War God Supreme

Chapter 1567: Premium Auction House

The treasures auctioned in high-end auctions are naturally more cherished than those in ordinary auctions.

Moreover, the strong people who come here to participate in the auction are also super powers of false **** realm.

Although there are spirit stones, there are basic standards.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue entered the auction site, which is a large palace that can accommodate two thousand people.

When the two entered, nearly two thousand seats were already full.

However, the two of them have no worries, because those who come here to participate in the auction have their own seats.

After their seats were offset, they had reached more than a thousand numbers.

The two numbers are one thousand six hundred fifty-five and one thousand six hundred fifty-six.

When the seat was found, God's consciousness glanced across the entire auction house. This one is full of pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, from the beginning to the pinnacle.

In this place, although it is possible to kill people and seize treasures, it is not allowed to mess up in the auction house.

Therefore, at least in the auction house, no one will kill people and win treasures. In the auction house, the highest bidder will get the money, and the rich will be the boss, but if you go outside, the fist makes sense.

In the entire auction house, nearly two thousand strong men were not crowded at all, and they looked spacious.

In front of each seat, there is a coffee table with some exquisite snacks and some fruits. This condition is naturally much better than other auction venues.

"Everyone, welcome to Gufeng."

"Under Lin Haoming, preside over the matter of this auction."

"I believe you all know the rules of the Gufeng Dark Sea Auction."

"It's true that at the auction site, the highest bidder gets it, and it can't be messed up in the auction room, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk. As for the things after leaving the auction house, it has nothing to do with the auction house."

Less than ten minutes after the two came to the auction house, a middle-aged strong man appeared on the forefront of the auction house.

The middle-aged strong man is also a super strong man with a pinnacle of perfection.

After coming out, he greeted all the strong men present with a light smile on his face.

"Gufeng Dark Sea Auction House sells ten items every day."

"For ten consecutive days, in this auction, the highest bidder gets it."

Lin Haoming waited for a while, and then went on to say that after he finished, he started the following auction.

In front of countless pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, Lin Haoming is not good to be verbose here.

When presiding over this auction, he naturally understands the psychology of the strong man. If he is here for a long time, it will arouse the resentment of the strong man present, which will have a great impact on the price of the auction item.

"The first item."

"It is an inferior ancient artifact, with a base price of one billion yuan, and each increase of 100 million yuan."

Lin Haoming looked at the strong man present without any movement, and took out a golden box. The golden box was placed on the crystal stairs in front of him.

Suddenly, a strong breath emanated from the box, and the terrifying coercion radiated out.

The coercion was cold, and the coercion caused the powerful players to feel a tremor.

"Xiapin ancient artifact!"

"It really is the coercion of ancient artifacts."

"Ice is an ancient artifact."

"The coercion of ancient artifacts is really powerful."

"The base price is 1 billion, if I take it, I will add 100 million, and 1.1 billion will be the lower grade spirit stone."

After Lin Haoming finished speaking, he suspended a crystal-clear short sword with a faint ice blue color inside the sword body, which looked very mysterious. The entire auction house was suppressed by this ice cold coercion With.

All the strong men looked at this dark blue short sword and exclaimed.

After all, ancient artifacts are extremely rare in the Shenwu Continent. Even if they are strong in pseudo-real world, they don’t necessarily have such artifacts. It is already very good to have an excellent artifact and a top-grade artifact.

The appearance of Xia Pin ancient artifacts now naturally shocks and excites countless powerful people.

However, this price is also the price. The one-billion-dollar spirit stone is only the base price, and the price increase is also one hundred million at a time. In such competition, there are no billions or tens of billions, and we dare not compete.

Immediately, the following fierce competition began.

"1.2 billion inferior spirit stones."

"1.3 billion lower grade spirit stones."

"1.4 billion inferior spirit stones."

"1.5 billion lower grade spirit stones."


The fierce competition made Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue shocked. He didn't expect that a shoddy ancient artifact was so popular.

Naturally, he uses all innate artifacts, and the ancient artifacts are no longer needed, and he certainly does not know the sufferings of other powerful men.

The price soared all the way and quickly reached 13 billion.

However, this price has continued to rise, more than 10 billion, which may be difficult for the Wushen Realm strong, but for the Pseudo-Shenjing strong, it is completely nothing, even if it is difficult, it has to fight for the inferior ancient artifacts. Too.

Finally, the price stopped at 32 billion.

