War God Supreme

Chapter 1626: Small sword

"It is possible. Mobile reading"

"There is no other explanation other than the variation of the array."

Li Lingtian heard Tang Qingyue saying the same thing, and the situation he had in mind was even more affirmed.

If there is a change in the formation, this situation will not be much better than that of the strong, and it will be worse.

If the strong come down, he still has a chance to deal with it, and also a chance to leave here.

But now there is no strong man coming down, and he cannot return to leave here. Thinking of this, Li Lingtian smiled bitterly in his heart. What else can he say when he encounters such a thing.

"Now that our injuries have all recovered, let's take a look in the main hall of Haotian Palace."

"What kind of treasure is hidden in the palace inside the pure Yang Palace."

Liu Yiyi smiled and took Li Lingtian's arm and said softly.

The other women also nodded. This place is only ten thousand miles in size, and no other strong men have arrived. Now the only thing that can be done is to go to the main hall to see, hoping to find something.

Moreover, this Chunyang Palace is a holy place for the Chunyang Empire, and no strong man has ever come in.

It is such a place, and there are palaces in it. It is one of the nine palaces. Such a palace naturally makes people curious about it.

Li Lingtian did not say anything, and took Huangfu Yuyan and others to fly towards the main hall. This distance soon arrived. The main hall of Haotian Palace is not large, hundreds of meters long, and less than 100 meters high. The palace is no different.

The only difference is that the main hall is made of white jade, which looks extremely luxurious and gives a domineering feeling. From the outside, this palace is not so simple.

Haotian Palace

On the gate of the palace, there are three characters of dragon and phoenix dancing, Haotian Palace, and it is determined that this is one of the nine palaces.

Looking at Haotian Palace, I was shocked.

Li Lingtian glanced at him, this Haotian Palace had no defense and no formation.

Carefully walked up and gently pushed open the palace gate.

In the palace, there is no imaginary aura coming out of the face. There is no difference between the inside and the outside, but there is a huge statue inside. In front of the statue, there is a simple altar. The altar is exquisite, only four or five meters in size.

Not far from the statue, there is a step made of white jade. Above the step is a golden light mask. As for what is inside, you can't see it at all, and you can't even enter your mind.

Seeing the golden mask, Tang Qingyue and others all showed an excited look. Needless to say, the most important treasure in this palace is here. They are all curious about what is in the golden mask.

"Don't move such a thing first."

Li Lingtian saw Tang Qingyue's appearance and quickly stopped.

When they were outside, they were all goddesses, but in front of him, they were not like that at all. They were totally a group of lively and mischievous little girls, and they were very excited when they saw curiosity and fun.

He doesn't dare to let them move things here now, in case something happens, it will be miserable.

"Know it!"

Shun Meier and Bei Mingxue and others saw Li Lingtian and heard Li Lingtian's words, coquettishly answering, Li Lingtian had no choice but to shake his head, but they were very happy because they were his wife.

Immediately, the consciousness slowly extended, looking for a look in the palace of Haotian Palace.

I didn't let it go anywhere, but I didn't find any other objects in it. Apart from this statue and the steps, and the altar, I saw nothing else.

Li Lingtian had to focus on the statue, the altar and the steps. Only these things can be discovered.

As a Celestial Master, he would naturally not have the slightest chaos, so as not to provoke the formation of the organs, and to sink them into a scourge of annihilation.

Later, Li Lingtian looked at the battlefield again. This battlefield is just a simple teleportation battlefield, but it must be opened with the three rays of light here.

After understanding this altar, Li Lingtian's eyes fell on the golden mask of the statue and the steps.

The three positions of the statue, the altar, and the golden mask are exactly a magical formation. This is also the sky array master. If it is not the sky array master, you will not see the secret connection between the three, and you cannot open any. The same thing.

"You first enter the Dragon Ring."

"When the battlefield is opened, it will be sent away immediately."

After Li Lingtian was determined, he told Huangfu Yuyan and others.

Huangfu Yuyan and others nodded. When they were fun, they were lively and naughty, but when they really encountered something, they did not give Li Lingtian a little hind legs.

Knowing that Li Lingtian's words are not false, the teleportation of this formation will be sent away immediately. If such a place is separated, it will be a dead end.

Immediately, Li Lingtian opened the Dragon Ring, and Huangfu Yuyan and others entered the Dragon Ring.

