War God Supreme

Chapter 1531: Leave safely

Elder Nine did not attack Li Lingtian, but attacked Ming Binger with Li Lingtian. This time, countless powerful people felt blushing.

The elders in the hall of Xuanyin Hall, the semi-divine powerhouse, and Li Lingtian who met the false **** realm, attacked a woman of Wushen Realm, and they just lost their faces.

But what made the countless powerful people even more puzzled was that Li Lingtian did not resist at all. Instead, he took care of the flight and left, completely ignoring the attack of the nine elder Baiyu.

Just as Elder Nine's attack was about to attack Ming Bing'er, a breath of destruction erupted in the sky. This breath was mysterious and powerful, and it did not belong to human breath at all.

It was the breath of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Air, and the breathtaking Dragon Air burst out.

I saw a multicolored holy dragon in the air. There was a multicolored halo between the paws of the multicolored holy dragon. The multicolored halo ushered in the attack of the nine elder Baiyu.


With a loud explosion, the attack of the Elder Nine was cancelled, and the multicolored halo of destruction exploded and spread all over a hundred miles, and the space within 100 miles was reduced to fragments.

This sudden colorful holy dragon and powerful attack are completely beyond the imagination of all powerful people.

Among the colorful halos, Elder Nine became the destruction point of the colorful halo. The power of the colorful holy dragon destroyed the world. In front of such dragon spirit and power, the strong humans resisted even the strongest demigods. Nope.

What's more, the colorful Holy Dragon attacked suddenly, leaving Elder Nine with no response at all. Under such circumstances, it is strange to not be destroyed.


With a scream, Elder Nine's arm and leg were destroyed, and his body fell violently.

Sudden changes made the countless powerful people shocked. When the elders and other people reacted, Li Lingtian's figure had disappeared outside Xuanyin Tiancheng.

Just when the elder elder was about to catch up, the body suddenly stopped, the look on his face changed as if he had seen ghosts, and the body seemed to be immobilized.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men are puzzled, but the few demigod strong men present found the key.

Because there is a breath of destruction locked here, in front of this breath, a threat of death is given to people, just like a move, it will be destroyed instantly. This breath makes people feel trembling and dare not have the slightest action.

With this pause, Li Lingtian and others have left Xuanyin Tiancheng.

The colorful Sacred Dragon in the air has already left Xuanyin Square. All the powerful people watched the colorful Sacred Dragon and Li Lingtian leaving Xuanyin Square. This situation suddenly made the strong people in Xuanyin Temple very angry.

The opponent came to destroy the castle outside the hall of Xuanyin Temple, and saved the people successfully. They watched Li Lingtian leave in front of all the strong men, but they did not dare to move. This face was crackled.

After that breath disappeared, the look of the elder Xuanyin Temple's face was furious, and he wished to bring Li Lingtian down.

Immediately, Shaotian and others left, and the strong people in the square slowly spread out, leaving Liang Tian and others angry in the square, and the look on their faces was ugly.

"Damn, it's abominable."

"Li Lingtian, the deity must put you down."

The elder elder shouted loudly, the expression on his face was terrifying, as if to eat humans.

The elders around him were also angry, and this time, Xuanyin Temple lost face

Exhausted, the loss is heavy, the face is lost, accepting the punishment above the Xuanyin Temple is inevitable.

"Great Elder, how to deal with this matter"

"Over the inner temple, how do you explain?"

Ten elder Liang Tian looked at the elder elder, and now the Xuanyin Temple had such a big trouble, all caused by the elder elder.

If the elders had a beam with Li Lingtian, and if the elders did not capture Li Lingtian's people, Li Ling Tiantang God Divine Pill Master Tian Zhen Master, if he was well in Tianyu, he would definitely not come to Xianyu to find Xuanyin Temple.

Besides, even if such characters as Li Lingtian came to Immortal Realm, the immortal realm was so big, with his Li Lingtian's status and the means of the heavens, how could it intersect with Xuanyin Temple.

Well now, Li Lingtian is provoked. Instead of killing Li Lingtian, he offended Li Lingtian.

Not to mention the rest, the losses in the castle of Xuanyin Temple alone cannot be compensated by the elders, and the face of Xuanyin Temple is completely lost.

No matter how good the explanation is, it can't make up for the reputation of Xuanyin Temple.

Well, if you want to offend the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, you just have water in your head.

"This matter is dealt with by the deity."

"Send someone to catch up with Li Lingtian, don't play the grass and startle the snake, just find the place where they settle down."

"At that time, Li Lingtian must be exterminated, hum, dare to fight against Xuanyin Temple, it is simply to death."

The look on the elder elder's face was extremely cold, and he looked sharply at elder ten.

At this time, the Elder Ten had set aside his responsibilities, which was chilling.

