War God Supreme

Chapter 1528: Destroy 8 Elders

Ming Bing'er knew that she had a sister of a sibling. In this world, apart from her sister, she no longer had blood relatives. phone-reading

But no matter how powerful her sister is, it is impossible to come here. The strong man in this place is too horrible. Even her Wushen Realm is not as good as ants in front of these strong men.

However, this feeling is so strong, as if his sister is by his side.

There is a bad feeling in my heart, is my sister also arrested?

This idea surged in my heart, and I felt a sudden discomfort.

Although I was separated from my sister since I was a child, I haven't had any contact for decades. I don't know how the other party is going. I don't know whether it is life or death. However, blood is thicker than water, and my sister is my sister. This kind of affection cannot be replaced.

Moreover, the two sisters are born with the same heart and soul, and the two are like a soul. They have a strong sense of each other, but the two bodies feel each other's feelings.


At this moment, a ray of light appeared above the head.

I don't know how high this light is from her. It seems that this light is like a star.

When the light appeared, the feeling in my heart was strong to the extreme.

But at this moment, a breath of destruction appeared above.



The breath of destruction appeared, and then the light disappeared.

When the light disappeared, the detonating popping sound appeared, obviously there was a strong war.

The power of destruction appears in the sky. The Ming Binger God Realm is not far away from the war above, but this powerful person makes people feel trembling.


A sound rang out among the bangs, and this sound was clearly transmitted to Ming Bing'er's ears, which suddenly made Ming Bing's heart tremble and his heart beat faster, and the whole person could not help tearing down.

"Yan'er, are you?"

Ming Bing'er was very excited when he heard this voice, and he was looking forward while worrying.

Involuntarily asked loudly, spread the voice up, hoping that the people above could hear her voice.

"Sister, Yan'er is here to save you."



Ming Yan'er's voice passed faintly in the explosion.

Li Lingtian and Ming Yan'er both cracked the formation of Shimen, opened the gate, and just entered the gate, a devastating attack bombarded them.

If Li Lingtian was alone, he could easily escape this attack.

But there was a Ming Yaner beside him, he could not dodge, he could only take the other party's attack, and his body receded towards the back. With this retreat, the two entered hundreds of meters inside the stone gate.

The destructive attack drove Li Lingtian back. At this moment, a terrifying breath burst out, and the terrifying coercion and attack came over.

When that breath entered behind the stone gate, the stone gate closed again, completely blocking the retreat of Li Lingtian and the two of them.

"Li Lingtian!"

The stone door was closed, and it was dark inside, and a faint voice sounded, with the voice of supreme majesty, terrifying coercion, and power continually emanating.

The strong half god, this is to give Li Lingtian the feeling.

This coercion and power can only be possessed by the strongest half god.

He has met several demigod powerhouses, and he has some understanding of the breath of the demigod powerhouses. Now, the strongman opposite him is a demigod powerhouse.

"This seat is here."

"Although you have some skills, otherwise you will be finished."

Li Lingtian said lightly, his voice was dull, without any slight fluctuations.

But in the tone, it gives a terrible pressure. No one will doubt the authenticity of this sentence. If there is no threat, it is the most terrifying threat, because he is Li Lingtian.

"In that case, then die."

The plain voice fell, and a devastating attack bombarded Li Lingtian.

With just one push, Li Lingtian pushed Ming Yaner away, and at the same time, the devastating attack was displayed.

In the face of the demigod powerhouse, he dared not have the slightest care, not to mention that it was in the local site. If one didn't pay attention, it would be lost, and for a time, the horror supernatural power bombarded continuously.

Instant is his talent, and the supernatural power bombards like a bead gun.

"Dageng Excalibur."

Li Lingtian found the opportunity and stretched out with one hand, Dageng Sword Sacrifice came out.

Dageng Excalibur broke out with a ruinous golden edge, and the realm of gold was exhibited.

The golden light in the realm of gold illuminates the entire space, the Dageng Excalibur continually swings and falls, and the air space is cut in half where the ruined golden edge passes.

The power of innate artifacts at this time exerted the power of the sky.

"Innate artifact!"

The eight elders saw the Dageng sword in the hands of Li Lingtian, felt the power of the innate artifacts destroyed, and the look on his face changed.

He didn't expect Li Lingtian to come to Xuanyin Temple, and he found it easily. Now he still has the innate artifact, and he is still the sharpest innate artifact.

Faced with the golden edge of the innate artifact Dageng Excalibur, he dared not resist it in the slightest, and could only dodge with the magical powers and body methods of the semi-divine powerhouse.

