War God Supreme

Chapter 1686: Into 3 Grand Duke...

"Okay, today I came out to wander around. Net"

"Your Excellency Yun Yuan, please arrange not to have too many or too few people every day, and strive for everyone to make progress."

"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. As long as they are talented and self-motivated, regardless of the level of cultivation, there will be opportunities. Formation, Dan Dao, and refiners are all talented."

"The seat will go back first, otherwise it will be misunderstood that the seat is out of the way, and you must not be killed."

Li Lingtian's eyes glanced at everyone present, and finally his eyes fell on Yunyuan Shengdan Master. He spoke flatly. When he spoke, his tone changed, and everyone could hear the deep meaning from Li Lingtian's words.

At the end, I couldn't help laughing, and after I finished speaking, I stood up and walked out.

He speaks naturally with a purpose. Such words can make these people feel relaxed, and will not make people feel that he is tall and inaccessible.

Soon, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared outside the palace.

Leaving a dozen strong men in the top palace sitting in a dull position, forgetting the etiquette of standing up and sending Li Lingtian. When they reacted, Li Lingtian didn't know where to go long ago.

They were all overwhelmed by Li Lingtian’s last sentence. The Supreme Divine Pill Master, the myth of Dan Dao, the benchmark of martial arts, I didn’t think of a woman who was afraid of herself. Although she knew that Li Lingtian was joking, she knew that Li Lingtian was approachable, no. Reject them thousands of miles away.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian wouldn't joke with them like this.

Next, Yunyuan Shengdan Master began to arrange, he understood the meaning of Li Lingtian's words, not to leave all opportunities to the strong, but to promote a lot of talented newcomers.

A powerful force does not mean that many powerful people are really powerful, but that it is necessary to have powerful successors to be truly powerful, so that when the situation is not connected, the future of the power will be cut off.

Everyone present knew what Li Lingtian meant, and they were all excited.

In this way, some talented disciples can get Li Lingtian's advice.

There are many super geniuses in the three major guilds, and there are also many talented disciples. If they can get the guidance of a man like Li Lingtian, it is a road to heaven.

But they didn’t have a chance to approach Li Lingtian. They wouldn’t be able to get these disciples to avoid being unhappy. After all, Li Lingtian’s status and identity were displayed here. Even if Li Lingtian wouldn’t say anything, they didn’t want to get these low-level disciples To insult Li Lingtian's identity.

They did not expect Li Lingtian to propose it personally, and they also focused on newcomers and talented disciples, more of them are prepared people.

The thing about Li Lingtian's healing treatment will soon be spread to the three major guilds, and the fact that Li Lingtian can communicate with the disciples of the three major guilds during this time has also spread. It immediately made countless talented and talented disciples feel Excited.

Being able to communicate with people like Li Lingtian has endless benefits for your future practice. This is the dream of countless powerful people on the Shenwu Continent.

Li Lingtian didn't stay outside anyway, anyway, he stayed here more time, some time later.

Besides, in this place, by his own identity, wandering here will definitely shock other powerful people, and he can't appreciate the scenery here.

Soon, back inside the forbidden area.

The injury has stabilized during this period, and it will take another six months to recover from it.

While he was recovering from his injury, he was able to accompany his wife and relatives, and guide the barbarians to practice. They have already taught Ming Bing'er to let them rest, and naturally they will not spend these time elsewhere.

As for the communication with the powerful members of the three major guilds, it is regarded as a good practice.

What he exchanged for him was entirely a matter of hand. He was a figure who cultivated the scriptures of several races, and his skills and magical powers were as many as a quill.

Therefore, the knowledge has also increased a lot. In the Shenwu Continent, if you want to surpass him in knowledge, there is no such person.

In the following time, Li Lingtian communicated with the powerful members of the three major guilds during the day and instructed the following disciples to practice. These disciples are all highly talented and talented disciples.

Practice at night to restore some injuries.

Time passed quickly, and half a year later, Li Lingtian also told the strong and disciples of the three major guilds a lot of his own experience. These times, except at night, he was basically outside the forbidden ground.

There are disciples who have problems with cultivation and Dandao. When looking for him, he never refused, but patiently helped to solve it.

For a time, Li Lingtian's popularity reached an extreme, from the top of the semi-god realm to the pinnacle, down to Wu Wang Wuzong, as long as he found him, he never refused.

In everyone's eyes, Li Lingtian is a god.

