War God Supreme

Chapter 1684: Ming Yanfeng (Seeking...

Her sister’s husband is also her husband, and she is naturally very happy to see her sister fighting.

Besides, my parents are not in Jiutian God City, but they are only dependent on their sisters and other sisters. In this world, the most important people, formerly or parents, are now the most important people are sister and Li Lingtian, There are other sisters.

"Not bad."

"Mengmeng's talent is high, and she doesn't need to practice too seriously. This is her character."

"Just be serious when it's critical. Although she is naughty and lively, she knows the importance."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, this time was really beyond his expectations, did not expect Tang Zimeng to break through now, see here, also made a decision in my heart, this time will protect the law for them.

Anyway, his injury has been stabilized, and he can heal slowly and take care of them by the way.

"During this period, Master Shenshang on the cloud came once and asked about your injury."

Bei Mingxue said at this time that while Li Lingtian was healing, although no one was bothering, Yunsheng Shendan Master came once. Hearing that Li Lingtian was still closed, Yunsheng Shendan Master left.

"Wait a few days for me to go."

"I haven't greeted them for so long, but now the injury is stable. If I don't say hello, it's a bit rude."

"By the way, where are they going to make a breakthrough, Mengmeng, did they choose a position?"

Li Lingtian was stunned, but immediately responded, and Yunsheng Shendan Master came to visit, which is also considered a courtesy.

Now that the injury is stable, it’s time to say hello to them. My identity is a bit embarrassing. I am a Supreme Divine Pill Master, but not a member of the Danish Guild, but I don’t say that I am not a member of the Danish Guild. .

What he is most concerned about now is Tang Zimeng's breakthrough. If they don't make a breakthrough in this strange place, if they don't have a good protection, they can't break through with peace of mind, nor can he.

"It was just a while ago that Master Yunsheng Divine Pill saw that Mengmeng and they were about to break through, and they made people arrange to practice at Mingyan Peak outside the forbidden area. That place is where the strong broke through.

"Except for the strong men above the sacred princess division, there is no breakthrough in the forbidden land."

"Now Mengmeng and they are practicing on Mingyan Peak."

Tang Qingyue heard Li Lingtian asking Tang Zimeng about their cultivation, and he said the place where Tang Zimeng and others practiced. This place is Ling Feng’s forbidden place. Outsiders cannot break through here.

Even if the people in Ling Feng's extreme, did not get the realm of the Holy Pill Master, they can not come here to break through.

Although it is impossible to break through the forbidden area, it is arranged on the top of Mingyan Peak, which is the most suitable for cultivation breakthrough in Lingfeng Peak. You must know that breaking through the forbidden area will absolutely destroy the spirit and place in the forbidden area. This is also Ling Feng is absolutely the key to prohibiting the strong to break through the forbidden land.

If there is really a breakthrough from the Holy Master, that is a hope, even if it destroys some places, it can bear it.

"It couldn't be better."

"You rest first, let me go and see."

"Come back later and stop by to say hello to the Danshi Guild."

Li Lingtian nodded and was satisfied with the arrangement of the Danshi Guild.

After he finished speaking, he stood up and Tang Zimeng was about to make a breakthrough. When he came forward, he could give them a consolation and let them know that Li Lingtian was beside them, so that they could feel at ease to practice their breakthrough.

"it is good."

"Respectfully, Master."

Nangong Mingyue and others nodded gently, with a smile on their faces.

They naturally understand that Li Lingtian is their dependence and soul, and their body and mind are all in Li Lingtian. If Li Lingtian is not around when they break through, they will not have much confidence. If they know that Li Lingtian is by their side, they can give them invisible courage.

Although Tang Zimeng and others are practicing retreat now, they understand that Li Lingtian is also recuperating to heal. He will definitely not make a breakthrough in peace of mind.

When Li Lingtian is gone now, Tang Zimeng and others can practice with peace of mind. They do not want their sister to have an accident.

Wang Xiaoman is the cutest of Li Lingtian’s three disciples and the most similar to Li Lingtian. Whether it is affectionate or mood, they are somewhat similar to Li Lingtian.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to leave, Yingying gave a courtesy to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian waved his hand happily and walked outside the forbidden area. The palace was only a few hundred miles away from the boundary of the forbidden area. At this distance, Li Lingtian quickly reached the boundary.

Looking at the powerful formation, the look on Li Lingtian's face was shocked. I didn't expect that there is such a powerful formation in the Shenwu Continent. This formation has exceeded the ancient Divine Formation. It is definitely not something that the Divine Formation Master can use to create.

It should have been handed down from ancient times, and it can separate the forbidden area from the outside world. The power is conceivable. Even if he is Li Tiantian, he wants to see the formation clearly.

