War God Supreme

Chapter 1487: Palace of death

Watching Hou Liping disappear, the anger on Li Lingtian's face was slowly suppressed.

He knew that these things didn't blame Hou's family, or Master Ming Bing's master, but in this world, the strong man is respected, he blamed Hou's family even if it was unreasonable, no one dared to say anything.

"Yan'er, rest assured."

"We will go to Xianyu after we deal with the matter here."

"You must rescue your sister by then."

Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai comforted Ming Yaner. Although Ming Yaner was only Li Lingtian's maid, Li Lingtian never regarded her as a maid.

The relatives of the people around them are in danger, so they naturally worry.

"Sister Xiaobai, Sister Mingyue, thank you."

Ming Yan'er nodded, she knew that she had to wait at this time, and waited until the matter in the death domain was resolved before going to Xianyu.

Besides, even if I go to Xianyu now, I might not be able to find Ming Bing'er.

These things still have to wait for the Hou family to go to Xianyu to deal with it. With his identity as Li Lingtian, I believe that the other party knows Ming Binger's relationship with them and then dare not move Ming Binger easily.

However, what Li Lingtian was worried about was that his opponent deliberately used Ming Bing'er to calculate him.

Li Lingtian also thought of this, but in this case, Hou Liping should not have been arranged by his opponent. If this is the case, the other party is really calculating.

However, in any case, even if it is calculated, he will also rescue Ming Binger.

"Yan'er, don't worry about it."

"By this time, Bing'er will rescue Binger from injury."

Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile, gently stroking Ming Yan'er's hair, with a faint look on his face.

For this maid, he did not treat her as a maid.

The people around him are treated like loved ones. Together for a long time, there is naturally a touch of emotion.

"Thank you, son."

Ming Yan'er nodded and looked very clever.

Later, Li Lingtian called Ming Yan'er into the Dragon Ring to rest.

After Ming Yaner entered the Dragon Ring, Li Lingtian looked at Chen Tianfang and others.

"You are going to the death palace?"

Li Lingtian said seriously, to know that going to the Palace of Death is simply the place to go to the **** of death. It is extremely dangerous. A four commander is so powerful. If they encounter even more powerful, they will have more false gods. Die.

"Master Lingtian, we have determined."

"Even if we go back now, although we can live for decades, we can only sit and wait for death after a few decades."

"Instead of waiting to die, it's better to enter the Palace of Death and take a risk."

Chen Tianfang showed a serious look on his face that he had never had before.

The other strong men also nodded, at the risk of life and death for longevity and breakthrough.

Li Lingtian looked at these strong men, and he valued the significance of Shou Yuan’s cherish more. In the previous life, a person was a hundred years old at most, and the average person lived safely for six or seven years. Ten years old.

You can spend all your money and power in your life, but you can only let your destiny be in front of your life. After a few decades, you will slowly grow old and die.

This is also the case in this world. The average character can only live like a hundred years old, even if it has a strong aura, it is only a few decades longer than the previous life.

However, the higher the cultivation level of the warrior, the longer the life.

Shouyuan doubled when he reached the King of Wu. This advantage has made the world's humans rush, not for fame and fortune but also for Shouyuan.

Li Lingtian came to this world and has risen vigorously. He never worried about Shouyuan. Now he is less than 100 years old, but he has Shouyuan for more than 3,000 years.

Seeing the appearance of these powerful men, I also felt a bleak feeling in my heart. If I could not break through in my whole life, I would have to wait for death.

I am already very lucky. The other strong men have been practicing all their lives, almost always chasing time to practice. If they stop, they may sit down when Shou Yuan runs out.

He, for decades, has a life span of thousands of years.

"Well, this seat won't stop you."

"When you arrive at the Palace of Death, this seat has very little ability to protect itself. Your life and death depends on your luck."

Li Lingtian nodded, and he did not want to stop these powerful men.

Everyone's pursuit is different, but in the pursuit of Shouyuan, the humans in this world are the same.

"This is inferior to understand."

"Whether it is life or death in the Palace of Death, I would like to thank Lord Lingtian for his life-saving grace."

"The strong can enter the Palace of Death, but without the token, you cannot open the most central organ of the Palace of Death."

"And it takes four tokens to come together."

Chen Tianfang said seriously. After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Lingtian.

"We have obtained a token."

