War God Supreme

Chapter 1698: Chunyang Tiancheng

"Uncle, are we going directly into the city?"

After Huangfu Yuyan and others entered the Dragon Ring, only Xuanyuan Qingqing and Du Gu Ziyin and Wang Xiaoman were left on the spaceship. Xuanyuan Qingqing pulled Li Lingtian's clothes and asked coquettishly. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

She knew Li Lingtian's character. God was waiting for him to kill him. He almost killed his life. Now that his injury is recovering and his cultivation is improved, this hatred must be reported.

But this time, Li Lingtian came to Chunyang Tiancheng, making Xuanyuan Qingqing curious.

Although the divine waiting is a strong man in the Pure Yang Empire and an important figure in the Pure Yang Empire, it is not in the Pure Sun Sky City, and there is a Sky City between the two.

After she asked, Wang Xiaoman and Du Gu Zi Yin also looked at Li Lingtian.

Wang Xiaoman was very curious in his heart, and his time with his master was not short. He naturally knew Li Lingtian's style of doing things.

She has also reached the early stage of pseudo-realm, but Li Lingtian did not let her practice magical powers.

Seeing their masters and sisters practicing magical powers, she was envious, but she did not dare to violate Li Lingtian's meaning. She also knew that Li Lingtian did not let her practice magical powers for her good.

Besides, if you are with Sister Uncle and Sister, you have no chance of shooting, and you don’t need magical power.

With the respect of the master, no one bullies her, and it is definitely a blessing to be able to be with the person she respects and worships most.

"Go straight in. As for God's waiting, you will clean him up later."

"Let's see how the Chunyang Empire is now."

Li Lingtian glanced at Xuanyuan Qingqing around him and said lightly.

He Li Lingtian, Qiu must report, the last time God waited to hunt him down for treasure, almost let him lose his life, such hatred will naturally not be forgotten.

However, the current situation of Shenwu Continent is turbulent and the situation is not good, he dare not mess up.

If God is waiting for consciousness, he can relax his mind to bypass him once, and use him to deal with the Demon Race. Now is not the time to kill each other, but if God is not conscious, then God must be dead.

He can make an exception to bypass the enemy once, but he is absolutely not allowed to bite back.

"Then we can play here first."

"If you follow them, they won't let me play."

"Zi Yin, Xiaoman, do you two say that?"

Xuanyuan Qingqing heard that Li Lingtian was about to enter the city and go to the palace. She was anxious now. Now they are all practicing in the Shenlong Ring, and there are only three of their sisters outside. After they came out, they couldn't play. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

When speaking, quickly look at Dugu Ziyin and Wang Xiaoman, and want to pull the two sisters in their camp. In this case, maybe they can still move their uncle.


Li Lingtian snorted coldly and looked at Du Gu Zi Yin, Wang Xiaoman and Xuanyuan Qingqing.

Dugu Ziyin and Wang Xiaoman did not expect that Xuanyuan Qingqing would pull them to deal with their master. Although it was just fun, but one side was her own sister, and the other side was a master.

Both of them looked at Xuanyuan Qingqing and Li Lingtian, but could not decide for a while.

The two of them played best together with Xuanyuan Qingqing and wanted to play in Chunyang Tiancheng, but they dared not resist their masters.

"I knew that the uncle would agree."

Xuanyuan Qingqing saw Li Lingtian snorted coldly, but knew that his uncle had agreed and was not angry.

Seeing such a situation, Xuanyuan Qingqing was immediately happy. The whole person was completely like a 15- to 16-year-old girl, and her ruddy mouth kissed Li Lingtian's cheek.

Wang Xiaoman and Du Gu Zi Yin were also very happy, then the four left the spaceship, put the spaceship away, and Yukong flew towards Chunyang Tiancheng.

In the middle, the four people changed a little bit, but no matter how they changed, the three little girls were very beautiful. Li Lingtian changed his breath and appearance, but ordinary people couldn't help it.

Soon, the four came to the gates of Chunyang Tiancheng. The walls of Chunyang Tiancheng were two hundred meters high. They were all made of huge bluestones. The walls were covered with formations everywhere and protected by formations. The city wall is not attacked. At the top of the city wall, there is a terrifying defensive array. Such a defense is absolutely one of the best in the sky city inside the fairy field.

The gate is twenty meters high and twenty meters wide.

There is a 100-meter-wide moat in front of the city wall. There is only one suspension bridge to pass through the moat. During the war, this kind of defense is definitely a hurdle for the enemy.

On both sides of the front of the suspension bridge, there are ten guardian guards on each side.

After the suspension bridge, the gate of the city is also full of Wushen Nine Heavens Guard. The leader is a pseudo-shenjing. This kind of patrol and guarding strength is absolutely powerful. You have to know that there are many Wushen and pseudo-gods in other places, but in a heaven, the warriors you saw Cultivation is not top-notch.

