War God Supreme

Chapter 1657: Longguzi (2...

Feeling the coercion and magical power of destruction, Li Lingtian also determined that the strong man who came to attack him was the late half **** realm. 【Starting】

It is terrifying to meet a strong man in the late stage of Semi-God, and this is also the first time to encounter the late stage of Semi-God.

At this moment, no longer dare to hide the slightest, the true elemental divine power of the whole body burst out.

With a dashing wave of a folding fan in hand, a destructive golden force greeted the magical power of the void.

The true elemental divine power of the semi-divine realm, the pressure of the five elements wind thunder fan of the innate artifact, bombarded with the magical power of destruction in the air, for a time, the air was continuously twisted, and the space became an inch of debris, which looked terrible.


The treasure of the five elements wind thunder fan innate artifact, the cultivation of the semi-divine realm, under one blow, the power is shocking.

Two attacks struck, and within a hundred miles into pieces, Huang Fu Yuyan and others waved with one hand to offset the aftermath.

A blow to destruction, a momentary effort.


"Semi-God Realm, I didn't expect you to have reached the Semi-God Realm as early as possible, hidden deep enough."

In the void, a half-hundred-year-old figure retreated a few miles, and finally stabilized his figure, the look on his face was shocked, and his eyes looked coldly at Li Lingtian. The first blow was basically a sneak attack.

However, I did not expect that my late cultivation of the semi-deity was a surprise attack. Although he did not kill a young man with a pseudo-real world, he was forced to retreat by the other party for several miles, which was beyond imagination.

However, he discovered this young man's treasures and cultivation practices, which are all terrifying.

A folding fan that I play casually is a congenital artifact, and what makes him more difficult to believe is that this young man is a demigod powerhouse, and all the immortal domains say that this young man is a false **** realm, and the news is not false, but why now But it is a demigod powerhouse, it seems that this demigod realm has already been reached.

In a few decades, the realm of demigod realm will not be so stable, nor will it have such a deep strength.


All the strong are exclaimed.

Even Chen Xiaotian and Zhao Yunmin were shocked, and countless strong men in the Yunlong Mountains were also exclaimed.

Semi-deity, for them, is nothing, because the strong players present are basically half-deity.

However, the cultivation of Semi-God Realm is a horror for Li Lingtian.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian’s pseudo-sacred realm spikes a group of semi-god realm in the early stage, and kills the semi-god realm in the middle. If Li Lingtian also reaches the semi-god realm, that is undoubtedly a terror.

The powerful people on the Shenwu Continent, basically all the powerful people are worried that Li Lingtian will reach a semi-divine state.

However, what everyone feared happened long ago.

Dong Shaotian and Mutianyu couldn't help but tremble. Li Lingtian reached a semi-divine realm, and they were completely unsure of it. Moreover, Li Lingtian is now the Supreme Divine Pill Master, his elixir plus realm, and later repair For a straight up, who else is Li Lingtian's opponent?


When all the powerful were shocked, Huangfu Yuyan and others also sacrificed their innate artifacts to form a one-line shape to protect the other sisters, and at the same time, the horror true element of the whole body appeared in horror.

In the early days of demigod realm, the cultivation skills and talents are not comparable to those in the early days of demigod realm. Even if it is the general demigod realm, it is not possible to defeat them.

Coupled with the horrible innate artifact, for a time, a powerful formation opened, and at the same time the formation of Yuding Peak's destruction began.



The black dragon also roared, and the huge body of 500 meters in size was filled with the atmosphere of destruction.

The body and soul of Nielong are completely integrated with the soul of his black dragon. The current cultivation strength has exceeded the mid-peak of the half-god realm and is only one step away from the late half-god realm.

Coupled with the dragon qi practiced in this period, he has refined the dragon qi of the three worlds, and his power is terrifying.

Suddenly, the top of Yuding Peak was full of power and horror.

Only a few semi-divine realm early days and black dragons, as well as formations, have made countless powerful people tremble, and there is also a Li Lingtian, a mysterious and powerful anti-sky existence.

"Not bad."

"This seat has achieved demise, even if it does not achieve demise, it is not something you can match."

"The one who really wants the divine personality should not be you."

"Because you are not qualified yet."

In Li Lingtian's body, the terrifying half-divine realm divine power burst out, and the realm of gold unfolded. The whole person is completely a true divine power. This momentum is even different from the late half-divine realm.

The power of overbearing, the high momentum, the whole person is a true god.

Eyes, looking at the half-a-hundred old man with a glimpse of the world.

Although Li Lingtian was only in the early stage of semi-divine realm, he knew that if he wanted to merge his divine form into a true god, he would need at least the peak of semi-divine realm to be perfect.

