War God Supreme

Chapter 1266: 9 Tenjin Castle,...

Li Lingtian's powerful line-up practice, and the way against the sky's line-up, are simply the creation of the world.

After the opening of the Nine Heavens City failed, it was still possible to resurrect and change the trajectory of the heavens and the earth, and then open the Nine Heavens City, so that all the powerful people entered the Nine Heavens City.

Although few people know that Li Lingtian's cultivation ability is strong, this cultivation course really makes people feel scared.

It is said that Li Lingtian and others were inside the beam of light, and a terrifying and magical force swept them away.

In this beam of light, there is no resistance at all, like being imprisoned.

In an instant, a vast world, a world of cities, appeared in front of me.

Everyone entered a city, each pavilion was wide apart, with flowers and trees in the middle.

Here, there is no breath of fairy spirits, but a breath of terror and overbearing. This breath makes all the superpowers feel a little scared, and they dare not absorb this breath.

Moreover, in the sky above the city is a world of rainbows, with colorful clouds in the sky, this place is completely a divine realm, where the powerful God lives.

Here, only one word can describe it, that is perfect.

Perfect architecture, perfect layout, perfect city, everything is perfect.

The only thing that frightened all the strong men is the silence, silence, no sound, like a dead city.

There is also the breath here, which is terrifying.

It will even erode the body of the strong, and the true elements in the body will be eroded by this breath, and it will rage and become overbearing.

No one knows how big the city is here, because in the consciousness, there are buildings everywhere, a vast and infinite city world.

Entering here, do not know the direction.

Moreover, the consciousness of the strong is here suppressed by death, only one-tenth of the previous one, that is to say, the consciousness can only exert 20% of its power here.

"Xian Qi."

"Xiancheng's fairy spirit."

"It's all fairy spirit."

"Fairy beyond the Aura."

Suddenly, several super demon cows felt the breath here, and they all exclaimed. They didn't expect the breath here to be a fairy spirit beyond the spirit.

There is aura in Shenwu Continent, and the better than aura is fairy spirit.

But the spirit of fairy spirit is only one part per billion, that is to say, there is a trace of fairy gas in the spirit, just like a little fairy gas is diluted in the spirit.

And here, it is completely immortal, full of pure immortality.

The richness and purity of the fairy gas is tens of thousands of times thicker than the magical spirit gas of Shenwu.

There is no aura here, it is completely immortal.

No wonder the strong men dare not absorb the breath here, if they are not careful, they will be eroded and destroyed by immortal qi.

The water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned. The rich fairy spirit has endless benefits for the warrior, but it is too rich to be emptied, and it will be hurt.

It is the warrior who can't bear such a rich fairy spirit.

In response, countless powerful people are extremely shocked.

Coming here, there are ten sons, super powers of ten forces of ten families, and forty-nine people in the list, a total of ninety-nine.

That is to say, everyone here is a demon against the sky, and one of the trillions in the Shenwu Continent exists.

All of them are super powers of pseudo-realm, and the peak of pseudo-realm occupies most of them.

The only thing here is that there is not a false **** realm, but a Wushen Nine Heavens.

He is Li Lingtian, and he also opened the Nine Heavens City to let these strong men come here.



Feeling threatened, all the strong are separated.

Super evildoers gather here and become opponents of each other, so they must quickly separate.

All of the strong men quickly separated and flew away into the distance.

Li Lingtian and Xuling also flew in one direction.

However, after Li Lingtian and Xu Ling left, there were more than a dozen cold eyes looking in the direction of Li Lingtian's departure, with extremely cold eyes and a cruel smile on his face.

"Mr. Tianxue, Mr. Thunder, Brother Ling Xue, Brother Huo."

"The two of us joined forces to exterminate Li Lingtian and met each other. How about taking a step back?"

Looking at Duanmu Tianxue, Gongsun Tianjiao said lightly that a total of four people in Duanmu's family entered Jiutian God City. Although Gongsun's family was in alliance with Duanmu's family, it was not the same thing when they arrived here.

Now, before taking advantage of the disputes of interest, say hello.

"Okay, in other places, we took a step back, and when we met Li Lingtian, we jointly killed them."

Duanmu Lingxue nodded and agreed.

Now agree to come down. If you encounter any super treasures and materials at that time, you will definitely not mercilessly kill the other party, but when dealing with Li Lingtian, you must kill it with all your strength.


