War God Supreme

Chapter 1574: Super Auction House

"This matter is actually not a secret."

"It's just that the person Ling Tian asked is us. For our auction house, we must abide by the rules."

"Actually, as long as Master Ling Tian went to the screaming super auction, he could meet the lord who has ten unique flowers. Naturally, the information that Master Ling Tian needs is clear."

"It will be arranged for Lord Ling Tian at that time, because there are ten must-have flowers in that Lord's hand."

Zhong Yuntang saw that the other strong men let him speak, and he was not hesitating.

These things are not secrets, but they have different identities and different angles, so they cannot be said casually. Now, Li Lingtian wants to know the news and they have to say it.

It's no big deal to offend a half-god powerhouse, but to offend the young man in front of you is simply to find death.

Don't look at this young man in front of him is just a false **** realm, but it is a horror figure who can kill a half **** realm.

I saw it just now, and the coercion of his peak at the beginning of the semi-god realm was also smashed in front of Li Lingtian, without the ability to resist at all.

After saying it, the whole person felt much more relaxed.

"Okay, this seat is waiting inside the cave house."

"Remember, only you know your identity."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking and turned away, the whole person evaporated like air. There was no slight fluctuation in the space, no slight breath, and if there were blood stains on Zhong Yuntang’s mouth, he would think it was an illusion, and there would be no Li Lingtian at all. This is the case.

A moment after Li Lingtian left, Li Lingtian had already passed through the formation and returned to his cave.

There is still no slight fluctuation in the formation, and no one finds anything unusual about the formation.

"What a terrible coercion."

"Sky array master, it really is the sky array master."

"What a terrifying strength."

"You can provoke the mid-semi-deity, and don't provoke this pseudo-deity."

"More powerful and horrible than the legend, it is simply evil."

"This kind of formation is completely ignored, and it is really the sky formation master."

After waiting for a while, a dozen or so semi-real powerhouses probably did not speak until Li Lingtian had left the formation.

They can only be shocked by Li Lingtian's free practice in the array.

The formation here was created by the joint use of more than a dozen Divine Array Masters, but in front of Li Lingtian, it was a kid's trick.

Li Lingtian's words still came to mind.

They all know that nobody here knows Li Lingtian, and they dare not divulge the news.

You know, Li Lingtian even dare to deal with Xuanyin Temple, let alone these powerful people without a strong background, even Haoxuantiancheng, they dare not provoke Li Lingtian, they can only rot this news in their stomachs.

More than a dozen strong men were shocked, and it took a long time to slowly return to calm.

The character who shocked them, Li Lingtian, had already returned to Dongfu at this time.

He would naturally not worry that these guys betrayed him. Even if he betrayed him, he would not be afraid of anything.

When he returned to Dongfu, Bei Mingxue was still practicing, but when he saw Li Lingtian coming back, Bei Mingxue began to slowly reap the merits. After receiving the merits, he came to Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​how is it going?"

Seeing the calm expression on Li Lingtian's face and not knowing how things were going, he was curious, and asked Li Lingtian.

"There are results already."

"The owner of the ten unique flowers is still in the dark sea of ​​Gufeng, and you will meet them by then."

Li Lingtian said again that he had just gone to the Chamber.

Although there is no definite result, as long as the auctioneer said, he dare to guarantee that the other party would not dare to play tricks on him.

When the time comes, find the strong man who possesses ten unique flowers, and you will get the provenance of the ten unique flowers.

"We won't have to participate in ordinary auctions at that time, just go to the super auction."

Bei Mingxue nodded after listening to Li Lingtian's words.

There may be good treasures in the high-end auctions, but such opportunities are very small.

At that time, you only need to get some news from the mouths of some powerful people. After all, the high-end auction houses are all pseudo-spiritual strongmen. You don’t need to pay attention, but the super auction house is different. Because the super auction house, basically all It's the pinnacle of pseudo-realm consummation and the strongest of semi-realm.

The treasures in the hands of these strong men are simply not comparable to other strong men.


"When the time comes, I'll find someone to stare at the movements in the high-end auction."

"In this Gufeng Dark Sea auction venue, all the treasures can be controlled in our hands at that time. As long as we have what we need, we must get it even if we use some means."

Li Lingtian nodded, with a trace of determination on his face.

For Shipin Yuhuadan, some means are also worthwhile.

If there is no Shipin Feihua Pill, if you want to enter the semi-god realm, I hope it is insignificant.

