War God Supreme

Chapter 1544: The destruction of the formation...

The destructive attack came down from the sky, and the false **** realm continued to fall. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

For a time, the sound of screaming and roaring kept ringing, the light shields of dozens of pseudo-god powers were trembling, and they were about to be destroyed, and the defensive shields of demigod powers were constantly shaking.

At this time, the sky-long attack completely enveloped all within a thousand miles.



Some strong men want to escape and leave this attack range, but just retreat, they encounter the formation behind them. The attack of the formation instantly kills them. Seeing such a situation, all the strong men are desperate.

Can't escape, can't resist, so only wait for death.

I don’t know where the attacker came from or how long it will take to stop the attack, because instead of showing signs of stopping, the attack is getting stronger.

"What's going on with this attack?"

Nine sons were also shocked by the power of this attack, the look on his face was extremely ugly.

However, more anger, with hundreds of false **** realm strongman and a few half **** realm strongman to deal with Li Lingtian a false **** realm, has not seen Li Lingtian lost nearly half in the middle.

Now they are blocked by others outside the door, and they can't even see each other. The current situation is completely beyond their expectations.

The Sky Array Master was really not simple. He lost a lot with just one formation, and he is still in a dilemma.

"Return to Nine Young Masters, this attack is the formation of the Celestial Division."

"An offensive and defensive array, this attack has a total of nine rounds, each round is more powerful than previously discussed."

"As long as it escapes nine rounds of attack, the attack will temporarily stop."

The old man in the robe looked pale, and his body was seriously injured. If he had strong tactics to resist the attack, with the help of his false **** realm, it would have vanished.

At this time, he was desperate.

Because according to his position practice, I probably know the power of this position attack, but this is just speculation, because he is a Divine Array Master, and the other party is a Sky Array Master. The power of the Sky Array Master is completely beyond his imagination.


Jiujiu scolded loudly, and now he is completely passive.

Even Li Lingtian's face has not been seen, and his people have almost fallen away. This has also spread. Hasn't his nine sons lost his face?


As the last scream fell, all of the strong powers of false gods disappeared.


At this time, the elder elder, another blood spurted out.

The other demigod strongmen have suffered a lot of injuries, and they look very ugly. The whole person has no style of strongman at all, but it is no different from the beggars outside.

"Li Lingtian, come out with skills."

"What is the ability to hide like this?"

"If you are kind, you will come out and compete with your son."

Nine sons scolded loudly, the look on his face was furious, and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

He is a semi-divine powerhouse, and the nine sons of Xuanyin Hall's master, even though it is calculated by a pseudo-realm powerhouse, he can't wait for Li Lingtian's soul-stirring.


In the devastating attack, when the voice of Nine Young Masters fell, a faint voice sounded.

I saw four middle-aged men in the mask. The middle-aged man led by him exuded a strong breath, but in front of the demigods, this powerful breath was nothing.

Because the headed man's cultivation practice is almost the same as that of the pseudo-shenjing great consummation.

But the three men behind the man headed by this man are genuine demigods.

In front of the pseudo-ideal powerhouse, the three half-realm powerhouses are very polite, completely like a subordinate.

The middle-aged man is the head of the speech. When facing the strong men outside the mask, there is no fear at all. On the contrary, there is a look of disdain on his face.

A kind of high-level person's breath came out lightly. For a time, four people looked at Jiu Gongzi and others like a monkey trick.

"Li Lingtian?"

When Jiu Gongzi saw the man headed in the mask, his face was suddenly angry, and he wished to tear the man apart.

He hadn't seen Li Lingtian, but he saw three and a half divine realms standing behind a false **** realm. In this situation, only Li Lingtian could do this.

"Humph, ignorance!"

"The brain is so stupid that for half a day, I haven't even seen him in the Lord, so I'm so sorry to come here to die."

"According to you to accompany the Lord to do it, I can't help myself."

Long Da said lightly, spreading his voice out to the ears of Jiujiu and others.

The sound was very harsh, and it sounded like he had slapped him hard in the ears of Jiujiu.

The other party is not Li Lingtian at all, just Li Lingtian's subordinates.

The Hall of Gods, the ninth son of Xuanyin Hall, is now so insulted by a subordinate of Pseudo-Shenjing. He is so angry that he can't help but sullen the man in front of him. He hates Li Lingtian more Rich.

Yes, it is not Li Lingtian who speaks but Long Da.

Long Da and the three half-god powers of the Xiaoyao dynasty, these three half-god powers are also the first strongmen to join the free dynasty.

