War God Supreme

Chapter 1526: Half-God Power...

"It is the deity."

Yangtian glanced at the elders above the main steps and the other three elders.

He said lightly, and in the flashing figure, he had come to the coffee table in the square and looked across from Zhao Tianshui.

The elders and others did not care about Yangtian's attitude at all.

Next, one by one semi-divine realm appeared on the square, a few moments of kung fu, a few Tiancheng strongmen around Xuanyin Tiancheng came to the square.

Each half-god powerhouse represents a heavenly city, and there is only one person in each heavenly city.

Above the square, in addition to the four elders in the outer hall of the Xuanyin Temple of Xuanyin Tiancheng, the other six and a half gods are all from other heavens. The arrival of these powerful people makes the elders and others feel dignified.

Although they came to watch the battle, they did not dare to provoke these people. The identity of these people is not important. The important thing is that they came from several other heavenly cities. To deal with these strongmen, it is to spend with other heavenly cities. .

Every time a strong man comes, he ruthlessly crushes the strong men who watch the battle on the edge of the square. After the arrival of the six strong men, all the strong men seem to have died once, their bodies are weak, their faces are pale, and they look very ugly.

However, all the strong can only endure, because this is the gap in strength, if they are semi-divine real power, naturally they will not be crushed by these six strong.

People are more dead than popular, and the gap in strength is always difficult to make up.

After the arrival of the six strong men, they all chose a seat to do well. Every strong man did not say a word from beginning to end. Even the master of Xuanyin Tiancheng, they ignored it.

Above the square, the atmosphere is very strange.

Time, seconds and seconds passed, and all the powerful people almost collapsed under such pressure.

However, this pressure finally disappeared.

Because a blue light and shadow appeared in the air, the blue light and shadow came over the square. When the blue light and shadow disappeared, I saw that the blue light and shadow turned out to be a middle-aged blue man.

The middle-aged man in blue is full of horrifying destructive power. This kind of power is exactly the explosive power, or the strongest of gravity.

Moreover, the middle-aged blue man also carried a five-foot-long gray spear. The gray spear, like the middle-aged strong man, showed an aura of horror, making the air distorted and oscillating.

"Shake the sky!"

The turbulence in the sky made everyone strong see the past.

When I saw the middle-aged blue man in the sky, they all shouted lightly, with surprise in his voice.

"Everyone, it's a step earlier than next."

"Don't be late next time."

Shaking the sky, yes, the middle-aged blue-clothed strongman in the sky is shaking the sky. People are as famous as they are.

His strong momentum showed his strength and dominance.

At the end of the speech, he greeted the six half-god powerhouses who arrived on the square, and then greeted the four elders above the main steps. When he looked at the steps, his eyes were cold and his body was imposing. More and more powerful.

The old opponent is about to meet, naturally there is nothing good to say.

Although it is said to learn, but under such a state of cultivation, where is the study, it is a battle of life and death, and the study is just a guise.

"We are not talented, but we also want to be a witness."

"Yeah, both of them are half-godly strong, there is no need to meet each other in life and death, just click until the end."

"Brother Tianshui is right, you don't have to be hurt."

"Great elder, what do you say?"

"The elders will not blame us for taking the risk."

"We just watched the battle and gave a testimony to the two fellows. There is no need to hurt the peace."

After the six strong men nodded and greeted Haotian, they said.

When it comes to the back, they are all looking at the four elders above the main steps.

For a time, the atmosphere became even more weird. In this case, although the tone was polite, but there was a sword and sword in it, and the invisible war had begun.

"Haha, this nature."

"It's best not to hurt everyone."

After the elders heard the words of some strong men, the expression on his face showed a faint smile, but Zhao Tianshui and others were already scolded in his heart.

If at other times in other places, he will definitely tear Zhao Tianshui.

But at this time, they dared not do this. First, there were countless powerful people watching, and the other party was six and a half gods, representing six heavenly cities, and two of them came from the three heavenly cities.

Even if Xuanyin Temple is so powerful, it doesn't dare to be the most right with the three heavenly cities.

However, as long as these strong men don't do it, he will be relieved. If they really do, they will alarm the elders in the inner hall and the hall of Xuanyin. At that time, even if he has ten lives, he will not die enough.

"Liang Tian, ​​do you still have to hide?"

At this time, the sky floating in the air shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder, shaking the square fiercely.

The depressive atmosphere is broken, and all the strong men are relieved a lot. At this time, in the face of the coercion of the semi-godly strong men, they will quickly display their defenses, so as not to get the time to the pond fish.

The sound is like thunder and thunder, the powerful forces are extremely shocking.

