War God Supreme

Chapter 1514: Ling Wanyun

"His Royal Highness!"

The woman in palace dress was puzzled when she heard Qingfeng's words, but when she heard the voice around her, the whole person was terrified. With her cultivation behavior, she stood alone beside her and she didn't know. Chivalrous guest * Chinese * Chinese * net * first * sent Hey, interesting college

Yu Guang looked at the people around him, his face changed dramatically, but when he saw the young man, he exclaimed suddenly.

She did not expect His Royal Highness to be saved by this young man.

When she exclaimed, her face was very anxious, because she could not move at all from beginning to end, and could only watch the youth in white and the Crown Prince around her.


"Go to death, the deity fulfills you."

The look on Qingfeng's face was extremely insidious. His eyes looked at the other black strong men, but all the black strong men were unmoved.

However, the headed black-clad strongman waved with one hand, all the black-clad strongmen nodded, the true element of the whole body unfolded, the pressure of destruction broke out, and the consciousness locked Li Lingtian's gas machine.

However, Li Lingtian completely ignored these strong men, but looked at the palace-dressed women around her.

A woman in a palace dress looks like a twenty-year-old. This dress is completely a noble figure in the palace.

"What's the matter with him?"

"How is this going?"

Li Lingtian looked at the boy in his hand and asked the woman in palace dress.

Then he glanced at everything in front of him, and looked at the kimono woman with doubt.

He didn't want to participate in the disputes here, but he didn't want to reveal his identity and whereabouts. Everything in front of him had to be erased, but he had to figure out what was going on before erasing it. He also wanted to know where it was.

Because this teleportation was too weird, he entered the teleportation array in the morning, and the time in the teleportation array was only ten seconds, but when he came out, it was already in the night, which made him totally unacceptable.

"Your Excellency, I am the sister of the Queen of the Chunyang Empire. This is His Royal Highness the Prince of the Chunyang Empire."

"They were sent by other forces to chase us down. This traitor was a spy sent by the other party, who secretly forgot me, and threw the prince up, thank you for saving us both."

"Your Excellency, you left here with your prince, the little girl is very grateful."

The woman in palace dress simply said what had just happened, and said that when Qingfeng calculated her and her prince, the whole body shivered.

But thinking of the other party's strong, and Li Lingtian is alone, she only wants Li Lingtian to leave here with His Royal Highness Prince.

"Scum, **** it."

When Li Lingtian heard Qing Feng doing everything to a three- or four-year-old child, and secretly calculated his master, there was a trace of murderous intention in his heart. What he hated most was the traitor.

Even if he is countless killings, he will not deal with a child.

After finishing speaking, with one hand stretched out, a beam of light landed on the woman in the palace dress, and the imprisonment on the woman in the palace dress was suddenly small. At the same time, the boy also handed it to the woman in the palace dress.

As the consciousness moved, the nine sword swords hung in the sky. In the rain, the sword swords flickered like a meteor. Wherever the sword swords passed, the strong man in black fell.



The screams kept screaming, and in a blink of an eye, more than fifty pseudo-real world great consummates fell.

Only the black strongman and Qingfeng were headed. The nine sword swords in the air disappeared, and Li Lingtian walked towards Qingfeng and the remaining black strongman step by step.

Qingfeng and the strong man in black were completely stunned. The woman in palace dress also stood blankly.

All this is beyond their imagination.

Fifty or so pseudo-spiritual perfectionists were killed by such an easy second, and this young man did not move from beginning to end, but controlled the sword mansions by his consciousness.

For the first time, such a strong man saw that such a method was completely beyond imagination.

Qing Feng and the strong man in black saw Li Lingtian coming, and the look on his face became ashamed.

They knew that they had encountered a horrible strongman, and they had no chance to escape.

"The most hated thing in this life is the traitor."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at Qingfeng coldly, one-handed weird spread, and suddenly a horrible imprisoned force appeared, and then the destructive force bombarded Qingfeng.

The power of destruction bombarded Qingfeng without any resistance. The body turned into ashes, and the smoke disappeared.

After killing Qingfeng, when Li Lingtian's eyes shifted to the black strong man, the black strong man's body disappeared strangely, leaving a faint, strong breath in the space.

"Want to go in front of this seat?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face was still indifferent. His eyes looked in the direction of the black strong man's escape. With one hand, he spooked the space strangely, and suddenly the space was twisted.

At the same time, the space where the strong man in black began to escape was torn apart.