The old man in front of him is only in the late half-god realm, and the realm in the late half-god realm is not very stable. Naturally, he will not be a strong man who wants to achieve the true god.

"Half God Realm, reached the Half God Realm."

"Even if it's a demigod, you are just the beginning of the demigod."

"The deity is not qualified to need a divine personality, but some people need it, and this person is not something you can provoke. Obediently take out the divine personality. In this case, you are still the Divine Martial Supreme Sovereign Master."

The look on Long Guzi's face was constantly changing, and he didn't expect to be insulted by people after he reached the late stage of Demigod Realm.

Suddenly he was furious and thought to himself, even if Li Lingtian is still powerful, he is only in the early stage of the semi-god realm, and he has reached the late stage of the semi-god realm. There is exactly two heavens and earth between them.

Li Lingtian has been provoked now. It is impossible to get better in the future. The only thing is to kill Li Lingtian. Other people have to resist other things.

When speaking, one hand stretched out, a lower-grade congenital artifact appeared in the hand, and the true element of the whole body exploded to the extreme.

The powerful man in the late half-god realm, the power of terror and hegemony, after the true element broke out, the entire space seemed to be unable to bear his power to explode.


"Today, you stay."

"Even if someone needs it, it's a delusion to steal the treasure from this seat."

"This seat has been in Shenwu Continent for a hundred years. No one has ever dared to make an idea on this seat. You are the first, and this seat hopes that you are the last."

Li Lingtian was indeed angry, even though someone threatened him.

He hates people threatening him the most, Supreme Divine Pill Master, but his auxiliary career, came to this world, never crushed others by the status of Pill Master, completely beat the world with his fist.

The True Elemental Divine Power of the whole body exploded, the Five Elements Primitive God in the body operated, and the Ice and Fire Godheads also operated automatically.

When he reached the semi-deity, he merged the ice **** and the fire god. If the conditions for cultivation and some true gods are not enough, he is already a true **** now.

The voice fell, and the strange shape disappeared on the top of the mountain. When it appeared again, the whole person had already come behind the old man.

Without the slightest hesitation, the folding fan in his hand waved, and suddenly a destructive wind power went straight to the old man. The wind power is famous for its speed, and its power is also terrifying.

He who has reached the demigod realm now has no real limit or suppression at all.

When fighting against the semi-godly strong, you will never be suppressed by the realm. You can fully display your magical powers and treasures. Often, some low-level magical powers and treasures can be transformed into magic, and all flowers and grasses Can destroy the enemy.

Moreover, the treasures in his hands are innate artifacts, and supernatural powers are also the most overbearing existence among several races.

The folding fan waved out the destructive power of the wind system. I saw a destructive wind in the space went straight to the old man, and immediately bombarded the old man behind him. The old man also responded very quickly. When he was bombarded, he reacted with a powerful and terrifying The supernatural power smashed out instantly.


With a loud explosion, the old man's body shook, and he stepped back hundreds of meters to stop, the look on his face was ugly.

And Li Lingtian did not move at all, and the whole person was very chic.

The display of the heavenly stillness is extinguished, and the five elements of wind and thunder fan are displayed at will, and the whole action is shaped like a flowing water at one go.

The sky was constantly torn and trembling, Li Lingtian flickered, and every time he flicked, he displayed an attack. The whole person was dashed to the extreme, and there was no suppression at all, nor was it like a battle in the early half **** In the later period, it will be suppressed by one blow, but it will be like the lesson in the later period, or it is like a cat and a mouse.

The two played against each other as if the realm was turned upside down.

Now, everyone who saw the air battle finally understood Li Lingtian's horror.

It is also known that the reason why the strong continent of Shenwu is worried about Li Lingtian’s achievement as a demigod. If Li Lingtian reaches the demigod, the strong man of Shenwu Continent will have difficulty.





In the void, a white light and a gray light flashes~www.wuxiaspot.com~The two figures are like meteors, or like two terrifying planets about to collide.

The battle between the two is exactly like the battle of the true gods.

What's more shocking to everyone is that Li Lingtian didn't perform a magical power at the beginning of the semi-real world, and he didn't change any treasures. It was just a folding fan pressing Long Guzi.

This is not that Li Lingtian has no supernatural powers and treasures. On the contrary, Li Lingtian's treasures and supernatural powers make all the powerful people tremble, because in the past when Li Lingtian was only a false **** realm, he used the destroying supernatural powers and the supernatural treasures to kill the demi-powerful powerhouses.

The strong men present are not fools. They all know that after cultivation and promotion, any treasures and supernatural powers can be countless times stronger, and it is not a matter of turning decay into magic.

At this time, Li Lingtian faced the power of the late half-god realm, and even without changing the treasures and supernatural powers, he already pressed the late bombardment of the half-god realm, which is completely using Longguzi as a joint target.

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