War God Supreme

Chapter 1221: Holy Temple Heritage

Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the Second Palace.

Suddenly Li Lingtian was blinded, all of which exceeded his imagination.

In my heart: Is the third palace all consciousness space?

This question was constantly rotating in his heart, just to be unclear. He had just said it well, but he suddenly got himself to the second palace, which made him not surprised.


Just when Li Lingtian was puzzled, suddenly he was shocked.

Because a delicate scepter appeared in Dantian, the scepter was only extremely small, and if ignored, it would be ignored.

Isn't this scepter the one just in his own hand, how did he get into his own Dantian automatically.

This situation shocked Li Lingtian to the extreme and was also horrified.

When the consciousness moved, the true element operated, and the scepter did not move at all.

However, at this time, there was a ray of conscious residual in the sea of ​​knowledge. This lingering residual Li Lingtian was very clear. It was the voice that just left.

Not daring to hesitate, he sat down on his knees, closed his eyes slightly, and quickly checked his body. It would be bad if there were any hidden dangers.

In the knowledge of the sea, Li Lingtian's consciousness worked, and that remnant was induced.

He was relieved that the remnant had no resistance and did not mean to seize it.

However, the strength of this remnant made him beyond imagination. It seemed to be only a small piece, but it was extremely pure and extremely large.

Immediately, Li Lingtian tried to refine the Candidacy, but fortunately there was no resistance.

For half an hour, Li Lingtian refined the remnants and opened his eyes.

"The Lord of Death, Lord of Life."

"Perverted, perverted."

After Li Lingtian opened his eyes, the expression on his face kept changing.

Then he said to himself, shocked.

He was enough against the sky, did not expect this guy to be more against the sky, and fully understand the way of life and death, with two kinds of alien attributes of death and life.

And the way of death and the way of life have reached a terrifying level, but finally stopped in front of Heavenly Dao, let him stop at the edge of the way of life and death.

After all, it is impossible to understand the way of birth and death.

However, he left a precious experience, this precious experience is priceless.

In the aftermath, there is some information about this master. Although incomplete, Li Lingtian knew a lot.

Because there is Li Lingtian in the master of this voice, the space of consciousness consumes a lot, and there is not much left. If the voice lets him leave, this remnant cannot be left.

It turned out that this last thought was the master of the voice just now, and the scepter in his Dantian was the scepter of the Holy Heaven, the sacred object of the Holy Heaven Temple.

It’s just that Li Lingtian’s cultivation can’t move him, which is also the intention of the voice master, worrying that outsiders will see the Holy Scepter and cause contention, and Li Lingtian’s cultivation, having the Holy Scepter is just an innocence. Blame it.

Unless one day reaches a high point, it is possible to use the Holy Scepter.

"The death orb of death gas."

"The pearl of life by the power of life."

"Although I am an undead body, when I meet a powerful opponent, I will be wiped away and my soul will be destroyed. Even if I am an undead body, I will be wiped away."

"Even if it is an undead body, it is impossible to comprehend the way of life and death. The pearl of death is on me. But what is this pearl of life? I don’t know where it is. However, this ray of life force is enough for me. Used in Shenwu Continent."

"Hey, let's go out first and settle the matter in front of us. Let's talk about it, let's put aside the matter of the Holy Temple. The thing of the Holy Temple is not something I can touch now."

Li Lingtian sighed, and didn't think that the matter of the Shenmu Continent's Tianmu domain had not yet been resolved, and it caused trouble for the Heaven Realm. It was really speechless.

However, now I don’t know how many miles away from heaven, I don’t know if there is a chance, other things will be ignored, and now it is important to solve the things before me.

After talking, the figure flashed and the whole person disappeared.

When it reappeared, it has already returned to the outermost of the different space. Now, entering and exiting the different space is just as much as you want, and there is no need for a law.

Li Lingtian came out, and Wu Wuyue and Wu Wuhen stood up quickly, and then came to Li Lingtian.

His eyes looked at Li Lingtian, wanting to know the final result.

However, when he saw the changes in Li Lingtian's body, the look on his face changed.

"Meet the young master without a moon."

"Visit Young Master without a trace."

"Congratulations on the Master’s inheritance of the Holy Temple."

Immediately, the two bowed respectfully, their faces showing excitement.

More is liberation, because after tens of thousands of years, I finally found someone who can get the inheritance of the Holy Temple.

The two saw a familiar breath on Li Lingtian. This breath is naturally the power of life, and this breath can only be seen by the two of them.

"Get up."

Li Lingtian said lightly.

"Young Master, what are your plans for the top of the sky?"

Wu Wuyue saw Li Lingtian asked nothing, and asked respectfully.

