War God Supreme

Chapter 1721: Haishi Lip Tower

"I thought that if I left the east of Immortal Territory, I would be able to escape the pursuit of this palace. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"It's too naive, this palace should look at it to see what tricks you can play."

Li Lingtian left the spaceship less than half an hour away. At the edge of the sea, where Li Lingtian had previously stayed, a woman in red appeared. The woman in red was suspended in the air.

From the beginning to the end, the woman in the red dress did not drive a trace of wind, let alone the slightest fluctuation of the space, nor a trace of breath. The whole person was like air.

No one knows how she came to this space, maybe she has been standing here, but no one has found it.

Looking at Li Lingtian's disappearing direction, Linghu Ying's frosty face showed a colder look, with a lore between them, just like all life in this world is like grass and mustard.

In her eyes, everything is ants, even Li Lingtian, the mythical demon of Shenwu mainland.

Linghuying said to himself, when he spoke, the expression on his face was slightly stunned, and the two strong men in the late half of the divine realm flew past not far away.

When the two strong men in the late half of the **** realm saw Linghu Ying, they stopped slightly, and looked at Linghu Ying.



What the two didn't expect was that they looked at each other and suffered a devastating murder.

I saw that Linghu Ying's face was cold, waving with one hand, and two invisible forces directly killed the two pinnacle powerhouses in the latter half of the Divine Realm. There was no room for resistance.

There is no reason to kill, because she is supreme.

Destruction is just an instant effort, because she is supreme.

The world with the strongest respect, the cold heart, the ruthless heart, in front of her, as long as she is not happy, she can kill anyone.

The two peak powerhouses in the latter half of the divine realm fell instantly, and finally the body fell into the sea area and was swallowed by the sea area.

When the two strong men fell, the shadow of Linghu Ying also disappeared strangely, faded like a virtual shadow, without the slightest breath and movement.

Between heaven and earth, quiet!

No one knows that this place instantly fell two peak powerhouses in the late half of the **** realm, and died so innocently.


Qingyuan Sea, the center of the entire fairyland.

No one knows how big this sea is, and no one knows how terrible this sea is.

The fairy field is divided into the east of the fairy field, the west of the fairy field, the south of the fairy field and the north of the fairy field.

And this Qingyuan sea area is the center, and it is also the wiring of the four sides of the fairy field. The fairy field is too large, no one can fly around the fairy field, even the supreme strongman.

From the east of Immortal Territory to the west of Immortal Territory, you must cross the Qingyuan Sea, and the same is true from the south of Immortal Territory to the north of Immortal Territory. Only in this way can you reach the other party. Unable to reach goal.

Moreover, it is also difficult to cross the Qingyuan sea.

Because in the sea, there are countless storms, terrifying sea beasts and monsters, countless unknown dangers, and countless powerful people who kill people and win treasures.

Besides, if the strong men in the east of Immortal Territory go to other parts of Immortal Territory, they will naturally be killed by the strong men in other places.

The whole fairyland, the three sides of the North, South, and East, are like three forces, each entrenched in one side, even if they usually fight themselves, but when the powerful of other forces arrive, they are basically consistent with the outside world, just like Human races are the same as demons.

It can be said that Xiu Wei did not dare to have the idea of ​​crossing the Qingyuan sea area even if he did not reach the mid-to-late half of the semi-divine realm. Even with this idea, the strong man who can pass and survive basically does not.

The sea is endless, as if there is no end.

But fortunately, from time to time, an island and small mountain peaks can be encountered.

In the sea area, there is no destruction of the strong, the spirit of the fairy is rich here, and from time to time, the spirit vein and the fairy vein can be encountered, but this luck is too small to be encountered.

The blue sky, the deep blue sea, the sky white clouds scattered.

From time to time, I can hear some powerful flying monsters over the sea. These monsters are all in the seven or eighth order. Here, these monsters only have the chance to survive if they reach the seven or eighth order. If they are low, Can only be regarded as food.

A huge spaceship, like a cloud, shuttled through the air.

Feel the powerful breath above the spaceship, and the powerful flying monsters can only avoid it far away. These monsters have spirituality. Although they want to hunt for food, they dare not go if they encounter powerful humans. provoke.

Moreover, on the spaceship, there is a dragon qi that makes them feel trembling.

Domineering, unmatched, destroy!

Naturally, these flying monsters in the sky are only the seventh or eighth order. Even if they are more powerful, they are only the ninth order and the tenth order. The breath above the spaceship has obviously reached the level of the **** beast. It's still a very powerful animal breath.

