War God Supreme

Chapter 1240: Power of the Dragon: Empty...


The old man in gray clothes was shocked to see Li Lingtian transformed into a dragon. The mobile address of the mobile phone of this novel:;-》

In Shenwu Continent, there are many strong players who practice demon clan skills, but they have never seen a dragon clan practice.

The Dragon race is the supreme among the demon races, and it is also a higher race comparable to humans in this world.

The power is terrifying, and the dragon is a powerful spokesperson.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to practice the dragon's exercises, and to such an extent.

"The power of the dragon, a black hole in space."

Watching the old man in grey clothes collide with a horrible light group, the dragon of Li Lingtian's incarnation also showed a horrified look. Even the light group of death gas can't hurt the old man in gray clothes. How terrifying is this power.

Without any hesitation, the terrifying power of the dragon appeared.

Upon exploring the huge dragon claw, a black hole appeared in the space, and the black hole swallowed everything between heaven and earth.

The old man in gray clothes didn't expect Tianlong to explode such a terrifying space supernatural power. He faced the black hole and wanted to dodge it. It was too late, and his body entered the black hole in a blink of an eye.

This black hole was actually in front of the old man in gray clothes when Tianlong Shi exhibited it. At the speed of the old man in gray clothes, he could not react at all.

After the black hole swallowed the old man in gray, it disappeared suddenly, just like it disappeared completely in the space.

After Tian Longshi exhibited the black hole, the huge body also shook.

The first real incarnation of Tianlong, and the use of such a terrifying talent, is indeed a bit overwhelming.

The talent of the Phoenix family of space magic is also the talent of the dragon family.

After Li Lingtian practiced the heaven and the sky, the control of the space reached an extreme. The real dragon body broke through to the seventh floor. After the dragon, the control of the space is even more magical.

Coupled with the horror on the seventh floor of the True Dragon Guard, the display of the talented supernatural space black hole can no longer be normal.

The power of the dragon, the seventh layer of the real dragon body, is not only extremely terrifying, but also powerful.

After Li Lingtian's breakthrough last time, it has not been used. Now it is on display, and even Li Lingtian was shocked.

Although the power of the dragon's power is not worse than that in the middle of the false **** realm, it can be not much different from the initial stage of the ordinary false **** realm. In fact, the seventh layer of the real dragon body is the human false **** realm.

In other words, after Li Lingtian was transformed into a dragon, he was the pseudo-real world of human beings.

Tian Long, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, devoured the old man in gray, so that Yun Tianhao and others were shocked. He did not expect that Li Lingtian had so many means, it was completely endless.


"Boom. 173 Novel Network"

In the void, bursts of explosions appeared, and the space was twisted irregularly.

When they saw this situation, they were all terrified, because they felt the breath of the old man in gray clothes. Although they were swallowed by the black hole, the strength in the middle of the false **** realm was too horrible, and it was impossible to kill.

This is also the reason why Li Lingtian Xiu is too low. Li Lingtian reached the Wushen Realm Ninth Heaven, or reached the false **** realm. Such a black hole in the space, the old man in gray clothes also disappeared.

However, such a big move by Li Lingtian temporarily trapped the old man in gray clothes.

"Little Lord."

Yun Tianhao and others came to Li Lingtian, looked at Li Lingtian, shouted with a look of anticipation on his face.

At this time, there are other plans to continue attacking.

"Go, hurry."

"This seat has no certainty to kill him."

"While he was trapped, we fled first."

Li Lingtian immediately reacted, at this time yà did not run away, still waiting for when.

After yà waited for the grey man to come out, he wanted to trap him again. It was simply impossible. He used all kinds of means to show it. There was no way to deal with this grey man in the middle of the pseudo-real world.

Facing such a terrifying opponent for the first time, afterwards, yà did not improve himself, and did not want to encounter such a terrifying strongman when he was killed.

The strong man in the middle of the pseudo-real world is too scary.



After Li Lingtian finished speaking, his figure flashed and suddenly turned into his deity.

The figure flew away into the distance. After returning to the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot erupted into roar, and finally turned into a meteor flying towards the sky.

The speed of a thousand miles disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Above the original sea, the space was trembling constantly, and it became more and more terrifying.



The space is banging constantly, and the space is torn out of countless cracks.

Among the cracks here, a black hole trembles constantly. The black hole seems to be torn apart. It looks terrible.

The sky is full of clouds, and the dim world is like the end of the world.

At this moment, the black hole finally could not bear the struggle of destruction. The last explosion of destruction was loud, and the entire space was turned into fragments.