It was taken by a strong man at the beginning of the pseudo-real world. This strong man at the beginning of the pseudo-real world was also a good ice power. Using this ancient artifact of the ice system can increase the strength by a large amount.

"The first item has been taken."

"Now proceed with the second item."

"The second item is also an ancient artifact, and it is also an inferior ancient artifact."

"Zijin Tianjian, an ancient artifact of the gold system."

Lin Haoming saw that the price reached more than 30 billion yuan, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. This price has surpassed the inferior ancient artifact. As the host of the auction, he was naturally enriched with rich ingredients.

After the first article was taken, there was a good beginning, and I was naturally very happy.

When speaking, take a brocade box from the storage bag, and place the brocade box on the crystal steps without any hassle.

After putting the box, it didn't mean to open it at all. It immediately made countless powerful people feel itchy. They wished to open the box and see what the treasures looked like.

After Lin Haoming finished speaking, this opened the box.

The golden box exudes a ruined golden edge, which is more domineering than the ancient ice artifacts at the beginning, giving a feeling of indestructibility.

"Golden ancient artifact."

"An ancient artifact created by Zijin destroys everything and destroys everything."

"If the Golden Martial Soul Power gets this Zijin Tianjian, its strength will definitely be doubled."

"Blessed is the strong man of the Golden Martial Soul, but unfortunately I am the Fire Department."

"I don't know what the price of this ancient gold artifact."


For a time, all the strong were shocked, and more excited people.

After all, the Golden Martial Soul Powerhouse is much more powerful than the Ice Powerhouse, and in terms of power, the Gold Powertrain is also much stronger than the Ice Powertrain. After all, the Gold Powertrain directly destroys the opponent.

There may be a lot of artifacts in the Shenwu Continent, but that is also for the super powerhouses. For the general powerhouses, even an ordinary artifact can only be encountered.

This is the case with artifacts, not to mention ancient artifacts.

Gufeng Dark Sea auction site, such an ancient artifact, naturally exciting.

"Yes, Zijin Tianjian is a metallic ancient artifact created by Zijin."

"Power and benefits, these do not have to be wordy, I believe everyone knows."

"This purple gold sky sword has a base price of 2 billion yuan, and each increase in price is 100 million yuan."

Lin Haoming looked at the comments of countless strong men below, with a faint smile on his face. After waiting for a while, he interrupted the sound of these strong men's discussions, and said the reserve price and price increase of this Zijin Tianjian.

"2.1 billion."

"2.2 billion."

"2.3 billion."


After Lin Haoming finished speaking, the following is a fierce competition, the competition is more intense than the first item.

Li Lingtian looked at the competition of these powerful men with a faint smile on his face.

It is more boring, like an adult entering a kindergarten.

The things he touched have already surpassed the pseudo-realm. These ancient artifacts have no interest at all. Even if it is given to him, he doesn't want it, let alone want him to compete with these warriors.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​will you say there will be some treasures cherished by then."

"If we watched them compete like this, the two of us would be too boring."

Bei Mingxue also felt a little bored, turned his head to look at Li Lingtian, and said.

It takes at least two or three hours to auction ten items.

"Hold on."

"Why don't you sleep first."

Li Lingtian also showed a little helplessness, he was not interested in such an auction at all.

Even if two congenital artifacts are brought in, he is not uncommon. Moreover, in this place, there will be no congenital artifacts.

Therefore, his goal is to focus on the materials and some herbs.

"OK then."

"Wake me up if you have fun."

Bei Mingxue nodded, looking very clever, and put his head on Li Lingtian's lap after speaking.

It looks very ambiguous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Li Lingtian is used to it, and there are many times when he is with Beimingxue at such times.

Gradually, Bei Mingxue fell asleep, and Li Lingtian was bored watching these powerful players compete for ancient artifacts.

However, although he did not participate in the competition, he knew a little about the basic forces of the strong in the fairy field. In a place, the power of this place can be learned from the strong family and power.

Seeing that these pseudo-spiritual powerhouses are competing for ancient artifacts, they probably know a little about the power of Immortal Realm, at least some of the powers of the Pure Yang Empire.

With the passage of time, Li Lingtian also passed through. The eighth item began, and a look of surprise appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and then his face became dull.

But he was excited because he didn't expect to really meet what he needed in this place.

Suddenly, the whole person was revitalized, and at the same time, Bei Mingxue also woke up.


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