Pseudo-God Power and Semi-God Power are both top-notch existences of an empire and will not easily appear.

It is also a kind of strength to use false **** realm and martial arts as guardians of the city.

When they came to the city gate, they were stopped and entered the Chunyang Tiancheng, and they had to go through the formalities of entering the city.

Li Lingtian did not come up with his identity. He applied for four tokens to enter Chunyang Tiancheng and took Xuanyuan Qingqing and they walked into Chunyang Tiancheng.

Since it changed his appearance, he didn't want others to recognize it.

If his identity is recognized, the entire Chunyang Tiancheng will be turned again, and it will be impossible for him to wait for others to play.

Entering Chunyang Tiancheng, thoroughly let Li Lingtian and others have a new understanding of Chunyang Tiancheng. Before coming to Chunyang Tiancheng, what I thought was that the popularity of Chunyang Tiancheng fell, and the strong people in the city were uneasy. The whole Tiancheng is exactly like the sunset west mountain.

But now seeing Chunyang Tiancheng completely changed their imagination.

This Chunyang Tiancheng is definitely the most powerful one they have seen. It is so luxurious that they can’t even see the slightest war, even the atmosphere of a little war.

This place is a paradise, prosperous, lively, tidy and clean.

The wide avenue here looks like a fairy palace, the spirit of the fairy is very rich.

Seeing this pair of scenes, the four looked at each other, thinking that they had gone to the wrong place, and thought that this place was not Chunyang Tiancheng.

Such a perfect place is the center of power of an empire, dominating the entire empire. It is no wonder that countless royal families want to control the kingship. In such a place, if you control it in your own hands, it is a kind of supreme glory.

"What a beautiful Chunyang Tiancheng."

"Such a beautiful heavenly city, if the war destroyed this place, it would be a sin."

Xuanyuan Qingqing looked at the inside of Chunyang Tiancheng. It was completely fairyland-like, luxurious beast car, and strong sword flying, either flying in the air, or walking or flying with his own things, and he was very happy.

In other cities, it is rare to see people use monsters and animals as mounts. Even if there are mounts, they will not be taken out in the sky city.

Here, you can see powerful monster mounts everywhere. Having powerful mounts is also a symbol of identity, because it is much harder to conquer and control a powerful monster than to kill a monster.

"Indeed, it is a sin to destroy such a heavenly city before the war."

"Master, when do we grab a few things to play with, you see how awesome they are."

Du Gu Zi Yin was also very excited at this time. Looking at the powerful monsters and animals in the air, exuding a strong momentum, I immediately felt envious.

Although Wang Xiaoman didn't speak, Li Lingtian could see that all three little girls wanted such a powerful thing.

"Okay, I will catch a few for you when you encounter something good in the future."

"You can't use a few monster beasts for teachers."

Li Lingtian smiled and smiled. The three little girls always grew up, but when I thought about it, I was also very happy. After all, I was happy when I saw the happy girls around me.

While speaking, he reached out and touched Wang Xiaoman's hair, and then walked forward.

When they heard Li Lingtian’s words, they were all very happy. They naturally knew that with Li Lingtian’s strength, it was not easy to catch a few monsters, but Li Lingtian did not catch some garbage monsters, garbage monsters, there was no Qualified by Li Lingtian.

The three sisters and sisters knew that Li Lingtian had several monsters and monsters, but they really couldn't use them. Li Lingtian's several monsters were powerful and unmatched. If they used it, they would be too shocked.

You know, Li Lingtian's several monsters are extremely noble and terrifying in strength. They are simply not comparable to these mounts in front of them.

"Uncle, wait blue."

"What if Qingqing encounters bad guys."

Watching Li Lingtian walk in front, Xuanyuan Qingqing hurriedly shouted, and then ran up, talking while running.

Du Gu Zi Yin and Wang Xiaoman suddenly laughed when they saw their sister.

The two also hurried up and followed Li Lingtian.

"Meet bad guys?"

"Then I really feel sad for the bad guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian pinched a bit on Xuanyuan Qingqing's small face. Some of them were crying and laughing. I was still too much a girl.

After talking, he couldn't help but almost laughed.

Thanks to this girl, I actually said that when I met a bad person, an elven ghost like Xuanyuan Qingqing, the cultivation of a semi-divine realm, even if I met some strong people, they were also unlucky.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Xuanyuan Qingqing pretended to be miserable and stood still.

Wang Xiaoman and Du Gu Zi Yin, pretending not to see, followed Li Lingtian, leaving Xuanyuan Qingqing aside.

Without waiting for how far the three men walked, Xuanyuan Qingqing hurried up, pulling Li Lingtian's clothing corner unwillingly, letting countless strongmen envy and surprise along the way, but in the place of Chunyang Tiancheng, they did not dare to easily Trouble, lest a big family and nobles be provoked by a bad one. R1148


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