War God Supreme

Chapter 1249: Space confinement


Twenty-odd Wuzong competing for a hundred years of Promise Dao Fruit, Li Lingtian was attacked by the Demon Beast.

The clearest here is the Demon Beast, but it can't speak.

For thousands of years, the Promise Daoguo has been stolen by this human being, and even the Promise Daoguo for 100 years is not let go.


"Come on, it's a loss, an ugly World of Warcraft, how is your mother?"

Li Lingtian's body flashed quickly, and the Yin Yin battle halberd was displayed, relying on the ice fire ring and the real dragon shield to dodge the attack of the demon beast.

Several Emperor Wu looked at the Demon King Beast and Li Lingtian without any intention of hands-on.



The Demon Beast is completely desperate, and the shocking devil blast bombarded Li Lingtian, who was also bitter.

The Wuzun level Demon Beast, no matter how powerful he is, is not an opponent of the Demon King Beast.

"Are you **** watching drama?"

Li Lingtian looked at all the warriors, and was very angry, actually watching himself and the demon beast fighting, they were on the side of gloating.

"Hum, calculate us, this is death."

"Take out Wannian Promise Daoguo for another time, otherwise you won't want to."

"See how long can you last?"

"You, even if you are not killed by the Demon King Beast today, never leave here."


For a moment, all the strong men said angrily that the 100-year-old Promise Daoguo was of no use to Wu Zong at all, and he could only make the panacea.

What they need is Ten Thousand Years Promise Daoguo, which is obviously on Li Lingtian, otherwise the Devil Beast will not desperately attack him alone.

"Okay, it's you who are going to die."

Upon hearing this, Li Lingtian gave up a little fluke. He hoped that these people would join hands to kill the Demon King Beast. Although he knew in his heart that these people would not agree, he had to give it a try.

After that, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and all the strong men were suddenly startled, and a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

No matter how powerful a warrior king is, he can't make waves, but this warrior king has already counted them, and naturally he is subconsciously afraid.

At this time, a pair of crystal-clear wings appeared on Li Lingtian's shoulders, and the wings exuded a faint arc and thunder.

Countless demons were split directly, seeing the wings on Li Lingtian's body, all the warriors showed greed.

"Holy weapon, it is actually a holy weapon."

No matter where it is, the holy artifact is a top super treasure. Even in these places in Cangzhou Xuanzhou, it is also the top treasure of Zhenzong. Only those super powers have the holy artifact.

I didn't expect to see the holy weapon on this king of martial arts, which immediately excited all the martial artists.

But at this moment, Li Lingtian's thunder wing was gone, and the whole person disappeared. When he appeared again, Li Lingtian had appeared strangely behind them.

At this time, all the warriors were sandwiched between Li Lingtian and Demon Beast.



Seeing the opponent disappear, the Demon Beast roared, and furiously attacked the strong man in front of him. For a time, the devil was so angry that the earth collapsed.

"Space is confined."

At this time, Emperor Shi Nanyang of the Cangzhou Emperor Shi Family waved with one hand, a pennant appeared in his hand, and suddenly the space shivered. Li Lingtian only felt that the space was solidified, and he could not move at all. Naturally, it can't be displayed.

"What a terrible space is, this is the treasure of Emperor Shijia's family."

Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart. There was no way to destroy this treasure alone. He was terrified in his heart. Against such a strong man, he had no chance to resist.

"Thrilling Thunderwing and War Halberd are taken out and you are given a whole body."

Emperor Shi Nanyang showed a cold smile on his face, and stepped towards Li Lingtian step by step. The other warriors saw the pennant in the hands of Emperor Shi Nanyang, and the look on his face changed dramatically.

Wanting to compete for Li Lingtian's treasure is now impossible.

"There is such a treasure, and it is actually hidden in secret. If this space is imprisoned, the Demon Beast will be killed long ago."

All the warriors were angry in their hearts, but they dared not say it.

Li Lingtian also smiled bitterly in his heart. He still wanted to leave the warrior of the Emperor Shijia's family, but he did not expect that he was suppressed by his opponent before he even started.

Now there is no chance to do anything at all, only to watch Emperor Shi Nanyang walk towards him.

"The sky is falling apart."

"Everywhere is burning."

"Bing Soul Fist."

Li Lingtian was shocked at the same time that various ground-level skills were exhibited, but in the face of space confinement, the skills he exhibited were not as powerful as the yellow-level skills.

"In the emperor's space imprisonment, the emperor is the master, don't struggle, hand over the treasure."

Emperor Shi Nanyang's face was ruthless, as if he were looking at an ant struggling.

But Li Lingtian found out that Emperor Shi Nanyang's face changed a bit and became pale, but this pale white flickered and the outsiders could not find it, but he found it.

"Huh, space is confined. Depending on your cultivation behavior, you can't fully control it."

Li Lingtian understood in his heart that this space is a treasure, but it is difficult to control, and it is extremely expensive, otherwise Emperor Shi Nanyang will not show such a pale face.

"You know a lot, but it's still easy to clean up."