"Brother Zhou, we will join forces at that time, and Li Lingtian will threaten our Xiaotianmeng and your world. Such a person should be strangled in the cradle."

Xiao Tianmeng and several strong members of the Tiandi Association also secretly negotiated.

"Brother Three, when you put me in pressure, I must take Li Lingtian out of my soul."

The icy voice of the swordsman sounded, and he looked at the two brothers beside him.

In the Nine Heavens City, many of the evil spirits and strong men against Li Lingtian joined forces in secret.

However, there are still some super genius evil spirits and the characters on the list that did not target Li Lingtian, and even disdain Li Lingtian.

What is the use of a strong position, in front of absolute martial arts, killing directly, there is no chance to cast a position at all.

Li Lingtian naturally knows his situation. When he comes to this place, he has to face a lot of strong men, and they are all endless opponents. More importantly, these opponents are all evil monsters, and they are completely at a disadvantage.

Leaving the original place, Li Lingtian and Xuling flew directly in one direction.

Although the two didn't know the direction here, they couldn't stop, because now the first thing to do is to get rid of these strong men. If they can't get rid of it, with their strength, they are simply abused.

After flying for half an hour, it finally flew tens of thousands of miles away. This city is like a maze.

There is no sun or stars on it, and you don’t know the time or the direction at all.

After flying for half an hour, the two dared to stop after making sure there was no one behind them.

The first holy princess of the martial arts continent, the strong man of the nine gods of the martial arts, one is the elders of the heavenly gates, but the two are going to escape like a bereavement dog in this place. They look very careful.

If such a situation is spread, it will definitely shock the jaws of all strong men.

However, on their faces, there was no trace of dissatisfaction, no complaints, no bitter smiles and frustrations.

"Take a break first, we will find the direction before we talk."

"Whether this is Jiutian God City or Jiutian, there is no margin at all."

Li Lingtian and Xu Ling both penetrated into a white jade palace and cast a hidden formation, and their breath disappeared completely.

I just flew for half an hour, and I don’t have any sense of direction at all. I don’t know how big it is.

"It is said that the length of Jiutian God City is 990,999.9 million, and the width is also 990,999.9,99,999."

"Every 111,111,111 there is a terrible prohibition, if you want to enter, you must have great opportunities and skills, and every time you cross a prohibition, inside The treasures and immortals are higher than the outside."

"The real Nine Heavens City is in the last nine hundred and ninety-nine. No one knows what is in it, but all the strong people are in desperation."

Xu Ling looked at Li Lingtian, and he could still be so relaxed at this time. It was really not a normal pervert.

At first, a person who casts an anti-celestial line to change the trajectory of the heavens and the earth, and changes the trajectory of the full moon.

"It looks like this?"

Li Lingtian was stunned, the look on his face changed.

Immediately, as soon as the consciousness moved, a piece of animal skin appeared in the hand, and the five-element Taoist law was exhibited with one hand. The Taoist law was wiped on the animal skin, and suddenly there were countless breaths on it.

Li Lingtian did not stop, but injected a terrible breath of heaven into it.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ling was also puzzled. He didn't know what Li Lingtian had found. He looked at Li Lingtian and waited for the final result.

However, immediately the whole person was shocked.

Because on the hide, a mysterious square figure appeared, and the figure was full of countless lattices, dense lattices, and dazzling to see.

Moreover, the lines of these grids are still with a faint glow.

Seeing this situation, the look on the entire face of the False Spirit changed. The animal skin looked at it for so long, and after studying for so long, Du did not find these lattices, only the information on the animal skin.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to discover these lattices~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found it from what he said.

More importantly, the animal skin in Li Lingtian's hands is the original picture, that is, handed down from the past, and he actually copied it from the animal skin in Li Lingtian's hands.

I didn't expect that even the copy could not find the grid under the hide information.

He didn't even know what these grids were.

But after seeing the look on Li Lingtian's face, I was even more shocked, because Li Lingtian's face showed an excited look, and what could be found by Li Lingtian was definitely the existence of the battlefield.

Moreover, this grid may be a magical line.

Or it is an important key about Jiutian God City. When I think of it here, I stare at the animal skin in Li Lingtian's hands, looking forward to waiting for Li Lingtian, I want to know what this is.



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