War God Supreme

Chapter 1653: Flower of Heavenly Tribulation

The three figures were suspended outside Yuding Peak, and did not want to enter. (Starting)

This situation attracted the attention of countless powerhouses. When they saw the strong momentum and appearance of the three figures, all the powerhouses were shocked, and their expressions kept changing.

"Chen Xiaotian, President of the Yu Ding Tiancheng Danshi Guild!"

"Yu Ding Tiancheng Danshi Association Vice President Zhao Yunmin!"

"Master Shengbai Ling Lingyu."

All the strong men were shocked to see the three strong men in the air.

The three people are all the pinnacles of the mid-semireal world, and they are even more shocked by their identity. Two of them are the presidents of the Yuding Tiancheng Danshi Guild, and the other one is the Shengdan Shiqiang.

I did not expect that Yudingfeng alchemy was not one of the three in their imagination, that is to say, the strong alchemist on Yudingfeng had someone else.

I can't think of any other Master Dan that can have such a big movement.

And the three super figures appeared together. From the look on the faces of the three super figures, it is obviously that the respect for the strong men on the top of Yuding Peak is incomparable, and they dare not take further steps in their own territory.

"Don't go into Yuding Peak half step, everyone."

"It's best not to use your own real and magical powers to fight this catastrophe. If you anger adults, there will be no way for the inferiors to guarantee your safety."

Chen Xiaotian's face was excited, but looking at the strong men who came to Yudingfeng, his look changed seriously.

Immediately he said to these superpowers that he spoke with little tone.

This looks even more shocking to all the people present. Even the president of the Danshi Guild must call the other party an adult, then the other party must be the Shendan Master, is it the Lord Shendan Master of the Shenwu Continental Danshi Association.

If this is the case, alchemy with such powerful movements can be justified.

"Chairman Chen, I don't know which adult is above?"

After hearing Chen Xiaotian's words, Bai Ling asked.

The other powerful people are also curiously looking at Chen Xiaotian, waiting for Chen Xiaotian to tell what kind of character is on Yuding Peak.

However, Chen Xiaotian didn't mean to speak, but put the whole heart on Yuding Peak.


The shocking roar of the sky, the whole space trembling constantly.

Moreover, a huge flash of lightning appeared in the void, and the lightning stormed toward a place on the top of Yuding Peak.

Thunder and thunder rolled, and lightning threw in and out, filling the space of tens of thousands of miles at a time.

Li Lingtian was at the top of the mountain, watching the changes of the heaven and earth's chemical tripod, and injecting all the real elements into Danding, and the consciousness controlled Danding from being destroyed by heaven.

In the Thunder Palace, there is a certain suppression, and a lot of Sky Tribulation cannot enter.

But at Yudingfeng, Li Lingtian and Danding were both exposed to the sky, refining Shipin Tianyang Pill, and suffered the punishment of the sky.

Countless arcs bombarded and bombarded Dan Ding, but the blue-grey halo above Dan Ding blocked the arc, and the mysterious breath in the arc entered Dan Ding.

Gradually, the elixir in Danding formed more than twenty identical small worlds.

These small worlds became more and more solidified and finally formed completely. Li Lingtian looked at these small worlds with a smile on his face, because these small worlds were all the medicines, ten grades of Tianyang Pill.


As these small worlds formed, the roar of the void sounded.

At the same time, thousands of arcs split.

Li Lingtian and the heaven and earth cultivating dynasty, under the destruction of the Heaven Tribulation, waiting for the disappearance of the Heaven Tribulation, as long as the Elixir withstood the bombardment of the Heavenly Tribulation, the Elixir can succeed.

Gradually, the arc and thunder stopped in the void.

The thunder stopped, and the muffled sound in the sky disappeared, but in the void, the endless arc stopped in the air as if time had stopped. However, all the powerful people found it.

It was discovered that the arc in the void formed a mysterious and scary flower.

Looking at the beautiful flowers, the entire void became absolutely beautiful, and for a time made countless powerful people stunned.

I don't know what's going on. The terrifying sky changes and the terrifying sky-tribulation have already shocked them. Now such a magical thing has happened, and it makes all the powerful people curious about the alchemy characters on Yuding Peak.

Moreover, the Yunlong Mountains tremble and vibrate, and the powerful people near the Yuding Sky City are basically attracted to the changes on the Yuding Peak.

"The Flower of Heavenly Tribulation!"

"The Flower of Heavenly Tribulation!"

All the strong men are attracted by a scene in the void, but they don't know what the scene in the sky represents.

However, the other powerful people did not know that the three super figures of the Danshi Guild did not know. When they saw the arc flower in the void, the three Chen Xiaotian were shocked.

At the same time exclaimed, the look on his face was constantly changing.

Excited, horrified, shocked!

