War God Supreme

Chapter 1718: Scary sleeves

In the air, the atmosphere is strangely depressed. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

Li Lingtian, Tang Qingyue and others, all looked awkward.

If they heard other people say this, they must have smiled, because no one could threaten Li Lingtian, and, before this, only Li Lingtian was qualified to speak.

But now Li Lingtian and the other party's angles are reversed, and the other party is the top ten supreme of Xianyu.

In the face of such a strong man, they dare not have the slightest care, and the other party also has the qualification to speak this way, and that identity alone has already made people feel trembling.

That is to say, if other powerful people see Linghu Ying, they will tremble and worship.

Even the strongest person in the peak of the semi-divine realm, in front of Linghu Ying, respectfully called the supreme, and did not dare to have the slightest disrespect, but Li Lingtian and others, although shocked and horrified, did not worship or tremble. .


"There is no surrender in the words of this seat."

"Only people in the world submit to this seat."

"I heard that the Top Ten Supreme Masters of Immortal Realm are powerful and unmatched. I also want to see and know. It is just right. I have good luck today. Don't miss it if you encounter it."

After listening to Linghuying's words, Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart and asked him to submit to Li Lingtian's submission. It was a big joke. On the Shenwu Continent, he encountered countless anti-celestial existences, all of which were powerful in the upper realm. He surrendered.

Even if he wants to submit, other people submit to him.

It was the first time he heard him to be subject to surrender, and he was still a woman. If he surrendered to a woman in front of Li Lingtian, why would he be so distressed.

Thinking of this, not only did I not feel the slightest pressure, but on the contrary it was a lot easier.

There was also a faint smile on his face, and the whole person was light and calm.

The woman in front of him is absolutely powerful and unmatched, but he can't deal with it, but in the face of such a strong man, the more disturbed he will die, the faster he can only come up with a calm mood and calm his mind .

Otherwise, you will really fall here.

When talking, it was very easy, and the eyes were also looking at the woman in red. There was no meaning to dodge at all.


Linghuying did not expect Li Lingtian to be so relaxed, completely beyond her imagination. When she wanted to come, Li Lingtian faced her pressure, either chose to run away, or choose to immediately shoot.

But I didn't expect Li Lingtian to be so relaxed, just like her Linghuying came to the door.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, I immediately felt majestic and provoked.

Suddenly, with one hand waving, the long sleeves floated towards Li Lingtian. At a distance of thousands of miles, it seemed impossible to bombard Li Lingtian with sleeves. With one hand, while Linghuying sleeves were waving, the power of destruction was towards Li Lingtian. Press.

In front of this power, Li Lingtian could hardly move his fingers.

Moreover, the water sleeves also bombarded Li Lingtian in front of him. Such a horrible thing exceeded Li Lingtian's imagination. He did not expect that there would be such a long treasure in this world, nor did he think that the Supreme was so powerful.

In my heart, I have a new understanding of the power of this supreme. Although this supreme is also the pinnacle of the semi-deity, the divine power and power are definitely not comparable to other semi-deities, and there is no one between them. Grade.

Seeing that the magical and powerful sleeves were about to bombard himself, Li Lingtian was shocked.

This speed and power has exceeded his imagination, such an attack is too magical, beyond all the magical attacks he has seen before.

"Blood Moon Lore!"

Li Lingtian didn't dare to hesitate, and his divine power turned into Yin Qi.

When the Yin Qi appeared, the Blood Moon lore also broke out at this moment.

His Li Lingtian's talent is instant magical power. Any magical power as long as he reaches to the ultimate and sublime state, he can come in handy and powerful.

Just now, although it is necessary to change the divine power and Yin Qi, it does not delay the display of supernatural powers.

In the **** moon, billions of rays of destruction erupted beside Li Lingtian, and the whole world was completely in the white rays of destruction. These rays were formed by the condensation of hundreds of millions of rays of light.

Power, ruin the world.

Because this is the natal supernatural power of the blood moon in the underworld, although Li Lingtian is not a blood moon, but she has cultivated her natal supernatural power to the realm. Now even if it is a blood moon, the blood moon lore is not as powerful as he is because there is no entity.


The shocking sound of the sky was ringing in the light of hundreds of millions of lights, the light of the sky flooded Li Lingtian, and the sleeves were also submerged in the light.

Where the light spreads, everything turns into nothingness, and the power is terrifying to the extreme.

Li Lingtian was also thrown up at the time of the bang, and his body flew backwards, leaving a distance of thousands of miles, and finally suspended in the air.

The look on his face was pale, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth, which looked a little ugly.

One move, the opponent was just a simple action, he was already injured, if he did not show blood moon lore, he would have been killed by this sleeve.

This sleeve did not see any treasure at all, but it had such a terrifying power that it was beyond his imagination.

"Colorful long damask."

At this time, Liu Yiyi started.