There was only Li Lingtian left in the whole palace. The mind slowly calmed down, the consciousness moved, the **** array was displayed, and the tactics were waved quickly, and the light of the **** array became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the golden mask on the steps also slowly fluctuated, and a streamer-like breath appeared in the golden mask. At the same time, the statue and the altar also emit a faint light. Although the light is weak, but Confirmed Li Lingtian's idea.


A slight sound appeared, and the golden light above the Divine Array shot toward the eyebrow of the statue, and a ray of light also erupted above the eyebrow of the statue. When the Divine Array and the light of the eyebrow merged together, the whole statue flickered with brilliance, the statue It's like being alive.

The brilliance of the statue flashed, and the golden mask on the steps slowly melted, just like winter and snow and spring and sun.

Inside the reticle, a delicate white sword of the same whiteness appears. The sword is only one inch in size, but it exudes a mysterious and domineering atmosphere, giving a feeling of not being underestimated.

Seeing this little sword, Li Lingtian was also shocked. In a Haotian palace, there was only such a little sword in it. It seems that this little sword is not simple, otherwise it will not be kept by such a baby.

At this moment, time did not give him a shocking opportunity.

Because the light above the statue landed on the small sword, the white light of the small sword entered the altar, and the light emitted from the altar also turned up.

Moreover, the light above the altar reflected on the statue.

For a time, a circle formed between the statue, the altar and the steps.

The teleportation of the battlefield has already started. Naturally, it is impossible for him to hesitate at this time. No matter where it is teleported, it is much better than staying here.

Generally speaking, the time for the teleportation to turn on is less than five seconds. If you miss it, you can only wait for the next time.

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, grabbed with one hand, and the small sword caught in his hand, and the figure flashed and stood on the teleportation array of the altar. At this time, a white fist-sized bead appeared on the top of the statue's head.

Beads with mysterious brilliance, seeing this, Li Lingtian moved with a consciousness, and a force wrapped the beads. Just when he wrapped the beads, the whole person had begun to teleport.

After catching the beads, the battlefield turned and Li Lingtian disappeared.

After Li Lingtian disappeared, the light above the altar disappeared, the light above the steps disappeared, the statue became dark, without any breath or brilliance, and became a normal stone carving.

There is silence in the main hall of Haotian Palace, and there is an atmosphere of domineering destruction in the palace. The entire palace is completely sealed up. If Li Lingtian sees this situation, he will be horrified.

However, at this time, he has entered the space-time channel.

In the space-time channel, eyes looked at Xiaojian and the beads, without any appreciation of the look, and quickly packed two things into the storage bag.


Just when Xiaojian and the beads were installed, Li Lingtian's body had left the space-time channel.

The place where it appears is no different from Haotian Palace. The first time it comes out is to put the storage bag into the dragon dragon ring, the real element of the whole body runs, and the alert is looked around.

When the situation around him was discovered, Li Lingtian's face was horrified, and he smiled bitterly.

At the same time, he could not help but sigh with air, this time it was not as lucky as last time.

In the consciousness, there are more than a dozen semi-divine powerhouses here, and there are also three half-divine mid-powerhouses.

When he came here, more than a dozen semi-divine powerhouses were playing indiscernible, and there were five more semi-realm powerhouses killed on the ground. The whole situation was extremely extreme.



With a loud bang, a series of powerful and devastating attacks collided in the air.

These strong men are divided into two war groups. Don't think, these strong men are fighting for some treasure, because these strong men are not familiar with each other at all.

In an independent world of tens of thousands of miles in size, more than a dozen semi-magic battles, the whole space shivered.

The arrival of Li Lingtian suddenly shocked all the powerful people. At the same time, he stopped and looked at Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian!"

"Li Lingtian!"

More than a dozen warlike semi-godly powerhouses~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Li Lingtian in shock and exclaimed.

There are enough strong men here. So many strong men compete for treasures. There will certainly be no more than four strong men who can go out.

Now that there is one more Li Lingtian, things are more complicated.

None of these strong men underestimated Li Lingtian as a false **** realm, but regarded Li Lingtian as the No. 1 strong enemy.

Because Li Lingtian's reputation and status are displayed here, and Li Lingtian's undefeated myth is simply a kind of fear. The false **** realm has such power, which is more terrifying than the mid-level half-power.

In the minds of these strong men, they would rather meet the mid-level half-god powerhouse, rather than the false **** realm Li Lingtian.

There is also a category for the semi-godly strong, but Li Lingtian’s strength does not have a measure at all, because his strength is beyond your imagination at any time. ()

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