However, this place has a teleportation array that leaves the forbidden area. This teleportation array can only be opened with a special token.

In Lingfeng's extreme, such a token is only two hundred yuan, that is to say, only two hundred people can enter here, Li Lingtian naturally has a token to enter here.

A consciousness moved, a token appeared in his hand, and his figure flashed to the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is just an ordinary array method, because this is a short-distance teleportation array, and it is also a teleportation array that goes out from inside. Naturally, it is very simple. It’s more than a million times harder.

If the teleportation array coming in from outside is simple, the incoming strongman will be much easier.

The token was taken out, and a simple decision was made to open the teleportation array. The teleportation array exuded a mysterious light. Li Lingtian entered the light and suddenly felt a slight tremor. The teleportation array was officially opened, and Li Lingtian disappeared into the light.

When I came out again, I had left the forbidden area. In a small square dozens of miles away from the forbidden area, the center of the square was also a teleportation array, but this teleportation array was much more mysterious and powerful. Even Li Lingtiantian array division, also see It is not clear how this teleportation array was constructed.

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

After Li Lingtian came out, there was no one in the square. This place was just a turning point into the forbidden area. Naturally, no one came here. The strongmen in the forbidden area also practiced by themselves, or enlightened on the magic technique. Everyone has their own things. , Life is basically in the forbidden land.

Strong men and disciples who cannot enter the forbidden area will not come here, which is a taboo.

When Li Lingtian left the square and walked toward Mingyan Peak, he occasionally encountered a strong man, either a Dan master or a super strongman. When he saw Li Lingtian, he was shocked and excited. He respectfully saluted Li Lingtian and took his eyes. With a look of worship.

Li Lingtian is the myth of the Shenwu Continent. Now such close contact is naturally excited, being able to come so close, and it is not an enemy. If the enemy is there, it will have disappeared.

On the way, whenever I saw Li Lingtian's strongman, they all saluted.

Seeing these strong men, Li Lingtian nodded, also regarded as a gift, with a faint smile on his face, the whole person was light and breezy, and he walked towards Mingyan Peak step by step.

Mingyan Peak is one of the 100,000 peaks in Lingfeng Peak, and one of the best peaks in Lingfeng Peak except forbidden areas.

This mountain does not allow people to practice, only the super powers who have to break through are eligible to break through here, because there are powerful spiritual veins, and there are countless powerful gatherings, which is the best place to break through.

Soon, Li Lingtian came to Mingyan Peak, which is two thousand meters high, and the spirit of the fairy is very rich. This mountain can also accept four people to break through without being affected by Heavenly Tribulation.

All three people in Tang Zimeng practiced in this place, preparing to meet the Heaven Tribulation Breakthrough.

After passing through the defensive formation, Li Lingtian entered the Mingyan Peak in the envy and admiration of the two strong defenders and went directly to the place where Tang Zimeng practiced.

When he came to the place where Tang Zimeng practiced, Tang Zimeng finished his cultivation and was calming down.

She didn't expect that Li Lingtian would appear in front of her. She was so happy that she threw herself into Li Lingtian's arms. Her hands were wrapped around Li Lingtian's neck and her body was hanging on Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​aren't you healing?"

"How come here, I am about to break through, just worried."

Tang Zimeng said softly that the rosy little mouth kissed Li Lingtian on the cheek.

It was the naughty and lively little girl before, no matter how old, the heart is or the child, the appearance is also a little girl, which is one of the reasons why Li Lingtian loves her, and Tang Zimeng is his wife, a baby doll, and the two are also children. Grew up together.

"I knew you would do this."

"My injury has stabilized, and as long as I practice slowly, I can fully recover."

"I heard that you are breaking through here, so I will come to see you. After you break through, I will go to heal."

Li Lingtian felt Tang Zimeng's chest full of strong chest, and his heart shivered.

With arms around Tang Zimeng's slim waist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let Tang Zimeng hang on him, looking at Tang Zimeng tenderly in his eyes.


"Great, I know that Brother Ling Tian will always be by Mengmeng."

"Hey, don't be stubborn. I will practice breakthroughs during this time. There are sisters and they, you go find them."

"After I break through, I will accompany Ling Tian's brother, then Ling Tian's brother will do whatever he wants."

Tang Zimeng felt a change in Li Lingtian's body somewhere, and suddenly blushed and said shyly, the two have been together for decades, and they are also husband and wife, but these things are still a bit shy.

I was also pleased to see such a change in Li Lingtian, because it was my charm. Although I thought about it, I knew that I could not move now, so as not to affect my state of mind. After the breakthrough, I had no worries.

At the end of the day, the voice became very small, and the beautiful and delicate face was also crimson. He heard Li Lingtian's heart beat, but he could only run the ice soul Wu Hu to calm himself down.

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