War God Supreme

Chapter 1608: Tengen Shrine

c_t; In half an hour, Li Lingtian taught all the exercises to Wang Xiaoman. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]

Zhenyuan also ran three big weeks in Wang Xiaoman's meridian, so that he exited the consciousness and true yuan. After Wang Xiaoman himself ran for two big weeks along the trajectory of the true yuan, he was sure there were no errors. Take credit.

There is a strong master, the most basic advantage is that you do not need to explore the road to practice.

When she practices herself, she will gradually realize this exercise. After she has realized it, she will also try to practice. The path of the true element's operation must also be determined through numerous explorations. The route of operation is often wrong. .

Moreover, a kind of practice must be cultivated, and it should not be delusional within ten days and a half of a month. The more powerful the practice, the harder it is to practice.

Now when she meets Li Lingtian, she doesn't need to understand and explore this exercise at all. Li Lingtian has printed the cracked cultivation method into her sea of ​​knowledge.

Zhenyuan also ran three times, so she only had to follow Li Lingtian's trajectory to practice.

A strong man like Li Lingtian who is against the sky will naturally have no mistakes in the exercises he has realized. Even a demon like Li Lingtian has been practicing wrong, let alone her.

"This is the fame of the Wang family's ancestors."

"Tianyuan Shenjue!"

"Only those who possess divine blood or only the disciples of the royal family possess divine blood can practice."

"Even if you are in this position, you can't practice this exercise, you can only learn from it."

"You have to remember your bloodline, thunder and thunder **** blood, the natural talent is the thunder system, and the different properties of the thunder system. Under normal circumstances, don't easily expose it."

"You go back to good practice, don't be so high, this immortality is just an aid, try to absorb the spirit of fairy spirit to practice."

Li Lingtian told Wang Xiaoman the name of the exercise, and he also mentioned some things to pay attention to.

Cultivating a disciple is completely intricate, just like teaching your children to work hard. Your disciples and children are their own hard work, and there must be no errors or accidents.

"Xiaoman strictly abides by the orders of Master. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]"

"Xiaoman quit readings;"

Wang Xiaoman listened carefully to Li Lingtian's teachings. She didn't dare to neglect or slacken Li Lingtian's words. This was not only the respect and respect for Li Lingtian, but also her own responsibility.

All of this is for Master’s sake for her goodness, otherwise mythical characters like Master will definitely not come to teach a low-level disciple. With these things, it’s better to accompany Uncle Master and them, or to practice and improve themselves. for.

After Wang Xiaoman left, Li Lingtian also felt a little relaxed.

Finally, this information was cracked out. In this way, Wang Xiaoman can practice this Tianyuan Divine Trick. With his cultivation behavior and strength, Wang Xiaoman is not needed to help him.

It is impossible for Wang Xiaoman to reach him before he reaches the semi-divine realm. Therefore, he does not need Wang Xiaoman to practice supernatural powers.

The magical power in the information, without the training of the Wushen, simply dared not touch it.

Moreover, before Wang Xiaoman practises this supernatural power, he must first cultivate it, at least he must understand this supernatural power.

Solved the matter of Wang Xiaoman's cultivation and gave Wang Xiaoman some unique medicines. During this time, you don't have to worry about Wang Xiaoman. You can also concentrate on searching for the talents of these talents to refining the feather feather. Only by refining the Feathered Pill can break through to the semi-deity.

The spacecraft flew quickly, and within ten days, the spacecraft finally came to the waters of Cassia.

The Cassia Sea area is also the place of Chunyang Island. This Chunyang Island is inside the Cassia Sea area. The exact location of it is not known to Li Lingtian. He only found it in the sea area.

Fortunately, this sea area is not large, and there is not much danger in it.

After entering the sea, Li Lingtian let Huangfu Yuyan and others enter the Dragon Dragon Ring to practice, and Wang Xiaoman naturally entered the Dragon Dragon Ring to practice.

Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng were left outside. In this way, the two sisters could accompany Li Lingtian and control the spaceship to help Li Lingtian solve some basic things.

In the cassia waters, strong hunting can be seen everywhere, looking for powerful cultivation resources here.

The spaceship gradually flew towards the center of the sea, and the more powerful the center encountered, the fewer the strongmen encountered, but the strength of the strongmen inside became more and more powerful.

Li Lingtian has no hidden practice, but it is not necessary to hide it, because the practice of false **** realm is also common in the fairy field, and it is nothing.

Concealing the cultivation behavior, it will cause the doubt of other powerful people, or if cultivation is low, it will be bullied by other powerful people.


Cassia waters, Chunyang Island.

Perhaps the Cassia water area is not the largest sea area in the Chunyang Empire, but this sea area is indeed the most famous place, because there is a Chunyang Island in this Cassia water area.