"But other tokens should be in the hands of other leaders."

"There are a lot of strongmen who came to the death domain. I believe that other strongmen and other commanders can't be at peace with each other. We go straight ahead to see if we can meet other strongmen. If we meet three commanders, That is our bad luck."

Li Lingtian looked into the distance. The sooner things in this place were resolved, the better.

To solve the matter here, you have to find a way to go to Xianyu. If you have already arrived here, you will not stay here.

Because he knew that after coming in this time, he didn’t know when he wanted to come in next time.

Afterwards, everyone flew directly towards the very center of the death domain.



The sound of breaking the sky continued to sound in the death domain. Li Lingtian and others did not stop to rest, but accelerated their speed toward the center of the death domain, trying to find the death palace.

He didn't know exactly what the death palace looked like, but two of the thirteen pseudo-real world great consummates had entered the death palace, just outside the death palace.

If you want to enter the center of the Palace of Death, you must have tokens to control the tokens on your body.

After learning that the token was on the commander, they did not let them retreat, but they did not expect to be trapped for decades without getting the token. If they met Li Lingtian, they would not be able to escape.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​the Palace of Death is ahead."

After flying for five days, Li Lingtian and others landed on a bare mountain.

Ling Yunsong respectfully said to Li Lingtian that among the 13 pseudo-spiritual great consummates, he had been to the Palace of Death last time, but was stopped only after entering the periphery of the Palace of Death last time.

Finally, when I heard that I needed a token to enter the center of the Palace of Death, I began to plan the token on the four commanders. I just didn’t expect that I didn’t get the token, but I was trapped by the formation of the four commanders. This trap is 30. year.

Li Lingtian looked in the direction of Ling Yunsong, and saw thousands of miles away, a huge palace stood on the ground.

From a distance, this palace is like a dark mountain.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, a powerful atmosphere of destruction spreads through the air, and the power and horror of this palace can be felt from afar.


Li Lingtian sighed with a sigh of relief. With years of experience and knowledge, and the induction of the strong, this palace is indeed not simple.

I don't know what horrible things are waiting for them, and there is a feeling of summoning that is pulling him, just like there is something in it that attracts him.

This situation made him determined to enter the palace of death at this time.

"This is the death palace."

"Let's go into this, the general seat of wealth will not compete with you."

"But what God needs, even God, can't stop the footsteps of this seat, you think better."

Li Lingtian looked at the death palace in the distance, just like a monster eating a person.

Immediately, he said to the thirteen pseudo-goddess great perfect powerhouses. If at other times, he wouldn't say this at all, but these powerhouses followed him for some time.

He was right. If he had ordinary wealth, he would not compete with these strong men. If he needed something, he would never let it go.

This is also what he reminds these strong men that if these false **** realm really is against him, it will undoubtedly be death.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't affect him.

"The next class understands."

"As long as it is needed by Master Ling Tian, ​​even if we come here in vain, we will not be against Master Ling Tian."

"It's better to live two more years than to fall soon."

"Yeah, even if you die, you won't be against Master Ling Tian."

"I believe Lord Lingtian needs something different from what we need."


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men were obviously stunned, but they quickly reacted.

If you really encounter any treasures, even if you die, you can't compete with Li Lingtian. Undoubtedly, you compete with Li Lingtian. Undoubtedly, they will find themselves dead. In this way, they will naturally not do it.

In their hearts, they would prefer to fight against the four commanders rather than against Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian has a false **** realm, which is more terrifying than the semi-god realm of the four commanders. This horror comes from a strong and invincible feeling~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, let's go. "

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he took the lead in starting his body and quickly flew towards the Palace of Death.

Both Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue have been closely following Li Lingtian, and now their cultivation strength is not only a slight drag on Li Lingtian, but also Li Lingtian's greatest help.

He believes that no matter whether it is Xiaobai or Nangong Mingyue, the help he brought to him is not comparable to any pseudo-realm. Even if he meets a strong man in a semi-deity realm, Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue can help him.

Soon, a group of people came to the death palace.

When I came to the Palace of Death, I realized that the Palace of Death was huge. Standing in front of the Palace of Death, the tall Palace of Death had a height of 10,000 meters. At a glance, I could not see the end.

The powerful and destructive gas of death covers the entire palace of death, and it is impossible to see the palace of death at all.


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