War God Supreme

Chapter 1227: The early stage of pseudo-realm...


"Taking advantage of my tongue, provoking my Duanmu family, and killing my strong Duanmu family, will surely set you down today."

The look on Duan Muzhen's face and others changed, and they still couldn't believe that a martial arts master would be so powerful.

Countless strong men of Duanmu's family chased and killed Li Lingtian, but in the end they all went back and forth. All were killed by Li Lingtian. In order to kill Li Lingtian, they got treasure.

Last time, hundreds of martial arts strongmen were used, as well as thirty-six martial arts warriors fighting against Li Lingtian.

In the end, there was also a Taishang elder who participated, but what people did not expect was that the hundreds of martial arts strongmen of the Duanmu family were all destroyed, and even the Taishang elder had no news.

Although Li Lingtian also disappeared along with the silence, the fact that the Duanmu family's hundreds of martial arts strongmen were killed in a short while spread throughout the entire Tianmu territory, which caused the Duanmu family to be humiliated.

Three years later, the elder Taishang still did not return, but this Li Lingtian came out in Qingping City.

It also destroyed Qingping City and killed Duanmuxiong, which is simply unforgivable.

However, no matter how they think about it, they don’t know how powerful a Martial God Strong is. The Martial God Realm, in any case, limits the realm of cultivation, and can be safe in the face of so many Martial Gods.

In the face of the false **** realm, it will kill the false **** realm.

These things are beyond their imagination.

Looking at Li Lingtian, Duan Muzhen and other people's eyes kept looking at Li Lingtian.

Several other middle-aged people also have the existence of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, and there are also three Wushen Yizhongtian girls. Such a combination, for their pseudo-god realm, can be destroyed by a single coercion.

It's just that this Li Lingtian is a bit difficult to deal with, and is worried about what terrible things Li Lingtian's dog jumps into the wall.

Turning to think about it, any one of the five strong powerhouses in the early stage of pseudo-realm, any one of them is a super powerhouse that shakes the Tianmu domain.

Between the speeches, the five pseudo-ideal powerhouses formed a siege, surrounding Li Lingtian and others in the center.

"The greed of the Duanmu family will make you perish."

"Your Duanmu family, it's impossible that I killed Xuanzhou because I wiped out Xuanzhou."

"Due to the power of your Duanmu family, if it was not for the treasures on this seat, you would not dare to take the risk of fighting against the Danshi Guild to kill this seat."

"It's your own death, this seat just completes you."

Li Lingtian smiled and faced the five pseudo-god powerhouses with no fear on his face, and more of a faint smile.

The whole person calmly calmed down, and this performance shocked the five pseudo-ideal powerhouses of the Duanmu family.

The Divine Martial Master of the First Continent of the Divine Martial Continent is indeed not simple. This spirit and calmness are not comparable to those geniuses.

"Anyway, you are also a dying person. It's okay to tell you."

"You do have the treasures that our Duanmu family needs. If you kill you, you can get the treasures on you."

"The people who want to kill you are countless in the whole Shenwu Continent."

Duanmuzhen's eyes were fixed on Li Lingtian, and he was puzzled in his heart. What could this young man of Wushen Realm be able to calm him down so much?

At this time, it is impossible for the other party to delay the time.

Moreover, even delaying time is not good for Li Lingtian, because the Duanmu family's strong will come soon.

This place is the chassis of the Duanmu family. Even if it is the other two super families and two super forces, they dare not easily send people here. Even if they arrive, they are all strong in Wushen Realm.

The top powerhouses in the false **** realm are afraid to walk out of their territory easily, so as not to be killed by other forces.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the look on Duan Muzhen's face changed. This young man was so scary that nothing could hide his eyes.

It is true that the Duanmu family will not deal with Li Lingtian aggressively for the sake of an empire. There must be other reasons. Although Li Lingtian is not clear, he can know that the other party is at least looking at his treasure.

"The dying man?"

"Today five of you will leave this seat."

"The Duanmu family is destined to be destroyed, this Shenwu Continent should also be shuffled."

Li Lingtian said lightly, his tone was very relaxed, just like saying a very ordinary thing.

"I'm scared stupid."

"Even if you have a powerful treasure and want to escape in front of several of us, it is a dream."

"Is it just a few of them?"

Duan Mutie's face was stunned, and he laughed loudly.

It's like hearing the best jokes, a Wushen strongman has reached this point and has to say such ignorant words.

"Aren't we enough?"

However, just after Duan Mutie finished talking, Yun Tianhao stood up and flicked to the front, and came to Li Lingtian with a faint smile on his face.

Fisting Li Lingtian, he looks very respectful.


There was a muffled noise in the air, and the pressure of destruction exploded.

The momentum of Yun Tianhao's body skyrocketed, and the power of false **** realm twisted the air, and the air twisted and roared continuously.

"False **** realm."

"False **** realm!"

"The pinnacle of the early stage of pseudo-realm!"

"Hidden deep enough."

"It turned out to be the pinnacle of the early stage of false **** realm."