Thinking of his backstage, even if he offended Li Lingtian and damaged the face of Xuanyin Temple, he did not have the slightest fear, because he has a strong backstage, and this matter is not his responsibility alone.

After talking, he looked at the six elders Dong Nanqing. This matter can only be dealt with by the half-god powerhouse.

If you want to rely on Elder Ten, you can’t rely on it. As for Elder Nine, who has been seriously injured now, there is no longer any fighting power. Can you keep Xiuwei or two words?

"Then I will stare at them, but I will find their foothold."

The expression on the face of the six elders was stunned, and he smiled bitterly in his heart. Although he didn't know how powerful Li Lingtian was, but with the strength of the people around Li Lingtian just now, even the semi-divine realm might not be pleased.

The elders threw this hot potato into him, and he could not refuse it at all, only accept it.

However, he also stated in advance that as long as Li Lingtian found their foothold, it would be fine. With his semi-divine cultivation practices and supernatural powers, as long as he did not meet Li Lingtian, there should be no danger. Even if he met Li Lingtian, even if it was not Li Lingtian's opponent can also leave safely.

In his heart, the false **** realm is no longer a rival to the semi-god realm, and the people around Li Lingtian can escape the wounds of the nine elders by sneak attack. As for the escape in the castle, there must be some treasure in hand.

After speaking, with one wave of his hand, hundreds of false **** realm strongmen followed him through the air and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the six elders lead people to follow Li Lingtian, the look on the elder elder's face was slightly better, but thinking about the center of the castle, the look on his face was even uglier. The direction of the castle flew away.

At the same time, the other Xuanyin Hall strongmen quickly followed the fly, and in a blink of an eye, there was a person on the square

Go empty.


Li Lingtian stood on the spaceship, and Ming Yaner took care of Ming Binger.

Beside Li Lingtian, there are Xiao Bai and Ji Yi. After Li Lingtian successfully left Xuanyin Tiancheng, they quickly caught up.

After leaving Xuanyin Tiancheng, Li Lingtian exhibited the spaceship, and the huge spaceship was flying fast in the sky.

This spaceship was transformed by him. No matter it is speed or defense, it is extremely powerful. Although it is not comparable to the Emperor's chariot, but in the spaceship, there is no more powerful than this first spaceship.

The Shenwu Continental Sky Array Master is the only one. Naturally, the spaceship transformed by the Sky Array Master is of course needless to say.

Ming Binger saw that Ji Yi and Xiaobai were both beautiful and trembling, and she was a trembling girl. She was also a stunning girl, but she never thought there was such a beautiful and charming girl in this world. Two.

Seeing her sister's expression, Ming Yaner introduced Xiao Bai and Ji Yi softly.

"Sister, the younger sister in white clothes is the younger sister and the younger sister."

"Sister Ji Yi in pale blue clothes is also the younger sister's sister."

Ming Yan'er said softly, the look on her face was very happy, and since the rescue of her sister, she had a happy smile on the whole face.

"Thanks to the son for his help."

"Binger has seen Sister Xiaobai and Sister Ji Yi."

Ming Bing'er heard the introduction of his sister and went forward to thank Li Lingtian.

Afterwards, they saw Xiaobai and Ji Yi, respectfully and politely.

If Xiu is the courtesy of the realm and the Shenwu Continent, she is very different from Li Lingtian, Xiaobai and others. The two are completely different, but with the relationship of Mingyaner, the distance will be suddenly. A lot closer.

After I finished speaking, my heart thumped continually. It should be known that these people in front of me are all powerful and powerful.

Regardless of appearance and cultivation as strength, it is not comparable to those arrogant ones.

"Finally rescued you."

"Yan'er was in a hurry during this time."

Seeing Ming Binger stepped forward to greet and salute, Xiao Bai and Ji Yi showed a faint smile on their faces.

If other people, they will not pay attention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the woman in front of her is Ming Yan'er's sister and a relative of Li Lingtian's family.

Li Lingtian nodded, not meant to speak.

After all, the other party is a girl, and he is a big man, and he certainly will not say anything to the other party.

Being able to rescue Ming Bing'er was an adventure this time.

But if he can be rescued, he can relax himself, or he will always care about this matter and affect his cultivation.

Several women were talking on the spaceship. Li Lingtian was controlling the spaceship, and his consciousness extended behind, and everything behind was printed into the sea of ​​knowledge. After all, he escaped with someone, and Xuanyin Temple would not stop so easily.

The strength of Xuanyin Hall is a super giant in the Pure Yang Empire. After going to Xuanyin Hall with a false **** realm, Xuanyin Hall is definitely angry.

Even if it seems safe now, the mighty Xuanyin Palace might be chased out.


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