War God Supreme

Chapter 1729: Astral Power

Yes, he called Xiaobai out, that is, after he was in danger, Xiaobai could start the Dragon Ring. network

It will not be the end of the whole army at that time, as long as Xiaobai is outside, he will be relieved after he unlocks the dragon ring after he encounters danger. This dragon ring is everything for him.

In addition to him, only Xiaobai can open this dragon ring.

As long as the Shenlong ring is fine, he will not disappear, and Huangfu Yuyan and others will not be destroyed and trapped inside.

"I didn't expect this kind of existence in Shenwu Continent."

"It is more mysterious and powerful than our Dragon Clan. Is it possible that this vast Star Palace is an independent world like our Dragon Clan?"

Xiaobai listened to Li Lingtian's words, and the expression on his face kept changing.

Although she did not know what the Dragon Clan was, she was able to know that all the Dragon Clan shrines turned into a Dragon Dragon Ring in the end. This Dragon Dragon Ring was in the hands of Li Lingtian.

In other words, the dragon ring in the hands of Li Lingtian is the holy place of the entire dragon race.

Thinking of the situation of his dragon clan, he immediately thought of this vast star palace.

"I still do not know yet."

"Wait for me to study this star crystal."

"Maybe our departure is related to this star crystal."

"If you don't understand this place clearly, you want to leave here to dream."

Li Lingtian looked at Xingjing with a serious look on his face. If he wanted to understand a mysterious place, he must first understand the most magical and darling items here and start with these things.

This astral crystal is undoubtedly the most cherished and mysterious match of this vast astral palace. If you want to understand the vast astral palace, you must at least understand the astral crystal first.

Because he knew that the mysterious breath and power in this astral crystal were closely related to this vast palace of stars.

Can't see other abnormalities in Xingjing, so use the consciousness to crack.

Or you want to absorb the spirit stone, absorb the spirit inside the spirit stone.

Xing Jing, the power and breath inside are mysterious. Now he doesn't know what kind of breath and power is inside, but if this power and breath are drawn out, he will understand a little.

"it is good."

"Brother, don't worry, I will protect you."

Xiaobai nodded, and a sly look appeared on her small face.

Immediately, she sat cross-legged in a corner of the palace and helped Li Lingtian protect the law. If something went wrong, she would do it the first time. Even if she could not help Li Lingtian, she could take Li Lingtian's dragon ring away.

With the dragon ring, Li Lingtian can be reborn again even if the smoke disappears.

Li Lingtian looked at Xiaobai, his face suddenly showing a happy smile.

This little girl has always followed him, and has a very deep relationship with him. She is even closer than her brother and sister. It can also be said that it is Li Lingtian’s second life. He is also Xiaobai’s second life. Their lives are closely related. together.

Although it is usually fun, but at the critical time, she will not have the slightest care.

The two trust each other and believe that they can control their lives. In fact, the lives of the two have long been in control of each other.

To protect yourself is to protect the other party, and to protect the other party is to protect yourself.

Next, Li Lingtian opened his mind completely, and the consciousness slowly unfolded, and the consciousness glanced towards Xing Jing.

When I took away the Star Crystal last time, although I had also sensed it with God's consciousness, I didn't get a deeper understanding, so I didn't get anything. Now I need to understand this Star Crystal, even if I work hard.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's entire consciousness entered into Xingjing.

The powerful and unparalleled consciousness, the means against the sky, the consciousness finally entered the star crystal.

Li Lingtian also knew a little about this star crystal.

This star crystal is a powerful energy body, like spirit stones, magic crystals, and dark crystals. However, the energy in this star crystal is more powerful and pure than spirit stones and magic crystals. Times.

Because this astral crystal is completely formed by the condensation of energy, and it is still pure and can be formed by condensation, or the essence of the essence is not an exaggeration.

Even if it is the best spirit stone, in front of this star crystal, let's not talk about the power, let alone the purity and quantity, it is also a few worlds apart, not at the same level.

The huge amount of energy and purity of a star crystal is equivalent to millions of top grade spirit stones.

Moreover, he hasn't said the power in this star crystal. This power made him think of the gap between aura and divine power. If the top spirit stone is pure aura, then the power in this star crystal is beyond the general existence of divine power. Too.

Time, seconds passed, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed constantly.

Not knowing how long it had passed, Li Lingtian opened his eyes and snorted.

I finally understood this star crystal a little, but I didn't really understand it, because his cultivation behavior and consciousness still appeared weak in front of this star crystal. If I want to continue to observe and understand again, I can only understand the crystal Strength and breath are extracted.