The old man in gray appeared in the air, and the strength of destruction and the fragmentation of the space tore his numerous wounds, and the light mass on his body had disappeared without a trace.

Now, there is no such thing as a strong man. It is better to be a beggar than a strong man.

The clothes all over the body are messy, scarred, the breath is extremely weak, and his eyes are full of blood.



"The deity doesn't take you out of your soul, and vows not to be human."

After the old man in gray clothes came out, the consciousness glanced around, but no trace was found. Li Lingtian and others had long been not ào many miles away.

In the mid-terms of the powerful pseudo-shenjing, the three early disciples of their own family were killed under their eyes.

Moreover, the most talented disciple of the Duanmu family was killed, and he was also beaten by several pseudo-sacred realms and a warrior realm.

Not paying a heavy price, I still have to suffer endless injuries, things fail in my own hands, and I watched a few juniors escape from my hands.

For a moment, the whole person was extremely angry.

Immediately, a consciousness moved, and a jade slip appeared in the storage bag.

A series of laws and information were injected into the jade jade. Immediately, a stream of fine blood entered the jade jade, and the jade jade burned at last.

A mysterious breath disappeared in the air.

After doing everything, the grey-haired old man's consciousness locked a breath, his figure flashed, and disappeared quickly.

"There is a storm in the center of the sea."

"We cross the storm, let the storm blow away the breath we left behind, lest the old immortal catch up."

Li Lingtian controlled the Emperor's chariot. The Emperor's chariot flew for thousands of miles, and he continued to fly through the space above the sea.

But he understands that even if he waits for others to escape first, the old man behind is not so simple to find them, but, with the strength of the middle of the pseudo-real world, he can always catch up with a trace of a breath, then at that time, a tail Can not get rid of, the other party's grandson's family is also a difficult thing.

Thinking of the storm in the center of the sea, Li Lingtian said lightly.

While talking, adjust the injury and try to stabilize the injury.

At the same time, Yun Tianxing and others exerted the power of destruction, photographed the sea water in the sea, and the striking water column constantly washed away the breath they left behind.

But this will not work, the old man behind is too scary, as long as there is a trace of clues, they will find them.

"Young Master, to the east is the Purple Sea Storm Zone."

Yun Tianhao knows the Tianmu region and the purple sea, because he had lived here for hundreds of years.

It was because he provoked the Duanmu family that he hid in the top of the sky, and now he comes out again to deal with the Duanmu family. Although he helps the young master, he also avenges himself.


The consciousness moved, and the consciousness sacrificed dozens of superb spirit stones in the dragon ring.

The best spirit stone cherishes the extreme, just like the treasures, and he is no longer a currency, but a rare treasure in the Shenwu Continent.

Now Li Lingtian takes out the Needling Spirit Stone, which is to use the Needling Spirit Stone to bless the source power of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot. The power of the Needling Spirit Stone is naturally not comparable in the air.

After the appearance of the Need for Spirit Stone, Li Lingtian turned the Need for Spirit Stone into a horrible spirit pressure.

The speed of the God Emperor's chariot was even faster.

Pieces of top-quality spirit stones are consumed, and the Emperor's chariots continue to pierce the space. After a few moments of kung fu, they have already swept through the maritime space of millions of miles and entered the storm area.





"Roar, roar."


Endless storms set off amazing waves, and the amazing waves soared into the sky with amazing power.

Looking at the power of nature, I feel shocked.

This power is the power of nature, not something humans can do.

The whole world is an endless storm. In the face of such a storm, even the ordinary Wushen strongmen dare not come close.

At the center of the storm, let alone the Martial God Strong, even the Pseudo-God Realm will fall into it. The strongest man who hunts on the sea is not afraid of killing treasures~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but encountering this storm.

There is still a chance of desperately killing treasure, but in the face of the power of nature like the storm, there is no place to desperately.

Looking at the terrible storm, Yun Tianhao and others were terrified.

"Moon Moon, you enter the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to rest."

"I'll control the Emperor's chariot and cross the center of this storm."

"A few of you, protect the law and bless the defense of the chariot."

Li Lingtian looked at the devastating storm. Faced with such a storm, there was not much difference from facing a horrible pseudo-real powerhouse.

However, in order to avoid the chasing of the old man in the back, he can only enter this storm. Otherwise, he and others will be chased by the old man endlessly, not to mention to deal with the Gongsun family, even if it is a safe rest. There is no chance.

Immediately, Nangong Mingyue's four women shouted to rest in the chariot's room, and Yun Tianhao and others ordered them. .

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