War God Supreme

Chapter 1534: Xeon duel

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​is Yingying not strong?"

Xuanyuan Yingying raised her head and looked at Li Lingtian, with tender tenderness in her beautiful eyes, gentle like water, which could melt everything in the world.

Just above the Ares, Wan Yanhao was preparing to sneak attack on the Ares, but he ignored Xuanyuan Yingying, who was the Emperor of the Eightfold Heavens.

But both of them are five-element sacred bodies. Li Lingtian can be integrated into the God of War to control the God of War. Xuanyuan Yingying is also possible.

Seeing Wan Yanhao of the fourth of the ten major martial arts to sneak attack on the Ares, he immediately understood that Li Lingtian's considerations were correct.

It was originally a precaution, but I did not expect it to become a fact.

Wan Yanhao is the fourth superpower of the top ten Wusheng, and the strongest of Wusheng Liuzhongtian. In this place, except Li Lingtian and Wan Yanlingfeng, no one is his opponent.

And Li Lingtian was pinned by Wan Yanlingfeng, even if he wanted to return, it was impossible.

Without the slightest precautions, he drove away fiercely toward the God of War.

But Wan Wan did not expect to be hit by Xuanyuan Yingying with one finger. Xuanyuan Yingying's cultivation behavior could not have hurt such a strong man as Wan Yanhao.

However, the formation of Fusion God of War was destroyed by a single blow, and Wan Yanhao was also bombarded and flew out.

He was wounded by a woman who was not very tall, and even he didn't respond.

"Yingying is of course the most powerful. Haven't you seen that **** stupid?"

Li Lingtian reached out and stroked Xuanyuan Yingying's hair, showing a gentle look on his face, and said softly to Xuanyuan Yingying. Although the voice was small, countless powerful people could hear it.

Suddenly let countless powerful people feel that speechless, facing the top ten martial saints, they can still calm down like this, and also regard Wan Yanhao, the fourth of the top ten martial saints, as garbage.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, Wan Yanhao flew up, and quickly flew towards Wan Yanfeng.

Stayed there as if it were rubbish, and if it didn't move, it would cater to Li Lingtian's words.

However, he was furious, but he dared not take Li Lingtian easily.

Li Lingtian's horror, they have long seen it in the dark, the top ten martial arts are not so wasteful to attack Li Lingtian, this time, can only rely on Yan Lingfeng.

In the air, Li Lingtian and Xuanyuan Yingying, Wan Yanhao and Wan Yanlingfeng, the four are facing each other.


At this time, all the strong men booed.

Because they found that Xuanyuan Yingying's cultivation practice was rapidly improving, they saw that Xuanyuan Yingying and Yushou and Li Lingtian's hands were held together. Li Lingtian's powerful truth and cultivation behavior quickly spread to Xuanyuan Yingying's side.

The true elements flowed between the two, Xuanyuan Yingying was the eighth emperor Wudi, and Li Lingtian was the emperor of Wudi nineth heaven.

Both of them are five-element Eucharist. After the two cultivations, they are shared, with Li Lingtian as the main body and Xuanyuan Yingying as the supplement.

Now, there is a gap between the two's cultivation practices. When the palms are held together, the Five Elements Eucharist runs automatically. Li Lingtian's Five Elements Eucharist senses the Xuanyuan's Five Elements Eucharist.

Suddenly, Xiuwei worked in the past. In this situation, all the strong men were stunned, and they didn't believe their eyes at all.

For a moment, Xuanyuan Yingying's cultivation practice reached the peak of the Emperor Wuzhong's ninth heaven. Not only did Li Lingtian's cultivation practice not weaken, but on the contrary, it looked more powerful.

This is the advantage of double cultivation. Two five-element Eucharist, not only does it not reduce to true element after cultivation, but it is more refined.

"Do it yourself."

"This seat doesn't have time to play with you, let's go together."

Li Lingtian's eyes shifted to Wan Yanling Feng, this is a Wusheng Seventh Heaven Powerhouse. For the first time, he encountered such a terrifying powerhouse. Although the strength of this powerhouse was not as good as the Four Saints of Xuanyuan, his breath was terrifying.

Now his cultivation base is to reach Wudi Jiuzhongtian, and Xuanyuan Yingying has also reached the peak of Wudi Jiuzhongtian. The two can happen to defeat each other.

As long as the opponent is defeated, there is a greater chance of erasing the Yan Family and unifying the Kingdom of Moon Songs.

"Dachentianzhen, the flames engulf the sky!"

"Da Zhen Tian Zhen Jing, Tian Tian Rage!"

Wan Yanling and Wan Yanhao glanced at each other, knowing that the two in front of them were not simple and did not dare to have the slightest care.

The true element of the whole body has been running to the extreme long ago. The tricks in the hand are constantly being displayed, and suddenly the world is transformed into a world of flames. Countless strong men quickly retreat and dare not compete with this flame.

All the large armies also stopped.

Because now is the time for the decisive battle, the decisive battle of the super strong.

It was also the final battle of victory and defeat. The first Wusheng and the fourth Wusheng of the kingdom joined forces to deal with the powerful couple of Emperor Wudi of the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

If either side wins, the other side will fall apart.

Because they all represent a strong power, if even the strongest are killed and defeated, there is no need to continue the war.


