War God Supreme

Chapter 1256: 9 Days Yaoyue City

"Go, we should leave."

Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue's reluctance, and said.

I lived in this place for three years. Several people got along very well together. Now I have to leave.

After he finished speaking, a gray light and shadow flew towards him.

Facing this gray light and shadow, Li Lingtian completely ignored it.

The light and shadow fell on his shoulder, and I saw a one-foot gray pet squatted on the shoulder, and a pair of small eyes kept turning, looking very cute.

If you think of this little guy as an ordinary pet, it is to find the deserved.

Because this little guy is the spirit earth beast that Li Lingtian took with him.

Now the spirit earth beast has reached the tenth level, the tenth level of the beast is equivalent to the strong power of the false **** realm.

More importantly, the tenth stage of the Spirit Earth Beast has stabilized.

After reaching the tenth order, the entire body has become so small, but if you do it, it will become one meter in size.

And Li Lingtian also found that the Spirit Earth Beast has a more terrifying talent, that is, he can summon any opponent who is exactly the same.

This situation made Li Lingtian feel horrified.

It is a kind of horror to summon someone who has the same opponent.

However, the summoned behavior is only at the beginning of the tenth order. This cannot be changed, because it summons the same height as the cultivation base.

Ten strong men of the same rank can be summoned at a time, that is to say, the spirit earth beast can also summon ten strong early stage gods, as long as the spirit earth beast is not dead, it will constantly call out the powerful The strong power of false gods.

It is a horror to have such a pet around.

"After the matter of the Nine Heavens City is resolved, we will return to live here."

Yun Yaoyao said with a small mouth, Nongming Mingyue and Beimingxue also nodded, expressing their agreement with Yun Yaoyao's proposal.

Later, Li Lingtian took Nangong Mingyue and others to leave the canyon and flew away in the distance.

This time, he didn't plan to bring Yun Tianhao and others, but let them inquire into the news in the East Fall and establish his own power, and he can also help him gain a foothold in the East Fall.

In three years, Li Lingtian and others have been practicing with peace of mind.

However, in the Eastern Landing Domain, the strong and the strong, the strong men of the Duanmu family and the Gongsun family also quietly entered the Eastern Landing Region, but the strongmen of the two super families did not cause trouble, but looked for Li Lingtian’s whereabouts to kill Li Lingtian. Then quickly.

In the same way, the top ten super families and the powerhouses of the top ten super powers all came to the east.

It's all for entering Jiutian God City, which was opened once every 10 years, but it has been a million years since the last time it was opened. Although I don't know what happened halfway, all the strong people still look forward to this time Able to open the Nine Heavens City.

The Nine Heavens City is only known to those super families and clan forces, as well as some hermit strongmen.

The God of Warrior is simply not qualified to know, but the ranking battle of the ten sons of God of the Continent has begun.

Not only is the top ten sons ranking battle, but also a list of situations has begun.

The Fengyun List is actually another top ten son ranking. Under the early two thousand years of pseudo-real world, you can participate in the Fengyun List competition.

Being able to enter the Fengyun Rankings, or to become a top ten son, is the best chance to be famous in the world.

However, the rankings of the top ten sons are all amazing martial arts talents of the Shenwu Continent. Whether it is cultivation or strength, talent, or means, they are all exemplary figures of the young generation of the Shenwu Continent.

The top ten sons and the top players are not super powers.

And this place of competition is the Jiutian Yao platform.

The Jiutian Yaoyue platform is located in the Jiutian Yaoyue City. The Jiutian Yaoyue City is not a site of any force, but a land of arbitration recognized by the Shenwu Continent.

This place is also the gathering place of Shenwu continent strongmen.

As the time draws near, the powerhouses of the nine-day Yaoyue City in the east fall area gather, and the popularity of the entire nine-day Yaoyue City bursts.

For a time, Jiutian Yaoyue City became the most lively place in Shenwu Continent, and also the place with the most powerful people.

Here, ten super families, ten super powers, strong hermits, evil spirits, can be seen everywhere.

There are killings in places where there are people. Although you can't do it in Jiutian Yaoyue City, you can see the killings everywhere outside the city, and there are killings and treasures everywhere.

Within a million miles of Jiuyue Yaoyue City, powerful spaceships can be seen everywhere, and super powerhouses can be seen flying everywhere.

Li Lingtian took the Nangong Mingyue four daughters and steered the fast flight of the spaceship.

After half a month, constantly rushing to the road, finally came to the Jiutian Yaoyue City.

Along the way, I met countless super powers, which also allowed Li Lingtian to see the real powers. The ones I met before were all cannon fodder.