However, this breath is the Black Dragon King. The mid-peak of the beast is equivalent to the mid-peak of the semi-god realm. With the domineering of the dragon clan, even the monsters and strongmen of the same rank must be avoided far away.

Above the spaceship, the Black Dragon King controlled the spaceship and quickly cut through the void.

But Li Lingtian was meditating outside the spaceship to heal, but he didn’t dare to enter the spaceship, and he didn’t dare to call out Huangfu Yuyan and others. Even after flying for a month, the spaceship entered the sea and no Linghu shadow was found behind him. The figure and breath, but he still did not dare to call Huangfu Yuyan easily.

This month, I have been flying in the sea. With strong space control and induction, I choose to fly directly in one direction.

The goal is naturally the loose repair alliance in the south of the fairyland.

Above the endless sea, the sky is blue and the sea is blue. In addition to occasionally seeing a little white cloud, you can no longer see other colors. Unless you encounter storms and storms, this world is a piece of destruction.

In the face of such a storm, even Li Lingtian and the Black Dragon King were shocked and scared. The power of nature is far beyond the imagination of the strong.

While healing, he paid attention to Linghuying's whereabouts, worrying that Linghuying would suddenly appear to kill him.

But he personally tried the strength of Linghu Ying, which is not something he can deal with at all. It just came and went without a trace, and the space of thousands of miles came in an instant.

The magical power of destruction gives him little chance of resistance. No matter whether it is magical power or speed, he has no advantage. Under such circumstances, he can only escape, as far as he can.

Within a month, the injury recovered, and the whole person returned to the peak state of prosperity.

When the Black Dragon King controls the spaceship, he can also practice slowly.

In such a sea area, if you do not practice, you can completely boring to death.

"Lord, we seem to have entered the lip tower of the city."

I don't know how far away the flight is, the look on the face of the Black Dragon King becomes a little ugly, and finally dignified, because the endless sea and sky entered the endless palace, and the palace was very beautiful and beautiful.

Moreover, tens of thousands of miles away from these palaces, there are endless black clouds everywhere, fog everywhere, and only a faint halo of the sun left, and finally disappeared completely.

The spaceship has completely entered a dark world.

This dark world has a size of millions of miles. In addition to the dark clouds and mist around it, the palace is full of colorful lights in front of you. It feels like you are in a fairyland.

He was originally a black dragon. After following Li Lingtian, he got the true dragon spirit and dragon blood, plus the body and dragon soul of the evil dragon, making him a real dragon clan and possessing the powerful talent of the dragon clan.

Naturally, the control of space has also reached a strong point. Although it is not comparable to Li Lingtian, compared with the general strongman, it is simply a world apart.

Seeing the scene in front of me, even if there is a strong space to control, it is also invalid at this time.

In desperation, he had to ask Li Lingtian for help, looking at the front and shouting respectfully to Li Lingtian.

"The Sea Lips."

"Is it a real lip tower in the sea, or is it the real world?"

"It won't be the **** woman's method."

Hearing the words of the Black Dragon King, Li Lingtian slowly regained his power, opened his eyes, and looked at the scene in front of him. Before tens of thousands of miles, it was a palace full of brilliance and a fairyland.

In other places, there is endless darkness and fog, and the spacecraft does not know when to enter such a world.

This situation reminded him that in the Wanhua Holy Palace, he could only move forward, not back.

Although I haven’t tried it, with his knowledge and practice, he can naturally think of the situation here. If he can step back and leave here, it won’t be that simple.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was also shocked.

I’ve grown so big, I just heard that I can meet the lip tower in the sea and in the desert and the sea, and he knows that the lip tower in the sea is caused by people’s illusions when their consciousness is weak, or the uneven distribution of their eyes. scene.

But these ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are already amazing for him and make him curious.

The first time I saw the real Haishi Lip Tower shocked him. Where is this Haishi Lip Tower? It is completely a fairyland, a supreme fairy palace.

However, he immediately thought of the supreme Linghuying. Although he had not found Linghuying chasing after this time, he knew that Linghuying would not give up.

Before talking to himself, the spaceship had reached the Ambilight Palace thousands of miles, and finally the spaceship stopped.

Li Lingtian was shocked and shocked.

However, it has been determined that this will not be the means of Linghuying, even if Linghuying is the top ten supreme of Immortal Realm, but there is no such powerful means.

If Linghu Ying's magical skills were really good, Li Lingtian would have disappeared long ago.

Moreover, any supreme person has killed him countless tens of thousands of times, and there is no need to wait until now. The scene in front of him now is the Haishi Lip Tower.


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