However, if you want to extract these strengths and breath, you need a strong cultivation.

His current cultivation is not enough, but he can barely give it a try, as long as he is restored to his peak state.

Therefore, he now needs to rest, restore his own consciousness, and also consume the true elemental divine power. Only after he reaches the peak state of heyday can he use his own means to extract and understand the astral crystal.

One day passed.

Li Lingtian's state returned to full prosperity, without any hesitation and delay, the world reincarnation operation, powerful exercises, and began to absorb this star crystal.

However, ordinary cultivation can't refine this star crystal at all.

True dragon gas, kamikaze gas, death gas, haze gas, fairy spirit gas, etc. were all used once, but none of these methods can refine this star crystal, or even extract a little power.

The expression on Li Lingtian's face kept changing, and he sighed.

"Nine Heavens Divine Power!"

After pondering for a while, the Nine Heavens Divine Power was exhibited, and the five elemental primordial gods in the Dantian ran. The purest Divine Power ran at this time, and the powerful Nine Heavens Divine Power appeared, causing the star crystal to turn suddenly.

Xingjing also has a little reaction, but it is not so refined.

Li Lingtian had no plans to give up at all. The divine power was constantly strong and running fast, and the breath and power above the star crystal slowly shook.

After all, no matter how powerful this astral crystal is, it's just an unowned thing, and it has no spirituality.

The brilliance above the star crystal, trembling constantly, as if feeling a threat.

"Swire Ice Crystal."

"Is this star crystal like Taikoo ice crystal."

Li Lingtian used his divine power to extract the power and breath of Xingjing, thinking in his heart, and finally thought that when he was in Tianyunzong, he was bombarded by Taikoo Ice Crystal, making him unable to become a warrior.

However, Taikoo Ice Crystal was shocked by the heart of the Fire Dragon, which caused the two powerful existences to disappear, and finally merged together to achieve him Li Lingtian.



A trace of noise appeared, and Xingjing turned.

The bursts of radiance are becoming more and more powerful, and the whole star crystal rotates, with a trace of repulsion in it, repelling Li Lingtian's nine-day divine power.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens divine power has some fears and even trembling in the face of the brilliance and power of this star crystal.

Seeing such a situation can only explain one problem, that is, the power and breath in this astral crystal is stronger than the Jiutian Divine Power, otherwise it will not make the overbearing existence of Jiutian Divine Power feel daunting.

You have to know that the Nine Heavens Divine Power is born and powerful. It makes the Nine Heavens Divine Power feel terrified. It must be terrifying.

Li Lingtian, hissing blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Now, he couldn't stop anymore. The whole person's nine-day divine power and mind turned with this star crystal. If he stopped by force, it would be like turning around the world by himself.

How can I reverse the universe, although it is not the reverse of the universe now, but the rotation of this star crystal is like the rotation of heaven and earth, and I can only rotate with it.

If you stop by force, it will undoubtedly confront the whole world.

A piece of star crystal was so powerful that Li Lingtian was shocked and trembling.

Now, he has understood that this star crystal is equivalent to a star, a powerful and unmatched star, but this star crystal is the essence of the stars condensed, and the power is equally shocking.

I thought to myself: Is this star crystal the crystallization of hundreds of millions of stars? Or can it be the most powerful star to condense into a star crystal, which contains the essence energy of a star?

Li Lingtian thought of these in his heart, and the more he feared, the more he thought.

In this vast palace of stars, everything is mysterious and magical, and the whole person is like being in the vast sky.

This star crystal, also known as the crystal of stars, is also the most powerful crystal of stars.

The stars are naturally beyond the divine power.

The star is a member of the heavens and the earth, or has surpassed the heavens and the earth, outside the three realms and the five elements.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power of stars is also unmatched, and it is not comparable to divine power.

The current star crystal is the most powerful star condensed. The entire star crystal is the essence crystal of the most powerful star. The power is naturally amazing, and the divine power is naturally small in front of it.


A sweet throat and a sip of blood spewed out.

The blood splashed the rotating star crystals, and immediately hissed softly.

The blood was like a magical introductory device. Suddenly, a star-breaking power broke out on the star crystal. The power of the stars, Li Lingtian's body, could not help but throw it up, and finally hit the pillar in the palace.

When Li Lingtian fell to the ground, there was no trace of blood on his face, the blood at the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, and there was a horrified look in his eyes, staring at Xing Jing intently.

[In the past two days, the little guy got a cold and was sick and was hospitalized. I came back to stay up late to write it. The update was a bit late. Forgive me! 】R1148


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