The three of them naturally knew the origin of the flower of Heavenly Tribulation. Although few people in Shenwu Continent had heard of it and nobody had seen it, they had heard of some ancient Dao Dao books and were able to appear Heavenly Tribulation at the time of alchemy. Flower, that is to reach the extreme of Dao Dao, beyond the level of the ninth-order Divine Pill Master.

They did not expect Li Lingtian to have reached such a level, and they were not surprised to see such a situation.

"The Flower of Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Don't Dao Xiu be the flower of Heavenly Tribulation that can be encountered beyond the ninth level?"

"The Seven Divine Pill Masters of Shenwu Continent, who has achieved such an achievement?"

"Is it possible to go beyond the ninth order to come to Yu Dingfeng to testify alchemy?"

"What a magical flower of Heavenly Tribulation!"


For a time, countless powerful people heard Chen Xiaotian's words and were shocked.

However, Chen Xiaotian and the three did not speak, and were completely shocked by the flowers of Heavenly Tribulation in the air.

At the same time, the flower of the Heavenly Tribulation, which had originally stayed in the void, was bombarded towards the top of Yuding Peak as if it had been ordered, and the sky and earth changed color suddenly, and the entire void shivered and torn.

At this moment, all the strong men's faces changed dramatically, and they could not help shaking.

The pressure of destruction and the terrible destruction make all the strong feel their own smallness. In the face of the powerful natural power, the strong man of mankind is like an ant on a leaf in a gigantic wave, which may overturn and destroy at any time.

I dare not imagine how, in the face of such terrifying power, the targets of the flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation can resist it. If they bear such power, they will definitely disappear.

Naturally, Li Lingtian was shocked and trembling with the power of such destruction.

I never imagined that the flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation were so terrifying. When they were inside the Thunder Palace, the Flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation were not so overbearing and terrifying, but when they were outside, the Flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation were several times stronger than the Flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation in the Thunder Palace. .





The destruction of the Heavenly Tribulation Flower comes, Li Lingtian holds Yuan Shouyi, and the powerful divine power is displayed to resist the Heavenly Tribulation Flower together with the Heaven and Earth Fortune Ding. The Heavenly Tribulation Flower is several times stronger than the Thunder Palace.

But at that time Li Lingtian was only a false **** realm, but now he is a demigod, and his strength is more than ten times stronger than when he was in the Thunder Palace. Under such a ratio, Li Lingtian is also more confident in resisting the flowers of the Heavenly Tribulation.

In a blink of an eye, the flowers of Heavenly Tribulation that ruined the heavens and the earth drowned him.

Thunder rolls above the void, and the world trembles and tears.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation Flower shocked the powerful in the entire Yunlong Mountain Range, and his face looked ugly.

It is the first time in this world to see such a horrible sky-tribulation, and the first time to see such a magical sky-tribulation.

After three minutes of bombardment, the flowers of the Sky Tribulation finally disappeared gradually, the thunder also disappeared, the sky was quiet, and the magical colorful clouds landed on Yuding Peak.

The world is quiet, and all the strong men have eased, and their faces are pale and shocked.

The eyes are all looking at the top of Yuding Peak.


At this time, a strong aura came out of the top of Yuding Peak, which exuded a miraculous breath, and the feeling of refreshing spirit spread throughout the entire Yuding Peak.

All strong men found that a figure appeared in this aura.

The figure of a young man in white is a Danding in front of the young man in white. The constant rotation of Danding is a powerful and magical atmosphere that comes out of Danding, and this Danding is like a heaven and earth. world.

"Master Divine Master Ling Tian!"

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"It is Lord Ling Tian!"

"Sir Ling Tian!"


When Li Lingtian appeared in the air, his dashing posture appeared in the sight of all powerful men.

Suddenly, countless powerful people recognized Li Lingtian, and now they finally understand why there is such a powerful movement in the alchemy on the top of Yuding Peak. It turned out that Li Lingtian, the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent, this mythical Divine Pill Master, did the same thing All are mythical beings.

Immortal medicine is now so powerful and terrifying.

However, when these strong men exclaimed, Li Lingtian did not pay any attention to these strong men ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but infused divine power into Danding, and the breath of heavenly spirits entered into the medicine.

Immortal medicine is constantly nourishing and powerful after receiving powerful divine power and fairy spirit.

Although the elixir is successful at this time, it is necessary to stabilize the quality of the elixir.

Gradually, Dan Ding opened, a string of light and shadow appeared in the air, Dan Ding rotated a few times, and was finally collected by Li Lingtian. The light and shadow were still spinning in the air, constantly absorbing the spirit of fairy spirits.

When the light and shadow appeared, the space shuddered suddenly, as if countless worlds were colliding with each other.

In this situation, all the strong people are stupefied. I did not expect that there is such a powerful elixir in this world. The mysterious light and shadow shining, enticing the minds of all the strong people.

However, people more shocked than them are still on the side.

I saw Chen Xiaotian and three people. After seeing the Elixir, the look on his face kept changing. It was like seeing ghosts and ghosts. For a time, I was shocked and speechless.


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