In the air, the war has not yet begun, but in the face of the breath of destruction, the bursts of space tremble.

A world of flames around the world appears. Wan Yanling and Wan Yanhao are suspended in the flames. Their eyes are like electricity, and they look at Li Lingtian coldly.

This world is their master, and the two of them work together to perform top-level celestial exercises, and the power is shocking.

This is the joint of the top ten martial arts first and the top ten martial arts fourth strongest, and the joint exertion of the family's Xeon Gongfa, the power is a hundred times stronger than that of the sole exhibition.

Dachen Tianzhen is known as one of the three top-level celestial exercises in the Kingdom of Moon Songs.

The Seventh Heavenly Martial Saint of the Ten Great Martial Saints was exhibited with great power and horror, and Wan Yanhao, the fourth of the Ten Great Martial Saints, joined forces. The combined power has already practiced the top-level Heavenly Martial Arts exercises to the extreme.

Wan Yanhao's supernatural powers are the flames of the martial spirit of the Fire Department, which is also the top-level supernatural powers.

The magical power of Wan Yanling's cultivation is also the sky-burning rage in the martial spirit of the fire department. Its power is much stronger than that of Yan Yanhao's flames, otherwise the difference in rank between the two will be so great.

Suddenly, two ruined supernatural powers quickly formed in the flame world.

"This is a duel."

"Prepare to kill each other."

"I didn't expect the two to show their most powerful exercises and supernatural powers."

"This is for the purpose of winning and losing, and life and death."

"For the strong, such a battle is a one-shot victory."

"With one move, either fall or win."


All the strong men began to talk about it, and the Dachen Tianzhen Jing is the supreme practice of the Wanyan family in the Yuege Kingdom.

The two Super Martial Saints are also super geniuses and strong men of the Wan Yan family, and they are the pillars of the Wan Yan family.

Now that this situation is a fool, I understand that the two will kill Li Lingtian in one blow.

In this way, if they win, their prestige will be stronger. If they fail, they will fall or be injured.

"Flame of the Flame!"

"Jiuyang Holy Flame."

"The world of five elements changes."

"Nine days of stars!"

Li Lingtian looked at the opponent's situation and determined that the opponent wanted to win with a single hit, and he didn't hesitate anymore.

He looked at Xuanyuan Yingying, and Xuanyuan Yingying also looked at Li Lingtian at the same time.

Needless to say, all understand what the other party is going to do.

Xuanyuan Yingying let go of Li Lingtian's hand, a pair of jade hands constantly changing, like a butterfly wearing a flower, a string of strange marks appeared in the sky.

Horrible Daoism appeared beside her, the same five elements Daoism.

Seeing the appearance of the Five Elements Daoism, all the powerful people familiar with Li Lingtian were shocked.

Because the Five Elements Taoism is only owned by Li Lingtian, I did not expect that Xuanyuan Yingying also had Five Elements Taoism at this time.

When all the strong men were horrified, Li Lingtian waved his hands, and a serious look appeared on his face.

Between heaven and earth, the terror of the five elements of Tao appeared again. The two elements of the Five Elements merged in the air. Xuanyuan Yingying pointed a little, and there was a trembling in the void.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura fell over Jiuxiao, with aura of destruction.

The earth-shattering spiritual pressure and aura support the powerful Five Elements Taoism.

The Five Elements Taoism is even more terrifying, this time. Xuanyuan Yingying's Five Elements Taoism rushed towards Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian's Five Elements Taoism met Xuanyuan Yingying's Five Elements Taoism and quickly merged.

The fusion of morality and morality, Li Lingtian's cultivation is even more terrifying.

Li Lingtian said to herself, the tone was plain, but with supreme majesty.

At the same time, Li Lingtian was transformed into a blaze of flames, and within a hundred miles, a world of flames was formed.

The Jiuyang torch was also exhibited, and the Jiuyang torch entered the world of flames.

The five elements of heaven and earth are running, balancing the body, so as not to destroy the two.

The whole body shivered, with one hand, a multicolored light cluster appeared in the hand, and the light cluster burst slightly, and the multicolored light cluster suddenly turned into ninety-nine colorful spirit beads.

The multi-colored spirit beads quickly revolved around Li Lingtian. The multi-colored spirit beads seemed to have no rules, but they carried the world and reasonable and magical trajectory.

Within a hundred miles of Li Lingtian's side, it is a world entirely. There is no slight conflict in this big world outside of Esperanto~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Instead, it is integrated.

The breath and spirit of the big world keep entering the small world.

The multicolored spirit beads are constantly spinning, Li Lingtian and Xuanyuan Yingying are exhibiting the Five Elements Dao in this small world, and the small world is getting stronger and stronger.

This time the nine-day stars are different from the previous ones. The previous nine-day stars were only two hundred meters in size.

Now the nine-day star has reached a size of a hundred miles, and in the nine-day star, various worlds can appear according to Li Lingtian's exercises.

At this time, the nine-day star is the world of flames.

But there are five elements of Taoism and five elements of the Eucharist, the power has already played the nine days of stars to the extreme.

Holy order magic power, the art of power, is like this.

With the Five Elements Eucharist and the Five Elements Taoism, coupled with Emperor Jiuzhongtian Wuxi's cultivation practice, and Xuanyuan Yingying's joint efforts, the cultivation practice is now more powerful than ever before. ()

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