Emperor Shi Nanyang was stunned, and he had a little bit of murder in his heart. His own subtle changes. This young man can still be found in the crisis, indicating that this young man's mentality and mind are terrifying.

"Ba Tian Quan."

"Yinlong Battle Halberd."

"Binghuo Nine Heavens."

Seeing Emperor Shi Nanyang coming faster and faster, Li Lingtian was also anxious in his heart, but he would not be confused.

Various shocking attacks are constantly bombarding, but he is always imprisoned in space.

With a ruthless face and hands raised, Binghuo Jiuzhongtian exhibited it. After Binghuo Jiuzhongtian reached a peak, this move could be almost instantaneous.


Emperor Shi Nanyang was shocked when he saw Bing Huo Jiu Zhongtian, and in front of Bing Huo Jiu Zhong Tian's strange pervert, he also spurted blood.

Bing Huo Jiu Chong Tian itself is the fusion of two extremes. After being created by Li Lingtian, it is by the fusion power of the two extremes to destroy the opponent.

Emperor Shi Nanyang shivered, and the pennant was shaking, and the space was almost destroyed by this attack.


A drop of essence blood sacrifice came out, the essence blood quickly entered the pennant, and the trembling space was stabilized again.

All the strong men resist the attack of the Demon Beast, and the situation here is also in their consciousness.


The pillars of light and fire nine heavy sky bombarded Emperor Shi Nanyang, the power of the sky made the space imprisonment tremble again.


In the space, Li Lingtian's attack is powerful, and he cannot defeat Emperor Shi Nanyang.

Instead of being rebounded now, both of them were injured. The look on Emperor Shi Nanyang's face became colder. With one hand, an amazing suction surged towards Li Lingtian.

"Heaven and Earth made the tripod."

Seeing this suction, Li Lingtian knew in his heart that if he was imprisoned by this suction, he would be completely suppressed by Emperor Shi Nanyang.

With a sharp turn in his head, all kinds of attacks with one hand could not break this space imprisonment.

In a hurry, I thought of the heaven and the earth and the Ding Ding, and the Ding Ding was very magical. There was no attack power. One hand had some magical effects.

As soon as the consciousness was released, the heaven and earth dynasty tripod appeared in front of him. Suddenly, a brilliant white light radiated out, and the radiance surrounded Li Lingtian.

Under this glory, Li Lingtian's imprisoned power disappeared, and the whole person recovered completely.

At this time, Emperor Shi Nanyang's suction was also swallowed up by the glory, and the look on Emperor Shi Nanyang's face changed drastically.

But what he did not expect was that in front of this glory, the power of space imprisonment completely disappeared. In front of the brilliant white glory, the pennant flew towards that glory involuntarily, and finally entered the Dingding.

Li Lingtian was also shocked by the recovery of the imprisoned space, and was shocked by the world's dynamism.

The shock was still behind. I saw the shining light quickly flowed to the Demon Beast, and the devil qi in the air quickly disappeared.

"Roar, roar."

Feeling the threat, the Demon Beast roared unwillingly, quickly swallowed by the glory, and entered the Danding.


After a shocking explosion, the magic energy exploded, Li Lingtian's body was also flicked up, and countless powerful people directly disappeared.

However, what appeared on Li Lingtian's face was not only shock, but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because of the explosion of the earth-shaking devil qi, the trees that grew the infinite fruit were also destroyed, but as the trees disappeared, a more shocking devil qi burst out below.

A huge black hole appeared, the black hole expanded rapidly, and everyone was sucked into the black hole in a blink of an eye.

Even a few mysterious martial emperors did not resist at all, Li Lingtian was also sucked in, and when he entered the black hole, the heaven and earth made it back into his hands.

Then he quickly drew into the Dragon Ring, facing the unknown danger, he did not dare to carelessly, the true energy of his body protected himself, and the ring of ice and fire was also displayed to block himself.


Soon, everyone landed on the ground, in the middle of a gray square, surrounded by a mysterious palace.

Li Lingtian also landed on the ground, not knowing exactly where this place is.

There was nothing in the surroundings, there was no sound, and the magic energy disappeared. There was no aura or magic energy in this place.

The quiet environment makes people feel chilly~www.wuxiaspot.com~The people who came down, thirteen Wuzong strongmen, ten martial emperors.

Two Xuanzhou, two Cangzhou, one Shenzhou, the remaining five are the Emperor of Dongling Qingzhou, 13 of Wuzong, and only four are from Dongling Qingzhou.

For a moment, the warriors of Dongling Qingzhou stood on one side, and the other forces also stood on each side.

On Li Lingtian’s side, although there are five martial emperors and four martial emperors, the other continents are unmatched.

Any martial emperor can let five martial emperors fall here, but with the existence of Li Lingtian, several martial emperors are also a little relieved.

After all, Li Lingtian's methods were shocking, and even the treasure of Emperor Shi Nanyang was taken away by Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian, return the space pennant to the emperor."

Emperor Shi Nanyang had a high expression on his face, and the tone of the command was low, making Li Lingtian uncomfortable for a while.

You chatter in front of me, I will let you tremble forever! ()

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