Everyone who comes here is the proud of heaven.

What makes people speechless is that just to enter Jiutian Yaoyue City, everyone needs ten million pieces of spirit stone.

A single courtyard, one hundred million downgrade spirit stone a day, is simply to grab money.

Even a normal room requires 10 million lower grade spirit stones a day.

These people really will catch the timing, no matter what, they are hundreds of times more than other places.

For Lingshi, Li Lingtian did not care about it at all.

In his opinion, the problem that the spirit stone can solve is not a problem. Besides, when you come here, you must not delay important things because of a little spirit stone.

After finding a separate courtyard and settling down, Li Lingtian took Nangong Mingyue and four people to play in Jiutian Yaoyue City.

I have to say that Jiutian Yaoyue City is a fairyland-like city, where the spirit of the fairy is rich, the architecture is beautiful, the flowers will be everywhere, and the strong people who come here are all flying with powerful monsters or royal swords. .

Here, a perfect fairyland is completely interpreted.

There is no killing gas, no fight.

Trading here, there is no trace of injustice, even if the super family genius strongman, come here are all safe and sound points, do not dare to make a little trouble here, so as not to be killed by other superpowers.

No one knows who is managing this city, and no one knows who is behind the city.

At least this Jiutian Yaoyue City does not belong to the Tianmu domain and the east fall domain, nor is it the death domain and the Cangnan domain.

Countless powerful people all look at the other three domains, namely the heaven domain, the fairy domain and the holy land.

In the Shenwu Continent, Tianyu and Xianyu are the largest territories, the most powerful, the most powerful warriors, and the most abundant resources, but there is no one. How powerful is the largest holy land, because there are not many people who can enter the holy land. inside.

The Holy Land is the most powerful, mysterious and mysterious place, and it is also the place where countless powerful people yearn for.

However, these are too far away for the powerful in the four domains of Shenzhou.

Although it is said that the seven domains of Shenzhou, but the general strong know or have visited the four domains, have not been to the heaven domain fairy domain and holy land.

Li Lingtian and his party played on the wide and lively street, watching countless super powers come and go, and the whole person felt a sense of leisure.

Although the nine days of Yaoyue City are all proud of the sky, and all of them are dragons and phoenixes, they are still a lot worse than Li Lingtian's five.

The gap between the two is simply incomparable. Li Lingtian is chic and elegant, with a faint mysterious temperament, and the whole person is fused with this world.

Nangong Mingyue's four daughters are all beautiful women in the peerless world, all with a noble temperament, making people dare not have the idea of ​​blasphemy.

This combination, no matter where you go, is a 100% return rate.

However, even if it is amazing a few peerless beauty, but dare not cause trouble here.


At this time, when Li Lingtian and others passed through the square of Yaoyue City, the expression on his face changed a little.

Then a faint smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian, staring at Li Lingtian curiously.

"Meet an acquaintance."

Li Lingtian said faintly, with a strange smile on his lips.

He glanced at the front, then Nangong Mingyue and others followed Li Lingtian's eyes.

After seeing the figures in the distance, Nangong Mingyue and Beimingxue both showed a strange look, but Yun Yaoyao and Xiaobai felt inexplicable, and naturally they didn't recognize the previous ones.

Just when several people in Li Lingtian saw several people in the square in front, they also noticed the existence of Li Lingtian.

Seeing Li Lingtian and the few girls around her, her eyes were all bright.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

"I didn't expect it to be you."

"North Mingxue."

The familiar figures on the square are the swordsman and the thundering son, as well as three young strong men.

The other three, Li Lingtian did not know, but he knew the swordsman and the thundering son.

I didn't expect that the ten sons of Shenwu Continent would gather together.

However, it seems polite, but when the war really comes, they will try their best to kill their opponents.

Although these super powers are reckless ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disdain to be with other people, but when they meet the same name opponents, they are more or less polite, and they pull a little relationship together, which is related to the family. Interests.

The swordsman had a terrifying sharpness all over his body, like a peerless sword standing between heaven and earth.

The breath of the thundering son is also very violent, filled with a breath of destruction.

When they saw Li Lingtian, they exclaimed at the same time.

They never imagined that Li Lingtian would appear here, and Li Lingtian's cultivation practice had reached such a terrible level that it was hard to imagine.

In their view, such a person as Li Lingtian did not know such a grand ceremony at all, and naturally would not come here.

But now Li Lingtian has appeared in front of them, and there are four beautiful women beside him. Any one of them is a stunning world. Now it is all right, all are beside Li Lingtian.



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