War God Supreme

Chapter 1702: God waiting and Nantian...

The original succession ceremony was a foregone conclusion, but no one thought of a sudden change. With the presence of the Lord God, there are still people who prevent the Crown Prince from inheriting the rule. network

In the square, in front of the Shenyang Temple, all the powerful and the princes are the people who look to speak.

When I saw the person who spoke, there was a big change in my face, and there were a few people who were happy and some who were worried.

Li Zhengyang turned around, and his heart was slightly angry. Under such circumstances, the twists and turns of the succession, and finally the Lord of Gods came out, but now someone came out to make trouble, it is strange to not be angry.

The eyes looked at the person who came, suddenly shocked, and the look on his face became very ugly.

"God wait!"

"Tiannan Army God!"

All the faces on the scene were different, and they all exclaimed.

I didn’t expect that the person who came was both God Waiting and Tiannan Junshen. The people present were all important figures of the empire. They were natural to the two people who arrived, not only them, as long as they were people of the Pure Yang Empire, basically Both can know these two people.

One of the top ten powers of the Chunyang Empire, the commander-in-chief of the five major legions of the Chunyang Empire, has a status comparable to that of Lord Shenfeng.

The other is the **** of war in the Pure Yang Empire, the undefeated myth of the army, the soul of the entire imperial army, and the **** of the entire imperial army, the cultivation force is the super strong who has reached the peak of the semi-deity, In the Pure Yang Empire, it can be said that the first three exist.

Such a character, the two gathered together to prevent the Crown Prince from succeeding to the throne, is simply unimaginable.

"Have seen Lord Saint."

"Have seen Lord Saint."

The **** waited and the **** of the Nantianjun stepped forward and walked directly past His Royal Highness Prince Li Zhengyang, completely ignoring Li Zhengyang's existence.

Due to their status and identity, no one except the Holy Emperor Lord had paid attention to them at all.

Even, even when I saw Lord Shenfeng, I didn't say hello. This kind of appearance and momentum is totally not to take anyone's eyes into consideration. Everything in the world is a ants.

In other words, even Lord Shengdi is not seen in the eyes, but the identity of Lord Shengdi is just here.

Came in front of the Lord Emperor, bowed slightly to salute, his face relaxed.

Sure enough, in front of the Lord Emperor, the **** waiting and the ceremony of the Nantianjun **** were very common. It was not a ceremonial prince at all.

The look on the face of Lord Saint Emperor changed slightly, but then it was hidden. The countless princes and important figures of the empire were shocked in their hearts, and they did not expect that they would do so.

"I don't know what the two Qings have."

The emperor Li Longtian was in a bad mood, but he did not show it on his face. He said flatly, but instead showed a smile on his face.

The weight of these two people is so heavy that he dare not move them easily even as an emperor.

"Back to the Lord Emperor, the prince is too young to inherit the Great Command. Even if you want to inherit the Great Command, you have to wait at least a few years."

"Furthermore, now the empire is facing the attacks of the three empires. As for the army, the ministers and the gods of the army can resist it. If His Royal Highness succeeds to the throne, he is too young to tell how to serve the crowd."

"It is impossible that the Pure Yang Empire will be destroyed in the hands of His Royal Highness, which will give the Empire hundreds of millions of people what to do."

The **** waited for a step forward and said aloud that the sound could be heard clearly even by the powerful people and the people in the whole square.

The people present were not fools. Naturally, they knew that the God Waiting and the Lord of the Army had joined together. The purpose was to prevent His Royal Highness Prince Li Zhengyang from succeeding to the throne. Moreover, all the words in the voice of God Waiting were threatening words.

This means that if His Royal Highness succeeds to the throne, his legion and the Lord of Gods will not obey Li Zhengyang. In this way, most of the military strength of the entire empire will be shifted, and Li Zhengyang's emperor will not be guaranteed.

"God is waiting, please pay attention to your words."

"Secretary, you should share your worries with the Lord."

"The dragon and phoenix of His Royal Highness, the current situation, can only be solved by His Royal Highness, even if he is still young, but he has the deity, you, the major royal families of the Pure Yang Empire and the pillars of the Empire. What's the difficulty?"

"Master Lord God is the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the empire, don't you still see the current situation of the empire?"

"Pure Yang Empire, withstood the attacks of the three empires. Most of the sergeants in the front are the Shenyang Corps, and the Legion is waiting for you. The Lord of the Gods is no longer on the front line. Is it a good news to come to the Shenyang Temple? ?"

God seals the Lord, the expression on his face is slightly angry, he spent his life for the safety of the empire.

Now the empire is in danger. The Shenyang legion under him resists everywhere, but the legion's legion does not see a figure. The commander-in-chief of the three armies is not on the front line, but appears in the Shenyang palace, so he is not angry.

