War God Supreme

Chapter 1595: Demon King's Power

Use the Nine Heavens Excalibur to show off the Nine Heavens Sword Array, which is shocking. Cell phone reading cell phone reading

This trick is also one of Li Lingtian's most powerful killers, which is basically unused in general.

It can be said that he did not use this trick more than five times when he entered the Shenwu Continent.

And this is the second time that Jiutian Excalibur is used to perform this trick.

In the face of the demon king at the mid-peak of the semi-god realm, this is the last blow. Even if the nine-day divine sword can’t shake the devil-sword array, then you can only desperately escape, or else Can stay here forever.

All hope is placed on this magical power of destruction.

After the Nine Destroyer Sword Array was on display, Li Lingtian's body fell sharply, and the True Yuan was exhausted.

His eyes were fixed on the two devastating attacks exhibited by the demon in the air. At this time, he was the person who wanted to know the result most, because this was one of his most powerful attacks.



With a terrifying tear, the void has long been torn into countless fragments.

Jiucai Jianmang cut through the void and bombarded with the long shuttle fiercely. A burst of destruction burst out suddenly. The sound of the explosion shocked all the strong creatures.

The power of the destruction of the long shuttle hit the sword, and the innate artifact collided with the innate artifact.

Finally, Jianmang drove the long shuttle back to its original shape. Just when the long shuttle was defeated, Taikoo Moon Slash had already fallen on Jianmang.

With a strange and crisp sound, the sword of the Nine Heavens Excalibur collapsed, and at the same time, the attack of Taikoo Moon Slash also collapsed, and two innate artifacts exploded with the most powerful power.

The destroyed Yu Jin bombarded Li Lingtian and Demon King.


The demon spit out blood and swayed his body. The tall body continued to overflow and donate blood. The body almost collapsed, and there were cracks all over the body, like it was about to shatter.

The demon Emperor who was awake from the statue of the Devil Emperor stopped under the influence of the Demon Emperor's Demon Qi.

And gradually turned into a statue, the Heavenly Demon Crystal also trembles continuously, and the resurrected Demon Emperor slowly goes to failure.

Between heaven and earth, the devastating attack disappeared, and the aftermath disappeared.

The island gradually quieted down. Under this blow, the world was destroyed. The remaining dozen or so gods reached the mid-term temporarily, and did not escape the fate of destruction. A dozen people are now left. In the middle of the four and a half gods, and the defense was extremely weak.

However, the huge body of the Black Dragon King is also **** and looks terrifying.

Even more frightening is that Li Lingtian disappeared in the devastating attack, and the entire space can no longer find the slightest breath of Li Lingtian, just like Li Lingtian had never been here before.

The Demon Powerhouse and Warcraft have almost destroyed most of them.

After Li Lingtian's smoke disappeared, the look on Lord Mojun's face kept changing, and I didn't know whether it was anger or excitement.

Because the Devil Emperor's awakening was interrupted, he was about to return to the statue, and he wanted to be activated again, and he had to pay a huge price, but he was destroyed by the evil devil like Li Lingtian.

I have just seen Li Lingtian’s horror, and the pseudo-god realm is already so horrible. If it reaches the semi-god realm, the level of horror at that time cannot be imagined. Fortunately, Li Lingtian was killed in the last blow.

His eyes were extremely cold, and he looked coldly at the four remaining semi-magic human powerhouses in the square.


Lord Demon snorted coldly, and the devastating demonic energy bombarded the four half-god realm powerhouses. At the midpoint of the half-god realm, even if the injury almost disappeared, it was still easy to kill the four human powerhouses. , Because after the four early semi-real powerhouses reached the mid-term, the true element was exhausted again, and the injury was extremely serious.

Now, as long as four human strong men are killed, the statue of the Devil Emperor can be resurrected with peace of mind.




The four blasts of destruction, the four and a half gods' powerful men, even without screaming, disappeared.

Thousands of strong men participated in the auction throughout the island, but suffered the disaster of extinction. None of them survived, all disappeared, leaving only the huge body of the Black Dragon King suspended in the air.



The devil looked at all the ruined humans, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and finally laughed loudly.

Looking at the Black Dragon King with disdain, a mid-semi-dragon giant dragon can't affect him at all. Although he has lost a lot on his own, but to deal with this gray dragon is simply easy.

Now, you can slowly use the essence blood and Shou Yuan Zhen Yuan to resurrect the Devil Emperor Statue. After the Devil Emperor Statue is resurrected, this Shenwu Continent is the world of the Mozu.

However, seeing that the statue of the Devil Emperor has slowly been restored to the statue, all the preparations have failed, and the look on the Devil's face is extremely ugly.

The statue of Devil Emperor failed to be resurrected, completely beyond his expectations.