Next, the two talked and practiced for a while.

Early the next morning, someone from the auction house came to Li Lingtian's Dong House to call Li Lingtian.

"Below is the auction house. I'm here to invite Master Ling Tian to participate in the auction."

"I don't know if Master Ling Tian can participate."

A middle-aged strong man in the middle of pseudo-real world came to Li Lingtian to pay a respectful salute. Although he did not know Li Lingtian's strength, they had heard of Li Lingtian's reputation, and when he first came over, several seniors of the auction house ordered Be polite.

Even if a few semi-godly strong men do not remind him, he knows these things. To know that some time ago, Li Lingtian spiked the semi-godly strong man, but it spread.

Even a large group of half gods were killed in seconds, not to mention his false gods.

"Arrange for this seat."

"There are two people here."

Li Lingtian nodded and said flatly.

Inviting him to participate in the auction is naturally in a super auction house, and such a super auction will definitely arrange a separate free transaction in the middle.

Naturally, the powerhouses who are arranged for free trade alone are all supernatural powerhouses in a semi-divine realm.

"This is going to be arranged."

"This is a VIP room at the Super Auction House. When the auction is over, please let Master Ling Tian go down to the room."

The middle-aged pseudo-realm handed a token to Li Lingtian, the look on his face was extremely polite.

Later, Li Lingtian said the location and place of the auction, and then retreated and left.

After the middle-aged strongman left, Li Lingtian glanced at the token, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The auction will not start until the afternoon, so the two are not in a hurry.

After resting in the cave house for most of the day, this led Beimingxue towards the auction house.

When I came to the Super Auction House, the other powerful players were basically there.

The two came to the elegant room of the auction house and were also satisfied with the arrangement of the elegant room.

As you can see from the window of the room, there are neatly arranged seats, and the seats are far apart from each other, which is countless times better than the high-end auction house.

The size of the auction house is about the same, but there are far fewer seats.

There are at least two thousand people participating in the high-end auction house, and this super auction house has only three or four hundred people.

In the center of the auction house, there is a large 200-meter-wide step made of crystal.

Looking at this, it goes without saying that this center is where the auction house hosts.

Li Lingtian glanced at the auction house, and also had a general understanding of these powerful people. Most of them were the peaks of the pseudo-spiritual realm, and most of them were the semi-spiritual powers.

Seeing hundreds of powerful demigods, Li Lingtian could only describe it in shock.

I used to see at least a dozen semi-god powerhouses in the battle of Xuanyin Temple in the past. Now I come here and see hundreds of semi-god realms at once. Li Lingtian also felt terrified.

It seems that this auction hosted by Haoxuan Tiancheng is not only a strong city in Haoxuan Tiancheng, but also a few strong people from nearby Tiancheng gathered here.

Moreover, in this auction house, it is not necessarily that all the strongmen in the entire Gufeng Dark Sea may have some strongmen who have not come to participate, so this auction is far more than that.

If you want to be safe here, try to be careful.

Otherwise, it is simply a delusion to want to leave here safely.

Generally speaking, as long as they do not touch the interests of the demigod powerhouses, they will not be wiped out by the demigodship powerhouses. rule.

Seeing these strong men, the look on Li Lingtian's face was dignified a lot.

I did not expect to encounter so many demigod powerhouses this time. Be careful, you must be careful.

"Hundreds of powerful demigods are really powerful."

Beimingxue naturally also sees the strong men in the auction house. There are hundreds of demigods in the auction house alone, which is not counted as the strong men in other VIP rooms.

In those rooms, there must be more powerful ones, otherwise there will be no rooms.

"Generally there is nothing we need, try not to compete with these powerful people."

"But there is a benefit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the strong man in the Yajian. After competing for the treasure, the other strong men do not know where the treasure is."

Li Lingtian glanced at the elegant room, and there was a trace of light on his face. In the auction room, there are some identities or powerful presences. The identities of these people are kept secret. Most people do not know the origin and identity of these people.

Besides, the strong of ordinary people dared not fight against the characters in Yajian.

This is a little guarantee.

"It's better that they don't get overwhelmed with materials like Shijuehua."

Bei Mingxue nodded, knowing Li Lingtian's meaning, and knowing their current situation.

It's better not to let people know of their existence. If they get any treasure, they will leave here quietly or else they will be chased by the powerful people present.

Everyone is innocent and guilty of his sins. This principle is constant forever.


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