War God Supreme

Chapter 1601: Yuhuan Mountain, Wang Family

c_t; Yuhuan Mountain, it is said that the entire Yuhuan Mountain is the world of the Wang family. ()

The Wang family is the master of the entire Tianyang Tiancheng. This Yuhuan Mountain is also the back garden of the Wang family.

In the Shenwu Continent, even powerful families and forces need strong genius to continue, and they need to appear against the sky. Otherwise, when the family and forces are out of touch, it proves that this family and forces have been exhausted and slow. Slow down.

Therefore, no matter how powerful families and forces are, they are not only fighting for their power and strength, but also for wealth and resources. At the most, they are still geniuses who fight for their own power.

Because the genius of the younger generation is the future of the family, and it is the key to continuing the family power.

The Wang family, even though it was declining, was mostly due to the lack of genius in the family. It gradually declined in the long river of history. Countless thousands of years have passed. The original master of the Tianyang Tiancheng, now no one knows the existence of the Wang family.

Even in Yuhuan Mountain, the former back garden of the Wang family, it has completely become the world of other forces, and the Wang family can only breathe here.

Moreover, the Wang family is getting weaker and weaker, and it is not far from the smoke.

The current Wang family, the most powerful are a few strong gods of Wushen Jiuzhongtian. On the stage of strongmen such as Xianyu, Wushen Jiuzhongtian has no effect at all, as long as a small pseudo-realm can control it Erase.

However, as the overlord of Yuhuan Mountain hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Wang family, although many strong men and forces wanted to annex the Wang family, did not dare to openly shoot, because all the strong men looked around and did not want to be the first sheep.

Moreover, if you want to annex the Wang family, you have to pay a heavy price, because although the Wang family has fallen, but there are mysterious killer skills, even the most powerful, it is not necessarily able to withstand the last destruction of the Wang family killer skills.



Deep in the Yuhuan Mountains, the sound of destruction continues, and the breath of death tears space reads;.

In the air, hundreds of powerful men hovered above, staring at the ruins below with shock on their faces.

Each of these strong men is a non-neural pseudo-realm, and there are even a few semi-godly strongmen.

From the clothing and standing direction of these strong men, it can be seen at a glance that these strong men are not at all together, at least not a sect.

Because they are all at a distance, they have to guard against each other.

However, the target of these powerful people is one, that is a small family below.

This little family is the king of the former Yuhuan Mountain-the Wang family!

However, the current Wang family is not worth mentioning at all, and it is simply unbearable. In the resource-rich mountain range of Yuhuan Mountain, it can also occupy a thousands of miles of chassis, which is enough to see the former glory of the Wang family. [Qiwu eBook]

However, the current Wang family is just a ruin, with destruction everywhere.

There is only a forbidden place in the center of the Wang family, and a palace with a size of a few square meters stands intact on the mountain. In the face of the bombardment of countless strongmen, this palace is intact because all the strongmen's attacks came to this site and were all The mysterious halo resisted.

"Good defense."

"The treasures of the Wang family should be in this palace."

"As long as this defense is torn, you can enter the palace."

"If there is no such palace, the martial arts ants of the Wang family will not be worth mentioning at all."

"Just want to tear this defense, hard."

"The Wang family has passed for so many years, and there is still such a terrible defense. It is really not simple."

"Let's hurry up, don't hide it, as long as everyone shows their true skills, it is still simple to break this defense."

"No matter how powerful the defense is, it will not be able to withstand terrorist attacks. With our strength, we must consume it;"


In the air, hundreds of strong men looked at the palace below in horror, and the expression on their faces kept changing, but more of it was greed.

Although the royal family has fallen, the royal family is the former overlord after all. This palace is a forbidden place for the royal family. Even the disciples of the royal family cannot enter. There must be treasures in it.

Now this palace is also the last defense of the royal family. The rest of the royal family's children have entered the palace. As long as the defense of the palace is destroyed, the royal family will disappear and the wealth of the royal family will become their own.

It is true that although the royal family has fallen, no one has entered this palace, nor dare to enter, because this is the ancestral land of the royal family, and the final defense of the royal family.

The ancestors of the Wang family once said that this palace can only be opened when the Wang family is extinct, otherwise the children of the Wang family will be destroyed by the organs in the palace.

Now the Wang family has reached the point of extinction.

Although the strongmen and forces of Yuhuan Mountain have always coveted the palace of the Wang family, they did not dare to go alone, but did not expect that this time all the big forces of Yuhuan Mountain will unite together and send their own strongmen to attack the Wang family.

In this way, all the strongmen and forces of Yuhuan Mountain will join in, and naturally there will be no scruples.

