War God Supreme

Chapter 1583: 5-line wind thunder fan

Going out at the second article auction site, a short silence appeared above the square. 【Starting】

This quietness is to look forward to more exciting competitions and more powerful treasures.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue were also curiously waiting. For so long in Shenwu Continent, they first gave birth to their anticipation.

"The third item is an ancient artifact of ice and fire, ice. The heart of fire."

"Suitable for the water and fire ice martial arts strong players, as for the power, there is no need to say more in the next."

Zhong Yuntang took out a round jade card in the expectation of all the strong men. The jade card had the size of a slap and formed the red and blue colors of Yin and Yang fish on the jade card.

When the jade card appeared, a destructive ice-fire force erupted in the air.

Even if they are super powers, they feel a sense of destruction in the face of this ice-fire power.

"The heart of ice-fire, condensing ice power and fire power, can explode the power of destroying the earth when it is used."

"This ice-fire heart has a base price of 100 billion yuan, and each increase of 10 billion yuan."

After a pause, Zhong Yuntang said.

Finally, the bottom price and markup of the ice-fire heart are stated.

After the quotation came out, the degree of competition was as intense as Li Lingtian had imagined.

The treasures of the single series are so expensive, and the treasures of the double series naturally needless to say.

Moreover, this two-line treasure is still two extremely compromising treasures. The attributes of mutual concealment are combined, and the power that burst out is far from simple as one plus one equals two.

In the Shenwu Continent, the double treasures have almost disappeared.

Even Li Lingtian has never encountered a dual-line treasure. The wind and thunder destroys the devil, seemingly a dual-attribute treasure, but it is not a dual-attribute treasure. The power of the dual-attribute treasure is completely beyond the power of the strong.

There is now a dual-attribute treasure, which is really maddening. If you know that the dual-attribute is a powerful metamorphosis, this Shenwu Continent has not yet seen him. Li Lingtian is even more powerful.

He practiced the Five Elements Great Consummation, blending the power of ice-fire, ice flames, the power of life and the power of death. These are the existence of terror.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue watched the fierce competition, the expression on their faces was horrified and excited, and their emotions were also brought in.

However, both of them were very calm in their hearts, and the consciousness will monitor all around, printing all their actions here into their minds.

Finally, the price reached ninety trillion.

The horrible price, the trembling data, even Li Lingtian, also felt the horror of the data.

He still has nearly six trillion yuan, six trillion yuan in him. In Shenwu Continent, if a single person has so much, it is definitely a super rich in Shenwu Continent.

The general demigods are rich and have billions of trillions.

Often those powerful people come up with more than ten trillion yuan, all through the background of the family and forces, that is to say, the treasures purchased are for the family and forces, otherwise, there are several people in the Shenwu Continent who can take them all at once. Out of tens of trillions.

Even if some super families have billions of trillions of trillions, they may not be able to come up with so many.

Because many family spirits have used fixed assets.

Li Lingtian has six trillions of inferior spirit stones, as well as millions of top-grade spirit stones, as well as shocking wealth and treasures. Counting this net worth, he is also the top rich man of the entire Shenwu Continent.

Next, four consecutive treasures are all dual-attribute treasures, and the price is similar to the heart of ice-fire, the price has not reached 100 billion.

Throughout the square, all strong men's emotions were mobilized.

Unusual ancient artifacts continue to appear, and the powerful people present are extremely excited. They wish to possess these treasures for themselves, but there are not so many spirit stones at all.

The number of horrible spirit stones is beyond the imagination category of the pseudo-ideal powerhouse.

Li Lingtian saw that the transaction price was stable below 100 billion yuan, and he was a little calmer.

Otherwise, the treasure that appeared later, even his net worth can't bear this consumption.

He can use the means to grab the treasure he fancy without using a transaction, but the treasure is in the hands of other powerful people, and it is not so simple to fight for it.

If you take control of the treasure's initiative in your own hands, you can escape with the treasure as soon as possible.

In this case, even if the other strong men chase down, he will take the initiative.

Therefore, he did not want to kill people and seize treasure, but to control the initiative in his own hands.

At this time, he used tens of billions of spirit stones to inquire about the news, and it was of no use at all, because the treasures appearing in the auction floor could not impress him at all.

That is to say, apart from the ten must-have flowers and rootless fruits, this time the harvest is not great.

The last hope is to look at the last three treasures in the auction house. If the following three treasures are not useful to you, then you can find a way to leave here quickly. This place is not a long-standing place.

"The eighth item, the auction begins."

Zhong Yuntang is also very excited, because today's ten items, he does not know what it is.

