War God Supreme

Chapter 1677: Divine death

The torn tears in the air made Li Lingtian inexplicably upset.

The Sky Sword Array agitates the void, and the colorful sword array of ten mile size becomes the center of the space destruction.

Yu Xuan had no time to see Li Lingtian's ruined Heaven Sword Array. The look on his face changed. He exhibited a horrible taboo technique, and the use of this forbidden technique even if it was a semi-divine realm. .

The vortex agitated by the meteor hammer blended into the seal of blood and blood, and suddenly the whole sky was blood red for tens of thousands of miles, which seemed terrifying to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, two devastating attacks collided together in the torn space.





The two attacks struck together without making a shocking explosion, but the space was completely fragmented, Li Lingtian Yuxuan was empty in the world of destruction, and the endless destruction was tearing the body of the two, the defensive mask on their body It is also constantly twisted, as if it is about to break at any time.

Moreover, the blood-red vortex and the Nine Destroyer Sword Array are constantly torn apart, continually confronting each other, and engulfing each other, just like engulfing the other.

The power of the destruction of the Nine Sky Sword Formation is not only a power, but also has the power of devouring devastation, and the mysterious power of destruction.

The Meteor Hammer Zhongpin congenital artifact, coupled with Yuxuan Wuwu's forbidden technique, also emits terrifying power. Both of the same attacks together want to devour the other party for destruction, because the two attacks carry the consciousness of two people.

Li Lingtian suspended in the air, with a dignified color in his eyes, the true elements of the whole body continued to operate, the five elements of the elemental gods turned to the extreme, and the powerful and terrifying divine power gradually radiated out.

Divine power and Jianyi Jianyu support the power of the sword array. For a while, they did not know the outcome at all.

"Eye of death!"

Time, seconds passed, the look on Li Lingtian's face became difficult to see.

Because, although the sword array of the Nine Destroyer Sword Array is sharp and against the sky, the forbidden supernatural power of the opponent’s destruction is also terrifying to the extreme. Although the array has not been defeated for the time being, it is only a matter of time.

If you don’t make preparations, you will be too late to wait for the destruction of the Sword Sword Array.

With constant blessing of divine power, the Five Elements Yuanshen reached its peak, and his mind kept turning, thinking about how to resist and defeat the magical powers and methods of the other party. After thinking about it, Li Lingtian was shocked and suddenly excited.

My own practice is not as good as the peak of the semi-god realm, but the consciousness surpasses any strong demigod, and the consciousness is almost the same as the true god. It is not interesting to find such advantages without using it.

Impressed, the eyes of death appeared on Li Lingtian's shoulders.

A little monster the size of a cat looks extremely cute, but this little monster has a third eye in its eyebrows, with a mysterious and strange color, gray and green blending together, it seems to make people feel trembling. .

This little monster is the death eye of the pet that Li Lingtian got in the death hall. His natural sense is powerful and unmatched, and his eyes are attacked by the soul. After he got it, Li Lingtian has not used it a few times. Now he shouts the death eye. It is to use this death eye to deal with Yuxuan Wuwu.

Eyes of death: The mount of the **** of death, the third eye can penetrate time and space, and possesses the spirit attack. The power of the spirit attack is almost the same as that of Xiaobai's dragon pig, which is more terrifying than Li Lingtian's consciousness.

Even if it is not stronger than Li Lingtian, it will be able to contend with God's Soul Eyes, even more powerful.

"Kill him!"

Li Lingtian looked at the death eye on his shoulder and said lightly.

When speaking, the whole person becomes cold, the tone is so cold that people feel trembling, and there is no slight emotion.

Eyes of death looked at Li Lingtian with two eyes. Feeling the death in Li Lingtian's tone, he nodded without any hesitation. The third eye exuded a mysterious radiance, the strange power that penetrated through time and space erupted, and the destructive spirit attack also appeared at the same time.

Both types of destructive powers are invisible, and such attacks are the most terrifying.

Reaper's mount, but now Li Lingtian is in control of the pearl of death and the gas of death. The eye of death follows Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian is his master. The command of Li Lingtian will not resist the slightest.

Yu Xuan had no time. He was originally watching his own taboo magical power gradually occupying the sky. He felt excited. Even if he paid the price, he was able to reap the rewards.

The blood-red eyes became even more crazy, like seeing Li Lingtian disappearing in front of his destruction magic power.

However, seeing a foot-sized monster on Li Lingtian's shoulder suddenly felt puzzled. When he heard Li Lingtian's words, he felt an inexplicable shaking in his heart.

Because in his ears and eyes, Li Lingtian's whole person's appearance and tone were like death, this situation made him afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Although I don't know what horror this little monster also has, but it is definitely not easy to let Li Lingtian take it out at this time. Thinking of this, the true element of the whole body is running, and I have secretly prepared a countermeasure.

