War God Supreme

Chapter 1576: Top strong since...

"The fire-grade ancient artifact has a base price of 20 billion yuan, and each price increase is not less than 2 billion yuan."

"Now increase the price!"

Lu Zhicheng stated the base price and the standard for each price increase.

After he finished, the following is a fierce competition.

However, although it is fierce, it is still much calmer than the high-end auction house. Fortunately, the strong here are all pseudo-spiritual peak consummation and semi-divine real power.

Even if you want to compete, there are some concerns.

Besides, these powerhouses hold their identities and do not want to compete like other powerhouses.

Here, no matter how fierce you are, the people who get the treasure behind are all rich and powerful people.

Therefore, in such an auction, it is not so intense.

"Two sixty billion."

"Thirty billion."

"Thirty-eight billion."

"45 billion."


Perhaps, at this time, only the speed of the price surge can prove the popularity of this treasure.

The more cherished treasures, the higher the price, because the treasures cherished are all hard to come by, even if there is a spirit stone, it is not always possible to buy cherished treasures.

In this magical continent, the treasures cherished are all valuable but no market.

"Right, Brother Ling Tian."

"When those treasures of ours are taken out for auction, don't forget."

"These treasures are of no use to us. If they are replaced with spirit stones, they are much more versatile than treasures."

Bei Mingxue is excited about the following auction competition, but is not interested in competing. After all, they do not need such treasures.

After following Li Lingtian, her Yuehua Excalibur has never been used. The fabulous artifact Yuehua Excalibur is well-known in the Beiming family, but after following Li Lingtian, she used the ancient artifact, but no Only suitable for her innate artifact.

Seeing that these ancient artifacts are so expensive, if you take out the treasures on Li Lingtian's body, it will be a tremendous amount of data.

"Having this idea."

"However, our treasures will not be sold to others."

"If you want to auction, you also have to set up an auction house by yourself. In this way, the Lingshi will not be distributed to other people."

Li Lingtian nodded, he had this idea in his heart, did not expect Bei Mingxue to have this idea.

After coming to Shenwu Continent for decades, he has more and more treasures on his body, and he can't count them anymore.

From the beginning to the end, I did not take out one, even if it was taken out, it was all given to my relatives or subordinates, and I did not sell a treasure. Many treasures were not used, and they were all used by them. Not good.

Although there are five or six space treasures in his space, there are many treasures on his body that are not cleaned up, and he feels a bit burdened.

"If you sell the treasure you have, you don't know how many spirit stones you can sell."

"With these spirit stones, do whatever you want in the future."

Bei Mingxue snuggled with Li Lingtian with a happy smile on her small face.

From this window, you can see everything from the outside, but you can't see it from outside. The two of them naturally don't worry about others seeing them.

When the two were chatting, the second item, Flames, was also photographed. This price is much more expensive than the ancient artifacts on the water system, and the price has reached as much as 56 trillion.

Next, several items are top-grade ancient artifacts of various attributes.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue probably have some understanding of the prices of these ancient artifacts.

The price of the inferior ancient artifact is about 100 billion to 300 billion, the middle grade is about 1 trillion, and the top grade is about 3 trillion to 6 trillion.

Finally, the ninth item is a unique ancient artifact, the price of which is as much as 20 trillion yuan, and this unique ancient artifact is still wood, if the gold and fire, the price is more expensive.

The tenth item is a flag of the ancient **** array. As long as the flag is touched, the power of the ancient **** array can be exerted.

With this flag, the price has also been as much as 23 trillion yuan.

It is indeed shocking to be able to compress the battlefield into the battle flag for ease of use, but Li Lingtian has also seen it. With his practice, he can also create such battlefields, but he lacks some precious materials. Otherwise, some ancient **** arrays will be created for sale.

"Today, all ten items have been auctioned."

"Now, if you want to participate in free trade, the auction house can arrange for you."

"If you don't want to participate in the free trade, you can leave on your own and auction again tomorrow."

After the transaction, Lu Zhicheng spoke loudly.

The strongmen who come here are directed at ten items, but more are directed at free trades, because often some superpowers will not take the treasures for auction for spirit stones, but use them. Treasures in exchange for items you need, such as medicine and materials.

Now, ten items have been completely auctioned out. If you want to trade freely, the auction house can arrange a place for free trading.

