War God Supreme

Chapter 1268: Strange consciousness

"This time, but the true geniuses of Shenwu Continent gathered, it was the best challenge for Brother Ling Tian."

"Moreover, this is one of the most mysterious realms of Shenwu Continent. It would be better if I could get some treasures inside."

Bei Mingxue smiled, this nine-day **** city, she naturally understood that this is the most mysterious place in the entire Shenwu Continent. No one knows what is inside, and no one has been in.

The nine-day **** city that has not been opened for more than one million years, this time opened, the treasures in it are even more treasured.

And no one came in for more than a million years. The medicinal herbs here are naturally very good. At least some poor medicinal herbs have become precious medicinal herbs.

"I came in this time for the sake of the Nine Heavens. If we can make the Nine Heavens here, it would be nothing."

"But it is not that simple to get this nine-day creation."

"The people who come here are too powerful. Everyone is the most powerful person in my life. If they meet, most of them are only running. The cultivation is a huge gap."

Li Lingtian said lightly that this time was indeed a huge challenge.

However, in the face of so many strong enemies, there is no slightest timidity. There is more provocation, provoking his fighting intentions. The stronger the opponent, the more interest he rises.

"If alone, we don't have to be so afraid."

"The main thing is that they are all a few people together. It is only to find a way to separate them."

Xiaobai pondered for a while. Although she didn't know who was coming in, but those who could come in were definitely superpowers.

And they are all first-class super geniuses in Shenwu Continent.

Fortunately, there are restrictions on entering here. Only the strongest under the early stage of pseudo-realm can enter. If there is no such restriction, other pseudo-realms will come here in the middle and later, then they will have no way to live.

"Separate them?"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard Xiaobai's words.

"Good, if you separate them, it will be a good deal."

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, Xiaobai repeated it. After talking, she looked at Li Lingtian.

At the same time, they no longer speak, because they know that Li Lingtian now has to think about things, or what inspiration they have gotten. All they have to do at this time is to be quiet and wait for Li Lingtian to speak.

After waiting for a long time, Li Lingtian reacted from contemplation.

"It is true that after separating them, we will be able to deal with them one by one."

"Xu Ling said that these people are disciples of the super family and super powers, and they cannot easily be provoked."

"Unless you are chopping grass and roots, leaving no clues, or you will end up suffering endlessly. Even if you go out, you will be chased and killed by the mainland."

"As for the things that separate them, I believe that my position can be able to contain them in a short time."

Li Lingtian said seriously that the ninety-nine people who came here were that he and Xuling had the least background.

Ethereal has Tianmen. Although Tianmen is the weakest of the ten forces, at least the other strong men should also consider Tianmen’s anger.

The strong men here are super characters and disciples of super powers. They cannot easily provoke them. Even if they are killed, the traces must be erased so as not to be discovered by others.

"You already have arrangements."

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian with a smile, and Slim Slim Jade held Li Lingtian in hand. Her full and strong chest leaned tightly on Li Lingtian's arm, making Li Lingtian feel a tremor of heart.

Although the two are often together, this temptation and excitement still let his blood flow.

Nangong Mingyue is a peerless beauty, even if it is a lifetime, it will not be tired, this is the charm of a beauty.


"To deal with these guys, you have to come a little harder and stop playing with them."

"Either don't do it, or kill with one blow."

"Kill one to get enough money, kill two to earn one, and kill three to earn two."

"Even if you pay any price, you must kill in one blow, let them see the power of this seat, knowing that this seat is not so good to provoke."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, at the end, Li Lingtian exuded a faint momentum. This momentum made people feel a horror. It was an unmatched killing intention.

Opportunity for lore, lore for lore.

"My younger brother Ling Tian is the most powerful. What kind of genius is evil is in front of younger brother Ling Tian."

"In this world, younger brother Ling Tian is qualified to stand at the peak."

Yun Yaoyao also took Li Lingtian's other arm and said coquettishly.

The relationship between the two has always been very deep. In front of Li Lingtian, she is the happiest thing.

"We have a good rest first, and then we have to compete with these geniuses."

"I flew all the way and saw countless medicinal herbs for tens of thousands of years, and even met medicinal herbs for 100,000 years."

"And all of them are cherished medicinal herbs. Here is only the outside. The more they go inside, the more cherished the medicinal herbs are, so we have to collect them well."

Li Lingtian was hugged with both arms, and there was no chance to move at all, so he had to let Nangong Mingyue and others rest.

Only after a good rest can you have the best mental state to deal with the super strong.