Today's ten items are sealed by Haoxuan Tiancheng, and they will only be opened when the last day of trading.

Otherwise, they would not estimate the spirit stones earned on the entire island last year at about five or six trillion trillion. If he knew these treasures now, he would not say so.

You know, the seven items sold today alone have already received more than 400 trillion yuan.

The last three are definitely more cherished, and the price is naturally higher.

This time, in addition to the last three items, Gufeng Dark Sea’s income has reached nearly 150 trillion yuan. The last three items may be able to reach a total price of five trillion yuan. If so, the entire income Reached two trillion spirit stones.

This data is also a formidable wealth in Shenwu Continent, and any superpower is also an unprecedented existence.

Now he wants to know what the eighth item is.

Hearing Zhong Yuntang's words, the powerful people on the square suddenly calmed down and looked at Zhong Yuntang above the steps.

I saw Zhong Yuntang's consciousness, and a golden box appeared on the steps.

The box opened, and there was a faint breath in the box. The breath was simple. There was not such a powerful coercion as all powerful people imagined, but a simple and quiet atmosphere that made people calm. This situation undoubtedly made the strong present. Feeling unexpected and disappointed.

Gradually, the items in the box were suspended, and the items that appeared appeared to be a folding fan. The appearance of the folding fan made the strong players present stunned. They didn’t expect this eighth item to be a powerless one. Folding fan, everyone suddenly thought it was the auctioneer who made a mistake.

The folding fan is only one foot and one inch long when it is put away. It has a simple atmosphere and no power, just like the folding fan of ordinary scholars.

However, on the folding fan, there is a faint fairy qi, and the fairy qi also carries seven colors.

There was a trace of disappointment and confusion on the faces of all the strong men.

But on Li Lingtian's face, there was a shocking look. The breath on this folding fan could not be more familiar. The folding fan clearly has the attributes of five elements, and there are also the attributes of wind and thunder, that is, five elements plus wind and thunder, a total of seven kinds Attributes.

It's just that the breath on this folding fan is not obvious, because several attributes merge together, which cancel each other's breath, making it impossible for the strong players present to discover.

If it were not for Li Lingtian's cultivation of the Five Elements Great Consummation, he would not see the situation on the folding fan.

Moreover, the power on this folding fan seems to be exhausted, there is not much power, that is to say this folding fan is a scrap or defective product.

Even if it is a defective product, this folding fan is also a super treasure, not comparable to ancient artifacts.

"I believe you will not recognize this fan."

"Naturally, even in the case of not paying attention, I didn't recognize it."

"This folding fan, named Wuxing Fenglei Fan, is inferior to the innate artifact."

"If it is said that this five-element wind and thunder fan is a lower-grade congenital artifact, it is better to say that it is a middle-class congenital artifact, because the five-element wind and thunder fan has not absorbed enough five-element power and wind-thunder power now. Ability to reach the level of middle class."

The expression on Zhong Yuntang's face began to be puzzled, but a message came from a jade jade beside the folding fan. The information reached Zhong Yuntang's eyebrows, and Zhongyun Yuntang got some information about the folding fan.

Obtaining the information in the jade jade, Zhong Yuntang's expression changed dramatically, completely shocked by the order of the folding fan in front of him.

After a while, I spoke about the origin and power of the five elements.

"Five Elements Wind Thunder Fan?"

"Xiapin congenital artifact."

"It is equivalent to the power of middle class."

"It's an innate artifact!"

"Innate artifact!"

"It's just an innate artifact!"

Above the square, after the sound of Zhong Yuntang fell, there was a brief silence, and after a brief silence, a sudden burst of boiling broke out.

The sound of discussion kept on sounding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The expression on the face of every strong man was constantly changing, and his eyes were also looking at the folding fan.

In the Shenwu Continent, most of the powerful people use artifacts, and only a few pseudo-realms and demigods use ancient artifacts. As for congenital artifacts, it is a legend that there is no congenital artifact in the Shenwu Continent.

However, some legendary hermit families have innate artifacts, but no one has seen them.

Now, there are innate artifacts on the auction floor, and the powerful people present cannot accept this reality.

In the Shenwu Continent, ancient artifacts have reached the top. Even ancient artifacts are not owned by many people, let alone innate artifacts. Each innate artifact is a peerless treasure.

He met a lot of semi-divine realms and super powers, but he didn't see the other party using innate artifacts, even if they were not using ancient artifacts.

At most, it was in the Nine Heavens City. The strong man who entered the Nine Heavens City got several innate artifacts. As for other times, he had never seen the strong man possess the innate artifacts.


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