War God Supreme

Chapter 1623: altar

"It has flown millions of miles, and I don't know how big this independent world is. [Starting]"

"We first stop at this place and start searching for medicine."

A group of people flew millions of miles and ended up in front of a hill.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he stopped and finally landed on the top of the mountain. The consciousness glanced around. In the canyon, the consciousness was suppressed, but in this place, the consciousness was not suppressed, and the gravity disappeared.

Within tens of thousands of miles, there are no other creatures except some low-level animals.

"Then take a break at this place."

Huangfu Swift nodded. In such a place, watching the surrounding scenery can also make you feel relaxed.

Next, Li Lingtian called out everyone else.

Introduced the situation in this place, and immediately made Princess Tianxing and others very happy.

"I didn't expect this to be Chunyang Palace."

"Much prettier than expected."

Princess Tianxing said happily, and everyone else was also very happy.

"First rest here."

"Then we are looking for medicinal herbs here, striving to find the medicinal herbs of Yuhuadan."

"If the Feathered Pill is refined in this place, then at that time it happened to strike the semi-divine realm by the spirit of fairy spirits here, reach the semi-divine realm, and cross the Divine Martial Continent."

A look of longing appeared on Li Lingtian's face. The peak of this false **** realm was perfect, which trapped them for a lot of time, just because he had not reached the half **** realm, and was always pressed by the strong man of the half **** realm.

If there is the material of Feathered Dan, there is hope to refine Feathered Dan, and then to hit the semi-deity.

Reaching demigod realm, by virtue of their cultivation strength, as long as they don't encounter the late demigod powerhouse, they can cross the Shenwu continent, let alone say, at least don't have to worry about the demigod midterm powerhouse.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he began to sit cross-legged and take a rest, recovering the spent yuan and restoring his spirit to a state of full prosperity.

Next, Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and others to collect medicinal herbs in this pure palace.

In this fairyland-like pure Yang Palace, there are countless medicinal materials. Ten thousand years of ordinary medicinal materials, one hundred thousand years of precious medicinal materials, two hundred thousand years, three hundred thousand years, and even one million years of medicinal materials are easily found.

Time passed day by day, and half a year passed unconsciously.

In half a year, the three came to the center of Chunyang Palace. Ten flowers, ten fruits, ten roots and ten herbs have been found.

Now he has all the medicines of Shipin Feihuadan collected.

In addition to these medicinal materials, he also built a genius Di Ling medicine garden in the Shenlong Ring Medicine Garden.

This elixir garden is full of medicinal materials more than 500,000 years old. There are two areas, one is more than 500,000 years old, and the other is more than one million years old. This elixir garden has reached the size of a hundred miles.

Now, the medicine garden inside the Shenlong Ring has reached a size of three thousand miles, with ordinary millennium medicinal materials and millions of years of top-level medicinal materials.

This medicine garden, but Li Lingtian's capital, you can not need treasures and spirit stones, that is, you can't leave this medicine garden, because only this medicine garden can make powerful potions.

Half a year later, all the herbs have been found.

According to his insights and research on Feather Dan, the herbs in him can be used to refine Wuding Feather Dan.

This is also because there are too few flowers of life and flowers of death. If there are enough flowers of death and flowers of death, more feathers can be refined. In his dragon ring, there are a lot of ten musts Ten unique flowers.

With all the medicinal materials, Li Lingtian can't refine it, because the medicinal materials have only five tripods, and there is one less chance of refining once.

He must understand the methods of alchemy and alchemy to a higher degree. Moreover, alchemy requires time and place to harmonize people and all kinds of opportunities.

This place has a strong spirit of immortality, and a pure yang. It is a good place for alchemy. It does not need a quiet environment in the past. More importantly, he needs to find a place that is isolated from the world, because the feather pill Refining finally needs the flower of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Obviously, this place is totally impossible, and can only be found in the center of Chunyang Palace.

On this day, Li Lingtian and others came to the very center of Chunyang Palace.

He is sure that this is the very center of Chunyang Palace, because there is a pentagonal altar with a full length of 100 meters, engraved with mysterious and powerful carvings.

Looking at this altar, Li Lingtian is no longer familiar with it, because this altar is a nine palace gossip roulette.

It's just that place names are marked around this roulette.

Nine-horned altars, each corner represents a place name, namely: Chunyang Palace, Tianhao Palace, Donghua Palace, Divine Medicine Palace, Tianfeng Palace, Yunyu Palace, Thunder Palace, Shendian Palace.

In nine palaces, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

He did not expect that in the Pure Yang Palace, it was only the outer periphery, the real center, but only through this altar to pass the past. Such a secret realm was the first time encountered in the Shenwu Continent.

