War God Supreme

Chapter 1231: Heavenly Chariot

On the other side of the horizon, a shocking explosion occurred.

The horrible sound of the thunderous earth shook the earth, and the earth shook with it, but the distance was too far away. Only Qingshen City could hear it in Qingping City.

Hearing the muffled noise of destruction, the expression on the faces of Duanmuxiu and Duanmuqingfeng changed dramatically.

The figure flashed and disappeared hundreds of miles away.

Suddenly, the other strong members of the Duanmu family also understood what was happening, and they all flew to the other side of the sky quickly.

"There is always a helper."

"What do you think of my Duanmu family?"

Duan Muxiu flew quickly, the look on his face was extremely ugly.

Li Lingtian was making trouble in Qingping City, making Qingping City panic-stricken, killing the pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, and destroying Qingping City, and now there are companions in Yunming City making trouble, which is abhorrent.

Naturally, they would not think of Li Lingtian.

Because after Li Lingtian escaped, the five pseudo-elder elders of the Duanmu family and countless Wushen Jiuzhong have already caught up, and they must have caught it now.




The shocking explosion continued, and the entire Yunming City was in a state of destruction.

The power of destruction rose into the sky, and it was terrifying from afar.

Countless Duanmujia strongmen are rushing towards Yunming City. For thousands of years, Duanmujia has not suffered such insults. Now he is insulted by a Wushen Realm, and he has hated Li Lingtian in his heart. .






The shock of the sky and the screams of terror plunged the entire Yunming City into a world of hell.

Under the scream, it means that countless powerful people disappeared instantly.

The screams rang out all over the world and made the Duanmu family's strong men feel heartache. These are the disciple of the Duanmu family, the future of the Duanmu family, but now they are ruined by ruthless crush.

"This seat turns your Yunming City into a **** on earth."

"Turn your Duanmujia Tianya Haijiao into a vicissitudes of the sea, and silence from Shenwu Continent.

"The gas of death, death comes."

A light drink sounded, like Long Yin Jiuxiao resounding through the world.

When the sound appeared, a sky of ruinous death gas erupted throughout the sky. This Yunming City was completely engulfed in death. Here it was first in the eighteenth layer of hell.

The sky is now completely invisible, and the darkness is flashing from time to time.




The terrifying air of death distorted the space, the strong wind raged, and the sound of horror in the air continued.

Coupled with the sound of screams and the sorrow of death, this place is more terrifying than hell.

"It's terrible death gas."

"Is it the powerhouse in the death domain?"

The air of death between Duanmu Qingfeng and Duanmuxiu was stopped, and the look on his face was terrified.

In the face of the spirit of destruction, even the strong power of false gods is extremely fearful.



A painful scream rang, followed by a loud bang.

The sound fell, there was no more movement, and a top-notch strong man disappeared.

Hearing this scream, Duanmu Xiu and Duanmu Qingfeng were horrified. Their eyes were blood red, and the whole person was almost going to run away because they knew who the master of the voice was.

Another Duanmu family's false **** realm was killed.



At this moment, a breath of breath of death erupted in Yunming City, which exploded at this time.

Everything within a thousand miles disappeared into nothingness.



After the blast of destruction, the other voices between heaven and earth gradually quieted down.

Several figures entered a chariot. The chariot crossed the space and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye. The speed was extremely fast, exceeding the speed of the strong man's sight.

Yunming City, one of the Sixteen Guards City, is generally as important as Qingping City.

At the beginning, Qingping City was destroyed, but Li Lingtian had not captured it. Now even Yunming City has been destroyed.

It's simply not looking at Duanmu's family, Chiguo Guo's provocation.

"Li Lingtian, my Duanmu family is at odds with you."

Duan Muxiu looked at Yunming City, and his anger rose into the sky.

The present Yunming City is even more bleak than Qingping City. Yunming City, which is about a million miles away, is bombarded by endless destruction attacks, and the city is completely scrapped.

The attack of destruction has exceeded the existence of Wushen Realm.

Such a terrible attack was actually used on a city. It was a prelude to the destruction of the horizon.


At this moment, a sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Hearing the sound of breaking the sky, the look on Duan Muxiu's face changed, but it was too late to stop it.

"Fresh breeze, come back."

Duanmu Xiu found that the Duanmu Qingfeng around him had already caught up, and immediately shouted loudly, but now that the prevention was over, Duanmu Qingfeng had already flew hundreds of miles away, and turned into a meteor, constantly flashing, every time The flashes all span hundreds of miles.

The horrible body technique of pseudo-realm, and the understanding of space make it not difficult for a strong pseudo-realm to fly thousands of miles, and it is normal to cross hundreds of miles each time.