Chunyang Island is the sacred place of the Chunyang Empire and the place where hundreds of millions of the strong people of the Chunyang Empire look up in awe.

Although the strongest of the Chunyang Empire has the largest Chunyang Island, few people have ever visited Chunyang Island, and no one dared to go to Chunyang Island. The holy place is a forbidden place and outsiders are strictly forbidden.

Even if you go to Chunyang Island, you can't enter the depths of Chunyang Island.

Outside of Chunyang Island, there are no powerful resources and treasures. Perhaps it is worth the arrival of the strong, it is the fairy spirit of this place.

The spirit spirit of Chunyang Island is extremely rich, and it is definitely one of the most powerful places of the three spirit spirits of Chunyang Empire.

Naturally, even the super strong will not venture to provoke the Chunyang Empire for the spirit of the fairy in this place, not to mention a strong person living on this Chunyang Island.

That is the adult of pure Yang. It is said that the adult of pure Yang has reached the peak of the mid-semi-realm as early as hundreds of years ago. His strength is extremely terrifying. No one has ever seen the action of adult Yang.

Even if Master Yang hadn't done anything, no one would dare to provoke him.

It can be said that Master Chunyang is a legendary figure of Chunyang Empire and one of the most powerful characters.

In the vast sea of ​​Cassia, Chunyang Island appears to be extremely small reads;.

Even if it is small, it is also millions of miles in size, and the spirit of the entire island is extremely rich. The strong men who come here to practice must pay the horrible spirit stone.

As long as there is a spirit stone, you can come here to practice, but you can't do it in this place or enter the central forbidden area of ​​Chunyang Island. As long as you don't enter the forbidden area, adults in Chunyang will not restrain the strong here.

On Chunyang Island, they are basically the strongest of pseudo-spiritual realm, or some of the strong gods who want to break through.

In the past few years, the number of strong people in Chunyang Island has increased several times. In the past few years, there have been hundreds of strong men in Chunyang Island, and they are all strong in false and semi-divine realms.

Suddenly the strong people gather, and other strong people naturally have something to happen on the pure Yang Island.


A huge spaceship landed over the island, and a young man in white walked out of the spaceship. There were two peerless girls beside him, two girls, one cold, like an iceberg fairy, and a mischievous and lovely girl, but the two girls were charming There are some similarities.

The two girls are extremely beautiful, and they are holding young men from left to right.

Such a girl has never seen such a beautiful girl in Xianyu, but suddenly two of them appeared, and the two still revolved around a man, making some strong people living on the island envious.

But even envy is not enough, because the strongmen here are super characters, naturally it is possible to have such beautiful girls with them, the origin is definitely not simple, and in the case of no details, it has provoked such characters, mostly for I can't find myself happy.

"This is Chunyang Island."

The one man and two women who came down from the spaceship were naturally Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng.

The three of them searched for several days in the waters of Cassia, and finally found this Chunyang Island.

When I saw Chunyang Island, I was really shocked by the three people. What shocked me was the fairy spirit of this Chunyang Island. The richness was beyond imagination.

However, there are also a lot of strong people practicing in this place, and all of them are the existence reads above the **** of war.

"This place should be Chunyang Island."

"The sea area of ​​Cassia is not large, we have been searching for a few days, that is, encountered such an island."

"Looking at the situation of this island, it is mostly Chunyang Island. You see, someone has already found it."

Li Lingtian nodded. At the end, he looked away.

Sister Tang Qingyue also looked in Li Lingtian's eyes. Their consciousness was not as good as Li Lingtian's, and the induction was naturally not as fast and distance as Li Lingtian's.

Soon, a huge spaceship appeared in the sky, with a huge flag inserted on the spacecraft, embroidered with three large characters of Chunyang Island on the flag.

From a distance, it's the origin of the strongman on this spaceship.

On the spaceship, there are more than ten pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, each of which is a tall one.

"Pure Sun Island here~www.wuxiaspot.com~If you come to Pure Sun Island, register and pay the spirit stone."

"Otherwise leave Chunyang Island immediately to avoid misunderstanding."

The spaceship in the distance came to Li Lingtian and others quickly, and stopped when Li Lingtian and three others stood up.

More than a dozen pseudo-real world powerhouses looked down at Li Lingtian, and even though they were all at the peak of the pseudo-real world, the early powerhouses on the spaceship did not take Li Lingtian's eyes at all.

Because this place is Chunyang Island, the holy place of the Chunyang Empire, the strong men who come here are all practicing here. They are landlords, and the strong men who come here naturally follow the people of Chunyang Island.

This has formed a high-level attitude and habit, do not look at any strong outsiders in the eyes.

This is also true. Chunyang Island is the holy place of the Chunyang Empire. There is the Chunyang Empire behind it, and there are many demigods on the island, as well as powerful and powerful adults.


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