If he is cut by the sharp edge of Dageng Sword, even the strongest of the semi-god realm will suffer.




The Dageng Sword continued to swing down, and faster and faster, the space was completely illuminated, and gradually, the golden edge almost formed a net, making it harder and harder for the eight elders to dodge.

The destroyed innate artifact fell on the eight elders, and the defense of the eight elders was also to be destroyed. On several occasions, they were almost killed by the golden edge of the Dageng sword.

In the eight elders' minds, his heart trembled, more of rage.

I didn’t expect myself to be a strong man in a semi-divine realm, and the eight elders in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple were still being beaten down by a pseudo-spiritual youth in his own territory, but there was no chance of anger at this time, a little slower. , Will be hit by Dageng sword.

Gradually, Li Lingtian and the Eight Elders kept flashing, and finally came to a bottomless abyss with a diameter of thousands of kilometers. The Eight Elders kept evading under the abyss.

Li Lingtian closely followed the eight elders, and the Dageng sword in his hand kept bombarding.

Ming Yan'er also followed Li Lingtian closely. Even if she was not the opponent of the semi-god realm, her pseudo-real world was perfect, but now that Li Lingtian is shooting, she has no problem in protecting herself.

"Master, be careful."

"This old guy deliberately led us down."

Ming Yan'er didn't do anything, but he looked at the situation around him, and at a glance he saw that the eight elders were leading the two down.

Although it seems that the eight elders were hit by the Dageng sword, there was no way to dodge, but the direction of the eight elders' backwards was calculated. Seeing such a situation, Ming Yaner heard the sound from Li Lingtian's ears.

"Well, be careful yourself, look for your sister."

What kind of person Li Lingtian, Ming Yaner can see, he has long seen it.

It's just that although he is now pressing his opponent, but he wants to kill his opponent, he has not found a chance. He can only press his opponent in this way. This opportunity is not a chance at all, but a passive one.

"I found my sister."

"Sister is below."

Ming Yan'er heard Li Lingtian's words, and looked down with his consciousness. After careful searching, he finally found that there was a woman underneath. Although the consciousness was blocked a lot, the consciousness at the pinnacle of the pseudo-realm peak was found The existence of Ming Binger.

Moreover, the induction between the two is strong, and with the induction, the position of Ming Bing'er can be determined.

When talking, Ming Yan'er's voice was very excited, but he didn't dare to mess up, because this place is too dangerous. If she messes up, it will hurt herself and Li Lingtian.

"Go to death."

At this moment, a jade jade appeared in the hands of the eight elders. When jade jade appeared in the hand, it was pinched with one hand, and the jade was reduced to ashes.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was terrified. He didn't expect the opponent to come to this hand. Although he didn't know the power of this jade jade, it was certainly terrifying to make the opponent so sure.

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

With a sip of light, no longer dare to hesitate, the Mingshen Ring opens, and the power of Chi tomorrow Emperor erupts.

Suddenly, a ruined snow-white light illuminates the space, and the snow-white light tears the space fiercely, and bombards the eight elders.


Seeing this devastating attack, the look on Elder Eight's face was desperate.

He didn't expect Li Lingtian to have a more terrifying attack than the Dagen Excalibur in addition to the Dagen Excalibur. At this time, it was too late to resist, and he watched the white light bombard it.

When the light appeared, it was already bombarded.

With a scream, the snow-white light fell on the eight elders. The eight elders were suspended in the air. There was no more movement. When the light disappeared, the body of the eight elders turned into dust.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just when Li Lingtian was playing the role of Chi tomorrow, there was a shadow of destruction in the sky, with the pressure of destruction.

And the horrible magic energy came from below. When the magic energy was pure, the majestic power of the mountains rose to the sky.

There was a light and shadow of destruction on the ground, and a huge demonic energy was rushing up. For a time, Li Lingtian and Ming Yan'er were in a dilemma. At this time, Li Lingtian looked at the light and shadow that landed above, and ignored the magic energy below.

He cultivated the true solution of the holy demon. Even with the powerful magic energy, he could bear it, but he felt the fear from the bottom of his heart about the mysterious light and shadow above.

There is no place to dodge when light and shadow enter the network.

Seeing this situation, Ming Yaner disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had entered the Dragon Dragon Ring when he appeared again.

After everything is done, the light and shadow have reached a hundred meters above the sky, and the speed of light and shadow landing is getting faster and faster. The death threat of destruction continues to invade Li Lingtian's heart.

It was like destroying his mind before light and shadow destroyed him. ()

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