"Temporarily let them go to the Second Palace to enlighten Yuan Guizong."

"Some stay outside. There is something to be dealt with in this seat. You must deal with the matter here. Then the second palace will be opened by this seat, and one by one will go in to enlighten the ten thousand yuan."

"How to deal with it, you two can figure it out."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, his figure flashed and the whole person disappeared.

The two left blank and stared on the spot, but they quickly reacted. They were not dissatisfied with Li Lingtian’s actions and attitudes. Instead, they were more respectful, and the master should have the appearance and character of the master.

Now Li Lingtian has been inherited by the Holy Heaven Temple. As long as Li Lingtian's cultivation reaches the extreme to enter the Heaven Realm, they can also return to the Heaven Realm together.

Li Lingtian left the strange space and flew towards Danxia Valley.

Soon, Li Lingtian returned to Danxia Valley.

Entering Danxia Valley, Li Lingtian suddenly smiled on her face, and felt warm in her heart.

Because there are your own loved ones and your loved ones here, no matter when, what hardships you encounter, and what dangers you encounter, as long as you think of your loved ones, you will feel a sense of peace and happiness.

The greatest happiness is to look at your beloved heart cheerfully.

"The uncle is back."

"Brother Ling Tian."

"Ling Tian is back."

When Li Lingtian returned to the canyon, the voices of Xuanyuan Qingqing and others sounded, one by one very happy.

I saw Xuanyuan Qingqing and Tang Qingyue sisters, as well as Ming Yaner and they all stood up to say hello to Li Lingtian.

Tang Zimeng then carried Li Lingtian, with a happy look on his face, and a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

Li Lingtian naturally knew what she was curious about.

It's nothing more than wanting to know what you encountered after entering the different space, what you got, and what you still know.

"I have already inherited the Holy Temple."

"It's just that this thing is too far away, too ridiculous."

After Li Lingtian sat down, Tang Zimeng leaned in his arms, and then said.

The result of entering this different space this time.

"Holy Temple?"

"Too far away, too ridiculous, Brother Ling Tian, ​​please be more careful."

Tang Zimeng was anxious. Li Lingtian said a little bit, which aroused her curiosity. Although Tang Qingyue was also curious, she was not like Tang Zimeng.

She knew that her sister would ask Li Lingtian, so she was too lazy to ask.

"The Holy Heaven Temple is one of the ten supreme forces in the heavenly realm, commanding hundreds of millions of regions and controlling billions of powers."

"Is this not far away and not outrageous?"

There was a bit of a bitter smile on Li Lingtian's face. Before he went to Heaven Realm, he had already caused a few troubles. Seeing no bright future, it was simply unlucky.

Now it provokes the Holy Temple again, what is this?


"It's really far away, it's ridiculous."

Both Tang Zimeng and Tang Qingyue were shocked. They never imagined that Li Lingtian was involved in the forces of these heavens.

However, with Li Lingtian's strength and talent, there is absolutely hope that he will reach that level in the future, otherwise the people in the Holy Temple will not believe Li Lingtian.

"During this time I will practice a few things and deal with some things well. I will go out once."

"The matter of Gongsun's family and Duanmu's family was resolved."

Li Lingtian said seriously, now that the secret in the top of the sky has been obtained, he must find a way to improve his strength.

Without strong strength, Shenwu Continent will not have your foothold.

Wushen Yazhongtian Peak has been consummated for a long time, but it can't break through, which makes Li Lingtian unable to sit still.

Don't look at Wushen Yaetian Peak Dzogchen is only one step away from Wushen Jiuzhongtian, but the distance between the two is completely the gap between heaven and earth.

Now, we have to find a way to make cultivation a breakthrough and promote the entity.

In that case, there is a chance to confront the Gongsun family and the Duanmu family.


"My sister and I also have to work hard to help Ling Tian brother smooth the Shenwu Continent."

"Otherwise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's not good to be the burden of Ling Tian's brother."

Tang Zimeng said with a smile, she also understood that Li Lingtian's strength, they do not need their help, unless one day when their cultivation level is the same as Li Lingtian, then that is the strength to help Li Lingtian.

Moreover, if you want to be together forever, at least Shouyuan is enough.

The state of Wushen Realm has at least two thousand years of Shou Yuan, and Emperor Wu Shengwu, Shou Yuan is not a little different from Wushen Realm.

"You will always be my favorite."

"With me, no one in this world dares to bully you a little bit."

Li Lingtian smiled, reached out and gently stroked Tang Zimeng's hair, and the other hand gently wrapped Tang Qingyue in his arms.

For them, he can do anything.



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