He also wanted to understand that this time, he still did not go ahead.

The mentality of the powerful martial artists of the Shenwu Continent is walking toward the innermost. The more central, the better the treasure resources. Naturally, these strongmen are all directed toward the innermost.

Now that I am not qualified to compete with these strong men, I will fall behind and follow them.

By the way, look for medicinal materials in these places, so that you will not be a bird first.

Let these super geniuses beat you to death.

I don’t want to cause trouble. If I don’t have time, I will try my best to fly with the Emperor’s chariot. I will understand the formation here. When it is time, I will break through the nine prohibitions and enter the deepest place.

At that time, it was life and death.

Next, Li Lingtian and others rested in the palace. Li Lingtian realized the formation above the animal skin, which is the planned formation of the Nine Heavens City. As long as you control this formation and find the formation's formation, you can control it here. All, at least, will not be delayed by time, nor will it be erased by some unknown dangers here.

He also carefully arranged for himself.

With the speed of others and others, even if it does not delay time, non-stop flight will take one year. If you use the Emperor’s chariot, it will take three months to suppress the speed, and in this, you have to Worrying about the pursuit of the strong, you must pay attention to the prohibition in the God City, so the speed will be slower.

However, he will also count the time. The opening time of Jiutian God City is three years, and he strives for two years to enter the last layer.

At other times, I was looking for medicinal herbs here.

Fly during the day, look for medicinal herbs by the way, and rest at night.

During the rest, I enlighten the battlefield and try to control this place. Only by taking the initiative can I have a chance to survive.

When you practice the enlightenment, you can protect Nangong Mingyue and others at night.

Several of my own people tried to bypass those super geniuses, do not meet them, can not afford to hide, they can kill them directly.

Without talking for a night, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue slept in a room, and the three female Beimingxue lived together. I saw that there was no prohibition, and I could always know the other party's movements.

Originally, girls were most concerned about the safety of sleeping. There is no prohibition like this. This is indeed the first time.

And there is a man beside, although not a room.

However, this person is Li Lingtian. Both Beimingxue and Yun Yaoyao like Li Lingtian. The sisters have had a lot of intimacy with Li Lingtian, but they haven't reached that point yet.

Needless to say, the relationship between Xiaobai and Li Lingtian.

The two have been together since childhood. Li Lingtian has done something. Almost Xiaobai knows that Xiaobai has no defense against Li Lingtian.

With Li Lingtian around, several girls felt extremely safe.

If Li Lingtian is not safe around him, then there is no safe place in the world.

The next day, they gradually adapted to the immortal energy here, and they tried to practice carefully. After a night of cultivation, they were finally able to refine the immortal energy.

Although he does not dare to absorb too quickly, even if he only absorbs the immortal energy of one thousandth of the spiritual energy at the time of cultivation, it is equivalent to practicing one day at ordinary times.

If you continue in this way, if you can absorb the immortal Qi cultivation as unscrupulously as you usually do, then at that time, if you practice for one day, the immortal Qi absorbed is equivalent to one month of usual practice.

And it's just quantity. If it's about quality, even if there is more Reiki, it can't be compared with Immortal Qi.

Sometimes, no matter how much quantity is equal to quality.

Xianqi can also change the physique, purify the physique, and achieve a rejuvenating effect.

This is already the case for ordinary people. All of them are arrogant sons of the heavens, and it is naturally more effective.

One night of cultivation has gained many benefits.

After dawn, Li Lingtian took the Nangong Mingyue four daughters to find a place to wash, and quickly left the palace, flying towards the distance. Although the speed was not fast, it was just looking for precious medicinal herbs.

Less than ten thousand miles away from the place of rest, Li Lingtian stopped, and the look on his face slowly changed.

The consciousness swept back, and the consciousness was quickly taken back.

"what happened?"

Nangong Mingyue looked like Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked softly.

Following Li Lingtian for so long, after the achievement of the body of the Shenfeng, the two hearts are in love, and naturally know what Li Lingtian's actions represent.

"Be careful, there is a powerful consciousness across the sky."

"But this consciousness is well hidden, and even my consciousness cannot be found."

"What I don't understand is that this consciousness has no killing."

Li Lingtian's face showed an incomprehensible look. It should be said that the strong men who came here are extremely powerful, basically they will be killed if they meet their opponents.

Killing and killing is the best place here, but after discovering this **** consciousness, he did not find a little killing opportunity.

In this case, either the other party has no killing at all, or the other party hides so much that he cannot find the killing.



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