It was originally intended to resurrect the Devil Emperor with the true blood and Shou Yuan of all human strongmen here, but unexpectedly, there was a change of Li Lingtian. Although Li Lingtian was finally erased, it destroyed the resurrection of the Devil Emperor Statue.

Seeing this situation, the devil was extremely angry, and the anger of the sky was like destroying the world.


What about anger, because the situation of failure has been irreversible.

And the abominable human youth has now disappeared, and anger has nowhere to vent.

However, the Demon King's eyes turned to the Black Dragon King. Although Li Lingtian fell, this Black Dragon King was Li Lingtian's mount. As long as it was Li Lingtian's things, he would destroy them, otherwise he could not eliminate the anger in his heart.

The blood of the devil's cold eyes is red, the devil's qi is oscillating, and the destructive attack will bombard the black dragon king.

But at this moment, there was a hissing sound in the air, which was strange.

The whole air suddenly became quiet, only the hissing sound kept ringing, and the air of fairy spirits in the air kept rushing towards a place, and the air of fairy spirits above the sea pierced the devil qi and rushed toward the center of the island.

This situation shocked all Demon Races and Warcraft, and Master Demon was even more surprised. It was the first time such a thing was encountered.

In the eyes, looking at the place where the spirit of fairy spirits condenses, gradually, the look on the face of the demon becomes difficult to look.

I thought of something in my heart, but I couldn't believe it was true.


"The power of life."

There was a dull voice in the place where the spirit of the fairy was condensed. The voice was constricted, but the voice was familiar and familiar to the devil.

There was an unbelievable look on his face, and his eyes looked at the place where the spirit spirit gathered, and the consciousness locked the position of the sound, and the magic energy of the whole body was running even more violently.

Gradually, a phantom appeared in the spirit of fairy spirit.

Seeing this phantom, the appearance of all Demon Strongs and Warcraft, as well as the Demon King, is a huge change. I did not expect this to be true.

This ghost image is not who Li Lingtian is.

The ghost image of fairy spirit is Li Lingtian. This ghost image instantly swallowed all fairy spirits, a terrifying life force burst out, and at the same time, a mysterious breath wrapped around Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian, who has fallen into smoke and dissipated, was resurrected again, and his undead body made him reborn from the smoke and dissipated.


"Really immortal!"

"Undead in the underworld."

"It's all in control of the secret undead body of the underworld."

The Demon King and all the monsters were stunned at this time, watching Li Lingtian smoke disappear, and watching Li Lingtian resurrected and resurrected. This is the real undead.

Devil races are almost the same as human beings, and so are their wisdom.

Seeing Li Lingtian's resurrection, the demon was extremely shocked, because he knew that this was the secret undead body of the underworld, but there were few strong people who had cultivated such supernatural powers in the underworld.

I did not expect a young man to control the undead.

The immortal body is not really immortal, nor is it immortal or immortal, requiring countless harsh conditions.

After practicing control of the undead body, if you are hit by a blow, the soul will be destroyed, even the most powerful person will not die, Li Lingtian controls the undead body, no one knows his secret, even if he knows it, neither Know how to crack.

Now he was successfully recovered. Such a situation shocked the monsters present.

"Just a few clowns from the Demon Race."

"I also want to kill this seat, I can't help myself."

Li Lingtian suspended in the air, his face calm.

But in his heart, he smiled bitterly. In the face of the demon king at the mid-peak of the semi-divine realm, he cast the Nine Heavens Excalibur and the Nine Destroyer Sword Formation. It has been defeated.

Even if he doesn't display innate artifacts in the mid-peak period of the half-divine realm, he can't be the opponent of the devil. The other party displays two innate artifacts at the same time.

Therefore, the innate artifact gave him an advantage, so that he can leapfrog the battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when the opponent has the innate artifact, he not only has no advantage, but has become a disaster.

Fortunately, he is in control of the immortal body, and can be resurrected by the powerful divine consciousness and the power of life, the power of death, and the treasures of life and the pearl of death.

However, the place of resurrection cannot leave the place of war, because his life force and death force are all in the place of war, and he cannot be resurrected after leaving this range.

After the resurrection, still facing the devil, how can he not make him feel a bitter smile.

If there were no such restrictions, he could hide in the air and wait for the devil and other people to leave and then resurrect, or the soul escaped to a distant place and resurrected, but this is not possible.

When speaking, the terrible spirit qi continuously flowed towards him, these spirit qi continuously powerful body.

Moreover, Zhenyuan in the whole body reached the peak state. At this moment, a trace of resoluteness appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and Zhenyuan slowly hid, with which came the magic energy of the powerful terrorist.

The magic energy replaces the true element, and the violent and pure magic energy shakes the space. ()

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