War God Supreme

Chapter 1498: Temple of Death No. 5...

Li Lingtian collected the fruit of life, the flower of life and the crystal of life into the Dragon Ring.

The whole person was relieved, but Dongsheng Shengtian and others, the look on his face became ugly.

Watching Li Lingtian take away the treasures with their own eyes, but they were trapped by Li Lingtian with the formation method, and they just wanted to kill him.

Seeing such a situation, the six and a half gods could no longer care about the others.

The devastating attack was bombarded toward the formation. The two strong men specifically resisted the attack. The other four main attacks, the one-time destruction attack continued to bombard the formation.

The means of the demigods are terrifying, not to mention the six demigods together.

The formation continued to tremble, as if it was about to burst at any time. Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian and Xiaobai Nangong Mingyue were all nervous.

They still underestimated the demise of the demigod, and did not expect the demise of the demigod to be so terrifying.

Compared with Baili Sky Blue, it is much stronger. The six-and-a-half divine joint attack is simply destroying the world.

At this moment, dare not hesitate any more, the consciousness moved, the Tiandao roulette sacrifice came out, the Tiandao roulette spread the atmosphere of the Tiandao, Li Lingtian's Dafa's decisive show was displayed.

With the wave of law, a faint glow appeared on the teleportation array.

The appearance of the glory made the expression on the three people's faces a little lighter, but when they saw how trembling the formation was, the expression on the three people's faces became dignified again, because there were more than three hundred ancient arrays that seemed to disappear.



After a series of laws and regulations continue to be displayed, the expression on Li Lingtian's face is more and more dignified.

It is really uncomfortable to rush into the formation in such a hurry.

Now, it's all about fighting for time.

Because now it is up to you to turn on the teleportation array first or the opponent first breaks the formation. If they leave here before the opponent breaks the formation, they are temporarily safe. If they start the teleportation behind the opponent, the next situation is unimaginable.

Finally, the light above the teleportation burst out, and the breath of heaven was fuller. The expression on Li Lingtian’s face was pleasantly surprised. His eyes looked towards the formation method, and he saw that the six and a half **** realm's means of destroying the heavens and destroying the earth The tearing, the formation has been destroyed more than half.


Li Lingtian opened his mouth, shouted at Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, and then flashed into the teleportation array.

When entering the teleportation array, both Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue also came to Li Lingtian.

When the three of them stood on the teleportation array, the teleportation array emitted a strong dazzling light, and the teleportation array also turned up, and finally disappeared in the strong light.

When disappearing, Li Lingtian looked at the shocking anger of the six and a half gods, completely ignoring the injuries on his body, and desperately tearing the formation, just like the formation of the formation as Li Lingtian, or he could not bear it. Torn Li Lingtian to pieces.

In a blink of an eye, the light above the teleportation array disappeared. Similarly, Li Lingtian and the three had long disappeared.


With a slight wind sound, Li Lingtian and the three passed the teleportation array and entered the fifth floor of the Crystal Palace.

This fifth floor, which is blocked by the gray fog on the outside, can't see anything in the fifth and sixth floors at all, because look

Not coming in.

The three of Li Lingtian came to the fifth floor, and the look on their faces became ugly.

Because in the fifth floor, there is a gray air of death, the intensity of the air of death is beyond imagination.

Moreover, even their consciousness, in the face of this breath of death, also felt a trembling heart, shaking from the bottom of the heart.

But the only thing that can be thankful is being able to see everything inside.

Seeing everything inside, the look on the face is not good. This place is the same as the first four floors. The center is a crystal step. There is a crystal mask on the crystal step, but the crystal mask has a mysterious color. Know what is inside.

Not to mention these, but what scares them is that there are hundreds of death beasts in this place, powerful death beasts.

Seeing so many death beasts, Li Lingtian and the three can't change color.

More importantly, these death beasts are more powerful than the third layer of death beasts. All kinds of powerful death beasts have **** eyes, just like they want to choose people to eat.

After seeing the appearance of Li Lingtian, all the dead beasts awoke from their deep sleep, and their **** eyes looked at Li Lingtian.



The roaring sound shook the entire crystal palace, and immediately deafened Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian glanced at these death beasts, and his heart shivered.

Although the three of them are strong, they can still face one or two death beasts, but in the face of hundreds of death beasts, it is simply a sheep.

At the same time, he also noticed that one of the death beasts here is more powerful than one, and the most central death beast is more terrifying. These death beasts are all surrounded by crystal steps, just like guarding the things inside the crystal steps.