I saw a colorful long damask appearing in the air. The long damask passed through the space like a rainbow and bombarded the sleeves of Linghu Ying. The colorful long damask was also a soft treasure, but its power was soft and frightening.

This colorful long damask was obtained by Li Lingtian in Chunyang Palace.

Also at the congenital artifact level, Li Lingtian gave Liu Yiyi the colorful long damask. This long damask was also as gentle and decent as Liu Yiyi's character, but when it was exhibited, it was absolutely overbearing.




For a time, the water sleeves and the colorful long damask bombarded in the air. Between them, there were two thousand miles apart, but the treasures of the two were in a war of two thousand miles apart.

As soon as he played, Liu Yiyi was suppressed. Although her colorful long damask was powerful, her cultivation base was a long way from Linghuying.

Linghuying is completely like fun, the sleeves in her hands are gently waving, but every blow has the power of ruining the world. She has already had a murderous attack on Tang Qingyue and other lives, and now sees Liu Yiyi shot, It was exactly at this opportunity to kill Liu Yiyi first.


In a blink of an eye, the sleeves repelled the colorful long damask and bombarded Liu Yiyi directly.

The look on Liu Yiyi's face changed, and there was no chance to resist.

But at this time, Tang Qingyue and others exhibited the magical powers of destruction at the same time. More than ten destruction magical powers bombarded on the sleeves to offset the power of the sleeves. I never thought that more than ten magical powers of destruction were destroyed. Bombed on Liu Yiyi.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Jiao's body was thrown out, and it was about to fall towards the ground. The main body of the Frost Palace flashed and flew behind Liu Yiyi, catching Liu Yiyi.

But when she caught Liu Yiyi, she was also thrown away by the impact of destruction, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, her face pale, and she walked back hundreds of miles before stopping.

"Nine Heavens Excalibur!"

"Nine Nine Sky Sword Formation, destroy!"

In an instant, Liu Yiyi was beaten and injured by Linghuying, and Li Lingtian was shocked.

The inborn artifact colorful long damask, in front of the water sleeve, was defeated directly in less than three seconds before and after, the water sleeve slammed straight to Liu Yiyi. If Tang Qingyue and others worked together to destroy the magical power and hit the sleeve, the power of the sleeve was exterminated Liu Yiyi was lost.

It took more than a dozen destruction supernatural powers to bombard the sleeves, and the remaining strength of the sleeves also wounded Liu Yiyi. The final force even affected the Frost Palace Master. Such a destruction attack is beyond Li Lingtian's imagination.

Moreover, the speed of the sleeves is also extremely fast. After he showed the blood moon lore to resist the sleeves, Liu Yiyi shot with less than a second before and after the shot was defeated.

At this time, Li Lingtian also operated the Nine Heavens Excalibur, and the consciousness mobilized the Nine Heavens Excalibur.

The sword field exploded, and the gold field also exploded. For a time, the entire space trembled. The nine-day Excalibur revolved around Li Lingtian, and the nine sword swords rose into the sky, forming a hundred-mile-sized sword array.

The Nine-Colored Sword Array emits ruinous swords and sword shadows. The entire Sword Array is completely a world of ruined swords. This sword world has sword domains and gold domains, as well as overbearing divine power. Powerful.

It is almost a fusion of Li Lingtian's various talents and domineering, and the power is also terrifying.

With a soft drink, Jian Zhen bombarded the Linghu fox with a fierce attack. In the face of the horror of the sleeves, Li Lingtian did not dare to have the slightest care. In the face of the strong, he never carelessly.

This time, facing a peerless woman, the first time facing such a powerful woman.

Peace of mind, women, if you care less, you will disappear, and Huangfu Yuyan and others will also follow Yan Xiaoyun, such a thing, he absolutely will not allow it to happen.

Therefore, I would rather destroy a woman than let any danger fall on his wife and loved ones.

As long as the enemies, male or female, are killed.

"Sword array!"

"very powerful!"

Linghu Ying saw Li Lingtian's Destructive Sword Array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The face that had no emotions at all had a look on her face.

She is a supreme strongman, one of the ten supreme supremacy of Immortal Realm, and her cultivation strength is omnipresent.

When I saw the sword array like Li Lingtian, I couldn't help shaking, and I felt the threat of death.

At the same time, in this sword array, she sensed the terrifying divine power and sword domain, as well as the realm of gold. Such a domineering supernatural power, she also rarely sees it. She did not expect a half-divine young man to exhibit such a domineering sword. Formation.

No longer dare to carelessly, the sleeves disappeared, his hands flicked in the void, the space trembles suddenly, and a huge mysterious halo appeared in the air.

The halo is like a ruined light ball. This halo light ball has a size of ten meters in a circle, and the halo light ball is more and more powerful, and finally becomes a square kilometer in size, halo light The ball bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely with the power of destruction. The whole action looked like flowing water, without any trace of muddy water.


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