Dan Dao's insights against the sky, Martial Dao's insights against the sky, and the formation of the Dao to the sky, although the refining one is not powerful.

In front of him, as long as it is about cultivation, he is completely omnipotent, and there is no problem that can overwhelm him. All these make all the strong and disciples worship and look up. In the Shenwu Continent, they will look for it again. Less than an all-powerful demon.

What makes people more respected and admired is Li Lingtian's character. As long as he cultivates the above problems, he will not refuse.

Being able to do such a step is completely beyond everyone's imagination, because even his own master has not guided himself so patiently, and Li Lingtian is so gracious to all outsiders that it is completely free.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​may I ask, Dan Dao and Zhen Dao are really inseparable?"

"Of course, a powerful pill master can never be separated from a powerful formation. When refining a powerful pill, a powerful formation is needed to assist, even the formation is the core of the pill, such as this refining Shipin Tianyang Pill, there is an independent world in it, so the Pak Dao array is inseparable."

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​may I ask whether any of the martial arts can reach a level that people can look forward to, or that each one can be played to the extreme?"

"This world, three thousand big worlds, thousands of small worlds, three thousand avenues, thousands of small trails, every one can prove it. When this seat was only Wu Sheng, a senior at that time reached one with his own tea ceremony. Ultimately, this tea ceremony also allowed him to find his own way and became a horrible killer. Everyone has his own way, just to see if he finds his own way."

"Excuse me, Master Ling Tian, ​​did you ever despair when you met your most dangerous opponent?"

"No, despair is only for the weak. The true strong is not necessarily a deep horror, but a heart of the strong and an indifferent heart. It is against the sky when facing death. The potential of it is natural. When facing an enemy who is desperate, he must calm down and face it. He can’t wait to die. What about despair? It’s not a dead end. It’s better to work harder than to die."

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​may I ask what kind of person do you hate most, is it the Demon Race, the Demon Race, the Hai Race, or other races?"

"In the eyes of this seat, there are only two kinds of people. One is the enemy. The enemy is either kneeling or lying down. The other is a friend. There is no one who hates the most. To really let this seat say a little hate People, that is, traitors and people who betray races, as for other races, this seat has no objection, because this is God's arrangement, don't you think traitors and people who betray races are abominable?"

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​may I ask..."

In Lingfeng's extreme, people who ask Li Lingtian are almost every day. They are either asking cultivation questions or asking strange things. This is why they all know that Li Lingtian does not put on a shelf like other strong men, but can be fused with them. youth.

During this time, Li Lingtian was also very happy. Huang Fu Yuyan and others also followed Li Lingtian. Although they were not as talented as Li Lingtian, they had followed Li Lingtian for a long time, and they were also amazing in various cultivation experiences.

Many disciples are looking for them, Huangfu Yuyan and others are peers in the peerless world, and they are as approachable as Li Lingtian. The most popular ones are Xuanyuan Qingqing, Du Gu Ziyin and Ming Yan'er.

They are also the most lively, and they are one with these disciples, as is Xuanyuan Yingying.

These disciples did not expect that the fairy of the Peerless City could point them to them, and their admiration for them also reached an extreme point, but they all knew that they were the wives and relatives of Lord Ling Tian, ​​the Supreme Divine Pill Master, and they only had respect and admiration in their hearts.

Tang Zimeng and others, during this period of cultivation, also led to the breakthrough of the catastrophe.

On this day, Li Lingtian was communicating with other disciples. At the critical moment, Li Lingtian stopped suddenly. The look on his face changed, and he immediately showed an excited look.

Seeing what Li Lingtian looks like~www.wuxiaspot.com~Everyone is puzzled. I don't know what happened to make Ling Tian so serious.

"Your question, remember, this seat will tell you next time."

Li Lingtian said something, the figure disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already above the void of the square, and finally flew away in the direction of Mingyan Peak quickly.

After Li Lingtian flew away, Tang Qingyue and others also found out that they flew out quickly and flew in the direction of Li Lingtian.

This situation suddenly puzzled and shocked all the disciples and the strong, but after a while, some people knew the reason and looked in the direction where Li Lingtian disappeared.

At this time, they also understood what happened to Li Lingtian.

Because there was a breakthrough at Mingyan Peak, the person who made the breakthrough was Lord Ling Tian’s wife. Naturally, Lord Ling Tian was very concerned about this kind of thing. In this world, no one is more important than his wife. R1148


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