The space is distorted and torn, and the black strong man who escaped appears in the air with twists and twists. He did not expect that his teleportation had completely encountered space fragmentation.

In the fragmented space, the strong man's teleportation is just to death, it can't teleport at all.

He didn't know that Li Lingtian had created this fragmented space.

However, when he saw Li Lingtian, the look on his face was shocked, because a ray of destruction had been bombarded, the space where the force of destruction passed, and the space was constantly twisted and torn.


A desperate cry of screaming sounded. When the screaming sounded, the light of destruction had hit him, and the body tore into pieces in a flash, and finally turned into ashes and smoke, and completely disappeared in this world.

Finally, everyone fell.

From the time when Qing Feng shot to kill the woman in the palace, until Li Lingtian appeared to kill more than fifty strong powers in the false **** realm, the whole process seems to be a long time, but the real time is only more than ten seconds.

The woman in palace dress was completely dull, her eyes full of horror, and she couldn't accept the fact of her eyes.

No one of the fifty or so great powerhouses in the pseudo-sacred realm can be dealt with, but in front of this young man, it is like a defeated grass.

It is as simple as killing ants to kill a strong man in a pseudo-real world.

Shocked in my heart, I don't know how strong this young man is.

"All right."

Before Li Lingtian waved with one hand, all the storage bags had returned to his hand, and the piece of Tianxin jade had also come into his hand, step by step, before the palace-dressed woman, and said coldly.

The woman in palace dress woke up suddenly, the expression on her face was constantly changing, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Thank you for your help."

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, and hearing Li Lingtian's tone had no other meaning, she suddenly relaxed the palace girl, she was worried that she had just left the wolf pack and entered the tiger's mouth.

Li Duo is not to blame. The young man saved her, no matter what the reason was, he had to thank him first.

Yingying performed a salute and then dared not speak.

Li Lingtian looked at the woman in the palace dress in front of her, she was 20 years old, and she looked pretty. With the palace dress, the whole person had a noble and exquisite alchemy.

"Leave here first."

"I still have something to ask you."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, his figure flashed, and at the same time, a light shield carried the palace-dressed woman and quickly swept across the night sky with heavy rain.

The speed is incredibly fast, it is almost comparable to teleportation, and it is already thousands of miles away in an instant.

There was no heavy rain thousands of miles away. Although it was not clear skies, watching the Lang Lang starry sky also gave people a serene feeling, but Li Lingtian did not stop, but flew away quickly.

The woman in palace dress was up and down, and even felt uneasy.

Holding the boy, his eyes quietly looked at the young man in front of him.

The young man looks like he is 21 or 12 years old. His white clothes look very refreshing. His cheeks are sharp and sharp, and the whole person is handsome and elegant.

It's an existence that makes women all over the world drunk.

A faint breath, Yun Qianfeng's light expression, there is no slightest breath on her body, but she can take her to fly fast in the air at a speed that is beyond her imagination.

Such a character is definitely a true God, otherwise it will not be so powerful, not so chic.

Gradually, the whole person couldn't help but look stupid, but soon woke up and worried about the situation in front of him.


"Call, call!"

Li Lingtian took the woman in a palace dress to fly through the air quickly, flying for ten minutes before stopping.

The place where he stopped was above a mountain range, which was a hundred thousand miles away from where he started to rescue this woman in palace dress. At such a distance, even if there is a strong man, he has already been thrown away.

And when he was flying, he had completely wiped off the breath behind him. It was impossible for anyone to be able to follow him.

After landing, he waved with one hand, a powerful forbidden formation appeared, and the formation prohibited the two people from being enveloped inside. The light shield on his body also disappeared. In the night sky, on the top of the mountains, I didn’t even know. There are still people here.

"You can answer your questions truthfully."

After doing everything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian turned to look at the woman in palace dress and said lightly.

The look on his face was still, calm and calm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My name is Ling Wanyun, I am the sister of the Queen of Chunyang Empire."

"Thank you for your help, Wan Yun is grateful."

Seeing the surroundings, the woman in palace dress felt even more uneasy.

The young man in front of him, although he is also a great powerhouse in the false **** realm, does not seem to have the horror of those in black clothes, and his body exudes a faint bland breath, with no slight killing.

But this young man gave her the feeling of horror, which was more terrifying than the dozens of false **** realms.

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, quickly salute to answer and say your name.

The whole person dared not have the slightest disobedience and resistance, worrying that one accidentally disappeared, because the young man in front of him was so terrifying, whether it is cultivation or strength, it is not something she can imagine. ()

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