But at this time, the whole person was descended from the sky by a force of mystery and terror, a force that penetrates time and space.

Affected by the power of such destruction, the destruction forbidden supernatural power that had the upper hand was weakened, and was gradually swallowed by the sword formation. Moreover, the power of destruction continued to destroy the body, and the defense of the peak of the semi-divine realm was in this power. In front of it, it was completely like a fake.



The power to penetrate time and space is not enough, but at the same time that this power appears, a destructive power of the soul is bombarded in the sea of ​​consciousness. This attack of the **** of soul is like he has always existed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The mysterious eyeball of Death Eye turns, looking at the eyeball of Death Eye, Yuxuan Wukong is like entering a world of horror.

Entering this world, Yu Xuan woke up without any time. The kung fu in the whole process is the kung fu in this moment. During the master battle, it can already let the opponent fall down ten million times.

What's more, in front of a wicked character like Li Lingtian, the magical means against the sky, Li Lingtian can overcome the powerful beyond his realm, is relying on some mysterious magical means.

Now Yuxuan Wukong is attacked by the soul of the gods and temporarily loses consciousness. At this point of time, in Li Lingtian's view, it is enough to kill any strongman, because as long as he loses consciousness, he is in an undefended state. At this time, even an ordinary person who doesn't practice is not as good.


The Nine Destroyer Sword Array, with the power and magical power to devour the heavens and the earth, bombarded the blood red vortex fiercely. The road was like a broken bamboo, the blood red vortex disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The thousand-meter-long nine-color sword array was bombarded in front of Yuxuan Wukong. It was too late for Yuxuan Wukong to counterattack. He watched the sword array bombard.

"The art of avatar!"



When he saw himself, it would disappear, and Yuxuan Wukong's face was desperate. The original killing of Li Lingtian was just a matter of turning the hand, but everything was unexpected.

On the contrary, Li Lingtian has been calculating all the way, and the injuries are getting more and more serious. He even paid a price to exhibit a forbidden attack, but it was also cracked by the other party, and it is now a dilemma.

Thinking of this, my heart was frightened and furious. At this moment, my heart was ruthless, and there was a **** awn in my eyes, and I had the patience to make the most painful decision of the strong.

The technique of avatar is to use one's avatar to resist the attack of death, and die once for the deity, and the deity has to pay a heavy price. Since then, cultivation has no more progress, and cultivation has to fall slowly.

It is human nature to pay a heavy price for the chance of survival. In the face of this situation, Yu Xuan has no time and can only use the art of avatar.

With a loud explosion, Jiu Caijian array bombarded Yuxuan Wukong, followed by a scream from all over the world.

Li Lingtian was relieved to see that Yuxuan had no time to destroy the smoke.

However, when looking into the air, the look on his face changed dramatically, and the ruined Yuxuan appeared empty in the air, and the art of avatar resisted the blow of destruction.

When he realized it was too late.

I saw Yu Xuan Wukong's weak face in the air become distorted, and a group of ruined light appeared in his hand. The light group with terrifying and trembling power, Yuxuan Wuxun stretched out his hand, and the light group turned towards Li Lingtian Came from the bombardment.

The light group was spinning in the air and pressed towards Li Lingtian all the way, and Li Lingtian suddenly felt death coming.

"The gods are dead!"

Seeing the ruined light masses flying, all the way, the fragmented space and the spirit spirit were swallowed, and they became more and more powerful. In a blink of an eye, Kung Fu passed through the space of hundreds of miles and came to Li Lingtian. before.

Not afraid of any hesitation, the Nine Heavens Sword was too late to put away, his hands were staggered, and suddenly a devastating true element rose into the sky, and the third trick of Peerlessness at the top of the sky was exhibited at this time.

The divine element died out, and it was the first time it was used after cultivation, and the power was terrifying.

His hands are crossed only ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A huge light shield protects him, and the light shield finally forms a one-foot-sized ball, a true-yuan and divine ball, which is all Li Lingtian's divine power.

The death of the divine element requires the support of terrifying divine power, which is powerful against the sky, but the price paid is also enormous, that is, the consumption of terrible real elements and divine power.

With Li Lingtian's cultivation as his strength, he can only perform three consecutive times.

But now the true elements in Li Lingtian's body are exhausted, and now the divine element is extinguished, and all the true element divine power is evacuated.


Shen Yuan Silent is on display, the light ball and Yu Xuan's empty light group bombarded together.

Suddenly the space shattered and recovered, and the recovery was broken. For a time, the whole world was in destruction. The light group and Li Lingtian's divine light ball hit hard, and at a time, they could not be separated.

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