This is the power of the semi-divine realm, which is the power of shaking the sky, shaking the people as the name suggests, practicing the tactics of shaking the gods, and possessing the power of shaking the sky.

"Shake the heavens, it seems that your shook the gods formula has been broken."

"Otherwise you dare not come to find the deity, even if you shake the gods and then go against the sky, it is not worth mentioning in front of the deity."

Behind the square, the voice of the tenth elder Liang Tian sounded. Between the sound and the fall, Liang Tian already appeared in the air, and the figure finally landed on the steps in the center of the square. The powerful and terrifying demigod realm was revealed at this time.

Around the side of Liang Tian, ​​within a hundred meters, the space was stirred into pieces, completely forming a space like a field.

The figure landed on the steps, and his eyes looked coldly at Shaotian, and his heart was shocked, because with his experience and knowledge, he could see at a glance that the strength of Shaotian had been improved.

For the semi-godly powerhouse, Xiuwei's strength wants to improve a little bit hard.

The strength before Shaotian was terrifying. The powerful Shaotianshen formula made him have no chance of winning. Now the Shaotianshen formula has a breakthrough. Such strength, he has no advantage at all, but by this time, To be timid is to embarrass Xuanyin Temple, and in the future, he will not be confused in the Pure Yang Empire.

Now, the only thing is to work hard, even if it is defeated, it will not be destroyed.

If you want to kill the strongmen of the same rank, it is as difficult as going to heaven.

"Shake the gods tactics, shake the king gun!"

Shaotian didn't say much, and the strong man conquered everything with his strength against the sky.

The shocking momentum of the whole body burst out, the breath of destruction shook the space, the tremors of the space burst, and the power of the demigod powerhouse was fully interpreted on him.

The coercion and power of destruction alone is not comparable to a false **** realm.

Pure power and terrifying coercion have envied and shocked countless pseudo-godly powerhouses. This kind of power is the power of the real powerhouse, and it has earth-shaking superpowers.

The coercion was unfolded, and the gun that shook the Demon King was swinging, and a force of destruction immediately bombarded Liang Tian.

Wherever the power of the Overlord Gun passes, the space is broken up, forming a broken channel.

"The power of God's destruction!"

Liang Tian saw the sky-shattering Tianbawang gun, the look on his face changed, the strength of the whole body was exerted, and between one-handed waving, the terrorist attack bombarded the other side.

He naturally knows the treasure that shakes the sky. This treasure is the treasure that shakes the sky, but he can't put it into Dantian.

The super weapon of extraordinary quality, the powerful attacking treasure, and the shaking gods tactics of shaking the heavens, it is simply a kind of horror. With the shaking gods tactics and the shaking of the king fighter, even if he met him at the peak of the early half **** , Also detours.

In the past, Liang Tian had a battle with Shaotian. At that time, Shaotian's Shaotian God's tactics were not so powerful, and the power of Shaotian's King Gun was not fully exerted. The power is also fully exerted, and the power is shocking.


There was a shocking explosion, and two devastating attacks collided together.

Suddenly, the space was constantly torn apart, and the light curtains from the two attacks swept through the space. The light curtain passed through, even the air was swallowed, and the space temporarily formed a vacuum.

The super powerhouse of the power-shaking type of heaven, the semi-divine realm plus the superb treasures and the tactics of shaking the gods, with a single blow, Liang Tian was directly repelled, and Liang Tian exploded 100 meters before stopping.




The two were separated by a touch, but soon they fought together, and the war of destruction was launched.

Two super powers of half gods staged a devastating battle in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly the space exploded, and countless powers were completely stunned by the supernatural powers of the half gods.

The six spectator gods and the four elders on the main stage were also shocked. I did not expect that the strength of Shaotian's cultivation base had reached such a level. I was a little relieved to see the strength of Shaotian. Because this situation shows that shaking the sky to make trouble is just a coincidence, and has nothing to do with Li Lingtian.

During the war on the square, Li Lingtian had entered the Xuanyin Temple silently.

The entire Xuanyin Temple occupies a full size of Xuanyin Tiancheng, occupies the center of Xuanyin Tiancheng, but the outer hall can only be on the periphery, there is an inner hall in the middle, and the center is the forbidden place of Xuanyin Temple. The place.

Although it is an inner hall and an outer hall, this is only a distinction between forces, but the outer hall and the inner hall are indeed separated. When the outer hall enters the inner hall, it must go through a powerful formation. This formation controls the inner strongman. Without permission, people in the outer hall cannot enter the inner hall.

According to the information received by Li Lingtian, Ming Binger was in the outer hall, but did not enter the inner hall. In this way, Li Lingtian was more at ease.


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