"You first enter the Dragon Ring."

"I want to hide here and wait for other powerful people to solve it."

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all. When the consciousness moved, the Dragon Ring will be opened, and Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue will be put into the Dragon Ring. When everything is done, all the dead beasts are staring at Li Lingtian, just like Li Lingtian. Devoured in general.

But what shocked Li Lingtian was that these death beasts did not pounce on him, which made him a little puzzled.




At this moment, the air in the sky twisted, and the ground murmured.

The appearance of muffled noise, the death beast roared continuously.

Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and his body flashed strangely. The whole person disappeared, even the slightest breath and spatial fluctuations never appeared.

It was like this person had never appeared in this place. When Li Lingtian disappeared, all the death beasts showed a surprised look and looked curiously at the place where Li Lingtian disappeared.

But quickly changed direction, the air of destruction was raging in the air.



Suddenly, the roaring sound was even more terrifying. Hundreds of death beasts stood up, but the six-headed death beast crawled in the center without moving.

In this case, the other death beasts are all subordinates, and six death beasts are leaders, or six deaths

Beast guards the crystal steps.

call! call!

call! call!

At this moment, a ray of light appeared in the air.

Six figures appeared in the light. When the figure appeared, the faces were very dignified, with blood on the corners of the mouth, and the expression was pale and weak.

After Liu Dao's figure landed, I was relieved to see that I was in a place where there was no formation.

Without the formation, it is natural to rest assured, but when I see everything in front of me, the look on my face changes and becomes horrified.

"Death Beast!"

The six strong men exclaimed at the same time, and the look on their faces became extremely unsightly.

This is even more terrifying than seeing ghosts and ghosts. Knowing these death beasts is more terrifying than ghosts and ghosts.

All are sacred beasts of the semi-deity level. Although there is not much wisdom and no human cunning, the appearance of so many death beasts at once is simply not a horror to describe.



The roaring sounds were deafening, and the expressions on the faces of the six and a half gods were terrified.

At the same time, all the dead beasts did not pause at all, and quickly rushed towards the six and a half gods.

Each death beast is a sacred beast of the semi-deity level, the early stage of the sacred beast.

The early holy beast is generally the same as the strong man at the beginning of the semi-god realm. Although the death beast has no wisdom, the deadly attack is to scare the strong man at the semi-god realm. Now hundreds of dead beasts are thrashing, which is really heartbreaking.





Suddenly, the six and a half gods constantly fled, attacking the dead beast while escaping to dodge.

Hundreds of dead beasts have no life at all. They only know the attack and do not know the defense. In their eyes, there is only destruction and no defense.

Seeing this situation, the six and a half divine powerhouses were in distress, but they did not dare to stop. They would be destroyed and stopped by these dead beasts.

For a time, the Death Beast and the Demigod Powerhouse launched a fight.

Dongfang Shengtian and others attacked and fought back while evading, but no matter how they attacked, they could not kill the dead beast, and even had no chance to attack, it was simply to resist.

"What about Li Lingtian?"

At this time, Celestial Saint King finally found a problem.

That is, after they hated Li Ling who had gone to the bone, he didn't see where he went.

And the two girls around were gone, as if they had never come here.

This place does not even leave a trace of Li Lingtian's breath.

Thinking of Li Lingtian's means, and thinking of Li Lingtian's disappearance now, he said it suddenly.

He suffered more serious injuries than other strong men, and now facing the hundreds of dead beasts, the whole person cannot support it at all.


"Where did Li Lingtian go?"

"Could it be killed by a dead beast?"

"Pseudo-Shenjing faced so many death beasts, they must have been swallowed by them.

. "

"Is it because the two women were killed by the dead beast?"

After the Heavenly Demon Saint King finished, other powerful people also discovered this problem.

While resisting the attack of the dead beast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while glancing at this place with consciousness, there is no slight change in this place, the treasure is still there, but I have not seen Li Lingtian's figure.

Suddenly, several strong men were shocked, thinking of Li Lingtian being devoured by a dead beast.

You know, there are hundreds of death beasts here, which is equivalent to hundreds of gods. If they encounter so many death beasts, even they will disappear in a blink of an eye.

The current situation cannot be sustained at all. It is normal for Li Lingtian to be killed in a false state.

Hu Yanyunxiao even thought that Li Lingtian was devoured by a dead beast for two girls.

boom! boom!

A burst of noise, six and a half gods of the powerful desperately resisted the terrorist attack of the dead beast.

For a time, several strong men were crushed and beaten. In this way, all the fall just took a moment.


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