"You catch up with me, and any danger will be reported immediately."

"Don't let the breeze be fooled."

Duanmuxiu shouted loudly towards some of the strongest Wushen Realms, and then let the elders of the two pseudo-Shenjings follow.

If he was not the owner of the Duanmu family, he went to himself.

He is the owner of the house and cannot easily leave the world. This is the rule of the Duanmu family.



In the air, the passage of destruction is constantly drawn, and the speed of the strong pseudo-mirror is extremely fast.

Li Lingtian and others felt a faint smile on the face of the strong man chased after Wanli.

Three strong powers of false gods, hundreds of martial gods.

How much death comes, how much is good.

"Heavenly chariot, accelerate."

Li Lingtian's gesture changed, and a decisive action was displayed.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot turned into a meteor. Wherever it passed, the space was also rubbed by a very fast speed, and the air was burning.

The airflow left after the Heavenly Emperor's chariot passed, even if the Wushen Powerhouse accidentally dissipated, this is the power of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

The Emperor's chariot was found in the ruins of the ancient battlefield below the Emperor Shijia's house.

It is also one of the treasures of the Celestial Venerable, Li Lingtian has been refined for a long time, but this is the first time to use it.

The Heavenly Emperor's Chariot is a flying machine created during the legendary battle between the Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Race. The Heavenly Emperor's Chariot is miles away and the defense is terrifying.

After countless thousands of years, the original ancient artifact has become a congenital artifact.

This innate artifact has no attack, only a strong defense, but it is extremely fast. It is a flying machine and a space treasure.

When the Emperor's chariot was flying, it was two hundred meters long and one hundred meters wide. The chariot could accommodate hundreds of powerful men.

Behind the chariot, there are more than ten rooms, each of which is fifty square meters in size, with everything in it.

Even after the tanks were turned back into prototypes, these rooms would not be affected at all.

The defense of innate artifacts, even if it is a false **** realm, does not want to break this defense.

With Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, he can now reach the speed of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to a thousand miles. If he reaches the false **** realm or the true god, he will be able to blink a thousand miles.

More importantly, the Tiandi chariot does not need source power, but automatically absorbs the heaven and earth aura to become power.

If there is no aura and devil aura, no death aura and immortal aura, you need a horrible spirit stone to turn it into motivation.


The dull roar sounded in the air, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot was like a ruined meteor, the space was trembling, leaving a flame of 10,000 meters long, and the air was constantly burning.

The horrible roar is like two warriors of the nineth heavenly strong in battle.

However, the warrior who cultivated to a low level could not see the Heavenly Emperor's chariot at all, because the speed was too fast, and there was no chance to see it.

The terrible coercion constantly crushed the strong underneath. Fortunately, Li Lingtian's current cultivation is only Wushen Realm, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot is only the power of ancient artifacts.

Otherwise, this coercion alone will be unlucky for countless powerful people.

Looking at the speed of Heavenly Emperor's chariot, Yun Tianhao and others were shocked. Not only they, but Li Lingtian was also shocked. This was also the first time he saw the power of Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

"Take them out of the realm of the world, and go to the land of the world after the killing. The Gongsun family also has to bear a heavy price."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a killing intention in his eyes.

Now the Duanmu family has been making a big fuss with him. If he stays here again, there will be no chance, and he will even bring himself the danger of destruction.

Moreover, Duanmu's house and Gongsun's house are not far away, and half a month's time is up.

With the speed of the Emperor's chariot, it will take a few days.

Taking advantage of the current affairs of Duanmu's family and himself, the sight of Gongsun's family will be dispersed. In this case, the end of Duanmu's family will be staged again in Gongsun's family.

Anyway, Gongsun family and Duanmu family joined forces. Gongsun family and Duanmu family both provoked themselves. Since they want to start, they will work together with the two families.

"it is good."

"However, this time, there is a ruthless character who should be the core strongman of Duanmujia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yun Tianyue nodded. There is no fear at all in the divine realm. Besides, there are not many false divine realms in this world. Even if they encounter the false divine realm, they are all ordinary existences in the early days, and they are rarely seen at the peak.

"The man gave it to me."

"You put pressure on this seat."

Li Lingtian naturally has long felt the arrival of that powerful character.

Although they are all false **** realms, this false **** realm is more powerful than the former white strong man in the Duanmu family, even if it is not much worse than the giants encountered in the Bihai Wanhua Holy Palace.

My own cultivation is to enhance the strength, naturally meet such a strong man, you have to try.

Besides, there are several guards around me, if there is any danger, several guards will also shoot.



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