War God Supreme

Chapter 1587: Celestial Crystal

Seeing the power of the real demon destroyed by the real demon bombarded, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

If he was bombarded, he would definitely disappear.

At this moment, no longer dare to have the slightest hesitation, the holy demon in the body really works, the horrible holy spirit's qi is displayed. Although the holy demon's qi is rare, it is pure horror.

I don’t know how many times stronger than True Demon Qi.

He is in control of the true demon qi, which is extremely deep, and he also possesses the light dance avatar of the true demon qi, which makes his demon clan cultivation to a terrifying level.

But at this time, he did not dare to use the gas of the real demon, because even if he resisted the power of the real demon, he would be injured.

The pure gas of the Holy Demon ushered in towards the power of the true demon, and the space was suddenly twisted.



After a series of subtle sounds, the two terrifying demonic auras continued to crush, and Li Lingtian's body also took the opportunity to leave the real demon's attack at this time.

The body flew out like an arrow, and finally came to Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue.

As he left the attack area, the space torn apart.

The ground where Li Lingtian was originally was crushed by the power of the destroyed demon and the gas of the Holy Demon, and the Lord of the Real Demon was also bombarded by the spirit of the destroyed Demon.

The spirit of the holy demon entered into the body of the real demon, raging on his internal organs, and the expression on the face of the real demon changed constantly, as if frightened, it was like seeing ghosts and ghosts.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation!"

"Nine Heavens Divine Prestige."

"Nine Heavens Divine Power."

Li Lingtian didn't pause at all, his body struck, and the magical energy of his body disappeared.

Along with this is the shocking true element, the Jiutian Divine Tribute is exhibited, the Jiutian Divine Prestige is also exhibited, the nine-day divine power in the body works, and three terrifying sky-killing killers are exhibited at this time.

In the face of the real demon lord of the half **** realm, even if the real demon lord was injured, coupled with the erosion of the holy demon qi, he would not dare to carelessly.

Nine Heavens God Tribulation and Nine Heavens Divine Power are for dealing with the Demon Strong, and now encountering the Demon Strong, they will naturally not use other supernatural powers. If you kill the real demon, you will deal with the extermination alone. When you encounter this extermination, you will have no confidence.

Now, the column is finally wiped out, and the remaining true demon master, he can completely use the demon clan skills to match the Fa.

In the sixth floor of the death palace, the destruction of the Nine Heaven Divine Tribulation broke out. The Nine Heaven Divine Prestige and the Nine Heaven Divine Tribulation are both the most terrifying supernatural powers and supernatural powers of the Nine Heaven Divine City.

The real demon sees the magical powers displayed by Li Lingtian, and the look on his face changes greatly, but this time it is too late to resist.

The devastating arcs and coercion of crushing came over, and there was no slight resistance to the bombardment on the real demon,

"Tianxuan Magic Crystal."

Just before Lord Real Demon was about to be destroyed, a radiance appeared in front of Lord Real Demon. The black radiance was emitted from a fist-sized diamond-shaped magic crystal.

The radiance of the Tianxuan Demon Crystal resisted the Heavenly Dao of the Nine Heavens Tribulation, and Shenwei was also dissipated.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian's divine power has been exerted. The destructive Jiutian divine power disregarded everything and tore the glory of the Heavenly Profound Demon Crystal, and in a blink of an eye, torn the real demon Master into pieces.

The real demon of the half **** realm was so torn and fell.

It can be said that in the demi-god realm, the real demon is dead.

When he came here, he was forced to exhibit his killer skills by being extinguished by the power of death, and then was wounded by Li Lingtian who was a blood moon lore. Now he is crushed by Jiu Tianshen Wei and Jiu Tianshen Tribulation and torn by Jiu Tianshen divine power.

After Li Lingtian exerted Jiu Tian Shenwei and Jiu Tian Shen Jie and Jiu Tian Divine Power, there was no more energy in the whole body.

Sitting on the ground with one buttocks, it was impossible to move.

I was just hurt badly, and I was also injured when the teleportation array was interrupted. In the blood moon lore, it was even more wounded. Now, after forcibly using the sky-killing killer skills of the Nine Heavens, there is no strength, even if there is one. The powerful Wushen can also threaten him.

Inside the Palace of Death, there was a silence, and all the strong men disappeared.

Now there are only three Li Lingtians left, but Li Lingtian has no power to move even now. Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue are also seriously injured. Now they have no effort.

Seeing the quiet death palace, the three of them gradually relaxed.


A second of seconds passed, just as Li Lingtian was about to do it, there was again a voice of laughter in the silent Palace of Death. The appearance of the voice of laughter, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed drastically and became ugly.