When talking, he looked at God with a sharp eye, and finally his eyes shifted to Lord God of the Army. All the people present were shocked by Master Feng's words.

Now that the empire is in great trouble, all the core figures of the empire are not united, but are in civil strife, which really makes people feel a bit cold.

"Since your lord's regiment is on the front line, there is no need for the current regiment to go."

"At this time, I still think that His Royal Highness is too young to take over the reign."

"If the Crown Prince now succeeds to the reign, it will be difficult for him to assume the important task of waiting for God, and hope that the Lord Emperor will think twice."

"Master Wang Shengdi thinks twice."

"Master Wang Shengdi thinks twice."

"Master Wang Shengdi thinks twice."

The look on God's face changed constantly, and finally looked at Master Fengfeng fiercely and said aloud.

Speaking of the last, transfer directly to the Lord Emperor Li Longtian.

After his voice fell, the Nantian Jun God, who had not spoken, also spoke to the Lord Emperor.

Seeing that the gods waited and the **** of war to prevent the Crown Prince from succeeding the throne, he began to oppose Li Zhengyang's royal family and important figures, and bowed to salute and asked the Lord Emperor.

Li Zhengyang and others never imagined that God's waiting time had such a move to threaten the Lord Emperor.

Improperly waiting for this god, naturally no need for the legion, but the influence of his **** waiting in the legion, the legion will also mutiny, the most feared empire is the legion mutiny.

Moreover, although the Lord of the Army did not say anything, he just let the Lord Emperor think twice. This is enough to prove that he is waiting for the God. He does not know the identity of the Lord of the Army. Why does it help the God to wait? The identity of the two is different. too big.

Suddenly, the whole square was silent, and the Shenyang Temple was also very silent.

In the air, there is a strange and repressive atmosphere, and the force of oppression makes countless powerful people feel uncomfortable.

Li Zhengyang, the look on his face was extremely ugly. He knew that the affairs of the Pure Yang Empire were difficult to handle, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult, which made him a little unbearable.

His eyes looked helplessly to Master Chunyang, but he dared not look at Lord Shengdi, because he knew that it would be impossible for Lord Shengyang to stand openly on his side.

If the Lord Emperor stood on his side, it would destroy the entire empire, and the elders of the Li family would not allow him to do so.

Time, seconds passed, everyone looked at Lord Holy Land and looked at Lord Holy Land's decision.

Holy Land Lord Li Longtian, the look on his face is a bit ugly. During these years in power, he felt for the first time that he was not supreme, and for the first time he felt that he was not even as good as an ordinary father.

His eyes were on all the princes and ministers and all his people, and finally his eyes fell on Li Zhengyang.

Everyone sees the eyes of Lord Shengdi and knows that Lord Shengdi is about to make a decision.

The atmosphere is even more weird, and the pressure is even more powerful, so that the people present can hardly breathe.


At this moment, a hearty laughter appeared in the still air.

Suddenly breaking the silence, everyone not only did not feel relaxed, but more stressed.

In such an occasion, there are still people who laugh so unbridled, beyond the imagination of everyone present, the look on his face changes, and his eyes look towards the square, but he does not see anyone appear and does not find The laughing man.

No one saw the laughter stand up, but after hearing this laugh, the expressions on the faces of Master Li Zhengyang and Chunyang changed drastically, and the whole person was very excited, and his body trembling.

"Who is your Excellency?"

God waited to hear this laugh, and there was a trace of doubt on his face, because the sound was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Shouting loudly into the air, a terrible breath erupted throughout the body, like destroying someone who had just laughed.

Seeing the look on God's plane, Nan Tian Jun God suddenly showed a little puzzled, and finally this puzzled turned into disdain, and a little trifle was so calm.

"As an imperial **** waiting, not worrying about the empire, when the enemy is coming, I am still in the imperial capital."

"Such a person also deserves to be called a soldier? Even a soldier is not qualified. What are you talking about?"

"God waiting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to use the legion to threaten Li Zhengyang, you could have gotten out of it, but today if you want to get out, there is no chance."

"Nantian, as the God of Emperor, your position is among the army. Do you want to become an emperor?"

Just as the sound of God's waiting fell, a white figure was suspended in the air between the Shenyang Temple and the square. All the strong men were shocked to see this white figure.

I did not expect that in the imperial palace, although some people ignored the prohibition of flying in, and stood high in the air in front of the Shenyang Temple, they did not take the eyes of the Holy Emperor and all the royal families of the Pure Yang Empire.

Moreover, the white figure exudes a touch of the superior's breath, a high posture.

However, when they saw the white figure in the air, most of them were shocked and discolored, because they knew the character who spoke in the air.

I never imagined that this person would come to the palace at this critical moment. It suddenly shocked the people present, and was still excited with shock. R1148


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