However, he was bitter about the Wang family. Although the Wang family had long known that all the forces in Yuhuan Mountain coveted the Wang family and knew that these forces did not dare to easily do it, they did not expect that these forces would work together to deal with the Wang family.

The sudden killing of hundreds of superpowers caused the destruction of more than two thousand Wang disciples in a blink of an eye.

When the royal family responded, countless martial arts pseudo-real world powerful destroying the world's ruthless bombardment, the weak royal family, the most powerful is only three martial arts Jiuzhongtian, this strength, where is hundreds Opponents of Valkyrie and Pseudo God.

After the reaction came, the Wang family knew that it was time for destruction, and quickly entered the palace.

In a blink of an eye, there were fewer than a hundred people who could enter the palace with more than two thousand disciples.

The people who come here are basically the super strong and super genius of the Wang family. They are all important figures of the Wang family, or the younger generations of the Wang family's descendants.

The outsiders also saw that although the defense of this palace was terrifying, it seemed invulnerable, but after countless terrorist bombardments, the defense slowly shivered.

As long as the attack continues, it is only a matter of time to crack the defense of this palace.

The Wang family also naturally saw that the palace was not impeccable and could temporarily resist the attack and killing of the outsiders, but after a long time, the defense could not be sustained.

However, the most powerful of the Wang family is Wushen Jiuzhongtian, and the other party can randomly kill him if he comes to any one.

"Homeowner, what now?"

Wang Tianjiu showed a solemn look on his face, more of grief and indignation. As the elders of the Wang family, he could not protect his juniors, and more than two thousand children disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Among the small forces of the small family, the relationship between people is also the best, and the relationship is the deepest, because the benefits of contact are not great.

The Wang family used to be an overlord, but now it is only a small family. The people in the family are all surnamed Wang. Although many of them have no blood relationship, they are relatives.

In the Wang family, Wang Tianjiu is also one of the four Wushen Nine Heavy Heavens, and below are his juniors.

Looking at the hundreds of disciples around him, his eyes turned to Wang Tianyun, the head of his family.

This palace is only a few miles in size, which exudes a touch of quaintness, and there is a sense of majesty, but it has not found the same treasure.

I didn't expect that the royal family's forbidden area was just an empty palace.

The situation is critical now. They know that there are no treasures in the palace, but the strong people outside do not know. They are definitely going to destroy the palace and come in to kill them for the so-called treasures here.


"This palace was built by the ancestors of the Wang family. Apart from these defenses and destruction, there are no other treasures and ways to leave."

"All of them are Martial Gods and Pseudo-God Realms, and even Semi-God Realms. Even if we are desperate, we cannot do without reading here."

"The only thing is that we can only die with this ruined killer. Otherwise, even God cannot save us."

Wang Tianyun's face showed a declining color. Although the Wang's family was declining, he was a family owner and a martial **** Jiu Chong Tian anyway, but at this time, there was no way to face the powerful terrorist.

"It's a pity them."

"Birthtime, if the family was born tens of thousands of years ago, the Wang family will rise."

Wang Tianfeng looked at hundreds of disciples in the palace. These disciples were all geniuses of the Wang family, and all of them were talented, but the current Wang family simply did not have the strength to build them into peerless powerhouses.

Of these disciples, the highest was only Wushen Mietian, and the lowest was just Wu Zong.

If the Wang family tens of thousands of years ago, with the power and resources of the Wang family, these geniuses can definitely be built, and now even if they are no longer geniuses, they are useless.

"You follow me."

Wang Tianyun watched the stormy attack from outside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shouted to Wang Tianjiu Wang Tianfeng and Wang Tianling, the voice fell, and turned to walk deep into the palace, leaving a declining back to all the disciples.

Seeing the head of the family, Wang Tianfeng and the three did not hesitate to follow Wang Tianyun towards the palace.

The four martial gods Nine Heavy Heavens disappeared into the depths of the palace. The outside disciples of the Wang family knew that several elders had discussed matters. They all sat down cross-legged and watched the devastating attacks land on the palace. These attacks were attacked by the palace. The mysterious halo blocked it, but the halo shuddered more than it started.

Everyone knows that if this halo breaks, they will disappear in an instant, and they will have no chance to resist even the screams.

Moreover, this halo may be broken at any time, that is to say, it is only a matter of time before they fall.

For a time, hundreds of disciples of the Wang family were all uneasy, and there was an irritated look on their faces. Only the 13-year-old girl in white appeared calm in the face. In the face of the attack of destruction, there was no slight change in his face. Even more is a childish smile with a calm smile on it.


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