War God Supreme

Chapter 1679: Ling Feng

Ling Feng

Lingfeng Peak is located in a mountain range on the edge of the Qingyuan Sea.

This mountain range, located on the edge of the Qingyuan Sea, is also on the edge of the Pure Yang Empire and the Sunset Empire, but this other party is neither part of the Qingyuan Sea Area, nor the Pure Yang Empire, nor the Sunset Empire.

No one knows how big the entire peak of Lingfeng is, but some powerful people estimate that Lingfeng is equivalent to the size of two or three heavenly cities of the Pure Yang Empire.

Lingfeng is at the top, and the spirit of fairy spirits is extremely strong. It can be said that it is the top ten holy places for cultivation in the fairyland.

Such a large site, such a good place of cultivation, but no one dared to easily enter, because this Lingfeng Peak is a holy place in the fairy land, and it is also a holy place in Shenwu Continent.

Here is the headquarters of the Danshi Guild. The Danshi Guild has been in the Shenwu Continent for thousands of years. No one knows how long the Danshi Guild was established. However, the Danshi Guild has existed since there were warriors on the Shenwu Continent.

The Shenwu Continent's forces shuffled and turned upside down. Countless powerhouses became history. Countless superpowers became vain, but the Danshi Guild has always existed. Although it cannot be said to be more and more powerful, it has not fallen behind in comparison with other forces.

On the other side of the mountain range, there are also two mountain ranges. The spirit of fairy spirit is not inferior to Lingfeng's extreme peak, but the site is twice as small.

These two peaks, one is called Tiangong, and the other is inorganic top.

The two mountain peaks are as famous as Ling Feng because they are the sites of the Guild of Guilds and Refining Guilds. The three guilds have formed a three-legged momentum, and the three guilds have never experienced grudges and competition, and have always lived in peace and progress together.

Because the three major guilds have no conflicts of interest, they are three completely different areas, but there are three inseparable areas, making the three major guilds a state of brothers, which has continued like a brother.

Ling Feng is at the top, is the place where countless strong people yearn for, and is also the place where countless Dan teachers yearn for.

For the strong, entering Lingfeng's extreme is to find the alchemy of alchemy and seek a powerful elixir. Danish's entry into Lingfeng's exaltation is to practice the art of pill Dao. Only the alchemist entering Lingfeng's exaltation is the pride of Dan.

There are countless powerful Dan masters here, where you can communicate with each other and learn from each other, and in this place, it can be said that the paradise is invincible.

The Shenwu Continent has reached a default. The strong and the forces are not allowed to deal with the Danshi Guild. In fact, even if the Shenwu Continent has no default and regulations, these strongmen and forces will not offend the Danshi. After all, there is no Danshi. All of us are alchemy, which undoubtedly cut our own way.

Similarly, the Danshi Guild will not let people control the spacecraft to enter the peak of Ling Feng.

In Lingfeng Peak, only Yukong flying, or Yujian flying.

No one has ever broken this rule, nor has anyone tried it.



However, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, the rules that have never been broken, but this day has been broken.

There are not only countless pill masters in Ling Feng's summit, but also the strong ones are like clouds. These strong men are the guards of the princess divisions, as well as the guards of the princess association, or the disciples of the princess association.

Naturally, as one of the ten cult shrines of the Shenwu Continent, Ling Feng's summit was naturally patrolled by countless guards.

On this day, Situ Jianfeng patrolled the outer peak of Lingfeng Peak with ten disciples of the late peak of the Phantom Realm. In the cloudless sky, there was no movement at all. Even if there were, there were occasionally one or two strong men. Flying into the extreme peak of Ling Feng shows the origin of Qiu Dan Refining Medicine.

Every day, there are not one thousand and eight hundred strong people going in and out of Lingfeng's extreme. Situ Jianfeng is naturally accustomed to it. A few strong people come here alone, and they can't turn the sky.

Some strong men entered Ling Feng's extreme, just ask a disciple to ask.

As a disciple of Ling Feng's extreme, although he only has the peak of the pseudo-spiritual perfection, even if the half-body powerful comes, he is also kind to him.

In the Lingfeng Peak, except for the Dan Master, the lowest guards are Wu Sheng, Wu Sheng only protects some lower-level Dan Masters, and Wu Shen protects some higher-level ones.

There are so many false gods and strong men here, and even half gods and big men catch a lot.

They can only come to patrol for such cultivation practices, and they can exchange for Elixir if they have made contributions. Moreover, if they don’t use Elixir in this place, it’s a pleasure to practice. The speed of cultivation is at least faster than in other places. Twice as fast.

"Ling Feng is at the top, the comer stopped the spaceship."

Situ Jianfeng and others were patrolling, and saw a huge spaceship flying quickly in the distance, and the speed was extremely fast. Even the fastest speed of the pseudo-real powerhouse was not much faster than this spaceship.