The three and a half Divine Powerhouses also knew that Li Lingtian was against the sky, knowing that Li Lingtian was the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent, and the first division of Shenwu Continent. Joining the Xiaoyao Dynasty was an opportunity, because in the past some low-level warriors followed Li Lingtian, Cultivation is straight up.

However, they never thought of a simple formation, but there was such a horror.

My understanding of Li Lingtian has improved a lot.

The Sky Array Master is the Sky Array Master, not something ordinary people can imagine.

"Li Lingtian, have the ability to come out."

Nine sons were angry, and they shouted loudly while resisting the devastating attack.

Although the attack that landed in the sky is terrifying, it is not so simple to kill the demigod realm. Now it can only aggravate the demise of the demigod realm and consume the true element of the demigod realm.

"You talk about it first."

"Everything else is killed, the elder elders and the cheap guys stay."

When Jiu Gongzi's voice fell, there was a dull voice in the mask. The voice didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuations, just like saying a common sentence.

When the voice sounded, a young man in white appeared strangely in the mask, and there were a large group of beautiful women beside him.

The young man in white was dashing, with a light cloud on his face and a light smile on the corner of his mouth, which was enough to make the world's women fall for it.

The girls beside him are all peerless, like a goddess from nine days.

Seeing this line-up, Jiugong and a few half-god powerhouses stayed a while.

This lineup alone makes the world's powerhouses change color.

It was just like this for a while, the destructive attack landed on them, the defense was destroyed, the elders disappeared, and the injuries of several other powerful men increased a lot.


"My subordinates meet with the Lord."

Long Da and the three half-magic powerhouses saw Li Lingtian and others appear, and quickly saluted Li Lingtian.

The look on his face was extremely respectful.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian!"

At this time, Jiugongzi knew that the young man in front of him was Li Lingtian, a mythical figure in Shenwu Continent.

Sure enough, it made people jealous to death, but now he has no mood to be jealous.

Because of the other party's attitude and tone, it is entirely to keep all of them here.

"You are not qualified and capital to speak to the Lord."

"The people here, only two of you can stay for the time being, and the rest will fall."

"Otherwise you are consuming here."

There was a faint smile on Long Da's face, and his eyes were fixed on the elder elder and the nine sons.

Such a person is simply guilty. Li Lingtian talking to him is completely a loss. He naturally knows that Li Lingtian does not want to talk to the nine sons.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Sisi, Sisi!"

The air-destroyed attack didn't mean to stop at all. After several elders heard Li Lingtian's words, the look on his face was extremely ugly.

In this array attack, they have only one way, that is, the smoke disappears and stays here forever.

But Li Lingtian's remark was to provoke them, either to be killed by the formation, or to kill several other elders before going to fight Li Lingtian.

This temptation is great, because the power of this formation has already been seen.

If you wait for a few elders to fall in this place, it will take a long time. The two sons Nine Prince and Grand Elder will definitely consume the real yuan and be injured during these times.

"Elder, don't believe Li Lingtian."

"If we kill each other, it will fit him."

"Do it yourself."

The three elders and the four elders saw the big elders and the nine elders, and suddenly felt bad. If the elders and the nine sons dealt with them, they would only fall.

So he quickly shouted that they would not be lied to Li Lingtian.

However, before they finished speaking, Nine Sons ordered the elders to start.

At this time, in order to survive, there was no common ground. The two devastating attacks directly bombarded the three elders and the four elders.

The elder elders and the nine elder sons are more powerful than www.wuxiaspot.com. Compared to the three elders and four elders, the two elders suddenly shoot, and the two elders are unwilling to fall in the face of tactical attacks and the elder elder nine sons' attacks.

Two screams sounded, and the three elders and four elders fell.

Next, the elders and the nine sons shot successively, and several elders fell.

Seeing this scene, Long Da and the three half-divine powerhouses were all startled. I did not expect that the powerhouses of the Xuanyin Temple would be like this, completely beyond their imagination.

Li Lingtian, Huangfu Yuyan and others saw this scene, and the look on their faces changed a bit.

This is the world of the strong, such a situation occurs in a force, then the distance is not far away.

It is the most hateful thing to be incompatible with each other, but it is so random in Xuanyin Hall, which is completely beyond his view of the great forces. What happened before him made him have a decision in his mind, a decision to change the Xiaoyao Dynasty.

Immediately, with one wave, a mysterious halo appeared on the finger, the halo disappeared, and the attack in the sky also stopped.


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