the legends, you will find yourself dead.

When he came to the square, the competition had reached the final moment.

Several of the most powerful players are also fighting against each other to fight for Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian came quietly to the square, hiding in the air.

Looking at the battle between Zhantian and Xiaotian, although the two's cultivation methods have improved, they can't see much change. If they want to enter a higher level, there is no chance to oppose the sky and a powerful panacea. Just dreaming.



Both of them are the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle consummation, cultivated without any disparity, the competition is luck and experience, and the control of supernatural powers.

Such a strong man playing against each other is completely defeated.

Unless it is the killer's skill that the other party cultivates and unexpectedly wins, otherwise, it is not so simple to decide the outcome.


Sure enough, a force of destruction appeared in the air, and Xiao Tian's return power swallowed the attack of the battle day, and at the same time, the attack of the destruction bombarded the battle day.

Like a broken kite, Zhantian was thrown out under the ring.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile, and Guiyuan's strength was indeed strong. However, this time it was Xiao Tian and him again. The last time Xiao Tian was defeated by Li Lingtian, he did not expect to be him again this time.


bsp; "I didn't expect to be you again."

Li Lingtian's body appeared strangely on the ring. No one saw his trail, just like he had been on the ring.

After showing up, Li Lingtian smiled faintly and said to Xiao Tian.

The appearance of Li Lingtian made the countless powerhouses stunned. At the same time, the powerhouses of the whole square boiled.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian."


Shocked cheers sounded, and the square was boiling.

Seeing the appearance of Li Lingtian excites the powerhouses in the square. Li Lingtian is not only the top powerhouse at the top of the sky, but also the super powerhouse in the war against pseudo-realm.

Li Lingtian now appears, naturally making countless powerful people excited, all with a look of worship.

Zhan Tian, ​​Xiao Tian, ​​Yun Feng, and Dong Xueming, all with curious faces on their faces, do not know to what extent Li Lingtian's current strength has reached.

However, none of them optimistic about Xiao Tian, ​​after all, Li Lingtian defeated Xiao Tian last time.

Now Li Lingtian's strength is even stronger, because Li Lingtian has realized the peerless supernatural powers in the different space. The peerless supernatural powers in the different space all know that they are powerful.

Li Lingtian got this supernatural power, and it was naturally even more powerful.

It is completely impossible to defeat Li Lingtian. Now the only thing I want to know is how Xiao Tian can support Li Lingtian.

What's more, Li Lingtian was in the city of the sky and the sky, and the strong people in the top of the sky knew all about it. When he shot out, he killed hundreds of martial arts strongmen, among which there were more than thirty martial arts.

All the Wushen strong men sent by Duan Mujia were killed, and finally they fought against the Duan Mujia's ancestral ancestors.

How can they not be shocked by such a shocking thing.

The last time Li Lingtian challenged Murong Yutian and slapped Murong Yutian in the false **** realm. At that time, Murong Yutian had just reached the false **** realm.

However, Duanmu's false **** realm is not comparable to Murong Yutian's. Li Lingtian can destroy the false **** realm after hundreds of martial arts strongmen have besieged. With such strength, where can the martial arts strongman defeat him.

"Lord Tian's cultivation practice has reached the ultimate consummation of Wushen Yazhong Peak. It is much stronger than the last time, and its strength is unfathomable. I don't know what means to defeat Xiao Tian."

"Xiao Tian wants to challenge Lord Ling Tian, ​​there is no hope at all, but I don't know if he can support a few moves in front of His Excellency Ling Tian."

"Lord Tian Tian became the first strongest person on the top of Yuntian, which is more terrifying than Murong Yutian. At least Murong Yutian has hope to be defeated, but in the face of Lord Ling Tian, ​​there is no chance and hope."

"Wu Shen powerful who can kill the false **** realm, Shen Wu Continent is the first one."

"This time, it is necessary to have a good look at the magical power of His Excellency Ling Tian."