Seeing such a speed, a strong man in the late posture of Situ Jianfeng reminded loudly that although the tone was dull, it was also the tone of the reminder, but with a sense of arrogance.

The strong man here is nothing more than looking for something to happen to the Danshi Guild and asking for something. Naturally, he will not offend the Danshi Guild.


However, after the reminder, the spaceship did not mean to stop, but the speed was faster. The distance of a hundred miles was almost instantaneous, and it stopped before coming to the eleven strong men.

Seeing such a situation, the look on the faces of the eleven strong men changed, even with a hint of anger. Although the spacecraft was flying, it was still outside the boundaries, but after they greeted each other, they did not stop. Coming is totally provocative.

"Whoever is here, this is Lingfeng."

"To enter Lingfeng's peak, you have to be inspected."

A middle-aged man in the late period of the pseudo-real world looked at the huge spaceship's luxury. At first glance, this spaceship is extremely expensive, and it is not something that ordinary forces can own.

But no matter how powerful it is, it must be well-formed when it comes to Lingfeng.

When speaking, he looked at a middle-aged man in black on the spaceship, and looked at it. The middle-aged man had only the peak of the late pseudo-realm. It was the middle-aged man who controlled the spaceship, and no other people were seen on the spaceship.

"Is this Ling Feng's rule?"

"Something in our Lord has entered Ling Feng's extreme, delayed, how much of your head can you lose."

The middle-aged man on the spaceship said aloud, his face cold.

His eyes glanced at the eleven false gods, and a slight disdain appeared in the corner of his mouth. If at ordinary times, these ants dare to stop him, he would have caught them and killed them, but now he does not want to make trouble.

"Great courage, this is Ling Feng."

"What we are talking about is rules. If you want to enter Lingfeng Peak, you have to be checked. Otherwise, you will not enter Lingfeng Peak, or you will not be able to get through with the Danshi Guild."

Hearing the men in black above the spacecraft, several patrols suddenly showed anger on their faces.

Even if someone came to Lingfeng to put on the shelf, he was just trying to kill himself.

No one has ever come to Lingfeng to make troubles. When they are on patrol, they have no chance to make achievements. Now some people come to Lingfeng to find death. They can just make merits. Once they have Lingfeng's extreme support, they can be picked up. Why not do such good things.

"court death!"

Anger broke out on the Black Dragon King's face. He didn't want to make trouble at Ling Feng. After all, he now waited for the Danshi Guild to humiliate himself with some Xiaomi Mi.

But Li Lingtian was healing in the spaceship. If he was delayed, he would be too late to regret.

In this world, nothing is more important than Li Lingtian’s things. For Li Lingtian, he can be an enemy of the strongest in the world. Even if the Danshi Guild is stronger, he dares to provoke him.

Everyone in Shenwu Mainland knows that Li Lingtian is the Supreme Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent. The first division of Shenwu Continent is cultivated against the sky. The means to pass the sky means that there is no need to ask others.

The sound fell, and the spacecraft quickly flew towards the front. At the same time, a ruinous coercion bombarded the eleven false gods.

Suddenly, eleven false **** realm strongmen were crushed and thrown out by the terrible coercion. The spacecraft passed through the eleven strongmen and quickly flew towards the void, disappearing in an instant. In sight.

"Sir Ling Tian is here, open the way ahead."

"Otherwise you are responsible for what is happening today."

A faint voice came from the disappearing spaceship, and the voice reached the ears of eleven false **** realm strongmen. When he heard this voice, the eleven strongmen were completely blinded.

"Master Lingtian?"

"Supreme Divine Pill Master Ling Tian!"

"Master Ling Tian in the spaceship?"

"It's over, it's over."

"Go ahead, don't let people block the spaceship."

"Master Ling Tian, ​​the Supreme Divine Pill Master, came to Ling Feng."


When eleven false **** realm responded, the spacecraft disappeared long ago, and I don't know how far.

The look on his face changed, with excitement and excitement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Moreover, he was uneasy.

Everyone knows that he is in trouble, and has caused the most unprovokable character of Shenwu Continent, and this person is still the existence in the myth of the Danshi Guild, the myth of the entire Shenwu Continent.

Not even the entire Danshi Guild is a man of this kind, and none of the three major guilds is comparable to this one.

Annoying this person, that is to provoke the most powerful character of the Danshi Guild, isn't this to find death.

Immediately, Situ Jianfeng hurriedly ordered the people around him to pass the voice to the top of Ling Feng, let the patrol inside to receive the spaceship, otherwise they would suffer.

Moreover, even if Li Lingtian did not care, the people on the Danshi Guild would deal with them.

In this world, the Danshi Guild does not put anyone in the world in their eyes, but only cares about respect for this Li Lingtian. In the eyes of all Danshi Guilds, Li Lingtian is undoubtedly godlike.

For a time, Situ Jianfeng passed the news in. The patrol inside learned the route of the spacecraft. All the patrols were waiting on the route, but instead of blocking the spacecraft, they greeted the spacecraft.

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