It can also be arranged according to the strength and net worth of the strongman. Generally speaking, the strongman has the circle of the strongman. The first-ranked person naturally wants to trade freely with the senior strongman, because the treasure obtained by the senior strongman is more natural than theirs. There is more to be cherished, but the high-level strongman will never trade with the low-level strongman unless he knows the other party's net worth or knows that the other party has cherished treasures.

After Lu Zhicheng finished speaking, there were fewer than twenty strong men who left. These people either obtained treasures or had no capital to trade with others.

In addition to these strong men, everyone else stayed.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Zhicheng went out and passed a moment. From the auction house, there were more than 30 early strong powers of the pseudo-shenjing. The clothes of these pseudo-shanghai strongs were all the same, let alone these The strong are all people in the auction house.

Each of these people who came in took away more than a dozen strong men, because each free trading place can only accommodate about fifteen people.

It is not good to have too many people, and it is not good to have too few people.

Moreover, the pseudo-god and semi-god are separated. If there are no special requirements, the pseudo-god and semi-god will not be traded together. No matter whether it is fair or status, it is impossible to easily make the two grades strong. Together, so as not to give birth to right and wrong.

Gradually, the strong men in the auction house have been taken away.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue waited for a while in the elegant room, and a middle-aged man came to Li Lingtian.

"Senior, Uncle Zhong asked the younger to come and take the senior to participate in free trade."

"Senior is going now, or wait a minute."

After coming to Li Lingtian in middle age, the expression on his face was obviously stunned. He didn't expect his predecessor to be careful of his predecessors. He was just a young man, and what made him speechless was that this young man was only a false god.

Between the false **** realm and the false **** realm is basically an ordinary man. He didn't expect his uncle to let him call this young man his predecessor.

However, he did not dare to think too much. What kind of person is his uncle, the strong man at the peak of the early semi-god realm, is well-informed and experienced, and even his own uncle must be afraid of it. It is definitely not a simple generation.

"lead the way."

Li Lingtian said two words lightly, his expression on his face was dull, and there was a whiff of the arrogant superior.

This situation shocked the middle-aged strong man, and he even believed that his uncle had a good account. Although the young man in front of him was only a false **** state, from the perspective of his temperament and breath, it was definitely a trembling person.

Not daring to hesitate, bowed to salute, made a please gesture, and took Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue towards the passage.

After a few passages, Li Lingtian and the two came to a small square.

At this time, it was already night, the stars in the night sky flickered, shining the island more mysteriously.

Above the small square is a powerful formation that completely isolates the outside world from here. People outside cannot find the inside situation, nor can people inside see the situation outside.

Above the square, there are sixteen seats, there is a coffee table in front of each seat, and there are waitresses around.

Among the sixteen seats, there is a crystal step about 100 meters in size. Each seat is at a distance of tens of meters, so that there will be no right or wrong between each other.

There are already 14 strong men in Li Lingtian's waiting service.

Among the fourteen people, thirteen are half-god powerhouses, and one pseudo-godland peak is the perfect powerhouse.

The fourteen strong men closed their eyes and waited for the last two people to start free trading. Although it is said to be free trading, it must be started after the people arrive, because there is one more person, there is more hope.

After all, to the level of demigod, the items needed are very treasured, and the vision is also very high. To find the items you need is simply a needle in a haystack. There is more hope to be able to trade with more powerful players of the same rank.


When Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue arrived, the 14 strong men all looked up at them.

When I saw that both of them were in a false **** realm, both felt a burst of dissatisfaction. It is enough to have one strong false sense realm. I didn't expect to come back with two more figures. Isn't it a joke?

But the strong players present did not say anything.

Li Lingtian and Beimingxue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ naturally see the changes of these strong men.

After all, Cultivation Realm is displayed here, the other side has 14 people and 13 people in the semi-divine realm, and the only pseudo-realm is also the pinnacle of the great consummation.

His eyes glanced at the strong players present, remembering the 14 strong ones in his heart.

He then sat down, but this seat could only be done by one person, and there was a maid beside him.

"Move that seat over."

"You go down, I don't need you here."

Li Lingtian looked at the seat in the distance and spoke to the middle-aged strong man.

Then he said to the maid next to him that Beimingxue was here, and no maid was needed at all.

Besides, in the past, even if he had a maid, he didn't ask the maid to do anything. The waiter was restrained by him.


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