In the four steps, all the super heroes who participated in the competition were discussed. For them, it is impossible to defeat Li Lingtian. The only thing is to see Li Lingtian's true strength.

It’s just that there is no moon and no trace

People laugh without words, they are the clearest. If you want to defeat Li Lingtian, this idea should not appear.

"The seat announced that the next strongest player will withdraw from the seat."

"This seat can't hold you down all the time, Xiao Tian, ​​you just need to catch this trick."

Li Lingtian spoke lightly, the expression on her face was light and windy, and she didn't care about it at all. When she spoke, she calmly calmed down, just like saying something ordinary can't be ordinary.

Indeed, his opponent is not a general martial arts strongman, but a terrifying false **** realm, or those who are known as the top ten sons, or those hermit strongmen and perverted monsters.

The tone is plain, but this tone has an irreversible majesty.

Domineering and strong, this is Li Lingtian's character.

Li Lingtian said that withdrawing, the countless martial artists on the square are very surprised, but some super powers know that Li Lingtian no longer has opponents. No one in Wushen can be his opponent, and he can no longer make him want to start. Looked.

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​please enlighten me."

Xiao Tian also knew that Li Lingtian was powerful and unmatched, and felt a bitter smile in his heart. He didn't expect Li Lingtian's strength to reach this step. Although he didn't see the real strength, it was not difficult to see from the spirit and tone.

At this time, I can only do my best, so that it may not be defeated.

After that, the defense of the whole body was exerted.




The real element of destruction is running, and the terrifying defense is being played one by one.

Throughout the square, the breath of destruction rose into the sky, and the square was filled with the breath of terror. Endless pressures threw out countless warriors in the square.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian has the power of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, even if it is not comparable to Li Lingtian, but he cannot ignore his true power.

Thirty-seven defenses were launched, and the terrifying defense power shocked all the powerful.

Because most of these defenses haven't been seen by them, they didn't expect that Xiao Tian now exerts so many terrible defenses to resist Li Lingtian's attack.

"Emperor's mans, destroy!"

After the defense was deployed, the true element of Xiao Tian's body surged to the extreme, and his hands waved to display a terrorist attack.

Suddenly the roaring roar in the sky suddenly saw a light group appeared in Xiao Tian's hands, and dozens of destructions of the golden awn broke out in the light group, and the earth shivered in front of the golden awn.

This attack alone can make Wushen Jiuzhongtian have no resistance.

The most powerful defense is to defend instead of attack. Xiao Tian uses the most powerful attack to collide with Li Lingtian's attack. The remaining thirty-seven defenses are the ultimate life-saving skills.

"This is a new practice for this seat, I hope you can catch it."

Li Lingtian watched Xiao Tian's defense come into play. These defenses were indeed terrifying.

Among the gods of war, those who want to break this defense cannot think of a few people at all.

Even he was shocked.

However, the defense that other Wushen strong men cannot break, but it does not mean that he cannot do it.

If you can’t even break this defense, then don’t mix it up, then wait for the pseudo-realm to destroy him

Let’s talk about erasing Gongsun’s family and Duanmu’s family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Xiao Tian exhibiting the emperor's mans, Li Lingtian didn't dare to be too big at this time.

Stretching with one hand, made a magic gesture, the whole person's movements are very chic.

The movements are clean and clean.

Just as he stretched out his hand, a beam of light appeared in Ling Tian's hands, and suddenly the air of destruction sprang up in the air, and all the strong men felt trembling in front of this breath of destruction.

"Death is coming."

Li Lingtian said lightly, looking at Xiao Tian on the opposite side, the light group in his hand became stronger and stronger, and the spirit of death was terrifying.

It turned out that the gas of death in Li Lingtian's hands was terrifying. After he was refined, he formed a terrible killer. Although he didn't know how powerful it was, he understood that he wanted to catch the attack of the gas of death. The God of Warrior is dreaming.



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