The five pseudo-ideal powerhouses of the Duanmu family felt the coercion of Yun Tianhao, the look on their face changed drastically, and their eyes were filled with shock. They never expected that there would be a pseudo-powerhouse around Li Lingtian.

And it is the existence of the pinnacle of the early stage of the pseudo-realm.

What is the concept of the pinnacle of the early stage of pseudo-realm, they are the most clear.

In the Shenwu Continent, if the God of War wants to reach the false **** realm, he must enter the Wushen Realm Jiuzhongtian Pinnacle Great Consummation. The Jiuzhongtian Pinnacle Great Consummation requires the opportunistic and immortality medicine to have a chance to impact the pseudo-divine realm.

At this opportunity, the peak of 10,000 Wushen Jiuzhongtian consummates, and there may be a false **** realm.

But after reaching the false **** realm, it is difficult for Xiuwei to improve.

In general, the cultivation of the false **** realm is more difficult than the breakthrough of the martial **** to the false god.

Reaching the peak of the false **** realm, even if you keep practicing, it will take hundreds of years and thousands of years, often staying in the early stage of the false **** realm.

If you reach the peak of pseudo-realm, you will have a chance to hit the mid-term of pseudo-realm.

In the middle of the pseudo-real world, compared with the early stage of the pseudo-real world, it is the Wushen strong and Wuzong strong.

Seeing Yun Tianhao's cultivation behavior, the look on Duanmuzhen's face and others changed. No wonder Li Lingtian was so horrible that the people sent by Duanmu's family were killed. what.

"The young master said that he would erase your Duanmu's house, and your Duanmu's house would have to disappear."

"Which one of you is able to escape from your own hands is a good thing."

With a smile on his face, Yun Tianhao looked at the horrified look of the five Duanmujia strong men, and his heart burst into excitement.

The initial peak of the false **** realm really scared other false **** realms.

However, he understood very well that all this was given to him by Li Lingtian. At the beginning of the pseudo-real world, he was just an ordinary pseudo-real world, but Li Lingtian gave him a unique variation of the Divine God Pill. Xiuwei rose to the top.

The voice fell, and the terrifying false **** realm surged to its peak. His figure flashed with one hand, and a piece of Zhongpin ancient artifact appeared in his hand. The horror pressure of Zhongpin ancient artifact made the space torn apart.

Suddenly the tremors between heaven and earth seemed like they could not bear the coercion to destroy.

"Brother Feng, Tian brother, the three of us joined forces to contain him."

"The three of you will kill Li Lingtian quickly, lest you have a long night."

Duan Mutie said softly, staring at Yun Tianhao.

As a strong man of false **** realm, he always felt something was wrong, a hint of threat kept rising in his heart, but he just didn't know what was wrong.

"Okay, that's it."

Duanmutian nodded and glanced at the other brothers, his body flickered, and the three of them flew towards Yuntianhao. The three of them showed a tendency to join forces and wanted to join hands to restrain Yuntianhao.

"Want to join forces?"

"There is no such good thing in this world."

"When Lao Tzu is air?"

Yun Tianfeng's figure also flickered and flew towards Duan Mutie. At the same time, the true element of the whole body skyrocketed and the power exploded.

In the early stage of the false **** realm, although the initial stage of the false **** realm did not reach its peak, the identity of the false **** realm was enough.

At the same time, Yun Tianbai on the side also flew out, and the powerful pseudo-sacred realm skyrocketed to fetch it, suddenly the air continued to tremble and the air twisted.

This situation completely made Duanmuzhen and others froze.

A Li Lingtian is already very difficult to deal with, and then a strong man at the peak of the early stage of pseudo-realm came out.

But it is not over yet, and now there are two false **** realms.

The three false **** realms have pinned Duanmu Iron, Duanmutian and Duanmufeng.

The strong man in Duanmu's face has changed greatly. Even in the present situation, even with three false gods and Li Lingtian, they may not be able to kill Li Lingtian easily.

Moreover, there are three middle-aged men of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, and the three middle-aged men are exactly the same as Yun Tianhao.

Yun Tianhao's three people were also Wushen Jiuzhong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it has become a false **** realm. It must be disguised. Since this is the case, most of the other three Wushen strong men are also false **** realms.

All the five Duanmujia's pseudo-shenzhen strongmen also understand that Li Lingtian's destruction of Qingping City is false. What they want is to attract more Duanmujia strongmen, so as to break each one.

However, it is too late to understand now.

"The three of you are also false gods."

The look on Duanmuzhen's face was extremely ugly. Now the situation has been reversed. Previously, he thought that Li Lingtian could be killed by waving his hand. However, it seems that his five pseudo-realms in Duanmu's family want to go back safely.

During his speech, he looked at Yun Tianling and Yun Tianxing on the side of Nangong Mingyue's three daughters, and Yun Tianyue on the other side.

He is now expecting that these three middle-aged Wushen Jiuzhongtians have no hidden cultivation practices, otherwise it will be really troublesome.



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