"Ling Tian, ​​which palace shall we enter first?"

"Do you enter Chunyang Palace or Thunder Palace?"

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian, came to the altar, and encountered the most difficult decision.

These nine palaces are very important. Chunyang Palace is one of his goals. The God of Medicine Palace is also a place that he must go to the first Divine Pill Master. If you want to refine the Feather Pill, you must go to Thunder Palace Just fine.

Unfortunately, if this altar is opened, it will all be opened, and if you want to close, all the palaces will be closed together.

In this way, if he went to Chunyang Palace, the other eight palaces would be entered by other strong men. Anyway, he could only enter one palace and give up the other eight palaces.

"It is not so easy to open this altar."

"Let's wait until I open the altar."

There was a bitter smile on Li Lingtian's face. As the first day formation master, he naturally saw the power of this altar at a glance. Even the sky formation master, it was very difficult to crack this formation.

Self-confidence is his character, but he is not blindly confident. In the face of this mysterious and powerful altar, he does not have much confidence.

Moreover, half a year has passed. If you count the time, other powerful people will come up.

It is best to open this altar before other strong men come up, or else in this place, even if you are a Divine Pill Master, you must be in danger.

"Then we protect you, you crack the altar formation."

Huang Fu Yuyan said, Li Lingtian's face was all seen, knowing that this altar is difficult to open.

Following Li Lingtian for so long, I was not confident of seeing Li Lingtian for the first time.

"Okay, let me set this up first."

"You can also practice supernatural powers here."

Li Lingtian nodded, then sacrificed the Divine Array and the Heavenly Roulette, and the formation of the formation was displayed, covering the altar within a hundred miles.

What makes him puzzled and curious is that this altar cannot display phantom arrays and invisible arrays, otherwise the phantom arrays and invisible arrays will be displayed here, and other powerful people will not know that this is the entrance to the Pure Yang Palace.

After the formation of the formation, Li Lingtian began to observe and search for the solution of this altar.

For ten days in a row, Li Lingtian wandered around the altar, but still did not find a way to crack it. Even Tianxinyu was used, and he could not crack the formation of this altar.



In the air, several sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and several figures appeared in sight.

Several figures came to stop in front of Li Lingtian's formation and saw Li Lingtian and others in the formation. The people outside were extremely shocked, with a look of surprise and greed in their eyes.

The few people who arrived, Li Lingtian also knew that after the sea area entered the channel, he had a grudge against him, and several of his subordinates.

But there were originally eight subordinates, but now there are only three.

Beside him, there is also a half-century man in the middle of the half-real world. The old man's clothes are blood red, and he looks a little dazzling.

Everyone looked at Huangfu Swift and others in the formation, all faces were stunning, Huangfu Swift and others, any of them were peerless beauties in the world, Tang Qingyue and Xuanyuan Yingying and Ji Yi and they were peerless. .

Such a woman, any one who appears in the Shenwu Continent, is the existence of shaking the world. I did not expect that there were so many, so many peerless fairies in this place, they were naturally amazing.

Not to mention them, even the true god, when they saw Tang Qingyue, they would be trembling.

"I didn't expect someone to come first."

"It seems that Tianxinyu's power is really not small."

The eight kings looked at Li Lingtian, and the look on his face became very cold. When he saw Huang Fu Yuyan and others, his eyes were greedy, and his intention to kill Li Lingtian became stronger and stronger, as long as this Li Lingtian was killed, these The women are all alone.

And before the formation in the passage, Li Lingtian insulted him in the presence of the world's strongman. At that time, the situation was not conducive to him, otherwise he would have torn Li Lingtian into pieces.

Now when I meet Li Lingtian, it is simply a narrow path.

Come to this place~www.wuxiaspot.com~He has secret shortcuts in his family, so Kuairen is here one step, with this advantage, he can get into the pure Yang Palace and get treasures.

But I did not expect that someone came here in front of him, and this person is still the person he hates the most.

"Eight Lord, ask your person to solve this person."

"They, the old man only needs two or three, the rest belongs to you."

When the old man in the blood-red shirt came to the formation, his eyes kept staring at Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng. As for Li Lingtian, he completely ignored it, because in his eyes, Li Lingtian was no matter how famous he was, that is, a young man with a false **** realm, in his half **** realm. In the middle of the day, there is no ants.

Moreover, when the channel was opened, Li Lingtian took out Tianxinyu to let most powerful people know and remember Li Lingtian, but some people ignored Li Lingtian.

Otherwise, Mu Hao and Yun Chen would not know Li Lingtian, and would not die in the hands of Li Lingtian in the end.


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