In the current situation, even if a Wushen comes, it can threaten his life, not to mention a terrifying existence.

This voice, he naturally knew who it was, this voice is the voice of extermination.

Although the body of Ram Yangfeng was missing, this voice could not be changed.

He never imagined that the guardian under the seat of death had yet to fall.

When the voice fell, a light and shadow appeared in front of Li Lingtian. A thought flickered in the light and shadow. I couldn't see what it was like. When I saw this, Li Lingtian was more certain that this was the idea of ​​extermination.

The appearance of the annihilation made Li Lingtian despair.

"Eliminate, not dead at all."

Li Lingtian's voice was a little trembling, looking at the light group in front of him, and trembling in his heart.

When faced with this kind of existence, it is strange to not tremble, even if his state of mind reaches the point where Gujing is impenetrable.

You know, when he was in a war with the real demon master, this extermination had been peeping. His current magical means was seen by this extermination, and the current extermination is completely a thought, there is no deity, and he wants to exterminate. It is simply impossible.

But he was passive, and one was accidentally taken away as a walking dead.

"The deity is a guardian under the seat of death. Is it possible to die?"

"This is just an idea of ​​the deity, the deity will not die."

The sound of annihilation sounded, and light and shadow swirled around Li Lingtian, like a cat or a mouse.

Because at this time, Li Lingtian had no hands-on power. It is the habit of teasing the weak to be the strong. Now it is hard to dispel the hatred of the human being who is destroying his good deeds.

If it weren't for this human being, he could kill all the strong men and improve his cultivation effortlessly.

Now, although he hasn't disappeared, he has been weakened to a terrible level.

However, as long as the human being in front of him is lost, his own strength can be greatly increased. With this figure, the purpose of coming to Shenwu Continent will be visible.

"That seat will make you truly die."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was stunned, and he suddenly felt stupid. The guardian of Death's seat was naturally beyond the true God. It is so simple to kill.

Although it is an idea, it is not easy to kill.

When the sound rang, the consciousness moved, and the Mingshen Ring opened.

"Dark Lord Ring-Reincarnation!"

With a light drink, the meditation ring reincarnation started to run, and a mysterious glory of destruction suddenly flashed out.

In front of this glory, this world is like entering into reincarnation. Everything in this world is like an illusion.

There is a faint mysterious radiance on the samsara, and at the same time, the mysterious breath diffuses out, and the entire palace of death is filled with yin and qi. The yin and qi and death qi are constantly twisted and rejected.

But all this is no longer important, what is important is to eliminate the screams.

In front of the radiance on the reincarnation disc, the annihilation of horror, how powerful the power of death is, how powerful the **** guard is, but in the face of the reincarnation light of the reincarnation disc, there is no power to fight back.

The reincarnation disk has no attack power, but it has the power to destroy the soul and the soul. If the soul and soul meet the reincarnation disk, there is nothing to do, even if the mortal encounters the death.

what! what!

The screams of the annihilation kept ringing, and the light and shadow were constantly struggling, but the more they struggled, the weaker they were, they were gradually devoured by the light of reincarnation, and finally disappeared and entered the reincarnation disc.

But at the last moment of entering the reincarnation, the voice of annihilation sounded.

"Humble humans, you are abominable."

"The deity will make you disappear when the time comes."

The sound of column extinction fell, and the Palace of Death was silent again. There was no sound for a long time.

Li Lingtian and Xiaobai Nangong Mingyue both hold their breath and pay attention to the movement of the space, but after half an hour has passed, there is still no movement in the death palace. At this time, the three people are at ease.

"Brother, how are you?"

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue slowly came to Li Lingtian's side. The expression on their faces was pale, obviously injured.

"It's okay, just rest for a while."

"The two of you have a rest and I will call them out."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and as soon as his consciousness moved, he opened the Dragon Ring.

After the opening of the Dragon Ring, Ji Yi and Xuanyuan Yingying appeared in front of them. One of them was a family of elves, and the other was a family of Xuanyuan. They both had the ability to resist the spirit of death.

After the two came out, they looked like Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly shocked.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​Sister Xiaobai, Sister Mingyue."

"What's wrong with you?"

When Ji Yi saw this situation, she was terrified. She saw Li Lingtian for the first time. They were so embarrassed. You must know that Li Lingtian and Xiaobai were terrifying in their strength, even if they were half gods. Let them be so miserable, suddenly curious and worried.

"Encountered a strong enemy."

"But now they are all killed."

"We are going to heal first, and you two will protect us."

Li Lingtian briefly said things, but did not say much.

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. He didn't want to stay in this place. He had to recover from the injury and leave here. Only when he left here would he be able to heal.


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